Morning Mirror Edition 988 - 21/08/2022 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ EDITORIAL A Very Special Investiture The name Bullivant is extremely well know in Bulawayo. The late Lindsay Bullivant was an inspiring educator and husband Michael Bullivant was also a dedicated educator, with his career culminating in the position of deputy head of Milton School. Today Michael is very prominent in the music world. Principal of the Zimbabwe Academy of Music, founder of the Bulawayo Music Festival, Chairman of Performing Arts Bulawayo, amongst his many talents, and in recognition of his 'Services to Music, Education and UK/Zimbabwe relations' Michael was awarded an OBE by Queen Elizabeth II in her 2020 New Year Honours. The Investiture was held eventually on 27 July 2022 and I managed to coerce Michael, with a great deal of persuasion, to let us have an account of this very special day in the life of a dedicated man. 'More than two-and-a-half years ago I had a phone call that I thought initially was a joke - a voice said that she was the British Ambassador and asked whether I was willing to accept an OBE in the New Year's Honours List. When convinced that I really was talking to Melanie Robinson, the Ambassador, I said 'Of course' or words to that effect, was sworn to secrecy until the list was published some weeks later - and went to sit down and recover and reflect. Not least on the fact that OBE is often taken to mean 'Other Buggers' Efforts', by now means untrue in my case as my wife and a good many others had played a large part in what musical successes might have led to the award. Plans to go to receive the award were scarcely finalised when all was thrown into disarray by Covid and it was only two years after the originally proposed date that I was able to go to England to receive it - and arrived at the beginning of a heat wave that culminated in the highest temperature ever recorded in Britain, higher, indeed, than has ever been recorded in Bulawayo! Before the day dawned, which, although the record-breaking heat was still to come, was overcast, humid and hot, there was the need to check on the various instructions issued to make sure we got things right. Post-Covid it seemed that things were somewhat scaled down and only one guest instead of three was allowed whilst it was made clear that there would be no refreshments on offer. There was advice on dress - uniform, a morning coat or dark suit for men, so no problem there. Parking arrangements were meticulously laid out for those arriving by car and a special pass issued to facilitate entrance bearing the large letters 'WC'.. The ceremony itself was to take place at Windsor Castle, not Buckingham Palace as the latter is undergoing a very substantial renovation at the moment - it's apparently expected to cost some $500 million and take several years to complete, probably not until 2027. I was delighted to discover that the bearer of the good news would be at the same ceremony as Melanie Robinson had been awarded a CMG in the 2022 Honours List, so we had a very agreeable hour together before making our way, as instructed, to the Henry VIII Gate where we paused for photographs, all featuring a Union Flag thoughtfully provided by the Ambassador. Once inside the gate, there were, it seemed, officials every few yards, many of them in splendid military uniforms, to guide you to your destination. It was quite a long walk past St. George's Chapel to the splendid state rooms which seemed to lead endlessly one into another - one dominated by a huge bust of Lord Nelson, three or four times life-size. We were separated into groups according to the award received - first knighthoods and other top honours (including the Ambassador with her CMG and, among her companions, the face of Covid in Britain, Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, who was to receive a knighthood), then the OBEs in alphabetical order and ladies first so just behind me came diver Tom Daley (no knitting to hand but more inclined to advertise some of his merchandise than adhere to the dress instructions), then the MBEs and others. Each group was shown to a separate room, all vast and full of splendid portraits and paintings - and suffocatingly hot: the 'no refreshments' rubric had to be somewhat modified and water provided. Another military official, wearing, as you do, spurs, talked and walked us through the next steps, deploying fellow members of the castle team to demonstrate, but for something so intimidatingly formal, there was a disarming note of playfulness that put everyone at ease. We were told that Prince Charles would be officiating and that we'd each get around a minute with him, were allowed to ask questions and that we'd know when the conversation was over. Detailed instructions were given on just how to behave - including two steps back after the presentation and a bow (from the head, not the waist!) or a curtsey: the very engaging official demonstrated both and made a very neat curtsey, but I opted for the bow. Then a special, apparently non-fabric-ruining clip was affixed so that the medal could easily be hooked over it rather than clumsily pinned on. And then at last, over an hour after arrival, the actual ceremony. Another vast room dominated by