Bulawayo Morning Mirror Edition 958 - 21/12/2021

In this edition

1) Editorial
2) Notices and Events
3) Congratulations
4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds
5) Roses And Raspberries
6) Pets Column
8) Bulawayo News
9) Harare And Gweru News
10) Wining Dining and Coffee Houses
11) Property For Sale or to Rent
12) Accommodation In South Africa
12b) Accommodation In Botswana
13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe
14) Catering and Food
15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire
16) Travel and Tours
17) Computers And Electronics
18) Lifts Wanted And Offered
19) Seeking Friends
20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant
21) Services
22) Health And Beauty
23) Tuition
24) Miscellaneous For Sale
25) Wanted To Buy or Hire
26) Clothing And Fashion
27) Boats And Fishing
28) Garden, Decor And Home
29) Tidbits

1) Editorial

From Cathy Buckle

Too hot to walk barefoot.

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings from under Zimbabwe's beautiful blue sky on a scorching hot December day. All the windows and doors are open, it's too hot to walk barefoot outside after ten in the morning and every day we search the sky for signs of rain. In the grasslands the Abdims Storks patrol, on their annual African summer migration, a sign that the rains are coming. In the bush the baby impalas are being born and it's a delight to behold their huge ears and gangly legs as they cavort and frolic in between the Msasa trees and up the anthills. There is a serene sense of comfort in the continuity of life despite politics, corruption, greed and Covid.

It's hard to believe that it's only four years ago that Robert Mugabe was made to resign after army tanks rolled into the capital city in November 2017. What dramatic days they were, how excited we were, what hope we had! Most days now though, it feels so much like the same old same old that's it's hard to tell what's changed. Four years ago, and for many years before that, thousands of Zimbabwe were spending their days in queues outside banks trying to withdraw their own money. Despite President Mnangagwa's repeated slogans of Zimbabwe being 'Open for Business' and this being a 'New Dispensation,' nothing has changed on the ground for ordinary Zimbabweans this Christmas.

A fortnight before Christmas 2021 hundreds and hundreds of people are standing in long winding queues outside banks desperate to withdraw their own money. Queues spill out onto pavements, down the blocks and round the corners. At entry doors to banks its mayhem with scores of people squashed together desperately trying to hold their place in the queue from the legions of queue jumpers who are pushing in. A report in the Masvingo Mirror describes how: 'Hundreds of people have been sleeping outside POSB (Savings Bank) in Masvingo.. queuing for foreign currency withdrawals which government promised them. Clients said the bank was giving foreign currency to a maximum of seven people a day,' the rest were offered Zim dollar withdrawals at the official rate of 105 to one whereas on the street the rate is 200 to one meaning that everyone who accepts the Zim dollars instead of US dollars is losing 50% of the value of their money.. highway robbery in plain sight.

Alongside the seven lucky customers a day getting their US dollars out of the bank there are thousands of others trying to collect US dollars sent to them from their families in the Diaspora through international MTA's (Money Transfer Agencies) like Western Union. They are also there desperately trying to get to the front, failing and coming back day after day to try again. It's a fearful sight seeing these massive queues at a time when Covid is spreading at an alarming rate: 700 new cases a day at the beginning of December soaring to over five thousand new cases reported in one day this week.

But despite it all, this is the time of year to say thank you. Thank you to Zimbabweans in the Disapora who haven't forgotten home, haven't forgotten their families and friends and who year after year keep on supporting us: letters, parcels, groceries, school and medical fees. Unbelievably Diaspora remittances last year came to US one billion dollars.

