Morning Mirror Edition 959 - 11/01/2022 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ EDITORIAL How many layers When one is born in the tropics, one gets out of bed and puts on exactly 2 items of clothing!! Shorts and shirt! No need for shoes, no need for socks. As one gets older maybe a couple of underwear garments appear necessary, and one's mum always yells 'have you got a hat'! Our backyards provided every bit of entertainment we ever needed. Trees which needed climbing to get the apples and oranges, fences to balance on and walk along, taps from which to drink, veggie gardens upon which to snack, shade to rest in, mud to play in, wide yards as soccer fields, washing lines as badminton nets. A lengthy visit to the Arctic Circle has been very stressful for us Africans!! 'Sweden has a glorious week of summer' the pundits say, and the remaining 51 weeks require a lot of effort!! The amount of effort one spends dressing and undressing oneself is exhausting. One is never 'cold' in Sweden one is merely 'badly dressed'!! The homes are divine, as warm as toast, but stepping out of doors requires massive effort. The golden rule is 'three layers' meaning fine pure merino long johns and long sleeved top, two pairs of wool socks, a warm woollen jumper preferably cowl necked, a pair of warm lined trousers, and on top of that snow and rain proof leggings. The outer coat is a full length 100% down parka with a hood, although a double lined woollen beanie is also advisable plus a woolen scarf or even a Balaclava !! Boots, fur lined, waterproof and slip proof !! Give yourself half an hour for this exercise, or if you have a five year old, count on about an hour!! That requisite snow suit requires a lot of cajoling, pushing and pulling!! Ah but now back in Bulawayo and happily clad in shorts and tee shirts once again!! ++++ Watchdog Nicolas Dean - God Bless you from Nozizwe Mother of Nations. We would love your e mail address for a thank you letter from Nozizwe. ++++ For those of us living beyond Zimbabwe's borders, what a joy it is to receive the MM. Our minds are jogged. The smell of Downing's, wet school shoes in the one pm rain, hot tar. A spectrum of memories filled with Matopos and New Year. Ball room dancing at the City Hall, tea and cake at Haddon's. We learn of the latest game count at Hwange or remember the Termite Colonies of Suburbs. Still more has shown us the ups and downs of living in foreign lands both warm and artic. With each new arrival of our MM, home flows over us. A treasured mantle that drifts gently down, down, into our toes. Listening quietly, we can hear those Jacarandas popping underneath. More importantly the MM delivers to us real-time home. Now-now home. It's happening tomorrow home. A glimpse into the Bulawayo day. With musical performances, black gold compost and the SPCA. In this new year of 2022, I would like to show appreciation to Team MM. For their continued selfless efforts, hard work and dedication to the MM cause. Know this. Your work brings smiles and a tear every Tuesday. With special wishes from Tony and Annetta Holmes (SA) ++++ 2) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO Tel: 60684 / 67195 E-mail: The Academy office is open 8.30 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Teaching will resume on Monday 17 January and the first term will end on Friday 1 April. Fees for the term will be US$110.00 and full details can be obtained from the office. As usual, supper will be available before DVD showings - intervals are short and not intended for supper! Orders should be placed in advance.. Further details from - or phone 0774 004 449 / 0771 048 995. THURSDAY 13 JANUARY AT 6.30 P.M. EVITA After more than a decade of false starts and several potential directors, the hit Lloyd Webber musical finally made it to the big screen with Alan Parker at the helm and Madonna in the coveted title role of Argentina's first lady, Eva Peron. Released 25 years ago on Christmas Eve 1996, it was a triumph of production design, costuming, cinematography and epic-scale pageantry and follows the rise of Eva Peron to the level of supreme social and political celebrity in the 1940s. Peron was only 33 when she died but she was instrumental in the political success of her husband, Juan Peron (Jonathan Pryce) and was also a supremely tragic figure whose life was essentially hollow at its core despite the lavish benefits of her nearly goddess-like status. - Director Alan Parker's visuals enliven the music, and Madonna and Banderas bring it passion. By the end of the film we feel like we've had our money's worth. [Chicago Sun-Times] - This brash, glitzy, energetic entertainment has the power to hold an audience enraptured. [ReelViews] - A pretty much ideal big-screen adaptation of the material, which becomes convincingly cinematic. [Groucho Reviews] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 14 JANUARY AT 6.30 P.M. CINDERELLA The much-loved story of Cinderella has captured hearts and minds for centuries and this historic colour recording from 1969, full of dreams and magic, shows why. Infused with the drama of Prokofiev's luscious score, the tale of transformation provided creative inspiration for Frederick Ashton's acclaimed first full-length ballet. His enchanting production stands as a showcase of choreographic mastery and features one of The