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Matobo Park White Rhino Fence - Aug 2013 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matobo-Rhino-Protection-Initiative/111769642329690 11km of the fence is complete and by this time next week another 2km will be done. |
1) Editorial
World Rhino Day: an Update from Dambari Wildlife Trust 2) Notices and Events JACARANDA WATCH !! First jacaranda bloom seen by myself....at the rail bridge on the airport road, on the right hand side just before you cross.. Frank Reynolds Ncema Powerboat Bulawayo created the event Gary Stanley @ Ncema Dam happening Saturday, August 10 at 7:00pm - Sunday, August 11 at 2:00am. Please note that the Cheetah talk planned for Friday 9th August @ 1.00pm is postponed as Lena & Paul Bottriell will only be coming at the end of September and not in August as previously thought. We will announce the date of this talk once their travel plans are confirmed. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Having a pencil drawn portrait of your loved one's is something to cherish as a gift or for any occasion, so to get one done please contact Pearl on 0772749210 or E-mail:- pearlgranger96@yahoo.com. Bulawayo Island Hospice Service will be hosting a Fund Raising 'Ladies High Tea' at Deja vu, 62a Townsend Road, Suburbs on Saturday 31 August 2013 at 3pm Tickets are $10.00 per person which includes tea and eats. They can be purchased from Nomvelo at the Hospice Office 2 G Silundika St Tel :77972 or contact Janice on 0772 313 617 or 0712 684 279. There will exciting demo's as well as a fashion show. Please join us for a fun filled afternoon. BULAWAYO FLORAL GROUP. The Bulawayo Floral Group will hold its next meeting on Wednesday 4 September 2013, in the hall at the Church of Ascension at 2.30pm. Dawn Brown and Mrs Vella have kindly agreed to demonstrate some simple but formal arrangements, so do come along and enjoy an afternoon with flowers. There will be no exhibitors arrangements. Tea and coffee will be served as usual. Entry by donation - pensioners free. QUEEN MARY HOUSE FOR THE AGED, WILL BE HOSTING A 'SPRING 'MARKET ON SUNDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER 2013 - 9AM - 3PM, AT ZONKIZIZIWE SHOPPING COMPLEX, BRADFIELD. WE WILL HAVE OUR TEA GARDEN SERVING DELICIOUS CAKES AND SCONES AND LOTS OF WONDERFUL STALLS SELLING ALL SORTS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BOOK A STALL FOR THIS VERY POPULAR MARKET, PLEASE CONTACT MAUREEN - TEL 241057 OR 0772 246213 TERRI - TEL 247662OR 0712 630531 ROSE - TEL 243292 TERRI - TEL 240665 OR 0776 792228 STALLS WILL COST $15 WHICH GOES TO QUEEN MARY HOUSE Swimming season is around the corner, b.g dolphins would like to invite anyone interested in joining the club. From the ages 6years to 16 years for more information please contact 0772384947 or 0712413694. I have just seen some of the rehearsals for Curtain Call. If you want to lift your spirits go and see what Bulawayo can produce! Book at the theatre. Shows Wednesday, Thursday, Friday this coming week at the Bulawayo Theatre. On behalf of the Wilson Family, Staff and animals of Chipangali, I would like to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to the Bulawayo community for their wonderful and encouraging support at the Chipangali 40th Anniversary held on the 3rd of August at Hillside Dams. We raised over a thousand dollars which has gone to the maintenance of the Orphanage and giving pleasures to our residents. Chipangali with its dedicated owners Kevin and Nicky, as well as their children, the reliable and hard working staff, and the residents of the Orphanage wish to remind all the Bulawayo Public that we are still going strong. We invite you all to visit us at the Orphanage, as well as keep an eye out for our special occasions we are planning. We would like to say a few very important and heartfelt thanks to the following people and companies: Margret Kriel - Morning mirror for all the advertising Mr. Lecluse and Staff of Lobels for the wonderful prize Roosters Restaurant for the raffle prize The Bean there Cafe , Lara, Lisa, Chantelle and the staff for all the support and encouragement and the vouchers. MR. Neil Rix and the Hillside Dam Conservancy for the wonderful venue, Shezz Cakes - for your support, the wonderful cakes and encouragement. The Girls College art department for the amazing posters and the beautiful art work. All the stall holders for braving the cold and wind to be with us and help make the day special. DJ Frank Reynolds, for the wonderful music entertainment And lastly to you the Bulawayo Community for your support! I would also like to advise the Bulawayo Community that we are planning a very special evening at Chipangali and hope that you will all have your wits about you to join us! Please watch this space for more details. Once again thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. Talana Drost Administrator AUGUST SCHOOL HOLIDAY CAMPS Where : Jabulani Safaris - located 25km from Shangani (1 .51 hours drive from Bulawayo) When : 6-9 August 2013 (Tuesday-Friday) : 10-13 August 2013 (Saturday-Tuesday) Cost : US$120 per child (maximum 20 children per camp) (inclusive accommodation, all meals, and activities) Age Group : 9-12/13 yrs Allow your child/children to spend a few fun filled days outdoors in the tranquil countryside of Shangani, learning about the area, fishing, game drives, nature walks, and many other interesting and fun activities. Children may bring their own fishing rods and/or mountain bikes. Contact : Jabulani_safaris@iwayafrica.com Mobile: 0712 622 146 : 0775 100 085 Website: www.jabulanizimbabwe.com Facebook:Jabulani Zimbabwe BARTLEY MEMORIAL BLOCK GERIATRIC RESIDENTS We are looking for green bars of soap and washing machine powdered soap to help with the laundry for the precious old folk (male & female) who reside at the Bartley Memorial Block Hospital. If you are able to help, please contact any of the following who are part of the Friends Of Bartley Block committee:- John Daines 70126 or 0772 383810 Sue Blume 70905 or 0771 144680 Naomi Amyot 0773 715536 Abihail Mafanya 70905 or 0775 545806 Cheryl Pikoulis 0776 314441 Phyl Barnard 0712 211434 Movies at the Museum The Museum will be screening family fun movies during the school holidays on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at 10am and Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 2pm. We will be starting however on Thursday 1st August after elections. $2/person. Popcorn, drinks etc on sale. Bored children, well send them to the museum to watch the following fun family movies. $2/person, Popcorn and drinks etc available. Wednesday 7th August 10am:-The Croods 2pm:- Teen Beach Thursday 8th August 10am:-Delhi Safari Friday 9th August 10am:-Oz the Great and Powerful 2pm:- Amazing Racer Quest Africa Short Course (October - December 2013) This 11 week programme is open to both young men and women aged 18 to 21 who are looking to acquire new skill sets, confidence and real direction in life. The condensed version of the very popular Core programme covers all key elements of the Quest Curriculum and is particularly suitable for