We also thank the brave MP's such as Tendai Biti and journalists such as Hopewell Chinono who continue to expose corruption, human rights abuses and injustices at considerable risk to themselves. We thank the unwavering human rights defenders: lawyers for human rights, doctors for human rights and the teachers unions among others who stand up and speak out again and again. We thank and mourn the loss of Dewa Mavhinga, the Human Rights Watch Southern Africa Director, a Zimbabwean who was always our voice. We thank the protectors of our natural resources, our wild and beautiful places, the precious flora and majestic wildlife; under attack from poachers, illegal miners and political appropriation. We thank out teachers, doctors, nurses and civil servants who continue to do their jobs in the most gruelling conditions earning slave wages in Zimbabwe dollars. Slave wages where you can't even afford a loaf of bread a day. Look at these prices since the New Dispensation took office: One loaf of bread, same make, same size, same shop: Jan 2019: Z$5; Jan 2020 Z$18; Jan 2021 Z$70; Dec 2021 Z$168. Fine if you have US dollars but most do not and they go hungry.

I end this year with a special thank you to you, the readers of this Letter From Zimbabwe, now in production every week or fortnight for the past 21 years. Thank you for commenting and emailing, for sharing and forwarding, for supporting my books and website and for helping keep hope alive. There is no charge for this Letter From Zimbabwe but if you would like to donate please visit my website and until next time, Happy Christmas from Zimbabwe, a country in waiting, love Cathy

December 2021. Copyright @ Cathy Buckle.


Morning Mirror Christmas Closure

The final Morning Mirror for 2021 will be published on 20 December. The publication will resume again on 11 January 2022.

May we take this opportunity of wishing you a Christmas filled with love and serenity.
May your heart be peaceful and your word be true.
May your step be steady and your arm be strong.
May God Bless you all.

2) Notices and Events

Tel: 60684 / 67195 E-mail: mailto:zamfriends@gatorzw.co.uk
The Academy office is closed until 8.30 p.m. on Monday 10 January when full details of lessons, fees, etc. will be available. The Academy's first term will run from can be obtained from Monday 17 January to Friday 8 April.
Tel: 60684 / 67197 - E-mail: zam@gatorzw.co.uk

This updated adaptation of the classic fairy-tale tells the story of Danielle (Drew Barrymore), a vibrant young woman who is forced into servitude after the death of her father. Danielle's stepmother Rodmilla (Anjelica Huston) is a heartless woman who forces Danielle to do the cooking and cleaning, while she tries to marry off her own two daughters. But Danielle's life takes a wonderful turn when she meets the charming Prince Henry (Dougray Scott).
- The best Cinderella movie ever. [San Francisco Chronicle]
- This is a fantastic film, it is a wonderful story that keeps to the basic story of Cinderella but with differences that make it more realistic rather than just a fairy-tale..it is a perfect feel- good film. [Amazon]
- A treat for the whole family; stunning filmmaking accessible to everyone. [Urban Cinefile]
Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members]
Supper will be available before Ever After but please remember that advance orders are of great assistance to The Note and orders for any cooked meal must be placed by 6.00 p.m. Further details from adelaide.muchetu@gmail.com - or phone 0774 004 449 or 0771 048 995.