a superb tapestry with Prince Charles in admiral's uniform (he must have been boiling) standing on a low dais, various sumptuously dressed officials, the occasional beefeater - and a small string orchestra. And a surprise: I had assumed that the ceremony would be rather like a school prize-giving with all the recipients seated and called up in order, but not so. Everyone lined up in the corridor (adorned with familiar portraits of former monarchs from Charles I through to William IV) leading to the room, and each was called in one by one with the reason for the honour announced. And so, almost before you know it, your guest is led into the room to a suitable vantage point while you are guided in front of Prince Charles, who had clearly done his homework on each guest and asked thoughtful questions. His first to me was 'And how is poor Zimbabwe ' I answered as honestly and briefly as I could, mentioning in passing that he had, of course, officiated at the independence celebrations over forty years ago. His response was to 'wonder whether I'll ever be allowed to go back'. What could I say but that I hoped so and that we would have the pleasure of welcoming him to Bulawayo, as we had the Queen over thirty years ago. All of this was photographed and then we were led into the magnificent Waterloo Chamber where more photographs were taken, the cross unhooked and attached to a proper pin before being returned in a handsome box. And so out and away with officials to guide every step, all smiling, courteous and offering congratulations, until we were back on the street outside the Henry VIII Gate once more. What else to follow but a celebratory lunch with an appropriate bottle - and memories that already began to seem more like a dream..' Michael Bullivant - 27 July 2022 ++++ Watchdog ++++ 2) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds CONDOLENCES Alan Leslie Glyn-Woods made his passage peacefully at home with loved ones by him, on the 6th August 2022, aged 86. Dearly loved Dad of Melonie, John and Tina, he leaves in his wake on this planet, a legacy visible from space. A phenomenal civil engineer, our Dad's ingenuity underpinned the infrastructure of this country, and we are so very proud of him. His body was returned to the earth on the 11th August 2022 at Umvutsha Park Cemetery. His optimistic, honest and intelligent presence remains in the hearts of all who knew him. We love you Dad, thank you for everything you did for us, you are never far away. See you and Mum when we too get to the other side. ++++ 3) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: LESSONS The Academy's new term will begin on Monday 12 September and lessons may be arranged with immediate effect. Further details from the office or 60684/67195 DVDs resume on Thursday 25 August with 'Grease' as a tribute to Olivia Newton-John, and the coming weeks will feature several recent films - the re-make of 'West Side Story', 'Downton Abbey' (not quite as soon as intended as it's only just out on DVD!) and 'The Phantom of the Open' for three. There will also be a live concert given by pianist Genaro Pereira, an outstanding pianist and generous benefactor to the Academy. Supper will be available before DVD showings but orders for evening meals must be placed in advance. Further details from - or phone 0774 004 449 / 0771 048 995 THURSDAY 25 AUGUST AT 6.30 P.M. GREASE Grease surely needs no introduction! Released on 16 June 1978 it was highly successful both critically and commercially, becoming the highest-grossing musical film ever at the time. It's being shown again as a tribute to Olivia Newton-John who died last week and another of her films, Xanadu, will be featured later in the year. Grease was as gorgeously innocent as Newton-John herself, and the beguiling niceness of everyone involved (even Travolta's Danny and Stockard Channing's fierce Rizzo) made it a rocket-fuelled hit. Newton-John's wonderfully unselfconscious performance as squeaky-clean Sandy gave her a movie star status that she never entirely lost. [Guardian 9 August 2022] Grease seems kickier now than it did 40 years ago. [Boston Globe] A film that's immortal for its unbridled enthusiasm and top notch production that makes it arguably the best musical ever made... [Cinema Crazed] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 26 AUGUST AT 6.30 P.M. VERDI: NABUCCO Nabucco was Verdi's third opera and first great success; on the surface, Nabucco is about the epic struggle of Zaccaria and the Jews suppressed by Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar and his vengeful daughter, Abigaille, but to Italians fighting for their freedom from Austria, Verdi's first great opera was an inspiring call to arms and its famous Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves became an anthem for the Italian patriots seeking to unify their country and free it from foreign control. Excellent classical production of this opera from the Met. Much better than these modern productions. Well cast and brilliantly conducted by James Levine as always. [Amazon] Maria Guleghina encompasses the fearsome demands of the role with vocal assurance and dramatic flair. Her performance is a vividly sung and acted portrayal of the highest order. [MusicWeb International] Levine