Morning Mirror Edition 952 - 09/11/2021 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ EDITORIAL SAVYON LODGE The Zimbabwe Jewish community is tiny, but it's still functioning. So an announcement last week that Jewish retirement home Savyon Lodge in Bulawayo is closing down was greeted with shock, sadness, and a sense that this is truly the end of an era for this former centre of Jewish life in Southern Africa. Described in old newspaper clippings as 'the apple of the community's eye', Savyon Lodge was more than a retirement establishment. It was a gathering place, a welcoming haven, a home away from home, and a 'touchstone' symbolising what was once a thriving and close-knit community. 'I'm pleased my grandparents aren't around to see that [Savyon Lodge is closing down]. How devastating after all these years and so much effort! For those it served, it was a blessing,' wrote Joanne Simon Verster on the Zimbabwe Jewish Community Facebook group. 'My late grandparents, Ellie and Millie Zacks, were the ones who started Savyon Lodge,' she said. 'There's a plaque on the wall at the entrance with my grandfather's name on it. They spent so much time and effort on Savyon, often moving in there for chaggim or if there was no matron around. Without them, there would never have been Savyon Lodge. They were the most generous and loving souls who worked tirelessly for the elderly.' 'I hoped to spend my final days there back home where I belong,' said Jennie Greenspan-Sher. Describing the deep sense of loss, Vicky Codron Koblenz wrote, 'I don't know how to react. Everything I grew up with is gone .. this new world I really don't belong.' 'In the past, my parents were devoted to maintaining the wonderful place it was. My uncle Leizer lived there for many years until he passed at the age of 108,' wrote Hylton Reiff. According to Theresa Bengis, Leizer Abrahamson still davened at the home's shul service every day at the age of 105. There was a shul service every morning and evening, with a minyan, which continued until recently. There was accommodation for visitors and the residents enjoyed hosting family so that they could enjoy a yom tov with guests as they did when they had their own homes. Ilan Wiesenbacher, who still lives in Zimbabwe, wrote, 'A very sad day indeed. In saying that, there also needs to be special mention of the people who kept it going all these years through extremely tough times. I'm not going to mention names, but I know many people who have given of their time and resources and to you, I say kol hakavod! Thank you.' Ronnie Elkaim agreed, saying, 'Kol hakavod to all the wonderful people who contributed so much of their love and time to all the residents and staff of this amazing place. My brother, Jack Furmanovsky, together with Leanora Granger, designed the building. There is a charcoal drawing by the late Dave Golub's sister. The picture was hung in the dining room. This artist was murdered in Vilna by the Nazis. I think the late Edith Golub donated the picture to Savyon Lodge at some stage.' Another member of the community said that the charcoal drawing was 'still hanging in pride of place in the lounge when I last looked'. According to community members, Savyon Lodge's last resident is now living at the BS Leon retirement home in Harare, and has settled well. So why was Savyon Lodge such an icon of the once-thriving Zimbabwean Jewish community 'Savyon was an oasis of peace, calm, and support for so many for many years. It was one of the last Jewish-owned and run institutions in Bulawayo and a symbol of the once proud community that cared for the young and the aged,' says Dave Bloom, a former resident of Zimbabwe and the administrator of the Zimbabwe Jewish Community Facebook group. 'The beautiful shul burned down in 2003. The Carmel School is still running as a Jewish primary school but I'm not sure if there are any Jewish kids in the school,' he says. 'It's hard to say this, but this is another significant phase in the demise of the Bulawayo Jewish community, which today numbers about 50 to 60 souls from its peak of about 3 000 in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Of course, this isn't unique to the Zimbabwe Jewish community but a trend throughout the smaller communities of Southern Africa.' Paul Bernstein shared photos of the Bulawayo Jewish Community Centennial Magazine published in 1994, which included information about how the home was founded. 'At a public meeting in the Jewish Guild Hall in December 1960, it was decided to establish a home for elderly residents. The overall plan provided for 30 residents. When Savyon Lodge opened its doors in July 1967, it could accommodate only 13 people. The third and final stage was reached in 1976, when room was made for a further 26 people. By 1976, it had risen to 45 people.' Residents had their own private rooms, received three kosher meals a day, and care was provided by trained nurses and caregivers who knew the intricacies of Yiddishkeit. Receiving no government subsidy, the home was funded entirely by residents' charges, investments, and donations from the local community and abroad. According to African Jewish Congress chief executive and spiritual leader Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft, Bulawayo has always been a 'warm and united' Jewish community, and Savyon Lodge had a special atmosphere. He says there are about 200 members of the Jewish community in Zimbabwe today, and the various congregations continue to observe Shabbat and chaggim. 