A double-bill for Christmas Eve! Supper will be available during the interval but please remember that orders must be placed by 5.30 p.m.
Well-loved soprano Lesley Garrett stars in a spectacular Christmas music show alongside international special guests, including opera superstar Jose Cura, famous jazz trumpeter Guy Barker and South African diva Sibongile Khumalo. The performance features exciting new arrangements of Christmas and classical songs, along with traditional favourites including the Alleluia from Mozart's Exultate Jubilate, a jazzy version of Purcell's Sound the Trumpet with Guy Barker, a swinging, South African style Little Drummer Boy with Sibongile Khumalo and a virtuoso duet with Jose Cura in Silent Night.
- This DVD is a must for all Lesley fans, and for others too. It is most certainly not your typical Christmas Musical Extravaganza, of which one often feels weary. Lesley has chosen a wide range of musical styles, and there are excellent new arrangements of well-known favourites. The end product is a live performance which is stunning in all respects. [David's Review Corner]
- When you reach the end, you just want to hear and watch it, all over again.. [Amazon.com]
After the interval comes the much-loved story of Cinderella which has captured hearts and minds for centuries and this historic colour recording from 1969, full of dreams and magic, shows why. Infused with the drama of Prokofiev's luscious score, the tale of transformation provided creative inspiration for Frederick Ashton's acclaimed first full-length ballet. His enchanting production stands as a showcase of choreographic mastery and features one of The Royal Ballet's most celebrated partnerships with Antoinette Sibley as Cinderella and Anthony Dowell as the Prince whilst Ashton himself appears as one of the Ugly Sisters opposite Robert Helpmann! A collector's item for ballet lovers indeed!
- Cinderella may be Sergei Prokofiev's most accessible ballet, both musically and visually, and in the hands of a master choreographer, it can be a thrilling experience. And so it is with this 1969 Royal Ballet performance, with then-resident genius Frederick Ashton pulling out all the stops in a staging guaranteed to please fans and win new converts. [Amazon.com]
- Neither this cast nor performance deserves less than praise. This is a priceless document for any fan of ballet. [Dancing Times]
- From the legendary ballet performances that have been filmed at London's Royal Opera House, this star-studded 1969 Prokofiev's Cinderella holds a special place. It was danced to Frederick Ashton's choreography, the first complete ballet from a British choreographer, and a cast that included the graceful Antoinette Sibley in the leading role, partnered by Anthony Dowell as a very stylish Prince. [David's Review Corner, April 2021]
Admission: US$3.00 [free to Red Carpet members]

There will also be a double bill on New Year's Eve but times will be contingent on possible changes to the curfew. Times and a menu will be circulated when there is some certainty as to whether a diner might actually be possible!
After more than a decade of false starts and several potential directors, the hit Lloyd Webber musical finally made it to the big screen with Alan Parker at the helm and Madonna in the coveted title role of Argentina's first lady, Eva Peron. Released 25 years ago on Christmas Eve 1996, it was a triumph of production design, costuming, cinematography and epic-scale pageantry and follows the rise of Eva Peron to the level of supreme social and political celebrity in the 1940s. Like Madonna, Peron was a material girl (she was only 33 when she died); she was instrumental in the political success of her husband, Juan Peron (Jonathan Pryce). But Eva was also a supremely tragic figure whose life was essentially hollow at its core despite the lavish benefits of her nearly goddess-like status.
- This Evita is not just a long, complex music video; it works and breathes like a real movie, with characters worthy of our affection and deepest suspicions. [Time]
- Director Alan Parker's visuals enliven the music, and Madonna and Banderas bring it passion. By the end of the film we feel like we've had our money's worth, and we're sure Evita has. [Chicago Sun-Times]
- This brash, glitzy, energetic entertainment has the power to hold an audience enraptured [ReelViews]
Hopefully to usher in the New Year Evita will be followed by an all-star concert recorded at the Waldbuhne amphitheatre in Berlin with Placido Domingo, Anna Netrebko and Rolando Villazon performing music by Verdi, Puccini, Lehar, Bizet, Rossini and more.
- The greatest voices of their day came together again on Friday evening. . . Domingo still works his magic, Netrebko symbolises the combination of skill, charisma and naturalness and Villazon is the perfect masculine counterpart. . . Great opera needs protagonists like these. [Die Welt am Sonntag, Berlin]
- There's a real sense of occasion, our greatest living tenor benignly crowning superstar successors who provide comparable art and intelligence. [BBC Music Magazine]
- Perhaps the best put-together opera show of all time - the tunes are familiar, the singers rise to the occasion. [Amazon]
- This evening was the stuff of myth. [Berliner Morgenpost]
Admission: US$3.00 [free to Film & Red Carpet members]

JANUARY 2022 (provisional!)