international students and those young people transitioning between school and university or their first jobs. Please contact Jenny Swart on +263 (0) 712 218 883 or email: jswart@zol.co.zw for more information or to arrange an interview. STRAGGLERS JUNIOR CRICKET WEEK will be held from 26th to 30th August at Hartmann House and St Georges College, Harare. We invite all young passionate cricketers from grade 4 to grade 7 to enrol for this week. Email stragglersjuniorcricket@gmail.com for enrolment forms or contact Win on 0712 403313 or 0772 290435 for further information. The Bulawayo Orchid Society will be holding its annual Show at the Bridge Club on Cecil Avenue (Nr. Hillside Shopping Centre) on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th September 2013. This will be open to the public on Saturday 7th from 9.00am to 4.00pm and on Sunday 8th from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Entrance Fees: Adults $2.00 and Pensioners and children under 12: $1.00. Orchids in bloom will be on display and teas and refreshments will be available. Orchid corsages, and Orchid and garden plants for sale. We look forward to seeing you there. "New Venue Opening" An unforgettable setting for an Amazing Wedding, Conference, Birthday Bash or Social gathering. Based close to Bulawayo town with a beautiful bush backdrop and romantic garden, complete with a water feature and bridge, fire pit, kiddies play area and secure parking. Viewing by appointment only. Call now to reserve your date. Ang 09- 246887 or Carolyn 0772-232879 TENDELE CRAFTS River Estate Cnr. 12th/Oak Ave.( Look out for Lime green wall!) Suburbs. Warm up your winter with a beautiful pure woolen shawl from our unique range imported from India. Proceeds of sales help to fund Drums of Peace. Things are pretty quiet but we still manage to bring in new stock all the time. This week we have some new batik runners in vibrant African colours. Also more of the colourful painted wooden crafts including some wonderful chameleons - these are very cute. Some beautiful bead jewellery, both made locally and imported from Kenya and all at a good price for that small gift you need for someone special. We look forward to seeing you in the peaceful surrounds of River Estate which offers safe parking and play area for children. Open weekdays 9am - 4pm. and Sat mornings. Lynne and Martin Wilkins Cel : 0712 703 431 / 0772 355 882 TREASURE PLEASURES 18 Lawley Road Suburbs - entrance on 7th Street. Every Wednesday from 11 am to 4 pm. Our prices are a pleasure and you will find a treasure! A huge "THANK YOU " to the public for supporting our shop! Whether by donation to, or buying from the Bulawayo Help Network Charity Shop - Treasure Pleasures. You are fulfilling a very needy and worthwhile cause. Bless you. MATOBO HILLS LODGE SCHOOL HOLIDAY SPECIAL! The winter sun is shining, the bush is at its sparkling best and school holidays are just around the corner. It's the perfect time to visit MATOBO HILLS LODGE and find the rhino, take a bush walk, reconnect with your heritage or just lounge around the natural rock pool. Full Board $105 Children under 12 stay free pay 50% for meals Children 12-18 pay 50% Must be accompanied by an adult) Valid to end of August 2013 For Reservations : Town Office: 263 (9) 67449 / Mobile: +263 772 104 029 / 28 E Mail: bookings@matoposhillslodge.com MATOBO HILLS LODGE The winter sun is shining, the bush is at its sparkling best and school holidays are around the corner. It's the perfect time to visit MATOBO HILLS LODGE. Ancient painted caves, inspiring bush walks and Rhodes' Grave are close by. Surrounded by tumbling rocks and kopje's with a natural rock swimming pool, this delightful lodge will charm. Come and join us. Rates: Adults $85- Dinner, Bed & Breakfast Children under 12 just pay for meals Children aged 18-12 pay 50% plus meals For more information contact: bookings@matoposhillslodge.com We are on Facebook and Skype Matobo.Hills.Lodge MHL Daily stress and worries affect not only our health & well-being, but also reduce our enthusiasm & joy in life. The teachings of the Art of Living Part One course are based on ancient wisdom & simple yet cleansing breathing techniques, adapted to the needs of our modern times. Participants find a profound personal transformation during these few days & take with them valuable lessons for creating a healthy lifestyle. Fee US $ 50, Venue Still Haven 18 Lawley Rd, Suburbs. The Part Two Course is an invitation to dive deep into the Self & enjoy a perfect vacation from mind, body & spirit. Yoga sessions, deep guided meditations that cleanse & renew , leading one to experience inner peace & freedom. Date 10th to 13th August 2013. Four full days $ 120 discounted rate until 31st July 2013 . Pre -registration at Chippy's Fife Street, Byo . Contact Kirthi 0712 877491 email - kirthi@artofliving.org.zw , Bhakti 0772 441 445 email bchapaner@zimplow.co.zw ST JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION FOR THE FAITH AND IN THE SERVICE OF HUMANITY AFFORDABLE AMBULANCE SERVICES (Help when you need it most) A 9 hours per day; 5 days per week ambulance service is now being provided. TRAINING 5 day Advanced First Aid Course 6 day Home Based Care ( Home nursing) 2 day Basic First Aid MEDICAL APPLIANCES FOR HIRE AT MINIMAL CHARGE: eg. crutches, wheelchairs etc Contact us on 09- 881875 between 8.00am and 5.00pm Whats Happening at the Museum Come and try out our recovered benches and enjoy the following : Friday 9th August @ 1.00pm Lena & Paul Bottriell Wildlife Field Researchers with the Rex Foundation England with give a presentation on The Cheetah: The Geographic Imperative which will discuss the King Cheetah and expand into their major cheetah phylogeography project that they are working on. Entrance by Donation. Cafeteria will be open for your refreshments WHAT'S ON AT THE BULAWAYO THEATRE 7TH - 9TH AUGUST - BULAWAYO BALLET SOCIETY PRRODUCTION "CURTAIN CALL" TUES 6TH - GRANNIES - 5.30PM WED 7TH - PUBLIC - 7PM THURS 8TH - PUBLIC - 7PM FRI 9TH - MATINEE - 2PM - EVENING - 7PM BOOKING AT THE THEATRE - $5 GET READY - COMING IN SEPTEMBER BULAWAYO THEATRE CLUB PRESENTS THE HILARIOUS FARCE BY RAY COONEY "OUT OF ORDER" DIRECTED BY ANTHONY LUBBE PUBLIC PERFORMANCES WED 11TH - SAT 14TH MAKE A NOTE SO YOU DO NOT MISS THIS VERY FUNNY PRODUCTION PAB AND THE ACADEMY AFRICA Thursdays 8, 22, 29 August in the Robert Sibson Hall at 5.15 p.m. This BBC series narrated by David Attenborough continues. The fourth programme visits the Cape (8 August) and the fifth features the Sahara (22 August). Admission: $2.00 [free to film members] ELIZABETH I Thursday 8 August in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.00 p.m. This is the second part of the series that explores the intersection of the private and public life of Elizabeth I (Mirren) in the latter half of her reign. Mirren's performance "is powerful enough to shatter your television screen, not to mention any notion you might have had that if you've seen one Elizabeth - Bette Davis, Glenda Jackson or Cate Blanchett, for example - you've seen them all. [San Francisco Chronicle] Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] BRITTEN: