Morning Mirror Edition 992 - 21/09/2022 The Morning Mirror website Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ EDITORIAL THE ZIMBABWE RAINDANCE ! In Transylvannia one has to take care when there is a full moon, but in Zimbabwe some very strange phenomena amongst our populace occurs at the onset of the rains !! Even a couple of mm has us grinning from ear to ear and any sound of thunder or flash of lightening has us scrabbling for our rain gauges. Once the season starts in ernest one can have the dubious pleasure of seeing fully grown men racing their motoring pieces through the storm dips in the roads, giddily watching the water splash three meters high on either side of the car. The pleasure is questionable if you are standing nearby but these days rain is such a rare occurrence that it is a divine feeling (unless you are wearing your Sunday best ) . Hopefully soon one will be able to see fully grown Mums and Dads with the kids in tow, as well as Grannies and Grandpas, splashing through the puddles on the rain soaked roads.The mums and grannies with their skirts tucked in their broekies, the dads and grandpas with the trousers rolled up as high as they can !! Yelling and shouting and splashing each other in some sort of frenzied rain dance !! Zimbabwean roads are not well drained, no little cleverly constructed rainwater gullies where the water drains away in a boring sterile fashion to the nearest creek, instead we have rivulets gushing down the sides of the roads, filling the intersections with giant lakes and puddles where you can splash away contentedly for a couple of hours after the rain storm, until they gradually drain away. Not so good for the cars' fan belts and brake pads I must admit, and with the increasing ageing of the Zimbabwean vehicle fleet, it is a common sight to see several cars stranded on the sides of these vast puddles, waiting for various parts of the car's anatomy to dry out. But this is a contentment, not bothersome. Which true Zimbabwean could possibly get bothered by the glorious rain Instead we all just stand in the rain and chat excitedly while waiting for the car's under- carriage to dry out !! When the rains officially start, we can put away our home made rain sticks, cease our impromptu rain dance parties, and get ready for the flying ant invasions ... such fun watching the little flying ants (termites) pouring out of their secret places in the earth, millions, zillions, gad-zillions, to live for just a few hours until their earthly task is done. Lovely to see them with their wispy wings gleaming in the rain, but they are not such nice little creatures when they start to make a massive colony right under your house.!! With the emerging of the termites another strange side of Zimbabwean human phenomena also emerges. It is not only the frogs, the bats and the birds that get excited at the thought of a gargantuan feast, but the local folk love a toasted termite terrine !! Gathered under each and every lamp post, attracted by the light... is an eclectic little group of animal, vegetable and mineral matter !! (It is not easy to find a lamp post with a light in it in Bulawayo these days I must admit but they do occur now and again !!) Every lighted lamppost directly after the rain is a huddle of excitement. People appear as if by magic with their containers to collect a sumptuous feast. Cyclists leap off their cycles on their way home, and scrabble about, yelling and gesticulating in their excitement, filling every crease and crevasse with the tiny termites. Bats swirl around in the darkness overhead, gorging on the little creatures, frogs hop madly around on the periphery, long tongues flashing in and out like a symphony impaling a tasty delicacy in perpetual papillae motion. Those termites lucky enough to escape this feeding Armageddon, wander off in some sort of pheromonal trance, in tandem, nose to tail, with his chosen mate, for a few hours of promiscuity from which a zillion more flying ants will no doubt result next rainy season !! From whence the little greenish reddish frogs come, is another of nature's delightful little mysteries. Not quite as many as the flying ants, but certainly hundreds and thousands of them also emerge from who knows where at the advent of the rains. Hopping happily about amidst the mounds of wings that the termites have shed almost instantaneously once they find a likely mate until the next day, when all that remains as to a testament of their being, the road is littered with squashed amphibian carcasses which will delight the crows and the birds of prey for some time to come. The roads are also festooned with the curious chongololos, hundreds of them, thousands of them, millipedions of them, and