Thursday 13 January Silent Movie
Friday 14 January Humperdinck: Hansel and Gretel:
Thursday 20 January Line of Duty: Series 4 - 1
Friday 21 January Minkus: Don Quixote - Mikhail Baryshnikov
Thursday 27 January Line of Duty: Series 4 - 2
Friday 28 January Concert conducted by Bernard Haitink
Links to Bulawayo Advertisers:-

Natural History Museum Events
National Railway Museum
Bulawayo 1872
National Gallery of Zim -Bulawayo
Bulawayo City
Bulawayo Golf Club
Bulawayo News 24
Bulawayo Motoring Club
Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe
Bulawayo Publicity
Bulawayo Railway Museum
Bulawayo Societies - 2010
Bulawayo Theatre Club
Friends of Hwange
Falcon College
Hillside Dams
Island Hospice
Matobo Conservation Society
The Bulawayo Club
Bulawayo Shelter
Tree Society of Zimbabwe
Wildlife & Environment Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe info

3) Congratulations

4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds


It is with great sadness that I would like to let everyone know that my dad Frank Noble passed away on Fri 10th Dec, peacefully at home, just 6mths short of his 90th B'day.
He was a character who loved the company of people and his bagpipes and took every opportunity to make the best of both. Dad had a wonderful life in Zimbabwe with my mum Doris and I have great memories and a vast collection of stories which he loved to tell.


Thanks for your emails of support and kind thoughts and I've had great stories and memories sent to me.
To keep you up to date: making arrangements from afar has not been easy but dad will have a simple service and will be cremated at 9am Zim time tomorrow Monday 20th Dec.
If you can please pause and remember dad and we'll raise a glass or cup of tea to him with a "slange var" - the Scottish version of cheers and an old gaelic saying:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Kind regards

5) Roses And Raspberries

6) Pets Column

8) Bulawayo News

9) Harare And Gweru News

10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses

11) Property For Sale or to Rent


1 CBD-shops on ground floor, Offices upper floor. Basement,storage.
2 KELVIN: Bakery & grinding factory, current use.
3. ESIGODINI - industrial stand 1 acre, fully serviced, with Title Deeds.

1 ILANDA: Corner stand, 4 bedroomed, 2 lounges, large kitchen, 2 verandahs, 2 bathrooms (en-suite) with prolific borehole.
2. Hillside - b.u.i.- 4 bedroomed, 2 lounges, large kitchen, 2 bathrooms
3. TSHABALALA: Semi, extended comprising: 3 bedrooms, bathroom/wc, lounge/dining room, and kitchen.
4 PELANDABA - extended property with title deeds, 4 bedroomed, lounge, kitchen, separate bathroom and w/c and additional external w/c.
5 WORRINGHAM: Along Gwanda Road, 2.5 ha.
6 SELBOURNE BROOK - Stand, built to slab level.

Deed of sale may be acceptable only to approved purchasers.
Please contact IAN & CO. REAL ESTATE -
(029) 2886626 or (029) 2886256 at 111 J Tongogara St., Between 11th/12th Avenues, Bulawayo.
Cellphones: 0775 306 392 or 0712 871 455 or 0775 662 160


SUBURBS - $110,000 Reduced for quick sale - Immediate occupation
The perfect property for the professional, close to city centre, comprising 4 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen (borehole needs attention), double garage. Stand size +/- 1479m
This immaculate home is well worth a visit. It comprises four bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge, dining room,
games room, bar, fitted kitchen, lock - up garages for four cars, carport for nine vehicles,swimming pool (needs attention), borehole, walled and gated.
*Cottage: bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom.
KUMALO - $210,000
Superb spacious family home. Four bedrooms, (main bedroom, fully carpeted, nursery, small office, main ensuite), family bathroom, study, fitted kitchen, laundry, double lock-up garage, carport, working borehole, sparkling
swimming pool, solar geyser.
Ideally situated, close to Mater Dei hospital, and Shopping Centres. This property comprises: Brick under tile, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, combined lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, lock - up garage, walled with sliding gate.
Stand size: 1309m
KILLARNEY - $82,000
Brick under tile, lounge, dining room, 3 bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, fitted kitchen, fenced walled and gated on 4747m

2 Bedrooms, bathroom, sept. toilet, lounge, fitted kitchen, veranda

KENSINGTON- Undeveloped 2 acre stands $30 000
KENSINGTON- Undeveloped 5 acre stands $50 000

SIZINDA - $180,000
Business opportunity in the heart of Sizinda. Double storey.
Downstairs: Shop, 2 storerooms, kitchen and cold room 120m Upstairs: Bar and storeroom 120m

BUT, 3 Bedrooms, lounge, diningroom, carport for 4 vehicles, enclosed veranda COTTAGE:
2 bedrooms. Property is walled and gated
HWANGE - $85,000
Built on Baobab Hill, close to the Baobab Hotel, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, fenced and gated.