GLORIANA Friday 9 August Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. "Gloriana" was Britten's Coronation opera, first performed on 8 June 1953 and next heard in Bulawayo in August of that year as part of the Rhodes Centenary Festival. Like Roberto Devereux, it traces the downfall of the Earl of Essex who, presuming upon his privilege as the Queen's favourite, forces tragedy upon them both. With his strong sense of theatre, Britten vividly depicts the Queen's dilemma and combines scenes of great pageantry with moments of private reflection Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Supper available during the interval NANNERL: MOZART'S SISTER Thursday 8 August in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.00 p.m. N.B. French film with English subtitles "Historically fascinating and musically enchanting, this dramatic amalgam of research and artistic licence takes us on the road with the Mozart family in the 1760s... Gilded authentic locations and restrained performances provide an effective setting for the theory that Nannerl's talent was stifled by conventions... The lovely speculative score makes Nannerl's embattled creativity sing out after all these years." [Time Out] Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] MOZART: COSÌ FAN TUTTE Friday 16 August Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. The plot of "Così fan tutte" revolves around a wager: the cynical Don Alfonso claims that a faithful woman is a mythical creature and when the two handsome soldiers object that their fiancees will always be faithful, he bets that they will be unable to resist the wooing of two strangers once the men are called off to war... Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Supper available during the Interval 3) Roses And Raspberries 4) Congratulations 5) Condolences/In Memorium/Wreath Funds CONDOLENCES It is with a very heavy and sad heart that I send my heartfelt sympathy's to Lizette, Frik Senior, Frik Junior & Liesel, , Louis & Leeanne, Huckie, and family, FC, Lizay, Megan Tian and Teegan. For the untimely losse of their daughter, sisiter and Aunty Nicky Muller. No words can ever soften your pain our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Alice Mayger DEATH NOTICE It is with great sadness that we mourn the death of Fanie Boshoff. Gone suddenly on 22.07.2013. A loving father and Oupa. We hope you are now at peace. You were such a kind gentle and proud man. We are going to miss you deeply. Mom please be strong, we are all here for you. All our love Byron, Frances, Dean and Nicole. ANNE DEWAR Passed away suddenly in Cricklade, Wiltshire, UK. Beloved wife of Don and loving mom of Roz, Glyn and Gav. Devoted Gran of Craig, Leanne and Ty, Ryan and Sarah, Donna and Jason, Greg, Alex and proud Great gran of Marshall, Kira and Cali. We miss her - she was so special. dewar.donald@gmail.com glynd2009@gmail.com 6) Pets Column BOERBULL PUPPIES - 2 Males, 5 Females. Healthy, confident puppies; parents excellent temperament and good with children. Ready for good homes from Friday 9th August, pups will be six and a half weeks old dewormed, and first Parvo will be done. Contact Shane 0773 601 302 PUPPIES FOR SALE LABRADOR Puppies for sale: Golden yellow, chocolate and black Labrador pups available. Parents registered and also have hip/elbow Dysplasia and optigen certificate. Deworming and 1st 5 in one Pavo done To approved homes only US$ 400.00 each Contact; 0774 221 444 or 0714 311 040 ADVERT: Loving family looking for a female golden retriever puppy. I am happy to buy but not interested in illegal puppy farmers so would like to meet the owners and parent dogs. Please contact kurtchez@yoafrica.com with details. FOR SALE: Pure-bred, male Ridgeback puppy to go to a good home. He will be 8 weeks old on 22 July 2013. Contact: 230615 / 0775576656' 7) Guardian Angels, Donations and Wish Lists GUARDIAN ANGELS OF EDITH DULY NURSING HOME THIS WEEK:- BUYMORE GEES FRUIT & VEG KERSHELMAR LOSCON NETCONNECT Friends of Bulawayo Island Hospice for Week1 of August 2013 CW Electricals Body Basics Lobels Biscuits St Thomas Aquinas Primary School Mr Blake, Mr and Mrs Lane, Mrs Watson,Senior Citizens Clinic 8) Bulawayo News REPORT BACK PUMPING LEGS FOR WATER 2013 HWANGE NATIONAL PARK 26 to 28 July Pumping Legs for Water 2013 started off with several riders undertaking to ride from Bulawayo to Hwange the day before official proceedings. Congratulations to those who rode all the way either in their relay teams or individually and well done to their respective back up teams. July in the park is one of the better times to visit. There are some natural pans still holding a bit of water, the pumped pans bumble along, the bush has died down some so viewing is easier, colours in the bush are stunning with the trees and bushes out in their winter coats, there is still sufficient browse and grazing, the landscape is not yet lunar-like, the animals don't yet have a desperate air about them and the sun rises and sun sets are unimpeded by dust and smoke from veld fires. After registration of all the riders and the usual briefing on Thursday evening, the Waterbucks Head was soon abandoned as everyone took to their beds. However, all was not quite quiet as Colin, Adele and Gael, having finished their dinner, strolled over to their vehicle only to be confronted by an enormous ellie, who, having just shaken an erioloba tree with mighty force, showering Colin's vehicle with pods, proceeded to calmly vacuum up the pods quite unconcerned about the three humans wanting to escape! By six fifteen on the chilly Friday morning, Waterbucks Head was again beginning to bustle as riders and organisers started arriving for coffee or tea and their egg and bacon rolls. Being in charge of the half way watering points, we left the gate at six thirty and at Makwa watched as four daggaboys plodded into the pan for an early morning drink. Further along the way, near Kennedy One, we disturbed a cheetah on a kudu kill. The animal streaked away, closely pursued by a spotted hyena but when we went back to look at the kill, we could just make out a second cheetah slinking away in the bush on one side of the road while another spotted hyena was obviously waiting to dash in to rob the kill. The Kennedy One water point was a welcome break for the riders who, unknowingly, still had a tough ride ahead of them. Unfortunately, since the reconnoiter team had driven the route, part of the road between Kennedy Two and Ngweshla had been recently graded so the riders had another sticky parch of sand to contend with, making it pretty tough and tiring going, particularly at the end of the day's ride. We believe the break at Ngweshla went well and some of the participants were lucky enough to see gemsbok amongst a small herd of sable. When we got back to Main Camp after being down to Guvelala there were several 'happy' folks enjoying their relaxing time. On Friday evening, most gathered back at Waterbucks Head to listen to Brent Staplekamp who is with the Lion Research team. He gave us a very informative and interesting talk on just a small part of what they are trying