What I have Said          - 2/4/2008      <--Prev : Next-->

What I have said, that will I bring about; What I have planned, that will I do."

The word "drained" just does not cover it..

"Gutted" perhaps ?

"Basket Case" maybe ?

These words all add up to what your average Zimbabwean is feeling today and tomorrow and yesterday.

Not only the Zimbabweans who live inside the Mother Country but also those who have gone far and wide to colonise the rest of the Wide World ....

What has God in store for us ?

Are we to continue for yet another four years with a madman at the helm of our country, or are we going to have the long awaited "Change" ???

It is an all consuming feeling, it preoccupies our every waking thought, it consumes our very being with an aching gut wrenching hurt that cannot, will not be cured except with that elusive "Change"

Shops are emptier than before, roads are quiet except for groups of angry concerned folk, whose very next waking moment, whose next meal even, depends on the outcome of the Zimbabwe Election 2008.

I cannot, will not write another letter, breathe another breath, say another word, until I know the outcome of the survival, nay the very continued existence, of our precious Country.

"From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfil my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do."

Isaiah 46:8-11