For these and other properties for sale phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), Kelvin 0773 366 207,
Bryan 0772238431, Probity 0782119972, email kelvin@rodor.co.zw or visit us on Property Book
(Rodor Properties.co.zw)

We are registered with the VALUERS COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE, and offer a complete and
efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose.
For Valuations, phone (029) 224581/3 (landline), 0772238431, or email bryan@rodor.co.zw
or sales@rodor.co.zw

Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property,
and managing it thereafter. At present we have:

CBD: 2 Bedrooms, fitted kitchen, bathroom and shower, separate toilet - US$500 - 1st January 2022

Donnington - double storey - factory/offices/good parking area situated on 6000m of land.
Must be seen to be appreciated - Full details on enquiry

For information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting
list, you are invited to contact us on (029) 2274581/3 (landline), resrents@rodor.co.zw
or rentals@rodor.co.zw

Bulawayo Estate Agents:-
Anita's Real Estate
Rodor properties Pvt Ltd
Ian & Co. Real Estate
R.E.D. Property

12) Accommodation in South Africa

12b) Accommodation in Botswana

Accommodation Out Of Zimbabwe:-

Four Seasons, J'bg
Hoopoe Haven Guest Lodge Fourways, J'bg
Avoca Vale Country Hotel Louis Trichardt

13) Accomodation and Travel In Zimbabwe

Some places to stay in Zim:-
Maleme Rest Camp www.zimparks.org
Big Cave Camp
Granite Park Lodges
The Musketeers Lodge 9km on Matopos Rd
Matobo Hills Lodge
Burnside Cottage
Churchill Hotel
Rainbow Hotel
Southern Comfort Lodge
Travellers Guest House
Eastern Highlands:-
Frog And Fern In Chimanimani
Kulizwe Lodge Binga - shores of Lake Kariba
Kariba Accomodation
Miombo Lodge Dete Situated Hwange National Park/Dete Rd
Hwange Safari Lodge
NEHIMBA living with the Elephants
Lake Mutirikwi (Kyle):-
Norma Jeans Lakeview
Ghonarezhou game reserve:-
Vic Falls:-
Victoria Falls Hotel

14) Catering and Food

A few places to eat in Bulawayo:-

Arizona Grill House in the Holiday Inn
Banff Lodge Coffee cafe
Book and Bean caf at Bradfield Shopping Centre
Bulawayo Club
Bulawayo Golf Club www.golfzone.co.zw
Bulawayo Rainbow Hotel
Camp Amalinda
Cattleman - 12th Avenue
Country Club www.golfzone.co.zw
Frangos- 12th Avenue
Friar Tucks
Gallery Coffee Shop - Fort Street https://nationalgallery.co.zw
Garden Restaurant - 54 Park Rd
Granite Ridge - Matobo Hills
Hillside Dams Tea Room
Hillside Bowling Club
Holiday Inn - Arizona Grill House
Horizon Restaurant & Bar - Pioneer House, Fife Street
Hotel Rio, Old Esigodini Rd
Hunt's Boma 22 Jaywick Rd Matsheumhlope
Indaba Book Caf & Sandwich Bar
Mary's Restaurant - opp Medical Cent
Maxies Massimo's - Ascot Shopping Centre
Nemo's Resturant - Hillside Bowling Club
Nesbitt Castle - Percy Avenue
New Orleans - Banff Road
Pergola Restaurant 22 Jaywick Rd Matsheumhlope
River Cafe -12th Ave

and more !!