to achieve with the lion population in Hwange, mainly on how they are working with the communities on the boundaries and what they are doing to try and chase marauding lions back into the park. Early Saturday morning was a ditto of Friday morning, with folks gathering again early for breakfast. We headed off as soon as the gates were open and the ride for that day was down to Guvelala and back with our water point at the platform before the turn around. As the second group of riders prepared for their start, they were temporarily delayed by a pack of wild dog chasing after a hapless kudu through the Main Camp lodge area! It was, apparently, quite spectacular as they watched the dogs racing up and down the fence trying to get at the young kudu that had jumped the fence. The third group of riders then actually witnessed the dogs take down the kudu just near the administration offices. All that was left was a bit of skull and four hooves which all disappeared overnight. What a lot of excitement! The only other 'kill' that was observed that day was a poor frog who's back leg was clamped firmly in the jaws of a variegated bush snake underneath the eaves of the Guvelala platform. Whether or not the snake won, we will never know as both creatures disappeared into the roof. On Saturday evening everyone gathered for the prize giving and final speeches and to enjoy the braai that had been laid on by Waterbucks Head. Amongst other awards, a ride medal was presented to a delighted Lonely, the waiter. The story goes that a bicycle had been given to the Main Camp community after last year's event, on condition that one of the staff ride in this year's ride. Well, Lonely the waiter was the designated rider! The first day of the ride he'd actually ridden in his waiter's outfit of white shirt, black trousers and highly polished black shoes. Fortunately, by the second day, he'd been kitted out with a PLW T shirt and various other passed on bits of clothing more suited to bike riding. Lonely was on duty first thing each morning and was back waiting tables as soon as each day's ride was over - with a huge smile on his face! Well done, Lonely. Well done, indeed, to all the riders who rode in the spirit of the ride and who raised the much needed funds. Some riders brought in significant sponsorship which is very much appreciated - thank you. Although the number of riders was down this year - 61 riders in all - we are hopeful that once again a significant amount has been raised for the water project. We anticipate another hard dry season and every dollar is precious. Of course, an event of this nature could not take place without all the wonderful sponsors, all of whom will be contacted individually but a HUGE thank you to you all. Thank yous go to the Parks staff and the staff and chef of Waterbucks Head as well and to all the support teams. A BIG and special thank you though must go to the main organisers - Adele, Colin, Mark and Colin. Well done you guys. On Sunday morning several riders took the optional extra of a leisurely ride from Main Camp to Safari Lodge and back, while we set off down to Ngweshla for the morning. We came across a herd of about 700 buffalo in the vlei between K1 and K2 - quite a sight! At Ngweshla we saw plenty of animals - elephant, wildebeest, roan, giraffe, zebra, sable, hippo, kudu, impala and waterbuck. In the afternoon we had a quick visit to Caterpillar but apart from some elephant and a naughty tag team of baboon teenagers playing around on the corrugated iron roof of the pump attendant's hut, there was nothing else around. On Monday morning, before departing the park, we had a quick drive to Ngwenya pan and were lucky enough to come across a mother cheetah and her three grown cubs - these animals having been seen fairly regularly around the place. Beautiful animals. At Ngwenya we were visited by a stately old elephant and three, rather skittish kudu bulls before heading back to Main Camp and then home. Grateful thanks to all who made this year's ride the success it was. John and Jenny Brebner brebnerj@acolchem.co.zw AUSTRALIAN AID Report all water leaks to the 24 Hour City of Bulawayo Call Centre. Sizakala, Get Help, Tsvaga Rubatsiro. Phone 08004700 or 71290 or e mail callcenter@citybyo.co.zw Latest dam stats are available. Email magskriel@mac.com 9) Harare And Gweru News
11) Catering and Food BAKERS PARADISE - ASCOT SHOPPING COMPLEX BULAWAYO NEW ARRIVALS TO ENSURE YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING SUCCESS! * LOLLI CAKE COMPLETE BAKING SETS * FRILL CUTTERS * MUFFIN GIFT BOXES * MOULDING TOOLS * CAKE TINS * DECOR SETS * CRIMPERS * COLOUR GELS * FONDANT MATS * PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE! WE ALSO HAVE A WIDE SELECTION OF HERBAL AND JOINT - EASE TEAS BAKERS PARADISE ASCOT BULAWAYO CELL 0772 903 510 Fabulous Wedding cakes in YOUR size and shape. Please call Adam's Delights on landline number 244007 and Mobile 0774777656. 12) Accommodation in South Africa ACCOMMODATION POLOKWANE We invite you to make yourself at home in 'Affordable Self Catering Overnight Accommodation', situated in a beautiful secure garden. Ideally located for visitors to Polokwane, due to the close proximity of a bypass to the new 'Mall of the North'. All units have full DSTV , are Air- Conditioned and have Mini Bars for your comfort. Undercover parking and swimming pool available. Flat 'Melody' sleeps 4. Queen bed in main bedroom, Shower and toilet en-suite and 2 single sleeper couches in lounge area. Fully equipped self catering kitchen. With oven+4 plate hob. Fridge-deepfreeze. Own courtyar/braao area. Very comfortable with upmarket decor. Flat 'Harmony' sleeps 4. Fully equipped self catering kitchen. Mini stove, fridge-deepfreeze. Bath/ shower. Own courtyard and braai area. Unit 'Sleep and Go' 1 room has a queen bed and the other 2 twins. Common shower/toilet. Fridge/Microwave/coffee facilities in both rooms . Patio doors open on pool and braai area. Where to find us: 13 Woodbush str. Ladanna Polokwane Close to Macro and Gateway International Airport, just off N1 - GPS Coordinates: S 23º 52' 35.1" E 029º 27' 22.2" website www.overnightpolokwane.co.za Your Host: Biddy Fourie - 015 287 9761 (B) 015 293 2836 (H) (a/h) 082 410 7325 (cell) email : biddyf@absa.co.za The Avoca Vale Country Hotel - former Inn on Louis Trichardt has been open under new ownership and management since 1st December 2011. Much of the infrastructure has been upgraded and renovated and we offer light, airy accommodation to weary travellers. The Avoca Vale Country Hotel offers the following rates to Zimbabwean travellers: Single Standard room - Accommodation only Rate - R300.00 Single Standard room- Bed & Breakfast Rate - R350.00 Double Standard room - Accommodation only Rate - R450.00 Double Standard room - Bed & Breakfast Rate - R550.00 Family Rooms with four family members Accommodation Rate - R650.00 Family Rooms with four family members Bed & Breakfast Rate - R800.00 The Avoca Vale Country Hotel also offers Rae's Cafe and gift shop for travellers wishing to have a bite to eat or a browse. For more information contact Rae on 015 517 7987/8 Email: info@avocavalehotel.com Website: www.avocavalehotel.com Ruther's Place, 97 Jorissen Street, Polokwane Looking for affordable and safe self catering accommodation in Polokwane on your travels? Pat & Hylton would love to welcome you. Offering three self catering fully furnished, serviced flats. - TV in all flats. Secure parking with remote gate and electric fence. Centrally located in Polokwane, Electronic brochure available on request. Contact: Pat on 083 225 3818 / Hylton on 082 658 2971 Pat (W) 015-2914722 E-mail: patr@polka.co.za / patr@finlay.co.za HOOPOE HAVEN GUEST HOUSE, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG We are offering secure, affordable three star and AA highly recommended self-catering cottages and Bed and Breakfast accommodation near Fourways. Hoopoe Haven Guest Lodge is a small and peaceful country guest house. It is just a few km away from the hustle and bustle of Fourways, Sandton, Monte Casino, Northgate Coca-Cola Dome, 4 shopping malls The guests staying at Hoopoe haven are amazed at friendly atmosphere and the size and quality of the lodge bed and breakfast accommodation, the self-catering cottages and the facilities of the guest house and lodge. It is a place in which you can actually enjoy yourself and make new friends.?Being ex-Zimbabweans we welcome guests from Zimbabwe and Botswana? Our rates range from?Self-catering cottages per unit from R500 (sleeps 2). R750 (sleeps family of 2A + 2C), R980 (sleeps 4), R1100 (sleeps 6) B&B in lodge from R320 to R390 per person sharing (B&B) or R270 to R340 per person sharing (room only) Or single occupancy from R420 to R495 (B&B) or R370 to R450 (room only) NEW - Luxury Tented Camp (full tiled bathroom, carpeted bedroom lounge etc) sleeping 3 Adults + 1 child at R650.00 per day for the unit. Mention that you found us thru reading the Morning Mirror and we will give you a 5% discount web site www.hoopoehavenlodge.co.za ?email jonesalan@hoopoehavenlodge.co.za?cell Alan - +2783 314 0987
13) Accomodation In Zimbabwe A home away from home for peace and quiet Fully furnished spacious lodge in Barham Green available to NGO's, Church organizations and companies or a short stay when in Bulawayo. This is self catering and the lodge is serviced every daily. Please contact Haj 0733 896 375 or 09 - 476569 Have you ever been horse riding in the cool, lush, soft, green Chimanimani Mountains ? WELL FROG AND FERN ARE IN BUSINESS AGAIN. DEE AND JANE ARE BACK IN CHIMANIMANI SEE THEIR NEW WEBSITE Phone 0775920440 www.thefrogandfern.com janedee2009@hotmail.com THE IDEAL PLACE FOR A WEDDING OR CONFERENCES FOR N.G.O.S IN THE BINGA AREA KULIZWE LODGE BINGA http://www.kulizwelodge.com/ Swimming pool, large outdoor conference facility ideal for NGO's. and weddings. A little paradise on the shores of Lake Kariba. Beautiful shady campsites virtually on the edge of the lake. Our camp sites have been re- vamped and have rolling green lawns, plenty of shady trees and water on tap. First class ablution and laundry facilities. We also have a very large lapa and a sparkling infinity pool. Also 6 very basic equipped fisherman's chalets, each sleeping 4 people. Phone +263 15 545 Phone +263 15 286 text message +263 773 666 243 E-mail Kulizwe@iwayafrica.co.zw
14) Property For Sale, to Rent or Buy
15) Vehicles for Sale Are you troubled how you can reiceve GOODS/CARS at the PORT of WALVIS BAY in NAMIBIA from USA, UK around the world? For absolute SOLUTION Contact: +264-814645100 or joecrushernuts@yahoo.com AUTO CONTACT Vehicles: Buying and Selling of pick-ups, Sedans and Double Cabs. We connect you to ready buyers for your unwanted vehicles. Accident damaged and non runners can be sold on your behalf Registration of vehicles New number plates Change of ownership Police clearances for cross border travel Lost registration books replacement Please call Cell: 0772 330 545 Landline: 09 - 62191 FOR SALE Ford Ranger 2.4 Diesel pick-up 2004 model Mileage 112 000 Excellent condition with canopy price US$ 8 000.00 Please contact: Cell: 0772 330 545 Landline: 09 - 62191 For Sale 1. Very Neat Honda CRV from Japan Year 1998 arrived 2 weeks ago 12 CD Changer good sound system Colour White, Bullbar+ side rails Price $8500 (Negotiable) 2. BMW 320i (Japan) Low mileage Brand New tyres 6CD Changer Colour Silver Price $8500 (negotiable) Phone 0772469874 16) Travel and Tours
17) Computers And Electronics COMPUPRO - HEART OF TECHNOLOGY Samsung Series NP300E5E Notebook $499.00 Specifications Operating System Windows 8 (64-bit) Display 15.6" HD LED Display (1366 x 768), Anti-Reflective Processor / Chipset Intel Celeron Processor 847 (1.1GHz, 2MB L3 Cache) Memory 2GB DDR3 System Memory at 1333MHz (4GB x 1) Hard Drive 320GB SATA II Hard Drive (5400RPM) TRANSCEND 320GB $98.00 TRANSCEND 500GB $110.00 ADATA 1TB $149.00 Price is valid whilst current stocks last. Offering Free Swift Delivery Throughout Zimbabwe (terms & conditions apply) Also Available: Laptops & Accessories Desktops Printers, Scanner & Projectors UPS & Inverters Sollatek Surge Protection Networking Accessories Phone: (09) 889643/45 E-mail: info@compupro.co.zw Skye: info.compupro Address: 130A S.parirenyatwa Street Between 13th & 14th Avenue Bulawayo OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.compupro.co.zw/CompuPro FOR SALE GALAXY-TAB 2 -P3100-8 Samsung P3100 galaxy tab 2,7.0" , 8 GB , Wifi (Red or Grey) Android 4.0 operating system runs the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 P3100 along with the 1 GHz Dual Core processor. You can take crisp and clear pictures with the 3 Mega pixel primary camera that can also record video (1280x720-30 fps). The camera has features like Geo-tagging and smile Detection. For the business executive it offers email and Pushmail messaging and document viewer, document editor and Polaris Office. Other features include Google maps, GPS, You Tube support and more. Please contact: 0712 766 559 or 0776 768 926
18) Lifts Wanted And Offered 19) Seeking Friends 20) Situations Wanted and Vacant SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I'm an experienced man aged 32 looking for a job as a merchandiser or general worker at a factory or retail shop. Contact: 0773 677 218 or 0733 584 367 email: fillmoremanyangadze@yahoo.com Home sitter/minder Excellent traceable references. Experienced ex police officer, pools, pets, man management now taking orders for September - January 2014. Please phone 0771 575 321 CARE WORKER Care worker - trained and worked in United Kingdom for 6 years. Can live in. Have references you can contact. Able to cook and fully domesticated Please phone 0778 164 241 Sorry only look after males Responsible mature male with references seeks position as driver/supervisor/factory work. Capable, energetic, reliable, cheerful and honest. E mail Wonder Mpofu - 0776105842 Mature hostess/ chef well acquainted with hospitality industry seeks position. Well spoken, charming, capable and reliable. Email duvetdown@yahoo.com Energetic and self motivated Salesperson seeking a position in Bulawayo. I am a good performer against set targets, I and quick to assimilate new ideas. I am well able to work unsupervised. I am adaptable, honest