NOTICES          - 10/6/2008      <--Prev : Next-->


I feel almost embarrassed as I write this to you since simple letter is so inadequate in the light of the circumstances in Zimbabwe. I wanted to write to let you know very simply that I am here, reading your website, reading every piece of news I can find on events in Zimbabwe. Who am I? That is a good question. I lived in Zimbabwe as a small child, my parents having grown up there returned with me when I was 2. We lived near my grandparents and my memories are of warm open spaces, earth smells and family. We left in the mid 70's. It was related to my fathers work and the growing instability.

We were the first of my family to migrate south but slowly over the next 10 years or so all my immediate family of aunts and uncles left. There are friends and distant family members who remain. The time in Zimbabwe framed much of who I was to become and I remember it as a safe haven and a garden of dreams, recently the desire to see positive resolution has gripped me. Somehow I still feel that the destiny of Zimbabwe is still connected to my destiny.

So here I am, far away from Africa, carrying the dust, the grass, the smell of rain and the sky in my memories and heart. In my safe house, with my safe family, comfortable, I am inspired by the tenacity, caring, humility and phenomenal human spirit I read about and I pray everyday with my body and soul that you all remain safe and well.

Yours Sincerely
Deborah M