15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire

16) Travel and Tours

Bulawayo Travel Agents & Tour Company's:-

African Wanderer
Antelope Park
Big Cave Camp
Black Rhino Safaris
Eco Logical Safaris & Travel
Greyhound Coach Service - Byo to Joburg

17) Computers And Electronics

Bulawayo Computers:-

Internet at Netconnect.co.zw

18) Lifts Wanted And Offered

19) Seeking Friends

Seeking information on Dr. Wendy Dawson and I suspect that there wouldn't have been too many folks with that name and title, in Zimbabwe back then. I know it's a terribly long shot but she was the only lead to the couple who had been my host, during a visit, namely Chris and Brian Paddy. Aside from recalling that Wendy was an MD and that she had some connection to Nyanga and that her son and daughter-in-law were emigrating to Trinidad, back in 2004, I'm afraid I can't offer any more clues (though her email address was wendz@mango.zw).

If, by the most remote of possibilities, you would have any record, or recollection, of the above, I would be most grateful for anything you might be able to provide. It's a very long shot that any of the three of them are still alive and, if they are, that they would be in Zimbabwe, but I'll discontinue my search if there is the sad news that it was the same Wendy who passed.

Steve Gilchrist
Cobourg, Ontario

I wonder if you might be interested in an article I wrote for the Britain-Zimbabwe Society recently. It is about two photograph albums that I found at a book fair in London and I am keen to make contact with the families of anyone in the photographs so that I can share them. The pictures are on Flickr at https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWYdYDc and https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWVUt8m.

Andrew Ross
Andrew Ross (formerly from Bulawayo, Shetland and London and now en route, emigrating to New Zealand)

20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant

Care Giver with experience available immediately contact Samantha

Would you be so kind as to place an advert in your news letter for my ex care giver. This very good and caring lady took care of my father who was bed ridden . She bathed and nursed him until he passed on

She was my late fathers caregiver for 3 years up to the time of his passing. She is a very patient person and very kind and caring. My father was ina wheel chair and she took care of him even when he no longer could get out of bed. She bathed and spoon fed my father. she was so good for him I recommend her to any elderly person in need of a good care worker.
Her contact number is 0779424709.

I am a mature young lady seeking employment as a Girl Friday. I have 2 years experience in general admin work as well as various receptionist duties. I am also computer literate with the knowledge of Pastel and Microsoft Office.
Available to start immediately.
Contact info: Catherine 077 241 3912 or sparrowprocurement@outlook.com

21) Services

Women's Empowerment Provisional Tuition at Crystal's Driving School in Jan

A once off $10 registration fee is required to be apart of the above 3 week
program ( excluding Saturdays & Sunday's ). No other money is required
for tutoring at the school. Learning Material is given to you for " FREE ", yes you heard me, for " FREE " .

Registration opens on Monday the 13th of December until Friday the 31st of

Contact 077 659 2654 for any queries.



I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners.
These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!!
Please book early.

I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope!
I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-)

For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri
or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com
Bulawayo Services:-

Acol Chemical Bulawayo
Bulawayo's Online Business Directory

22) Health And Beauty

23) Tuition

24) Miscellaneous For Sale

25) Wanted To Buy or Hire

26) Clothing And Fashion

27) Boats and Fishing

Bulawayo Water Activities:-


28) Garden, Decor And Home

Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag.
Free delivery over ten bags.
Phone Ollie on 0771289677



CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 0778495599


The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion.

Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content.

MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE www.morningmirror.africanherd.com
Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group
Please email - magskriel@mac. com for information on how to place your advert.
Morning Mirror is a publication run solely for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home.
Do you need to advertise? Are you struggling to get hold of cash? Would you like to help Edith Duly Nursing Home? Then please give Leila a call on 203022 or 205825 as we have a number of needs that you may be able to assist us with, in lieu of cash donations.
Thank you to the wonderful public of Bulawayo for their ongoing kindness and support.