and willing. Contact S. Sibanda on 0776 606 246 21) Services Purple Zoom GPS Services Vehicle tracking and fleet management solution for as little as $350 initial installation+ first month FREE subscription. Contact Grace on 0776 320 738 or 0713 191 122 for all our interesting packages. Services For all of your Security Systems needs at Home and Workplace e.g CCTV, ALARMS, ELECTRIC FENCE, RAZOR WIRE, DOOR SCREENS, BURGLAR BARS, ELECTRIC GATES,INTERCOMS SUPPLY,INSTALL,SERVICE & REPAIR Please call us for free Quotations and advice:: email-- s.people36@yahoo.co.uk watsapp -- 0772803091 Cell -- 0772803067 / 0712552224--- Calvin Land -- 09-887714-5 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING EXPERIENCED * PROFESSIONAL * EXPERT * TRUSTWORTHY * RELIABLE *50 years experience! You get what you pay for when you use the cheap 'fly by nights'! *State of the art industial machinery - carpets deep cleaned and dry quickly *We can launder or dry clean your curtains and offer a take down /re-hang service (with repairs, re-lining, hemming etc) *We also clean lamp shades, rugs, cushions, umbrellas, carry cots etc ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE DISCOUNTS ON LAUNDRY! CARPET CLEANING - less than $1 PER SQUARE METER (SPECIAL - $90 for 3 bedroom house including dining room and passage (up to 120 sqm) No call out!) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - From $2.00 PER CHAIR CAR UPHOLSTERY - we come to your home or office - ONLY $50! MATABELE STEAM LAUNDRY Telephone 206446-9 (Members of the Fabricare Institute) SERVICES We are a business services company based in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and we offer company registrations, accounting, tax, trading licences and general business consultancy services. We have a number of our clients looking for joint venture and equity partners for businesses in Zimbawe in various sectors of the economy mainly small scale mining, tourism, manufacturing. We would appreciate ant networking with parties that would be interested in business opportunities available in Zimbabwe. Also sought are distributorship/agency relationships and franchises. Looking foward to hear from you. Regards Description: finelist BS Shelton Marocha(Business Development Director) Suite 203,2nd Floor Charter House Cnr Leopold Takawira & Fort Street P.O Box 3128 Bulawayo Fax:263-9-884778 Email: finelist@iwayafrica.co.zw Water softeners for borehole water not only prevent lime build up, but gradually dissolve the existing scale in the pipes. There are no on-going chemical costs but it does need a 220V power supply & a plumber. Indefinate lifespan - fit & forget. Price $700. Call me on 0772 249 194 PAINT SPECIALIST PAINT & ALLIED SERVICES (PVT) LTD For all your PAINT REQUIREMENTS & PAINT CONTRACTING Suppliers of PLASCON \ ASTRA \ DULUX EXPERIENCED * PROFESSIONAL * EXPERT * TRUSTWORTHY * RELIABLE 'You Name it, We PAINT IT !' Our Motto is to sell to a customer knowing that he is obtaining the best service and a quality product that he can afford - ensuring that the customer always comes Back to us Call us on 76436 , 69800, 881861 \ 0772 277 517 pallied@mweb.co.zw 106 ROBERT MUGABE WAY, BULAWAYO www.paintandallied.com Beaver Tree Felling For trees felled, trimmed, firewood in bundles and logs for cooking at funerals. Hollowed out logs for plants Phone 476569 0733 896 375 ANTE NATAL CLASSES and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 6 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other necessary information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners or for someone who can't get off work. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in labour to help you to cope with your contractions and answer any queries. I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com PRIVATE CATERING** Contact IAN JOHNSTON if you would like to have beef, lamb, pig or whatever meat you want, on a spit, whether it be for your wedding, birthday party, etc. Book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Ian on (09) 237240 or 0712 215 373 or email jicsj@yoafrica.com TECHNICAL SERVICES AFRICA (TSA) Nematicides Fumigation Chemicals Fumigation Plastics & Equipment, Insecticides & Acaricides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Growth Regulants, Public Health Products. Contact Casper Masvikeni and his team for all Agricultural Chemicals ACOL HARARE, t/a TSA, 670 Leyland Road, New Ardbennie Technical Services Africa (TSA) contact numbers are 0712604643, 0712605651, 0772765967, 04-2925306/13, 0772233037/8, 0772232440/1 - You could also add internal sales numbers for our 4 sales guys upstairs viz 0733422346 (Mapfumo) 0733422347 (Washington), 0733422348 (Jonathan), and 0733422349 (Joseph) Email tsa@acolchem.co.zw ACOL CHEMICAL BULAWAYO AND HARARE As bulk importers of chemicals, Acol Chemical is able to assure our customers of quality chemicals at the best possible prices. Acol has a vast range of Chemicals, which include: Hydrochloric Acid 30% (Pool Acid) 25kg Polycans HTH (Calcium Hypochlorite) 70% 50kg and 5kg Polycans Aluminium Sulphate 50kg Bags none Caustic Soda 25kg Bags 38.00 Hydrogen Peroxide 50% 30kg Polycans Coconut DEA 5kg Dodigen 5kg NP6 5kg sold out NP9 5kg Pine Oil 4kg Sulphonic Acid 5kg 21.oo no stock For these and any other of our vast range of chemicals please contact: ACOL BULAWAYO, 37 Plumtree Road, Belmont. Lionel Wolfenden Ray Chiridza Dave Meggitt Tiffany Roberts Noel Edington Tel 09 470 481 / 5, Fax 09 470 486, Email acolbyo@acolchem.co.zw ACOL HARARE, 670 Leyland Road, Ardbennie Land lines in Harare are 04 2925306/16. 292 5316 is the easiest to get through on. Switch board 0772 233 037/8 and 0772 232 440/1 Johnathan James 0733 422 348 Ben Ajidah 0712 200 875 Dean Griffin 0772 324 765 Lisa Rheeder 0772 247 861 Precious Bara 0712 601 675 Email acolhre@acolchem.co.zw GATEMAN Agent for Centurion. Gate and Garage Door installations, automation, repairs and upgrades. Supplier of roller, shutter and sectional garage doors and motors. Telephone Don Cremer 0773 284 909 PERKINS SEALS For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. Perkins Bulawayo Sales :- 09 - 79415 E Mail :- perkseal@mweb.co.zw 29 14th Avenue Bulawayo Perkins Harare Sales :- 04 755440 / E Mail :- perkhre@mweb.co.zw Bay 1 32 Simon Mazorodze Rd. Harare For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. LEATHERSEALS 5212A WAKEFIELD STREET BELMONT. Telephone :- 09 - 880844 - 881074 Fax :-09 - 78213 e mail address :- bancroft@mweb.co.zw We are able to manufacture the following seals for your requirements :- Borehole cups Booster Pump High Pressure -- Hydraulic Jacks / Pressure Rams Pneumatic Air Brake Boosters and Hat seals Perkins Seals Harare stock a good range of Leather cups for Leather seals. DETAILS are :- Perkins Seals Bay 1 Simon Mazorodze Road Harare. Telephone :- 04 755440 / 749023. They are also able to take bulk orders for manufacture by Leatherseals in Bulawayo. STAG FLUID SEALING IN STOCK, GLAND PACKING, SHEET JOINTING, SEMI-METALLIC GASKETS, ASBESTORS ROPE &TAPE, CORK PRODUCTS, FLEXOID. 112A J\TONGOGARA ST 885106\7 OR 0772 234539 & 0712 616418. BYO. HARARE,754662.