makes no attempt to inflate the music. Everything is natural, songful, crisp and sonorous. [New York Times] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAY 1 SEPTEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. FRENZY Frenzy, released fifty years ago on 21 June 1972, was Alfred Hitchcock's penultimate film with a screenplay by well-known playwright Anthony Shaffer. London is terrorized by a vicious sex killer known as 'The Necktie Murderer' and, following the brutal slaying of his ex-wife, down-on-his-luck Richard Blaney is suspected by the police of being the killer. He goes on the run, determined to prove his innocence and attempts to take refuge with his best friend, fruit merchant Bob Rusk. But is Rusk all he seems to be .... Hitchcock back in vintage form. [Movie Metropolis] Hitchcock's first British film in two decades marked a smashing return to his earlier form. [TV Guide] An often gruesome and violent, but nonetheless engrossing, mystery thriller mixed with moments of delicious black comedy. [Q Network Film Desk] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. WEST SIDE STORY Steven Spielberg's remake of 'West Side Story' presents a new look at the classic musical that updates the original without losing its heart and lives up to its beloved forebear - and in some respects, it has been suggested, might even surpass it. Mr. Spielberg did not waste his time - or ours. The new 'West Side Story' is simply fabulous. [Observer] Whatever this new adaptation's popular reception, it's five times the movie the '61 movie was. [Chicago Tribune] Is it sacrilege for Spielberg to re-imagine this 1961 musical classic Not when it's this thrilling. Not when two new stars - Rachel Zegler and Ariana DeBose - get to share the screen with the legendary Rita Moreno. Then Spielberg sets the screen ablaze. [ABC News] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAY 8 SEPTEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. CONCERT: GENARO PEREIRA (PIANO) Genaro Pereira will be remembered for his previous, very successful appearances in Bulawayo. What is not so well-known is that he has also been a very generous benefactor to the Academy - indeed, without his assistance, it would have been very difficult for it to survive the Covid pandemic. And all the proceeds from this concert will be shared between the Mater Dei hospital and the Academy so we are hoping for a good turn-out - and that some might perhaps be prepared to donate more than the very modest ticket price which is designed to make the concert accessible to all. Genaro has chosen a generous and demanding programme: Liszt: Trois Etudes de Concert Debussy: Estampes Schumann: Sonata No.1 in F sharp minor Further details will follow but please make a note of the date now and encourage as many as possible to support this concert! Admission: US$5.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] ++++ EDITH DULY NURSING HOME IS APPEALING FOR YOUR UNWANTED HOUSEHOLD GOODS IN PARTICULAR WE ARE SEEKING: DRINKING GLASSES, glass, stainless steel or new plastic ones TEA MUGS SOUP BOWLS, DINNER PLATES AND SIDE PLATES MEDIUM AND LARGE BLACK BELLIED POTS LARGE HEAVY BASE FRYING PANS OLD MAGAZINES FOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY LACE AND/OR COTTON CURTAINS - 230CM DROP FOR LARGE WINDOWS WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO COLLECT FROM ANYWHERE IN BULAWAYO PLEASE CONTACT LEILA ON 0773028812 OR PRECIOUS, MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM TO 1PM ON 2205825 THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION! ++++ ATTENTION BULAWAYO & GWERU RESIDENTS & ESTATE EXECUTORS. AA Auctions, Tenders & Private Sales of Harare having started in Bulawayo 1978 have made a special discounted arrangement with Biddulphs Removals to transport (carriage forward) high quality only household contents particularly antiques & vintiques to Harare for sale at good USD prices! Contact directors David or Frances Hawkins 0772307383 or 0772341320 respectively email website for Specialist Sales Services! ++++ 4) Congratulations ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO HOUSES FOR SALE HILLSIDE - $165,000 NEW LISTING: Lounge, dining room, study, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, separate toilet, fitted kitchen, laundry, 2verandas, double garage, double carport, 3 storerooms, braai area, working borehole, working swimming pool, walled and gated. Stand size 4044m Cottage: 1 bedroomed cottage. NKETA 6 - Under no circumstances dismiss this property. A little gem!! Lounge/Dining room combined, 4 bedrooms, main-ensuite, family bathroom, fitted kitchen, walled and gated. $40,000 KUMALO - Reduced to $180,000 - Brick under tile, four bedroomed house. Double domestic quarters, double carport, functional borehole and many other features. FLATS FOR SALE CBD -$41,000 - One bedroom, lounge, dining room, bathroom, kitchen, enclosed veranda. TOWN HOUSE - $80,000 (negotiable) Two bedrooms, lounge / dining room, fitted kitchen, pantry, complex borehole. PLOTS & STANDS: FOR SALE GUMTREE - 40 Hectares with cottage, 2 boreholes, 2 water tanks, seasonal dam, and more. Full details on enquiry $200,000 CLAREMONT: $155000. Undeveloped stand of 5.8 Hectares, with stunning views. Must be seen to be appreciated. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE CBD - On large stand. Ideal for offices, plenty of parking - $200,000 OUT OF BULAWAYO - PROPERTIES FOR SALE We have properties for sale in BeitBridge, Binga, Harare, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/Low density, residential, commercial and holiday homes. $85,000 -$250,000. Full details on enquiry For these and other properties for sale phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), Kelvin 0773 366 207, Bryan 0772238431, Probity 0782119972, email or visit us on Property Book ( VALUATIONS We are registered with the VALUERS COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE, and offer a complete and efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose. For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), 0772238431, or email or PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. Venue for hire: For all your corporate events / reunions / awards / weddings /training/ launches / year end graduations. Visit us at Rodor Properties, 5a, 9th Avenue for a quote. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TO LET UPPER RANGEMORE 15km from Bulawayo City Centre. Plot 12.5 acres to let. 2 functional boreholes, solar geyser, fitted kitchen: US$550 negotiable Available Immediately. LUVEVE 3 : 3 Bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, combined bathroom / toilet: Available Immediately US$250 TOWNHOUSE TO LET SUBURBS: 2 Bedrooms, lounge, MES, fitted kitchen. Available - September - US$500 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TO LET. CBD - WAREHOUSE : Kitchen, storeroom, loading bay, ablutions and borehole water. Available Immediate - US$850 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WANTED Factory/warehouse/offices, for waiting tenants If you can assist kindly contact us on 2274581 For information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or, or visit our offices at 5A 9th Avenue, between Robert Mugabe Way and Josiah Tongogara Avenue. Hours of Business: Monday to Fridays: 8am - 4.30pm Saturdays: 8am - 11am WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT. FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS ++++ PROPERTY FOR SALE Dewpoint Properties PBC - Estate Agency [EAC2022480] Unit 6, 1st Floor, Saint Georges Building, 10th Ave/JMN Nkomo St, Bulawayo Now listing... List your property with us today... SUBURBS [TOP LISTING: excellent location; price reduced; great home; great investment] (US$150,000.00): Executive home, beautiful lounge with un-fitted bar area; second family lounge; dining room; four bedrooms (beautiful main bedroom with en suite and dressing area)... COMMERCIAL-CBD(US$260,000.00): For Doctors Practice or Corporate Offices, busy area... View Kumalo property on our website... Want to BUY or SELL, call or email today... Website: Email: Call SHAHID on 0773 790 194 Call MARSHA-LEIGH on 0717 413 237 ++++ COTTAGE For rent furnished or unfurnished. lounge / dining room open plan. Separate bedroom. Rent also to include a contribution towards electricity, water and WiFi. Located in Kent Road, Hillside, Bulawayo. Contact Jennifer Williams +263772898110 email ++++ BRAND NEW RENTAL - HOPEVILLE VILLAGE Professional Couple/Small family wanted for rental of brand new 3 Bedroom House, main en-suite with walk in wardrobe, brick under tile roofing, open plan kitchen, dining and living area, double lock-up garage, modern finishes, solar powered, walled and gated. Contact: 0777802121/0773661284 (Strictly No Calls, Whatsapp Only) ++++ NEW REGISTERED ESTATE AGENCY IN BULAWAYO Dewpoint Properties PBC - Estate Agency [EAC2022480] Unit 6, 1st Floor, Saint Georges Building, 10th Ave/JMN Nkomo St, Bulawayo Introducing Dewpoint Properties PBC Estate Agency, our Principal Registered Estate Agent is Shahid HM Lambat, he has over 12 years experience in the industry. We specialise in sales and marketing, and we would love to list your property today. Website: Email: WANT TO SELL Call SHAHID on 0773 790 194 WANT TO BUY Call MARSHA-LEIGH on 0717 413 237 Our new Estate Agency would love to hear from you, established 2022. ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics Brand New (haven't been used) Lenovo Core i3 laptop complete with original laptop bag. USD 420 Samsung Galaxy A series phone 128g storage and 4G Ram. USD 220 Because of high pressured job, what'sApp ONLY. Nicci 0716 116 435 ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20 ) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED FASHA TRADING (PVT) LTD VACANCIES Fasha Trading (PVT) LTD is inviting candidates to apply for the following posts 1) MOTOR MECHANIC Qualifications Interested candidates should possess at least class 2 in auto mechanic 2) ASSISTANT AUTO ELECTRICIAN Qualifications Interested personnel should be a holder of at least Class 2 certificate of auto electrics 3) Accountant Qualifications Degree in accounting For the advertised positions candidates should have at least a minimum of 1 year of experience in the field. DEADLINE Interested candidates are advised to submit CVs and applications for the posts not later than the 12th of August 2022. Applications should be submitted to Please indicate the post you are applying for in your application. ++++ LOOKING