Royal Ballet's most celebrated partnerships with Antoinette Sibley as Cinderella and Anthony Dowell as the Prince. Ashton's distinctive theatricality is also revealed in his legendary cameo as one of the Ugly Sisters opposite Robert Helpmann. A collector's item for ballet lovers of all ages! - Cinderella may be Sergei Prokofiev's most accessible ballet, both musically and visually, and in the hands of a master choreographer, it can be a thrilling experience. And so it is with this 1969 Royal Ballet performance, with then-resident genius Frederick Ashton pulling out all the stops in a staging guaranteed to please fans and win new converts. [] - Ashton's enchanting production stands as a showcase of choreographic mastery and features one of the Royal Ballet's most celebrated partnerships with Antoinette Sibley as Cinderella and Anthony Dowell as the Prince. Ashton's distinctive theatricality is also revealed in a touching and hilarious cameo as one of the Ugly Sisters opposite the equally comic and mesmeric Robert Helpmann [IMZ] - Recommended with total delight. [Fanfare] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet members] THURSDAYS 20, 27 JANUARY & 3 FEBRUARY AT 6.30 P.M. LINE OF DUTY: SERIES 4 In a career-defining case, DCI Roz Huntley (Thandie Newton) is under intense pressure from her superiors to apprehend a serial murderer after months of fruitless investigation. When a young man is charged doubts around his guilt lead the chief forensic investigator to AC-12. Is Roz ignoring forensic evidence that might prove the young man's innocence AC12's Supt Hastings places Kate Fleming undercover inside Roz's team and with Steve Arnott piling on pressure from the outside, Roz is forced to act decisively. A mother of two, Roz will do anything to stop her life from unravelling. As suspicions mount and the case becomes ever more complex, AC12 themselves come under threat. - Out of nowhere, the tempo suddenly rocketed from quietly-creeping tension to brain-jangling red alert. [The Arts Desk] - What can I say WOW!! - best series ever, impossible to equal, superb nail-biting drama, so many twists. [Amazon] - This is less like watching TV, and more like being abducted by it, cuffed, then dragged along. [Telegraph] - We're less than 10 minutes in, and I'm a wreck. He likes to start a series using jump leads and a defibrillator, does LoD creator Jed Mercurio. [Guardian] Admission: US$2.00 - or $5.00 the series [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 21 JANUARY AT 6.30 P.M. HUMPERDINCK: HANSEL AND GRETEL Carriages: 8.30 p.m. Hansel and Gretel is generally regarded as a children's opera; but, in fact, it is a masterpiece to be enjoyed by listeners of all ages. Humperdinck was heavily influenced by Wagner and in Hansel and Gretel he produced an opera in the Wagnerian style but more accessible than Wagner's operas in length and humanity and, as one critic remarked, 'this is one of the few operas ever written which is beautiful from beginning to end'! Although often associated with Christmas, perhaps began because of its premiere on 23 December 1893 (and this performance from the Met comes from Christmas Day 1982!), it was one of the Covid casualties, initially scheduled to commemorate the centenary of Humperdinck's death on 27 September 1921. - The Metropolitan Opera's lovely Christmas day performance, sung in intelligible English, is miles above the video competition. Look no further. [MusicWeb International] - Cheerfully evokes a magic world of woodland sprites and candy dreams.. [New York Post] - Delightful production with two great leads who actually convince that they are children. This is very much a chocolate box production (which is probably what the composer intended) and, if you like your Humperdinck with plenty of sugar which I do, then this is marvellous. [Amazon] Admission: $2.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] FRIDAY 28 JANUARY AT 6.30 P.M. BERLIN PHILHAMONIC CONCERT Carriages: 8.20 p.m. The concert is conducted by Bernard Haitink, one of the great conductors of the last half-century who died aged 92 in October last year. The programme includes: The concert marked the 150th anniversary of Chopin's death in the magnificent setting of Krakow's Gothic St Mary's Basilica and included a performance of his Second Piano Concerto with Emanuel Ax as the soloist. To a certain extent, the concert also marked a return to the pianist's roots, for he had been born in Lviv as the son of Polish Jews and lived for a time in Warsaw before emigrating to Canada with his parents in 1959. The programme also includes Schumann' 'Spring' Symphony - Schumann admitted to having written the work 'in that first flush of spring that arguably continues to inspire man even in ripe old age, overwhelming him anew each year'. And a basilica naturally demands the performance of sacred music, and so Christine Schafer opened the concert with two sacred works by Mozart, the motet Exsultate, jubilate and Et incarnatus est from the Great Mass in C minor. As always, her lean and agile soprano voice is perfectly suited to the Salzburg composer's music. Admission: $2.