22) Health And Beauty Tired, tense, tension why not relax with a lovely massage. It will tone your muscles leaving you feeling of renewed energy. Can be done in the private of your home. Please contact: 09 - 60498 COSMETICS @ OPTIONS NEW STOCK!! Clearasil Perfecta wash dispenser and refil, Clearasil musk and gel wash Neutrogena visibly clear (grapefruit) range. Limited stock Also available Johnson's cream with spf 8, Nivea hand creams and lotions, Nivea toners and cleansers. L'Oreal revitalift and Age Perfect moisturisers. Gillette fushion and Venus blades, Organics, Olive Oil relaxers, shampoo, hair mousse and hair pudding and sheen sprays. Deodorants, roll-ons and deo-sticks OPTIONS BOUTIQUE J Moyo between 8th Ave/L Takawira Opposite Nandoos Contact +263 774 560 100 WEIGHT LOSS SOLOUTION Phentabz .. the NO 1 selling diet pill in America. Now available in Zimbabwe. Phentabz are clinically designed to; Suppress Appetite Increase Metabolism Increase Energy Levels Accelerate Fat Mobilization Loose Weight Safely Loose body fat not just water retention Phentabz seriously reduces your hunger levels allowing you to make the right choices when it comes to food. It increases your energy levels allowing you to get through the day and also exercise if you want to at the same time it accelerates your metabolism & fat burning which means your genetics will no longer hold you back. . For more info contact Tania Norris on 0772 702280 Email tania@africaonline.co.zw DESERT LILLY SPA Due to very very popular demand the paraffin wax facial special continues: $45.00 only for the luxurious hydrating paraffin wax facial and get a free foot massage!!!! also on special $20.00 only for the paraffin wax pedicure - get a free express manicure!!! PALM SIZE SHOCKERS - PERFECT PROTECTION DURING YOUR WALKS LADIES! PRO-FIT YOGA MATS...... AND LOTS MORE IN THE GIFT SHOP. CALL 231255 TODAY!!!!!!!!!! Care at Home The A Team Because people get better@ Home Our kind caring ladies all have caring experience, most of themin the uk with reputable care agencies. We offer our services for your elderly and not so elderly relatives and friendson an hourly or daily basisor whatever suits the situation. All nursing and personel care given, general household duties. cooking, shopping. Any medical procedures attended to by a trained nurse. For further details please phone Ali McNab cell no 0712070840 or e mail me on mcnabalison@rocketmail.com QUALITY COUNTS !! Lorna Margaret Riley 7:30pm Aug 4 Learn to Swim based in Suburbs for all those who need swimming lessons. 20 years experience and qualified! Currently with Zimbabwe Swim Team in Barcelona, please remember to book in as soon as school goes back in September for returning students or inbox for details. riley Lorna lorna@netconnect.co.zw 23) Tuition Extra lessons Biology. Experienced A level and IGCSE Biology teacher able to take a couple of students from 2nd August. Phone 0777310757. EXAMINATIONS - THE KEY TO PASSING EXAMINATIONS ADVANCE PROGRAMME - 2013 The above programme will be run during the AUGUST HOLIDAYS for students sitting for external O or A level Examinations in October/ November, 2013 in groups or individually. It builds on what teachers have done at Schools / Colleges and is aimed at helping students to: Overcome obstacles normally faced in examinations Reinforce good personal study habits Deal with examination stress Organize study material and to draw up a study timetable Identify key facts about examinations and what examiners are looking for Make use of at least one useful study method (SQ3R) Utilize effective techniques in the examination room Use various techniques on how to answer different types of examination questions (Research shows that more students fail to pass their examinations /get lower grades than expected because they often know their work and have studied hard, but just don't know how to tackle exams, have poor study and exam technique or are stressed out) A student-friendly method of presentation is used - laptop, data projector (extensive graphics) and large screen with each student getting a bound booklet summarizing the key points with personal input that becomes an action plan. Lots of examples and exam tips are given. Teachers and parents welcome. Special arrangements can be made for larger groups in Schools / Colleges on request For more details contact B.DOOLABH - Telephone: 09-461212 0773 786 465 E mail bard@netconnect.co.zw / bkdoolabh@gmail.com TUITION. School holiday private lessons in all subjects-Grade 2 to Grade 6 Offered by very experienced teacher. Phone ;Margie Keefe on 64843 or 0772235097 TUTION OFFERED IN BOTH ' O' LEVEL & 'A' LEVEL IN THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: 'O ' LEVEL SUBJECTS @ $10.00 AN HOUR MATHS BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS A LEVEL SUBJECTS @ $15.00 AN HOUR CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY NOTE THE SCEINCE SUBJECTS ARE FOR THEORY ONLY LESSONS WILL BE FROM 1400HRS -16OO HRS MONDAY - FRIDAY TO BOOK LESSONS OR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT SEBASTION LEZARD B.SC.HON APPLIED BIOLGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY CELL 0777 714 574 EMAIL zeland07yahoo.com Tuition School Holiday English Lessons Private English lessons from Form 1 to "O"Level (Language and Literature) A/S Level A Level offered by experienced and qualified teacher in the August/September holidays Phone Cynthia Taylor 242321 PRIMARY SCHOOL TUTOR: I am a qualified teacher with 5 years experience in one-on-one tutoring. I graduated top of my class in high school and graduated University with a Distinction. I am available for after school tutoring and help with homework (project work etc.) for children ages 6-13 years in all learning areas. I will be available every week afternoon from September 1st. PRICE: US $25 for 60mins. CONTACT: Miss Andrea Koen Phone: 077 533 8100 email: andreakoen@hotmail.com 24) Miscellaneous For Sale SQUARE PLASTIC LICENCE DISCS AVAILABLE IN BLACK OR CREAM NO MORE UGLY GLUE MARKS ON YOUR WINDSHIELD! $1.50 PLAIN $2.00 WITH STICKER MINIMUM ORDER OF 5 CONTACT 0774 375 108 / 0712 204 813 FOR SALE LGLCD 32 inch $ 490.00 LGLED 32 inch $ 500.00 Samsung LCD 32 inch $ 490.00 Samsung LED40 inch $ 850.00 Samsung Razor frame 43 inch $ 750.00 LGRazor frame 50 inch $ 1200.00 LGSmart TV60 inch $ 5600.00 LGRazor frame 60 inch $ 3100.00 Computer Accessories Laptop chargers - HP, Dell, Samsung, etc Laptop batteries - all types Laptop bags, mouse, USB Hubs, keyboards, computer power cables (laptop/desktops) VGA cable, VGA-AV cable, VGA to HDMI cable, Dish cable, dish set (complete), FM modulators, Desk tops Lenovo COI 3 desktop 500 Gig hard drive, 2 gig ram, Windows 7, DVD Writer. Complete brand new HP desk top (LV1911) 500 Gig hard drive 2 Gig Ram, DVD Writer. Complete brand new Please contact: Humphrey 0775 123 112 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 1. Imbuia dinning room suite, 2 dressers 8 seater table and chairs 2. Imbuia bedroom suite, chest, drawers, headboard. Double bed and dressing table and stool 3. White bedroom suite, dressing table with 2 single beds, side dressers 4. Kist 5. Carpets 6. Deep freezer Defy 220 litres 7. Brass ornaments 8. 