FOR: C.A.D Operator required for Polygon, Gerber or Lectra. Ability to digitise/grade/mark. Experience in ladies wear an advantage. Position Required soonest. Contact Mr. K. Ndlovu on +263 292 465571/81 +263 77 389 0919 ++++ Customs Clearing Clerk Duties & Responsibilities Classifying tariffs & advising Supervisor the appropriate duties. Capturing data and registering Bills of Entry. Writing of reports weekly. Updating relevant stakeholders on their customs cases. Attending to all ZIMRA queries and liaising with ZIMRA on ASYCUDA Invoicing of other extra charges incurred after clearance at the border 100% quoting of clients and follow ups. Qualifications & Experience Diploma in Customs Legislation and Procedures or any other relevant qualifications At least 1 year experience with traceable reference. Computer literacy: Excel and ZIMRA ASYCUDA. Good analytical and report writing skills. Email CVS to and copy in ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I am a 30 year old single mom seeking employment as a sales rep, marketing officer, receptionist , cashier or secretary. I have 6 O levels Maths and English inclusive..I have a certificate in Sales and Marketing Management with Byo Poly. I am currently in my final year studying for Business Management and Information Technique. Whatsapp 0713346656 For calls 0779028746 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady, hard-worker. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision. Computer literate, 6 O levels and Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies. Please contact 0719 476 038 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Well spoken lady seeks employment as a house-keeper / child-minder. Able to do basic cooking. Stay out preferred. Please contact 0774 776 360 or 0714 565 086 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady well spoken lady seeks employment as a housekeeper/childminder. She is able to do basic cooking and baking. Very good with children, able to help with the elderly as well. Available to start immediately, stay out preferred. Please contact 07723 598 971 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature, hardworking lady seeks employment as a nurse aide / caregiver. Has years of experience with one on one nursing with patients. Has worked at Queen Mary and has references available. Willing to do day or night duty. Please contact 0771 012 498 ++++ I am a lady aged 35 seeking care work in Bulawayo, preferably house calls for the elderly or to take care of children. I am a certified nurse aide from St Johns. Please contact me on 0773216899 ++++ I am a lady aged 35 seeking care work in Bulawayo, preferably house calls for the elderly or to take care of children. I am a certified nurse aide from St Johns. Please contact me on 0773216899 ++++ DRIVER Mature class 1 driver(retested) with more than 5 year experience Contact 0712359715 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady ,aged 60 years of age with many years of experience in the Secretarial /Administration field seeks a suitable position. Holder of a class 4 Drivers licence. Available to start work immediately. Tel/Whatsapp 0783295334 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature, friendly lady seeks employment as a house-keeper / childminder. Able to look after children and your precious pets. Live out preferred and able to start immediately. Please contact 0777 101 903 (call or app) or 0773 886 410 ++++ I am 42 yrs and a holder of a clean class 1 drivers licence experience in both local and cross border my contact is 0712359715 ++++ 21) SERVICES Ricky the Repairman Ricky came to our house today for some home handyman work. Fast, efficient and totally professional. Tiling, electrical, plumbing, carpentry and the rest!! Call Ricky on 0778691097 or email therepairmanbyo@gmail ++++ ROSE PRUNING Expert Rose Pruning Service annually in Bulawayo, tried and trusted. Whatsapp 0776105842 or call 071263269 ++++ BOREHOLE AND WATER SERVICES For all domestic, industrial and farming water installations, please contact Bancroft and Neil Water for an efficient and professional service. Our products include, Borehole drilling, Pump installation, Pump repairs, Capacity testing, Spares, and Bulk water delivery. Contact: Vusumuzi Sinyoka on 0772775136, or Wonder Chikware on 0773490818. Phone: 2880844/2880846/2881074 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE ORIGINAL WATCH, at a giveaway price... Hardly Used, Almost New: Emporio Armani Original Men's Classic Dress Watch, this men's classic dress watch from Emporio Armani features solid stainless steel construction with a polished finish, and is a great choice for everyday wear. The black dial has silver hands and roman numerals, and a seconds sub-dial is included for a classic look. The watch is fitted with a polished stainless steel link bracelet that opens with a push-button butterfly clasp. Water resistant. ORIGINAL ARMANI BRAND: high quality, excellent expensive gift... PICTURES ON REQUEST... Asking Price USD: US$100.00, or ZWL equivalent... whatsapp/call: 0773790194 ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats And Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 07784955 99 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++