for some primordial reason, nine out of ten of them are travelling from north to south !! Tick tock beetles too abound with their curious ungainly gait, travelling to who knows where from who knows where to the delight of the birds who know they are in for a fabulous festive season feast.... Ah the glories of the common food chain !! How would our spirits survive without the coming of the rains A precious testament to nature's amazing healing powers.... a symbol of hope to a nation which so desperately needs every comfort it can get. ++++ Watchdog Island Hospice & Healthcare has great pleasure in inviting you to our forty-third Annual General Meeting. The details of this event are as follows: - Date: Thursday 29 September 2022 Time: 10:00HRS (CAT) Venue: Island Hospice & Healthcare, 6 Natal Road, Belgravia, Harare ++++ Have you sent your school fees yet for the orphans from Bulawayo. Nozizwe Mother of Nations Our contacts +263772241552 . +263714787455 ( Business WhatsApp) ++++ 2) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds ++++ 3) Notices and Events ALLIANCE FRANCAISE The Alliance Francaise de Bulawayo board and staff would like to extend our utmost gratitude to you for your support and encouragement in fulfilling our mandate of promoting the French language and culture in the Bulawayo region. We will always be indebted to you for your commitment to achieving our goals. Please find below important notices and news regarding the last quarter of the year. Alliance Francaise Director We bid farewell to Mr. Jean-Christophe Attala on 31 August 2022. We wish him well in his future projects and thank him for the support and guidance he gave during his tenure as director. It is our pleasure and honor to introduce you to our new director Mr. Guillaume Ripaud previously posted in Namibia and Fiji before working for the Municipality of Paris. We wish him well and are happy that he chose to work with us, we welcome him and hope that he will enjoy his stay in Bulawayo. Notices and News The last quarter of the year is upon us, as we approach the end of the year we have a number of activities lined up, amongst them: DELF Examinations, crush courses in preparation of end of year examinations in French, English, and Ndebele. Book your classes with us whilst slots are available. For more information regarding these, contact 029 2250245 or WhatsApp 07850585821. Ndebele & English Language Courses The Alliance Francaise also offers English and Ndebele classes for your convenience. Kindly communicate with our front office, our trained teacher would be happy to assist and answer all your questions regarding these. La Bibliotheque The Alliance is fully furnished with reading materials for students. The multi-media library opens the door to a world of francophone culture through a wide range of reading material, both of general and academic interest. In addition, there are different French films on DVDs that cater to all ages and on CDs with music. In order for one to be able to access these, they have to be a member by paying a fee of $5. This subscription is a once-off payment that gives the client access to materials for a period of 2 weeks. Translation Services The organization also offers translation services to individuals and companies from French to English and vice versa. For only $6 per page, get your documents translated and authenticated by us. Our translations are officially recognized and these can be of diplomas, marriage certificates, or any official documents, also included are brochures, reports, and notices. Please contact us for more details. Conversation Classes Hurry, register for conversation classes and improve your speaking abilities, ask questions and improve your pronunciation. It's fun and a good platform to learn as you speak to native French speakers. These classes are for all levels and ages. Learning a foreign language is always positive and will bring you unexpected benefits far greater than just simple communication. DELF Examinations The DELF season is approaching don't be caught off guard, plan accordingly to avoid disappointment. The fees will be announced on our Facebook page as well as the registration dates.The DELF ( Diplome d'Etudes en Langue Francaise ) and DALF (Diplome Approfondi de Langue Francaise ) are official qualifications awarded by the French Ministry of Education to certify the competency of candidates in the French language. The diplomas awarded are officially recognized and are valid for life. Cine Club : Friday 23rd September - 6.30 pm - free entrance Tout simplement noir - Quite Simply Black Directed by John Wax, Jean-Pascal Zadi 2020, 90 min In French with English subtitles When the protests over the killing of George