4 plate stove 9. Glassware and microwave wares Call: 0773 715 032 or 0772 436 979 (Wats app) 12 bays of industrial shelving for sale. offers? contact 0774403422 or 0712728325 Kings auction centre we offer collections and valuations anywhere in Bulawayo,we sell daily meaning fast cash! We have waiting buyers for almost anything! Collections are free to pensioners! We also offer after hour collections for those of you who work,in fact we can do anything that will fit in with you and make the selling of your goods stress free!! Don't waste time call us now and turn your unwanted goods into fast cash! Sell through the best Bulawayos leading auction Kings Auction Centre!! Ph 70316/880058 or call into 141 Fife street. "we lead others follow" We are looking for any novels to buy for cash, novels to include Danielle steel, John Grisham, Wilbur Smith, Jeffery Deaver, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Jackie Collins etc etc. please call me with any novels you may have. Irene 0775994805 or 70316 Chip fryer for sale $260 please call on 244007 or 0774777656. WINTER CLEARANCE SALE at THE ALLEY SHOP We are making way for our summer stock. Prices on all knitted scarves & snoods now reduced by 15%. Prices on our mens, ladies and childrens slippers and ladies bedsocks now also reduced by 15%. Treat yourself, or a loved one to the benefits of glycerine soap. We have three fragrant choices, ORANGE & SANDLEWOOD, LEMON & VANILLA or HONEY at only $1.50 per 100g bar. Get your skin summer ready! Are you suffering from dry, itchy skin even though you are applying lotion everyday? The soap you buy at your local supermarket may be the cause of your never ending dry skin. 'Soap' as we know it is actually made of petroleum by-products and is in fact detergent which may have your skin tight, dry and itchy. Not only does regular bar soap contain lye and petroleum, they also contain drying alcohols. Glycerine soap is the answer. Glycerine is a humectant, drawing moisture to your skin, allowing it to remain hydrated and soft. Beyond hydrating your skin, glycerine is also known to be a natural remedy for yeast and fungal infections, such as eczema and psoriasis. It is especially good for sensitive skins. Glycerin soap does not contain synthetic ingredients that will cause skin irritations. It keeps your skin looking and feeling healthy and soft. Treat yourself, or a loved one to the benefits of glycerine soap. We have three fragrant choices, ORANGE & SANDLEWOOD, LEMON & VANILLA or HONEY at only $1.50 per 100g bar. Get your skin summer ready! Gift vouchers and Wedding Gift Lists Available. The Alley Shop (our entrance is through Farm Fresh, 122 Robert Mugabe Way) Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm and Saturday 8.30am - 12.00pm. 25) Wanted To Buy I am looking for someone or an organisation that offers domestic borehole drilling. My number is 0716238569, my email address is taruvingasusan@gmail.com I am looking for an International Farmall Cub tractor late 1940s or early 50s for a restoration project. I also would like any implements or manules for the same tractor, also needed are tyres size 9/24 or 9.5/24 Any infromation on theses tractors would be greatly appreciated. Phone Martin Sherfield on 0712631846. or sherfieldoutspan@yahoo.com 26) Clothing And Fashion 27) Boats and Fishing CANOTAGE FOR SALE: NEAT BASS BOAT WITH 50HP YAMAHA GREAT CONDITION ONLY 4K ONO! COBRA, WAVEMASTER, IMPALA, SUPREMECRAFT 530 BAY SPORT 18ft CAT HULL, DERRINGER, OSPREYS (brand new) & MORE! See: www.facebook.com/marinetorque for pictures & more details. SERVICING & REPAIRS TO ALL OUTBOARD ENGINES - GET YOUR BOAT READY FOR SUMMER! Diagnostic Software 10 years marine experience Delivery & collection around Bulawayo Mobile boat servicing throughout Zimbabwe. Phone: (09)203374 / 0712614279 / 0777300248 Email: canotage@yoafrica.com Workshop: McGee Rd, Sauerstown BYO FOR SALE CALYPSO CAT SKI BOAT MADE BY OFFSHORE BOATS HARARE 2 x YAMAHA 85 HP (fuel mix) OUTBOARDS NEW HYDRAULIC STEERING FITTED GALVANIZED HI SPEED BREAKNECK TRAILER INCLUDING 2 X CANNON ELECTRIC DOWNRIGGERS. 2 X OUTRIGGERS AND ATTACHMENTS. LAWRENCE LCX 15 COLOUR SCREEN FISH FINDER/GPS. 2 X MARINE VHF RADIOS AND ARIALS. NEW (NOT FITTED) SOUNDBARRIER MARINE CD PLAYER/RADIO. FIRE EXTINGUISHER, AND REQUIRED EMERGENCY BOTTLE. SUN SHADE, LIFE JACKETS, ANCHORS, 2 SPARE PROPELLERS. $ 38,000 Enquiries Call +263712613881 or +263712612971 Boat for Sale Boat on trailer with four seats, Impala Hull with Mariner 45HP in excellent running condition, has a Evinrude 44LB thrust bass motor. For more information Contact 0777 288 274
28) Garden, Decor And Home TROPICA NURSERY 4 Gibbs Road Glencoe Tel 09-288873 or 0712 806 146 Tropica is a well established and registered plant nursery with friendly and experienced staff to assist you with your plant choices. We have a large selection of plants from ferns to succulents and have recently received some sun-loving ground covers to give extra colour to the winter garden as well as to take you into spring. Two lovely new daisy bushes which will impress you are Madeira Burgundy and Madeira Crested Violet and a little cuphea called Lemon & Ice which is a delicate yellow with tiny white flowers. We are open during normal business hours but can also accommodate after hours, Saturday afternoons and Sundays if prior arrangement is made. Tel 09-288873 or 0712 806 146 BUDS 'N BEDS NURSERY PEMBROKE PLACE HILLSIDE We have some exciting new stock come in and have a look. Gift vouchers available, want to give that someone special something different, we have all sorts of small gifts other than plants, very nice for presents. Landscaping offered. BLOOMRITE GARDEN NURSERY The newest nursery in town. We have a variety of flowers at very cheap prices. Customer satisfaction is our priority. Please come and have a look and you will not be disappointed. We are at number 5 Nichol Rd in Morningside. From Matopos Rd Turn right into Greystroke way, then second right into Nichol. The second house on the right is Bloomrite Nursery. Contact us on 0773 396 935 or 240328 Examples: Petunias $1 for 2 Queen palms , height, about 2m $25 Cuban palms $30 We love flowers, Welcome to our World. WIDE VARITY OF PLANTS FOR SALE INDOORS AND OUTDOORS. REASONABLE PRICED. SELECTION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: CODYLINES, SALOMES, CROTONS, GARDINAS, FERNS IMPORTED HYACINTHS AND SO MUCH MORE. WE ALSO HAVE GENUINE TURNAL FLOWER POTS. WHERE ; 5 BROCK ROAD PADDONHURST. JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST TOP QUALITY - 99% WEED FREE PERFECT FOR GARDENS - LAWNS, SEEDLINGS, POTS AND VEGETABLES WILL DELIVER 100kg OR MORE LOCALLY, MONDAY AND THURSDAY Phone Jill. 246688 or 0778495599 INSTANT FLOWERS NURSERY Co-Located with Quality Sands 53 Southway (Lower end of Road on right) Burnside Phone 09 - 240169 or Cell 0772 217 024 Go up Burnside Road and Southway is 2nd Road up on the left after Whitestone Way Loads of Petunias assorted and all year round varieties these are $0.50 each Lots of Pansies and Violets, Alyssum and Lobelia + all the other Spring flowers Hanging baskets new and re-done Rose catalogue available for you to order any not in stock 29) TIDBITS True life is lived when tiny changes occur. - Leo Tolstoy - Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. - Margaret Mead - EDITORIAL Apologies for late Morning Mirror - to quote a dear Friend I have had a severe case of Concussus surgo - "Rise from the Shock" The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content.
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