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] ++++ 3) Congratulations ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds CONDOLENCES MARIAN MOLONEY (nee Lantry) It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Marian Moloney, who died peacefully on 2 January in Ireland. Marian is sadly missed by her beloved son Luke, granddaughter Marie, brothers John and Eugene, sisters-in-law, extended family, and many friends. Ar dheis De go raibh a ainm dilis. Born at Redbarn, Youghal, Ireland in 1941. Marian grew up in Cork, one of six children, where she was educated by the Ursuline Sisters at St Angela's College. She trained as a nurse at Guy's Hospital in London, and went on to complete further midwifery training in Belfast. In 1969, she travelled to Zambia, where she worked in the mine hospital at Mufulira, and where she met and married her husband Kevin. Marian established a much-needed blood transfusion service in the Midlands in Gwelo in 1975-8, and later worked at the Isolation Hospital in Gwelo, at QueQue Hospital, at the Avenues Clinic in Salisbury, at the Mater Dei Hospital in Bulawayo, and for the Bulawayo Municipality's District Nursing Service. Following a back injury in the early 1980s, Marian re-trained and worked with Webb Low and Barry from 1984 until around 2002, where she worked tirelessly for others in administering Deceased Estates and caring for and counselling the bereaved. She volunteered her time to help with Island Hospice. Marian was a friend to all, and gave so much of her time and energy to her family and to friends, and to the poor, the sick, and the needy. She was always thinking about and caring for others, Marian was selfless and generous to a fault. She brought light and comfort to all of us: her family and friends were extraordinarily blessed to have her in their lives. The world is a poorer place without her. ++++ Royston Patrick Purchase Royston Patrick Purchase, father of Susan, Helen, Rosalyn, Colin and Duncan, husband of the late Andre' Diana for 52yrs, and companion of Christina, passed away peacefully in Bulawayo on 3rd January 2022, aged 90. He will be remembered as a lively character with his own special form of wit and humour, for his many colourful personal historical anecdotes, and for his profound love of Africa. As a hard-working father who always wanted the best for his children, Roy worked for the PTC telecommunications for over 30 years, with postings in Bulawayo, Zvishavane, Hwange and Harare. He was an active Rotarian and Freemason, a bell ringer and a stamp-collector, very proud of his collection of stamps that portray the changing politics and history of the country we now know as Zimbabwe. We are grateful to Cathy Sharp, Verity Mundy, the Bulawayo Help Network, and all at Garden Park for their support at this time. ++++ FRANK NOBLE "Maureen and I were sad to hear of the passing of Frank Noble. Frank and I were the best of friends, spending very many hours together piping and travelling across the country to play the pipes, to Gwanda, Wankie, Livingstone, Kariba, Harare, Kwe Kwe and Gweru. Happy hours were spent together talking piping and I learnt a lot about his life and interests. After a tough youth in war time Port Glasgow, to a start at the bottom of the railways shovelling coal, Frank ever intent on bettering himself joined Rhodesia Railways where he rose to the top as a Liner driver. Then on a matter of principle he resigned, and went on the employment market with the sole skill of locomotive driving having left effectively the only employer of locomotive drivers in the country. Seemingly the only industry willing to take him on was Life Insurance sales. This was in the day and age when many Life sales teams would take on anyone to sink or swim in the business. Many to join, would sell policies to all their friends and when the contacts and income ran out that would drift off elsewhere, the only winners being the insurance company with the policies. The winners in the profession were all well connected with well heeled contacts. Not so Frank. He found a totally neglected market, the railwaymen! As they could think only of policies in the hundreds of dollars not hundred of thousands they were overlooked by the high flyers, and Frank became as he would say their "Inshoorance man." So successful was Frank, selling hundreds and hundreds of policies so that he was elected to the Life Insurance Industries 'International Million Dollar Club' attending their annual convention in the Caribbean! Frank was much more to his clients than just a life Insurance salesman. He did their tax returns for many of them, wrote their wills and helped them in may ways, and like his piping, never charging them for his services. He confided in me that the advantage in doing their tax he could see when they could afford another policy! Frank was a fine piper, although not a reader of pipe music. He had the knack of picking up tunes by ear and playing them with the correct grace notes in the correct places. I learnt much about pipe music phrasing from Frank. During National Service with one of the great Scottish Regiments, I think it was the Black Watch, he played for their band at a time when none of the regimental bands would take on National Service pipers. To Frank, a prohibition was a challenge! It so happened that the Regimental Sargent Major and Frank had been Boys Brigade colleagues, and on day one Frank saw this RSM on the parade ground and greeted him by his first name. (It is rumoured that even RSM's wives and children are fearful of using their