Floyd ripped through the U.S. in late May, they quickly found resonance abroad - perhaps nowhere more than in France, where the 2016 death of 24-year-old Adama Traore while in police custody (in an incident with similarities to the Floyd case) gave the French their very own reason to take to the streets. Such protests continue to this day in Paris and other parts of the country, which makes the release of the mockumentary Tout Simplement Noir (Quite Simply Black) all the more timely. Co-directed by and starring Jean-Pascal Zadi, who shot the film before the recent demonstrations began, this cleverly conceived if rather clumsily executed satire offers up a premise that mirrors real events in fascinating ways: a wannabe actor, JP (Zadi), tired of all the bigotry and racism in France, decides to organize a 'Black Man's March' to raise overall awareness. ++++ ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: LESSONS The Academy's new term has begun and lessons can be arranged. Further details from the office on 2260684 or 2267195 Supper will be available before DVD showings but orders must be placed in advance. Further details from - or phone 0774 004 449 / 0771 048 995 THURSDAY 22 SEPTEMBER THE PHANTOM OF THE OPEN The Phantom of the Open, based on fact, tells the story of Maurice Flitcroft (Mark Rylance), a dreamer and unrelenting optimist. This humble crane operator from Barrow-in-Furness managed to gain entry to the British Open Golf Championship in 1976, despite never playing a round of golf before. He shot the worst round in Open history and drew the ire of the golfing elite, but became a folk hero in the process and, more importantly, showed his family the importance of pursuing your dreams. - It has a gentle upbeat cheeriness that's hard to resist. [Time Out] - It's gorgeously acted and the slapstick made me cry with laughter. [London Evening Standard] - It's an utterly joyous, touching, and oddly inspiring film. [Guardian] - It's full of heart and humour, a tonic for these benighted times, and Rylance's glorious. [Daily Mail] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER WATER FOR ELEPHANTS Water for Elephants is a romantic drama based on Sara Gruen's best-selling 2006 novel, starring Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, and Christoph Waltz. Jacob Jankowski (Robert Pattinson), a veterinary student, is close to graduating when a terrible tragedy forces him to leave college. With nowhere else to go, he hops on a passing train and finds it belongs to a travelling circus. Jacob takes a job as an animal caretaker and meets Marlena (Reese Witherspoon), a beautiful circus performer. Their shared compassion for a special elephant named Rosie leads to love, but August (Christoph Waltz), Marlena's cruel husband, stands in their way... - This is one adaption that lives up to the book. Water for Elephants is pure beauty. Despite the fact that it takes place during the Depression, it makes you almost wish you lived during the '30s. [IMDb] - Brilliant film, well done, cast and crew! An evocative film full of fascinating characters, animals galore, Rob Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon as well as the amazing Christopher Walz - how could it get any better [Amazon] - The 1931 circus setting and a love triangle involving three exceedingly attractive people provides a constant wash of scenic pleasure. [Hollywood Reporter] - WOW! More than I expected! Great entertaining movie for both men and women. Rob Pattinson just jumps off the screen. He is excellent in this. Christoph plays the villain magnificently. Great film with excellent cinematography and costuming. All around a must see movie. [Metacritic] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 30 SEPTEMBER HOPE MASIKE (VOICE/MBIRA) /ANDREAS KERN (PIANO) The German Embassy presents a concert featuring two very different performers! Andreas Kern is a classical pianist and Hope Masike renowned for her singing and mbira playing. Each will have their own part of the programme but there will also be some fusion - full programme details for what promises to be a different and thoroughly entertaining evening to follow! Hope Masike is Zimbabwe born and bred, well known for her captivating vocal skill and modern mbira playing. Her music, ranging from traditional mbira classics to modern Afro-pop, has earned her the title 'Princess of Mbira'. Hope's sound can be described as an energetic, modern and elegant interpretation of the deep Zimbabwean sounds of Mbira. Andreas Kern was born in Johannesburg and studied piano in Cologne and Berlin with Gunter Ludwig and Pascal Devoyon. His activities as a concert pianist have taken him throughout Europe, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Japan, India