'Savyon Lodge, the only Jewish old aged home in Zimbabwe, was a unique and wonderful institution. It served all the Jewish communities in what was Southern Rhodesia and then Zimbabwe. It upheld the Jewish traditions - Shabbat and yom tovim were celebrated, and there was a kosher kitchen. It was run by dedicated and caring staff and equally dedicated and caring members of the community. It was a gracious and beautifully maintained institution with tranquil, lovely gardens and excellent amenities. 'There was never a question that the physical, mental, and personal needs of the aged community weren't catered for, and there was a place for all who needed it,' he says. 'As the Jewish community declined in numbers, donations from all over the diaspora from ex-Zimbabweans and others and organisations such as ChaiSA, helped Savyon to maintain its traditions. There are so many wonderful memories of all the residents, staff, and community members who played their part in making Savyon Lodge such a special place in the fabric of a Jewish life in Bulawayo and Zimbabwe.' ++++ Watchdog Nozizwe Mother of Nations Anyone driving from Bulawayo to Harare watch out for walkers from Team Nozizwe Passmore Ps Moyo and colleagues from Eatout Movement. They are currently on a 439 km walk to Harare from Byo to raise funds and awareness to build a hub of hope for the homeless in Byo, the team is past Kwekwe where Iris's beautiful daughter has pledged her birthday money to this cause. Supporters teamed up with Stacy Rademeyer in Kwekwe to surprise the walkers and support team with lunch at Chicken Hut in Kwekwe. If any of you spot our guys along the highway to Harare, please support them stop and say hi maybe join and walk with them give encouragement...... It's tough going, especially in this heat, but they're doing their best...... Thank you to everyone who has donated in kind .... We are truly grateful ++++ 2) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO Tel: 60684 / 67195 E-mail: The Academy office is open 8.30 - 4.30 Monday to Friday and full details of lessons, fees, etc. can be obtained from there: Tel: 60684 / 67197 - E-mail: A reminder that DVDs will usually begin at 6.30 and supper available beforehand. Please note that advance orders will still be of great assistance to The Note and orders for any cooked meal must be placed by 6.00 p.m. Further details from - or phone 0774 004 449 or 0771 048 995. THURSDAY 11 NOVEMBER AT N.B. 6.30 P.M. HACKSAW RIDGE Carriages: c.9.30 p.m. As usual around Armistice Day, the Academy joins with the MOTHs to present a film centred on the world wars together with supper. The cost is $10.00 which includes a donation to the MOTHs as well as the usual entry charge for the Academy. Admission will be free to Film Members as usual and the supper available separately. There will be a snack before the film and supper will be served during the interval. This year's film, Hacksaw Ridge, directed by Mel Gibson is the extraordinary true story of conscientious object or Desmond T. Doss who saved at least 75 men in Okinawa during one of the bloodiest battles of World War II without firing a single shot. He was the first conscientious objector to ever earn the Congressional Medal of Honor. - A fantastically moving and bruising war film that hits you like a raw topside of beef in the face. [Daily Telegraph] - Hacksaw Ridge winds up being a rousing piece of entertainment that also happens to be an affecting portrait of spiritual faith and simple human decency. [Washington Post] - It is violent, harrowing, heart-breaking and unforgettable. And yes, it was directed by Mel Gibson. He deserves a medal, too. [Observer] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 12 NOVEMBER AT N.B. 6.00 P.M. ROSSINI: MATILDE DI SHABRAN Matilde Di Shabran is a superb opera, one of Rossini's very best, but it's also very long, hence the early start! Supper will be available beforehand but a prompt start will be made! The opera was first performed in Rome early in 1821 and in this revised version in Naples exactly two hundred years ago on 11 November 1821. Long neglected, largely because of the colossal difficulties of the leading roles, it was revived in this production at the Pesaro Festival in 2012 to huge acclaim and proved to be one of Rossini's most scintillating scores full of brilliant arias and headlong ensembles. Juan Diego Florez takes the lead role as Corradino, a paranoid, misogynistic lord in the care of Aliprando, a doctor who is concerned that the poor spirits of his employer will damage his health. He duly attempts to make Corradino fall in love with the beautiful and self-willed Matilde, sung by Olga Peretyatko, now one of the world's most