first names). Long story short, they struck a bargain, Frank addressed him a "Sir" thereafter and Frank had a place in the band! Frank's dreadful cars were legendary, forever breaking down. On one occasion his car died on the way home from a wedding where he had played the pipes. When he recovered the car the next day, he found his valuable set of family heirloom silver mounted pipes had been stolen from the car boot. The thief seeing the box stole it only to find he had stolen an item with virtually no market! One of Franks grateful clients tipped off Frank and Frank bought them back with the money from the insurance. The method of return was so dramatic that Lee Childs would have been proud to include it in a Jack Reacher novel! Frank was married to the loveliest of ladies, Doris. She was ever so kind and never complained about her hyper active husband. She bravely endured her physical disabilities in latter life without complaint. She was so brave. We were so sad when living in Botswana we hear of her passing and from Franks call, we could tell that he was bereft . My last engagement before climbing on a plane to start a new life in New Zealand was to lunch with Frank at Jan Smuts Airport. I was very disappointed when Frank did not show. Very unlike Frank. I later learnt the he was in hospital with a minor cardiac attack earlier in the day. Recently I have been making enquiries in Zimbabwe and the UK trying to find Frank. Sadly I looked in the wrong places, and now it is too late. Sincerest condolences to Cheryl and family and Franks twin granddaughters. Laurie Bond Wellington New Zealand ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries NOZIZWE MOTHER OF NATIONS For January we need to pay tuition for 123 extra orphans and underprivileged children around the country. These poor children are not part of the feeding schemes. The sponsor an orphan is whole other programme we have going around the country. You will also be pleased to hear that kitchen number five has been given permission by local authorities , we are now looking at feeding up to 1500 daily. If you would care to help pay school fees under the 'adopt-a-student' scheme, please contact Iris Mhlanga on +263 772241552 or e mail ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO HOUSES FOR SALE THORNGROVE - $60,000 (New Listing) Lounge, dining room, four bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, built - in electric stove, gas stove. This property is walled and gated. MATHSEUMHLOPE - $213,000 This immaculate home is well worth a visit. It comprises four bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge, dining room, games room, bar, fitted kitchen, lock - up garages for four cars, carport for nine vehicles, swimming pool (needs attention), borehole, walled and gated. *Cottage: bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom. KUMALO - $220,000 Superb spacious family home. Four bedrooms, three bathroom with showers, newly fitted kitchen, walk - in pantry, double carport, working borehole, swimming pool, solar geysers, home is fully alarmed, walled with electric sliding gate. *Cottage: Two bedrooms, kitchen, solar geyser. MALINDELA - $85,000 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Ideally situated, close to Mater Dei hospital, and Shopping Centres. This property comprises: Brick under tile, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, combined lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, lock - up garage, walled with sliding gate. Stand size: 1309m KILLARNEY - $82,000 Brick under tile, lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, fitted kitchen, fenced walled and gated on 4747m FLAT FOR SALE HUME PARK - $100,000 Two bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, combined lounge and dining room, fitted kitchen, pantry, veranda, complex borehole. RESIDENTAL STANDS: BURNSIDE - $45,000 : 4200m MONTGOMERY - $50,000 for 3 acres or $100,000 for 6 acres with a seasonal borehole. BUENA VISTA - $27,000 : 4345m KINGSDALE - $30,000 : 4465HA OUT OF BULAWAYO BEIT BRIDGE - $110,000 (NEGOTIABLE) BUT, 3 Bedrooms, lounge, diningroom, carport for 4 vehicles, enclosed veranda COTTAGE: 2 bedrooms. Property is walled and gated HWANGE - $85,000 Built on Baobab Hill, close to the Baobab Hotel, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, fenced and gated. For these and other properties for sale phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), Kelvin 0773 366 207, Bryan 0772238431, Probity 0782119972, email or visit us on Property Book (Rodor VALUATIONS We are registered with the VALUERS COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE, and offer a complete and efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose. For Valuations, phone (029) 224581/3 (landline), 0772238431, or email or PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. At present we have: FLAT CBD: 2 Bedrooms, fitted kitchen, lounge, bathroom and shower - US$500 negotiable - Immediate SUBURBS (FOR COMMERCIAL USE) Main house and cottage - US$900 - Immediate COMMERCIAL Donnington - double storey - factory/offices/good parking area situated on 6000m of land. Must be seen to be appreciated - Full details on enquiry For information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT, FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE CAR TO PURCHASE