and South Africa as a soloist and chamber music partner. In addition to various master classes, jury memberships and teaching activities at home and abroad, Andreas Kern has been intensively involved with the idea of presenting classical music to a new, younger audience in a contemporary way. Booking at the Academy from Thursday 22 September. All tickets: $5.00 Supper will be available before all evening events but orders must be placed in advance. Further details from - or phone 0774 004 449. AND IN OCTOBER Thursday 6 October Dr.No [released 5 October 1962] Thursdays 13, 20, 27 October Line of Duty: Series 6 Friday 14 October O Thou Transcendent: The Life of Ralph Vaughan Williams Friday 21 October Puccini: La Rondine Friday 28 October Thoroughly Modern Millie ++++ 4) Congratulations ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO HOUSES FOR SALE HILLSIDE - Great Security in a very good complex, Ground floor flat, lounge/dining room combined with fitted kitchen, 1 bedroom, separate bathroom and shower. Entire Complex walled and gated. $65,000 FORTUNES GATE - $220,000 Situated in quiet neighbourhood. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, plus separate cottage, 3garages with pit, triple carport, solar geyser and much more. HILLSIDE - Excellent locality, close to Hillside Dams. Quiet area. 3 bedroomed home on 4800m Stand $120,000. MALINDELA: New on the market A brick under tile, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, visitor toilet, lounge, fireplace, dining room, sun lounge, closed and open verandas, double carport, staff quarters, workshop, storeroom, working borehole, and fish pond. Close to Busters club, and many amenities US$95,000 HILLSIDE - Quiet area , in cul-de-sac, close to Hillside dams. Three bedroomed home. $100,000 FLAT FOR SALE One bedroomed flat in the Central Business District $37,000. Bedsitter - $35,000 TOWN HOUSE - $80,000 (negotiable) Two bedrooms, lounge / dining room, fitted kitchen, pantry, complex borehole. PLOTS & STANDS: FOR SALE GUMTREE - 40 Hectares with cottage, 2 boreholes, 2 water tanks, seasonal dam, and more. Full details on enquiry $200,000 CLAREMONT: $155,000. Undeveloped stand of 5.8 Hectares, with stunning views. Must be seen to be appreciated. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Central Business District - On large stand. Ideal for offices, plenty of parking - $200,000 OUT OF BULAWAYO - PROPERTIES FOR SALE We have properties for sale in Beit Bridge, Binga, Harare, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/Low density, residential, commercial and holiday homes. $85,000 -$250,000. Full details on enquiry For these and other properties for sale phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), Bryan 0772238431 (, Probity 0782119972 (, Cindy 0784553171 ( Visit us on our website ( VALUATIONS We are registered with the VALUERS COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE, and offer a complete and efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose. For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or email or PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. Venue for hire: For all your corporate events / reunions / awards / weddings / training/ launches / year end graduations. Visit us at Rodor Properties, 5a, 9th Avenue for a quote for about - term hire of venue. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TO LET HILLSIDE: 3 Bedrooms, fitted kitchen, dining room, bathroom with toilet, separate toilet, walled and gated: US$600 Available November TOWNHOUSE: 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms: US$600 available - 1 October FLAT : CBD - 2 Bedrooms : US$400 - Available - 1st October COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TO LET. CBD - WAREHOUSE : Kitchen, storeroom, loading bay, ablutions and borehole water. Available Immediate - US$850 CBD TO CBD - Sizes range from 84m to 285m : Monthly rentals from US$360 to US$660 per month. Terms and Conditions Apply. CBD VENUE FOR HIRE: For all your corporate events / reunions /awards / weddings/ training /launches / year end graduations. Visit us at Rodor Properties, 5a, 9th Avenue for a quote for short-term-hire of venue COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WANTED Factory/warehouse/offices, for waiting tenants. For information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029) 2274581/3 (landline), mailto: or, or visit our offices at 5A 9th Avenue, between Robert Mugabe Way and Josiah Tongogara Avenue. Hours of Business: Monday to Fridays: 8am - 4.30pm Saturdays: 8am - 11am WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS ++++ A.A. AUCTIONS ATTENTION BULAWAYO and GWERU RESIDENTS and ESTATE