
      14/2/2024       Next-->

(Goodness knows what it stands for!!)

There has to be a funny side to the recent spate of parking meter ladies and gentlemen in Bulawayo CBD.

Find a funny side or cry...

Always legally compliant, I make sure that I have got it right when I venture cautiously into town.

Park within the lines (if you can find them) keep far away from all yellow lines (if you can see them).
Always carry a stash of one dollar bills cos they seldom have change and they can never find wifi!!

Most of the TTI guys are most pleasant, it's actually wonderful to see so many young people gainfully employed.

But the mere sight of the 'Mad Max clamping and towing crew' racing around in the dreaded bakkie, is enough to turn one's bowels to jelly!!

They look totally Gung ho !! One almost expects them to have knives clenched between their teeth, wearing red bandanas and with a patch over one eye!!

I am fully supportive of the fact that law and order needs to be established within the town. We have lived too long with flagrant displays of lawlessness and the rules of the road must be adhered to.
No double parking, no reversing out of centre parkings, no parking in areas that are demarcated as such. We still have a 1960s rules of the road book - The Highway Code - and I wonder if they even exist now!!
Mom taught me to drive with these rules, I taught my three kids to drive using that code, I taught Charlie's girls too drive and also taught my favourite gardener knowing full well that he would leave me when he fulfilled his lifelong dream to become a Mortician!!

However it takes a brave man to park in town knowing the uncharted vagaries of the local Bulawayo enclave. Parking is certainly freely available, and one ticket lasts for a whole hour!! Parking one's vehicle is a problem though, making sure not one hair of the tyres touches the line is a different kettle of fish!!
Am I forward enough backward enough are my wheels straight . I am a soaking, wringing wet mass of tension by now, in this heat, after climbing in and out of the car to examine my handiwork...

All the while three youngsters are pestering me, fighting amongst themselves to be my car guard.

The parking attendants are friendly, if hot and bothered themselves in those vivid green, plastic, luminous jackets and black trousers. They all have the cutest little portable credit card machines with fascinating, nifty little printers. By the time they track down a wifi signal, swipe your credit card, print your ticket, ten minutes of your precious allowed sixty minutes is accounted for!!


I was about to unhappily bin my old faded and damaged photos and slides when I received an email from Bruce McDonald.
Bruce has the ability to completely restore, enlarge and frame all of your precious old photos and slides. Thank you Bruce.

Call 0783033479
email - brucemcdonald1748@gmail.com

I came across your post on the internet that mentioned Kerrie and Ashleigh Duckworth.

I've been searching for their mother (Mrs Duckworth) that taught me at Filabusi Primary School (1982 to 1985) since 1996.

She did a lot for me, including transferring me to Milton Junior School as she was leaving Filabusi, and I would like to thank her and reminisce.

May you please pass on my details to her or the twins, and ask them to contact me. Just to jog her memory, I won the Merit Shield on my last day of school at Filabusi Primary School in 1985.


Thabo Ntuli
Mobile: +61 478 701 380