500 and climbing !!          - 13/ 8/ 2012      <--Prev : Next-->

"Well indeed to goodness ! "

That is a Welsh expression by the way and it indicates surprise!! 500 editions of the Morning Mirror, that's about ten years worth .......

Thank you to those kind folks who responded to my call for ideas, I had a number of very worthwhile suggestions. Island Hospice said they would dearly love to be part of it, as did a number of other worthy causes.

Delvine suggested 500 people plant 500 trees to supplement our rapidly dwindling canopy in Bulawayo, Rodney from California supported the children's school fee and education needs, Rosanne tells me that Bartley Block, Ralstein Home and Sir Humphrey Gibbs are all in a bad way too and Robyn said she would happily donate to blankets for the cold this winter.

A number of wonderful folk are now making monthly donations to Edith Duly Nursing Home as a result of the 500th edition and for this we thank you sincerely. However in spite of these hugely generous amounts, the Home has capacity for 60 Golden Oldies but so few can afford nursing care now that we are still "running on empty" financially to say the least !!

John Winter has kindly added the Mirror to the "Bring a Ray of Sunshine to Zimbabwe" Facebook page and Heather sent in some wonderful verse for me to publish, but (blush) I could not possibly do that. However thank you Heather and thank you for your intriguing suggestion that I publish the editorials from Morning Mirror in a book.

My list of "Thank You's" is endless and sincerely sincere.

First of all to Hylton from the UK who will be mortified that I have mentioned him, Hylton collates, dissects, disseminates and then puts the Mirror all together again each and every week at great cost to his own personal time and expense. His is the unenviable task of sorting out the bugs, digging out the weird characters, the peculiar odds and ends that he finds in each edition, a phenomena that occurs when all sorts of information comes in from all sorts of strange computers.

Hylton also runs the Mirror subscription and address lists that run into many thousands and he manages the website (that was initially designed by my dear brother Gavin also in the UK.) A big thankyou also to Colin Fleming who kindly hosts and sponsors the website. It has many thousands of "Hits" monthly from our Zimbabwean Scatterlings worldwide seeking the weekly warm touch of "Home".

Bless you Hylton, always there for me, always with time for the Mirror, always with a cheery comment from London, and he assists many other Zim causes too - and all totally pro bono !

Other people to thank from the bottom of my heart, and from the hearts of the countless folk who have been nursed, loved, fed and housed at Edith Duly Nursing Home, are Kiri and Mlungisi from iwayafrica, Steve and Mandy from Netconnect and Gary from Gator. Thank you so much Guys and Gals.

Then there are the collection points for donations - Loscon, Edith Duly and Acol Chemical. Thank you so much to those giving and kindly people who write out endless receipts and patiently explain the vagaries of advertising in the Mirror.

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." - Albert Pike

Last but not least there is for my dearest HeeHoo who has provided all of the immense financial and personal support for the Mirror for many, many uncomplaining years. An endless succession of computers, several internets, broad bands, 3G, satellite dishes, cell phones you name it, he pays for it !!

In life, it is never the big battle, the big moment, the big speech, the big election. That does not change things. What changes things is every day, getting up and rendering small acts of service and love beyond that what's expected of you or required of you.??- Cory Booker -

If the Mirror was printed it would run sometimes into 80 pages so thank goodness we are a paper free society......

Last but not least are Leila and Precious at Edith Duly who have to sort out the finances with such precision, and in addition look after our precious Golden Oldies at the Home.

And to you, the supportive readers and advertisers, "thank you" a thousand times for helping to keep our Golden Oldies in Bulawayo warm, well fed and well loved.

Here's looking forward to the next 500 Morning Mirrors!

Yeee Haaa..