EXECUTORS. AA Auctions, Tenders & Private Sales of Harare having started in Bulawayo 1978 have made a special discounted arrangement with Biddulphs Removals to transport (carriage forward) high quality only household contents particularly antiques & vintiques to Harare for sale at good USD prices! Contact directors David or Frances Hawkins 0772307383 or 0772341320 respectively email website for Specialist Sales Services! ++++ IAN & CO. REAL ESTATE REGISTERED VALUERS , ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS & PROPERTY MANAGERS 111 JOSIAH TONGOGARA STREET , BETWEEN 11TH /12TH AVENUE PROPERTIES FOR SALE BURNSIDE - US$150 000 Situated in a good part of Burnside is a single storey home comprising 3 bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, built in cupboards, TV lounge, Lounge, dining area, kitchen, 3 roomed domestic quarters, carports, workshop area, swimming pool (empty), walled and gated. Stand Size - 4047 square metres. ILANDA - US$150 000 Brick under tile, in good condition comprising 3 bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, built in cupboards, TV lounge, Lounge, dining area, spacious kitchen, 2 roomed domestic quarters, garage, working borehole, walled and gated. KUMALO - US$175 000 Neatly maintained family home comprising 4 bedrooms with built in cupboards, main ensuite, TV lounge, lounge, study, neatly fitted kitchen, breakfast nook, dining area, 2 roomed domestic quarters, double carport, working borehole connected to the main house, braai area, neat garden walled and gated, close to Kumalo Primary School KUMALO - US$230 000 A stunning property comprising 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, built in cupboards, TV lounge, lounge,scullery, neatly fitted kitchen, dining area, Self-contained cottage with 2 bedrooms,2 separate bathrooms sharing a kitchenette, 2 roomed domestic quarters, carport, working borehole with sprinkler system all around the garden, braai area, walled and gated For more information on properties for sale, valuations and estimations of properties call Kelvin on +263 773 366 207, email . PROPERTIES TO LET RESIDENTIAL Romney Park - 3-bedroom house Mahatshula - 2-bedroom cottage FLAT Bachelor flat COMMERCIAL CBD Offices Warehouses - Thorngrove, Belmont For more information on properties to let, Call us on (0292)886626, email ++++ PROPERTY FOR SALE Dewpoint Properties PBC - Estate Agency [EAC2022480] Unit 6, 1st Floor, Saint Georges Building, 10th Ave/JMN Nkomo St, Bulawayo Now listing... List your property with us today... SUBURBS [TOP LISTING: excellent location; price reduced; great home; great investment] (US$150,000.00): Executive home, beautiful lounge with un-fitted bar area; second family lounge; dining room; four bedrooms (beautiful main bedroom with en suite and dressing area)... COMMERCIAL-CBD(US$260,000.00): For Doctors Practice or Corporate Offices, busy area... View Kumalo property on our website... Want to BUY or SELL, call or email today... Website: Email: Call SHAHID on 0773 790 194 Call MARSHA-LEIGH on 0717 413 237 ++++ BRAND NEW RENTAL - HOPEVILLE VILLAGE Professional Couple/Small family wanted for rental of brand new 3 Bedroom House, main en-suite with walk in wardrobe, brick under tile roofing, open plan kitchen, dining and living area, double lock-up garage, modern finishes, solar powered, walled and gated. Contact: 0777802121/0773661284 (Strictly No Calls, Whatsapp Only) ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics Brand New (haven't been used) Lenovo Core i3 laptop complete with original laptop bag. USD 420 Samsung Galaxy A series phone 128g storage and 4G Ram. USD 220 Because of high pressured job, what'sApp ONLY. Nicci 0716 116 435 ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Seasoned woman, aged 50+ years with extensive knowledge & experience in the Travel & Tourism field. Looking for a new & exciting challenge. Holder of a clean class 4 driver's licence & valid passport. Available to start work immediately on-site or remotely. WhatsApp: 0774573974 ++++ Seeking a position as a gardener. Agent has experience with gardens. His number is 0717055410 ++++ We are looking to employ someone with the following: Minimum Part Studies - Part B CIS/ACCA Computer Literate on Word & Excel process accounts payable and receivable Be firm on implementing & maintaining controls Be able to meet deadlines. Knowledge of Vat returns Debtors - reconciliations, receipting and invoicing, debt collection. Creditors - reconciliations and payments. reconciling cash books, creditors and petty cash accounts Ability to perform or assist with all administrative duties (Filing and payment of office bills like ZESA, Water etc.) Excellent written and oral communication abilities