WAITING FOR RAIN - THE NATIONAL OCCUPATION ......         - 17/10/2005      <--Prev : Next-->



It matters not to me who governs the country I live in as long as I am free to earn a living and raise my children in a way that reflects the true pulse of life as I feel it.

I use the term pulse because for those that have lived and loved in Africa will understand the pulse I speak of...

It is the pulse that pumps through your veins in October / November when the dark thunder clouds gather in the sky......... and the first echoes of the Great African skies start to rumble...........

the thunder and lightning in those first few weeks that rumble on for weeks upon weeks ......

with the promise of rain from the heavens.

ALL Africans of all races look to the skies during these first weeks of the month ...

we are united in one cause ................. the promise of rain!!!!

The animals are thirsty and dying ................ the crops planted in faith wilt under the tremendous heat and oppression from the October sun ...............

and the hearts of men, women, and children are filled with hope ............

that the sky will open up and empty her precious cargo onto our crops and animals ......

A time when superstitions and faith battle in the hearts of man as the promise of rain looms in the sky.....

"Is it coming?"...........

We wake in the morning and walk outside....... our hearts race as we smell the earth that has been wet during the night............that smell of dry bush and rain mixed together...........

the fragrance of our beloved African bush drinking its fill from the heavens............

We look up at the sky to see where the rain came from.......... and where it is falling...........

and we see a black cloud in the distance dropping a trail of cargo on the horizon.............

the morning sunrise lighting up the trail is glorious pinks, and violets, reds and yellows..................

The excitement of these early rains fills my soul with the promise of life .........

In those special moments all thoughts of bad governance, racism, and poverty seem to disappear for an instant and I can see through the window of my fears ........

I can see the future of Africans at peace with themselves ....

and at peace with their land

balanced and focused on what is important ....

Oh how I wish we could all remain in that state............... that state of expectancy.............

As the first rains build in the sky............. Are we going to have another year of drought?.....or are we going to starve this year?

Oh how I wish we could all remain in that state of expectancy when we look at those skies............... a state where our minds picture the green shoots that are coming, the water in the veld, the lush crops growing, the fat animals that have had their fil l......

Like all Countries.......... Africa has its seasons.........

sometimes the rain falls............ and sometimes it doesn't.

But the pulse of life remains the same.............. the pulse of vulnerability and humility is very quickly stamped into the hearts of all Africans. It is this vulnerability and humility I believe that binds us together......... causes us to unite in thought at that special time of year..............

when the heavens gather a promise of good things to come............

I believe.. I was born in Africa ....... to be an African.

My ancestors were born in Scotland ............. and they were Scotsman.

So here I sit on this October morning ....... the African with Scots blood...........

In Africa where he belongs.......

Enjoying the pulse building once more in his soul.....as the mass consciousness of all Africans starts to stir.............. looking to the heavens......... with expectancy and anticipation......... of good things to come!!!!

I have planted my seeds ....... and look forward to the harvest.............

As for overseas ..

A few weeks ago ............. I asked a friend to take off her shoes ....... imprint her feet in the sand ........... draw a heart around her feet.............

and a circle around the heart.............

She could not do this right away ......... because she could not find any sand close by .............

And I cried.............