sought-after sopranos. - In an opera in which there are a top Rossinian quartet, quintet, sextet, and octet, there's nary a note out of place; each works like clockwork, and with room for individual expression as well. The individual singing is beyond praise. This is a necessity. [Classics Today] - For anyone who doesn't yet know this splendid score, this is a perfect introduction. For those of us who already know and love it, it's pretty perfect, too. [Opera News] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet members] THURSDAY 18 NOVEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. ROGUE ONE Rogue 1 - A Star Wars Story is the immediate prequel to the very first Star Wars film of 1977 (A New Hope, now Episode IV). All looks lost for the Rebellion against the Empire as the leaders learn of the existence of a new super weapon, the Death Star. Once a possible weakness in its construction is uncovered, the Rebel Alliance must set out on a desperate mission to steal the plans for the Death Star. The future of the entire galaxy now rests upon its success.. - Rogue One is a bold and stirring adventure film that will have both fans and casual observers spellbound. [Associated Press] - Rogue One features stirring action scenes, vivid characterisation and one or two truly eye-popping explosions. [Independent] - Rogue One, directed by Gareth Edwards with a sharp script by Tony Gilroy and Chris Weitz, is a bracing and dizzying marvel, propulsively pitched and even, I dare say, moving. [Vanity Fair] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 19 NOVEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. CONCERT Saint- Saens: Violin Concerto No.3 in B minor - Grieg: Piano A minor - Dvo ak: Symphony No.5 in F major The celebrated violinist Julia Fischer, who also trained as a pianist, pulled off a rare and risky feat with extra-ordinary prowess in this concert by following Saint-Saens' Violin Concerto No. 3 with the ever-popular Grieg Piano Concerto. After the interval comes Dvo ak's deeply lovable Fifth Symphony, the first wholly personal masterwork in his symphonic canon which miraculously distils the essence of his Czech homeland into music. - Ms. Fischer played a dazzling account of Saint-Saens's Violin Concerto No. 3 but what made the concert momentous was that after the intermission she returned as a pianist and gave an accomplished, beautifully personal performance of Grieg's Piano Concerto. [New York Times] - Jiri B lohlavek's track record in this repertoire marks him out as one of the leading Dvo ak interpreters of the day, and this beautifully presented, excellently recorded performance of Dvo ak's Fifth: Symphony will only enhance his reputation. [] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] ++++ 3) Congratulations ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds CONDOLENCES Wanya Cooper Dearest friend I am still in shock at your passing this evening. What an inspiration you have always been, to me and soo many others. We shared so much together as we laughed and cried our way through school, at hostel, in the bush .. wherever!! You were always such a joy to be around, I will always remember your smiley, bubbly face. God decided it was time to bring His Special Angel home, your Race was run, your purpose was fulfilled, You have finally reach your End Goal. Only a string of broken hearts left here below. My deepest profound sympathy to Grant and family, my prayers and thoughts are with you tonight. Hugs and love Nickie ++++ Marie Hex Remembered with love. Greatly missed. Blessed to have her in our lives. Annetta and Tony ++++ BULAWAYO - Dr Muriel Selma Fallala, a well-known specialist physician and administrator of the Galen House Casualty Unit in Bulawayo has been killed in a car accident. Dr Selma was alone and behind the wheel of her Mitsubishi when she reportedly lost control during an afternoon downpour on 12th Avenue Extension near the United Bulawayo Hospitals. The vehicle reportedly rolled a few times and smashed into a precast wall. Bulawayo provincial medical director Dr Maphios Siamuchembu said: 'Dr Fallala has been a senior doctor in the community of Bulawayo providing health care for many decades. She was a specialist family medicine doctor running Galen House and many people have been served by her. 'It a sad loss to the community of Bulawayo province and a huge blow to the medical fraternity. We are all saddened by it and we send our condolences to the immediate family that is most impacted by this loss. We pray that the giver ad taker of life himself comforts them. 'As the ministry of health, .. we have lost as well and we join the family in mourning the passing on of this gallant daughter of Bulawayo.' ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News Appeal from BULAWAYO SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Knowing that the lockdown has given folk time to sort out cupboards, garages etc - please have a look at our Charity Shop List and our Kennel Wish List - you may be surprised how many unwanted items to you - are just what we are needing here at the kennels! Shop All the volunteers who work at the charity shop deserve a big pat on the back, but they DO need items to sell! - apparently the shelves are rather bare, so they would appreciate any unwanted saleable household goods, such as ornaments, glassware, crockery, pictures, clothing, garden tools, small items of furniture, jam jars for the jam makers! - in fact anything they can sell to make money to help the kennels. They have Ecocash for convenience - items can be dropped off at the Charity shop - 127e,Robert Mugabe Way. Kennel and Clinic Wish List If folk could donate any one of these items, that would be fantastic! Old blankets and towels, Newspapers,Tinned + Dried Pet Food for Dogs and Cats, Fly Smear, Old Crepe Bandages, Latex Gloves, Face Masks, Paper Towels, Disinfectant Wipes, Antiseptic Wound Spray, Dressings, Toys for Cats, Cat Carriers, Dog Boxes or Cages, Fly Spray, Bolt Cutters, Brooms both Soft and Stiff, Disposable Aprons, off cuts of Foam Rubber to cover donkey harnesses. all can be dropped off at the Kennels, cnr of Magazine and Khami Road - if you can donate just one of these items.. it will improve the welfare of at least one animal - Thank You! ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT HOUSE FOR SALE IN VICTORIA FALLS Spacious Property - 3 homes on one secure, gated and walled 3200 square meter stand in Victoria Falls. A 310 square meter 4 bedroom house, plus a 310 square meter 3 bedroom house, plus a 40 square meter one bedroom cottage, all on one beautiful property in the low density 'old town' area of Victoria Falls. Walled gated and secured, just a few minutes from the main city centre. 3 separate rental streams for the wily investor, absolutely ideal for easy conversion into a boutique lodge, or a large family home. No water problems with good municipal water. Email:- for further details ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO HOUSES FOR SALE KUMALO - $220,000 (NEW LISTING) Neatly built family home in a good part of Kumalo. Four bedrooms, (main bedroom, dressing area, spacious main ensuite), family bathroom, neatly fitted kitchen, double carport, working borehole, empty swimming pool, 2 solar geyser, walled and electric gate. Two roomed Cottage with two bathrooms, kitchen , double domestic quarters. KUMALO - $240,000 Superb spacious family home. Four bedrooms, (main bedroom, fully carpeted, nursery, small office, main ensuite), family bathroom, study, fitted kitchen, laundry, double lock-up garage, carport, working borehole, sparkling swimming pool, solar geyser. NOSTRO PAYMENT ACCEPTABLE KENSINGTON - $250,000 This property is a must see. On 1.772 hectares with a working borehole, orchard, and vegetable garden, 2 cattle kraals, chicken runs plenty of ground for market gardening. This secure homestead has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, combined lounge/dining room, beautifully fitted kitchen with an extractor fan. SUBURBS - 120,000 The perfect property for the professional, close to the city centre, comprising 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, (borehole needs attention), double garage. Stand Size +/-1479m MALINDELA - $90,000 Ideally situated, close to Mater Dei hospital, and Shopping Centres. This property comprises: Brick under tile, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, combined lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, lock - up garage, walled with sliding gate. Stand size: 1309m LAND FOR SALE KENSINGTON- Undeveloped 2 acre stands $30 000 KENSINGTON- Undeveloped 5 acre stands $50 000 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE SIZINDA - $180,000 Business opportunity in the heart of Sizinda. Double storey. Downstairs: Shop, 2 storerooms, kitchen and cold room 120m Upstairs: Bar and storeroom 120m OUT OF BULAWAYO BEIT BRIDGE - $110,000 (NEGOTIABLE) BUT, 3 Bedrooms, lounge, diningroom, carport for 4 vehicles, enclosed veranda COTTAGE: 2 bedrooms. Property is walled and gated HWANGE - $85,000 Built on Baobab Hill, close to the Baobab Hotel, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fitted kitchen, fenced and gated. For these and other properties for sale phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), Kelvin 0773 366 207, Bryan 0772238431, Probity 0782119972, email or visit us on Property Book (Rodor VALUATIONS We are registered with the VALUERS COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE, and offer a complete and efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose. For Valuations, phone (029) 224581/3 (landline), 0772238431, or email or PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. At present we have: HOUSES NEWTON WEST - 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen. US$250 - Immediate occupation HILLSIDE - 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study, lock - up garage, walled & gated - US$600 - 1st December. QUEENS PARK EAST - 3 bedrooms, lounge, fitted kitchen, walled and gated - US$400 - 1st December NKETA 8 - 3 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet and bathroom, walled & gated - US$250 - 1st December FLATS CBD: 2 Bedrooms, fitted kitchen, bathroom and shower, separate toilet - US$500 - 1stJanuary COMMERCIAL Donnington - double storey - factory/offices/good parking area situated on 6000m of land. Must be seen to be appreciated - US$4,500 negotiable - available immediately. For information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe ++++ 14) Catering and Food We spent a lovely day with friends who had hired a caterer to look after us. From an excellent starter, freshly prepared main course and a delicious pud, the whole day was brilliantly managed. ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE Vehicle for Sale ...... Chevrolet Spark Lite for Sale. Light Blue in Colour. 180 509 on the clock. 2013 Model. ( Was used in a driving school ). It's a neat little runner for utilising for daily errands. The only thing that needs attention is the Suspension. Reason for the sale : I would like to purchase a truck Cost 3 500 USD. ( Slightly negotiable ). Contact Crystal for viewing & test driving on 078 847 0663 ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20 ) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED CATERER ADVERTISEMENT An Independent Primary School in Bulawayo, invites suitably qualified individuals to apply for position of Caterer. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 5 O Levels. Experience in similar position. Computer literacy. Proficient English. Experience running a large kitchen, specialised functions. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Oversee running of kitchen, dining hall, kitchen staff. Ordering supplies, ensure hygienic storage. Planning menus according to budget and dietary requirements. Comply with food and safety legislation. Maintain high standards. Work independently. Resident on Campus all term. by 12 November 2021. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ++++ VACANCY - STORES CLERK We are growing! Almond Africa, Bulawayo Branch is looking for suitably qualified personnel to fill an opening within our company as a Stores Clerk. Qualifications: Minimum Requirements: Diploma in mathematics, statistics, or procurement and supply Proficient computer skills, particularly spreadsheet software At least 2 years proven work experience in a similar role * Clean class 4 drivers licence is an added advantage * CIPS certificates (level 2 or 3) are an added advantage Desired Attributes: Knowledge of manual and electronic inventory management systems Fastidious Comfortable working in an industrial/warehouse environment Physically fit, as some climbing and minimal lifting may be necessary The Role: Maintain accurate record of inventory and stock management systems according to set standards Verify receipts and confirm purchase contents and orders are complete and of set quality Ensure regulation of in-stock level complies with inventory parameters Ensure appropriate presentation and merchandising of stock in the warehouse Anticipate and prepare daily inventory requirements for despatch, based on the monthly service schedules Periodically lease with Divisional Managers on forecasted works, outside of the normal service schedules, to ensure required inventory is sourced in time Establish and maintain good working relationships with suppliers to enable easier procurement of local products Carry out analysis of pricing structures to gain insight regarding competitive prices and make necessary adjustments in order to benefit from current pricing Ensure purchase inventory is within specified budget and readily notify the respective Divisional Manager when budget is exceeded Oversee inventory audits and report to the finance department on any variances Generate job cards and similar documents and reconcile these with stock issued Maintain a record of company assets at clients' premises Almond Africa is an equal opportunities employer. Please forward CV, application letter, copies of all academic and professional certificates and at least 2 reference letters to ++++ Salaries Administrator SEEKING EMPLOYMENT A highly experienced Salaries Administrator looking for a position. Experience on the following: HR issues Entire salaries processing using Belina Payroll SI and Non SI returns NSSA etc Worked with different NECs Commercial, Clothing, Mining and Engineering. Looking for full time or part time Self motivated, self starter, team player, work to deadlines. Experienced in high volume work load and big payrolls of more than 600 employees. I am.looking for a favorable environment in terms of package and employ relations. Whatsup 0777999562 ++++ Mature Lady 64 looking for part time domestic work. 3- 4 days a week. I am a good cook and can manage all household duties. I worked for 30 years for my previous employer who left the country. References available. Contact details. Opah +263 77277 6081 ++++ Employment required. I am a 28 year old single mom.. I need a job, in a shop, or secretarial, I have experience working in an events company. I am hardworking, able to work with a team, I find it easy to learn and adapt to new ideas. My phone number is 0779028746 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady with years of experience in Office Admin, Secretarial work, seeking a suitable position. Clean Class 4 driver's licence. Available immediately. Contact Lyn 0775332204 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT A Gentleman with a Class 2 licence, Auto Electrical experience and of sober habits, seeks a position as a Driver (without defensive driving). Available to start work immediately. Tel or whatsapp 0778684134. ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Vibrant and enthusiastic young man with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance, has experience as an Accountant, Distribution Manager, internal auditor, and is proficient in Pastel and Arch Retail Seeking employment in the accounting field under the following positions: bookkeeper, accountant, distribution and warehouse manager. Contact 0775723481 ++++ 21) SERVICES Great service from Nyasha Plumbing Services. Telephone 0773485801 ++++ SERVICES Rob Sinclair is an expert plumber. He has had many years of experience. Anything to do with loos, bathrooms, geysers, plumbing, borehole repairs and tank installations. Rob Sinclair is your man. Phone Rob on 0772230551 ++++ FINELIST We are specialists in the following business consultancy Services: Shelf companies Own Name Company Registrations Private Business Corporations (PBCs) Tax Clearances, Tax Returns , QPDs,Tax Planning and VAT Registrations Year- end Financial Statements Bookkeeping and Accounting Services Annual Returns, CR14 (Change of Directors) Share Capital Redenomination to US$ Trading licenses e.g. shop LICENCES , security companies , liquor etc Payroll Preparation Project Proposals and Cash flows Moneylending shelf companies and license applications Vendor number and State Procurement Board Registrations. NSSA, Zimdef, Nec Registration Applications for Import licences/permits South African Company Registrations including BEE Certification and Tax Registration Botswana Company Registration Processing of Import permits/licences. Business Brokering Services - Are you buying or selling a business We link business buyers with sellers and vice versa. We also link business people looks for joint ventures/partnerships and equity finance- We also sell memory cards and Flash drives - GOTTA BRAND - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES. Sizes 8 gig , 16 gig , 32 gig. Tel: 0716 297 206 Cell: 263772850705 Email: Website: ++++ LANGTON GWIDZIMA MAKES EXCELLENT MENS WORKSUITS. I have purchased them for my employees. All colours $17 app or call 0777335793. He also makes very pretty uniforms for female domestic employees. ++++ SERVICES Soraya Carvalho: Farm Fresh Yoghurt and Cheese for sale Plain yoghurt USD2.00 Blueberry SWIRL Yoghurt USD2.50 Apple Vanilla yoghurt USD2.50 Choc Chip Caramel yoghurt USD3.00 Golden Spice yoghurt USD2.50 Cream Cheese 500grm US= D3.00 Garlic Cream Cheese 500grm USD3.00 Chives Cream Cheese 500 grm USD3.00 Black Pepper Cream Cheese 500 grms USD3.00 Ricotta Cheese 500grms USD2.50 Contact The Glen Farm Fresh Produce on 0778691097. Soraya Carvalho: ++++ NOBILITY GAS To our valued customers We work everyday tirelessly Stay safe and be protected from LP gas *protection is better than cure* Get your gas stoves and tanks fixed to avoid danger at a maximum level we don't just sell gas but we also protect you For more enlightenment about precautions of LP gas Servicing just contact @Nobilty 0774534948 or app 0773243100 ++++ SERVICES For all you domestic and industrial repairs and renovations: - carpentry, partitioning, ceilings, fascia boards, trusses, structural timber, roofing, floors, sanding, floor tiling, guttering, building, painting, welding, plumbing, electrical work plus much more. We also treat and replace all termite damaged floor-timber underneath all hollow tongue and grooved floors. We also repair broken durawalls and build new ones. Please contact us by telephone or send us a whatsapp message for a reasonable cost. Landline: +263 292 226473 Mobile: +263 772 312 320 Mobile: +263 772 322 181 ++++ LAVENDER'S BEAUTY SALON Situated at Macdonald Club in fourth Avenue Suburbs, behind the well known 'Sculpt Gym', Lavender has a cosy, beautifully appointed salon to cater for all your beauty requirements. waxing facials massage tinting pedicures and manicures Your total body beauty starts here. Telephone/whatsapp 077 590 1464 ++++ For all your wheel-chairs, walking frames, crutches, bedpans, walking sticks and commodes at unbeatable price please contact 0773 793 726 or 0777 029 111 ++++ Mobility aides i.e. , wheelie walkers, walking sticks, crutches, Zimmer frames, crutches as well as other patient care aids such as commodes, bed pans, urinals, sheepskin and adult diapers available for hire and sale at Island Hospice and Healthcare, Byo Branch. Well trained nurse aides also available at very competitive rates +263712845003/+263292277972 ++++ BEAVER TREE FELLER For all your tree cutting and trimming please contact Beaver Tree Feller. No job is too big for us plus we are insured. Contact 0733 896 375 or landline 09 - 476569 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++