Efficient record keeping skills Ability to prioritise and focus Professional conduct Attention to detail Excellent organisational and time management skills Able to work with minimum supervision Have at least 10 years' experience Own transport Presentable and cheerful Mature and disciplined At least 3 traceable references Please send CV to before 28 September 2022 Replies only to successful candidates ++++ FASHA TRADING (PVT) LTD VACANCIES Fasha Trading (PVT) LTD is inviting candidates to apply for the following posts 1) MOTOR MECHANIC Qualifications Interested candidates should possess at least class 2 in auto mechanic 2) ASSISTANT AUTO ELECTRICIAN Qualifications Interested personnel should be a holder of at least Class 2 certificate of auto electrics 3) Accountant Qualifications Degree in accounting For the advertised positions candidates should have at least a minimum of 1 year of experience in the field. DEADLINE Interested candidates are advised to submit CVs and applications for the posts not later than the 12th of August 2022. Applications should be submitted to Please indicate the post you are applying for in your application. ++++ Customs Clearing Clerk Duties & Responsibilities Classifying tariffs & advising Supervisor the appropriate duties. Capturing data and registering Bills of Entry. Writing of reports weekly. Updating relevant stakeholders on their customs cases. Attending to all ZIMRA queries and liaising with ZIMRA on ASYCUDA Invoicing of other extra charges incurred after clearance at the border 100% quoting of clients and follow ups. Qualifications & Experience Diploma in Customs Legislation and Procedures or any other relevant qualifications At least 1 year experience with traceable reference. Computer literacy: Excel and ZIMRA ASYCUDA. Good analytical and report writing skills. Email CVS to and copy in ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I am a 30 year old single mom seeking employment as a sales rep, marketing officer, receptionist , cashier or secretary. I have 6 O levels Maths and English inclusive..I have a certificate in Sales and Marketing Management with Byo Poly. I am currently in my final year studying for Business Management and Information Technique. Whatsapp 0713346656 For calls 0779028746 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady, hard-worker. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision. Computer literate, 6 O levels and Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies. Please contact 0719 476 038 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Well spoken lady seeks employment as a house-keeper / child-minder. Able to do basic cooking. Stay out preferred. Please contact 0774 776 360 or 0714 565 086 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady well spoken lady seeks employment as a housekeeper/childminder. She is able to do basic cooking and baking. Very good with children, able to help with the elderly as well. Available to start immediately, stay out preferred. Please contact 07723 598 971 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature, hardworking lady seeks employment as a nurse aide / caregiver. Has years of experience with one on one nursing with patients. Has worked at Queen Mary and has references available. Willing to do day or night duty. Please contact 0771 012 498 ++++ I am a lady aged 35 seeking care work in Bulawayo, preferably house calls for the elderly or to take care of children. I am a certified nurse aide from St Johns. Please contact me on 0773216899 ++++ DRIVER Mature class 1 driver(retested) with more than 5 year experience Contact 0712359715 ++++ 21) SERVICES H2O Technologies Borehole Water too Limey - No Problem. Tap Water to Dirty - No Problem. We have Water softeners to remove lime, Reverse Osmosis Machines to purify water in the comfort of your home & a whole range of filters. Don't let bad water affect your health, damage your plumbing, kettles, geysers, bathroom faucets or kitchen taps Visit us at No 26 Stafford Avenue Hillcrest (behind Bonsa Spar Shopping Complex, Hillside) or contact us +263772 882 499 (Whatsapp or Calling) for more information. Or Simply follow our Facebook page to get more information. ++++ BOREHOLE AND WATER SERVICES For all domestic, industrial and farming water installations, please contact Bancroft and Neil Water for an efficient and professional service. Our products include, Borehole drilling, Pump installation, Pump repairs, Capacity testing, Spares, and Bulk water delivery. Contact: Vusumuzi Sinyoka on 0772775136, or Wonder Chikware on 0773490818. Phone: 2880844/2880846/2881074 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats And Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++