The SPCA in Mutare is seeking a secondhand SINGLE CAB PICK UP for our work. Canopy or cattle bars on the back would be an advantage. Anything less than $10,000 would be looked at. Contact 0784213618 Jane Clegg +263 20 65610 ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends Seeking information on Dr. Wendy Dawson and I suspect that there wouldn't have been too many folks with that name and title, in Zimbabwe back then. I know it's a terribly long shot but she was the only lead to the couple who had been my host, during a visit, namely Chris and Brian Paddy. Aside from recalling that Wendy was an MD and that she had some connection to Nyanga and that her son and daughter-in-law were emigrating to Trinidad, back in 2004, I'm afraid I can't offer any more clues (though her email address was If, by the most remote of possibilities, you would have any record, or recollection, of the above, I would be most grateful for anything you might be able to provide. It's a very long shot that any of the three of them are still alive and, if they are, that they would be in Zimbabwe, but I'll discontinue my search if there is the sad news that it was the same Wendy who passed. Steve Gilchrist Cobourg, Ontario ++++ I wonder if you might be interested in an article I wrote for the Britain-Zimbabwe Society recently. It is about two photograph albums that I found at a book fair in London and I am keen to make contact with the families of anyone in the photographs so that I can share them. The pictures are on Flickr at and Andrew Ross Andrew Ross (formerly from Bulawayo, Shetland and London and now en route, emigrating to New Zealand) ++++ 20 ) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED VACANCY - PEST CONTROL TECHNICIAN We are growing! Almond Africa, Bulawayo Branch is looking for suitably qualified personnel to fill an opening within our company as a PCT. Minimum Requirements: Class 1 or 2 Journeyman (or equivalent technical skills) 'C' or better in O' level Maths & English Criminal Free Record Age - 22 to 55 Clean Class 4 Driver's License Valid Defensive Driving Certificate Desired attributes: Technically sound High quality standards Ability to work under pressure Independent problem solving capability Works well within a team Good communication skills Overall good health and vitality Presentable and well groomed Awareness of health and safety in the workplace Almond Africa is an equal opportunities employer. Please forward CV and application letter, copies of all academic and professional certificates and at least two reference letters to ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I am a young man aged 29 looking for any position in an accounting position. l completed my BCOM Honours degree in Accounting at NUST in 2015. l have 2 to 3 years experience working as an audit clerk in an accounting firm I am motivated, disciplined and can work under minimum supervision. Please contact: 0774 666672 or 0772 489847 Email: ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as secretary, receptionist or PA. Holding a Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies and computer literate. Has worked as an Accounting Clerk, Typist, Anaesthetic Secretary. Please contact: 0719476038 / landline 0292212174 Email: or ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I am a young man aged 29 looking for any position in an accounting position. l completed my BCOM Honours degree in Accounting at NUST in 2015. l have 2 to 3 years experience working as an audit clerk in an accounting firm I am motivated, disciplined and can work under minimum supervision. Please contact: 0774 666672 or 0772 489847 Email: ++++ Seeking a position as a store man. I am experienced in this field. What's app or call 0783260620 or 0776441751 John Randen ++++ Care Giver with experience available immediately contact Samantha Would you be so kind as to place an advert in your news letter for my ex care giver. This very good and caring lady took care of my father who was bed ridden . She bathed and nursed him until he passed on She was my late fathers caregiver for 3 years up to the time of his passing. She is a very patient person and very kind and caring. My father was ina wheel chair and she took care of him even when he no longer could get out of bed. She bathed and spoon fed my father. she was so good for him I recommend her to any elderly person in need of a good care worker. Her contact number is 0779424709. ++++ I am a mature young lady seeking employment as a Girl Friday. I have 2 years experience in general admin work as well as various receptionist duties. I am also computer literate with the knowledge of Pastel and Microsoft Office. Available to start immediately. Contact info: Catherine 077 241 3912 or ++++ 21) SERVICES Women's Empowerment Provisional Tuition at Crystal's Driving School in Jan 2022. A once off $10 registration fee is required to be apart of the above 3 week program ( excluding Saturdays & Sunday's ). No other money is required for tutoring at the school. Learning Material is given to you for " FREE ", yes you heard me, for " FREE ". Registration opens on Monday the 13th of December until Friday the 31st of December. Contact 077 659 2654 for any queries. ++++ SERVICES ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats And Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++