Morning Mirror Edition 944 - 15/09/2021 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ EDITORIAL Some Famous Rhodesian Trials Chaplin High School is situated in Gweru, Zimbabwe, and was started in October 1902. It was started in a building of the Trinity Church, Gwelo and first named as the Trinity Church School. The school caters for boys and girls from form 1-6 and has boarders and day scholars. There are two boarding houses for boys named Duthie House and Coghlan House while girls are housed in either Lenfesty House or Maitland House. Maitland House is the sister hostel for Duthie while Lenfesty is the sister house for Coghlan House. Seven children reported for school in October 1902 when the school was first started. At that time, it was called the Trinity Church School as the building was in the Trinity Church of Gwelo. The first headmaster was Mr Watkinson while Miss Coates-Palgrave was the Assistant to the headmaster. The following January, 16 children moved to the current school grounds. In 1909, Mr A McDonald was appointed as the headmaster of the school which had been renamed the Gwelo Public School. He continued as the headmaster of the school until 1927 when he retired. In 1911, the government built a schoolhouse which was the first school hostel in the country. This schoolhouse was later renamed Duthie House after being opened by Mr George Duthie FRSE. Also 1911 saw Chaplin playing rugby against other schools for the first time. They lost to both Plumtree High School and Milton High School but were later to improve greatly providing players for both Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. In 1914, the first school magazine was printed. In 1923, the first girls hostel Maitland House was opened by Sir Drummond Chaplin and the school was renamed Chaplin. In 1928, Coghlan House was opened with Lenfesty being opened in 1950. In 1937, the seniors and the juniors were separated, which was the start of Cecil John Rhodes Primary School. On 7 July 1953, The Queens Gate was opened by Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. Many notable men were educated at Chaplin School and probably the most famous was Ian Douglas Smith who went on to become Prime Minister of Rhodesia from 1964 to 1979. Ian was a student at Chaplin from 1933 to 1937 (Duthie House) and head boy in 1937. He was the captain for rugby, cricket, athletics, tennis and boxing. Other famous me who emerged from this brilliant school were Alec Smith, Ian Douglas Smiths son, Chris Duckworth, cricketer Steve Elworthy, cricketer Richard Kaschula, cricketer Robert Ullyett, cricketer Michael Holman, journalist and author and of course the notorious Aiden Diggenden, Many tails abound about Aiden, he has been elevated to the Zorro of Zimbabwe and is claim to fame has been narrated by the Late Alan Hardy in the Book 'Some famous Rhodesian Trials. 'Zimbabwe's legendary Ford car obsessed prison breaker: Aiden Diggeden - In 1984, while doing grade five at Driefontein Mission one of my Harare friends serenaded us with the stories of a legendary criminal and jail breaker he referred to as 'Diggy Den'. I was fascinated by the tales told, though I never believed any of them. I was partly embarrassed too because being a policeman's son, I had never heard of this Diggeden. During the next holidays, I asked my father about Diggeden. My father related how this thieving and amazing white man escaped from any jail that ever tried to hold him. I was fascinated by it all. Then one Saturday morning some twenty five later, I went hunting for old books in Melville in Johannesburg. While trawling through old books from Rhodesia, my eyes were attracted by a book with the titled 'Some Famous Rhodesian Trials' by Alan Hardy. On opening the book, I was overjoyed to discover that one of the criminals covered in the book was Aiden Diggeden. For the first time, I had finally found something written and authentic about Diggeden. I immediately paid the R 180 price for the used book. It was money well spent. Aiden Diggeden was indeed one of those to whom the name legend is used without exaggeration. He was a criminal, yes, but one who made his trade proud. Alan Hardy narrates an amazing story of a man who could escape from any prison and yet had an obsession to steal Ford motor cars. Diggeden was born in Bulawayo in 1939. He attended his primary school there before proceeding to Chaplin High School in present day Gweru for his high school education. Chaplin was also Ian Douglas Smith's alma mater. Even in his days at Chaplin, he proved quite an adept thief. On leaving school, Diggeden was sent to prison in 1962 for stealing five cars- all of them Fords! He was sentenced to four years' hard labour. Yet imprisonment, or should I say being in prison, Diggeden did not stop him! On 30th September 1962, a large quantity of electric goods was stolen from a large Bulawayo shop. On the same day, a Ford Zephyr and a Ford Consul were reported stolen. One of the cars was found parked opposite Grey's Prison, where Diggeden was serving his sentence. The police were at sea about the culprits who had committed the crime. A month later, CABS offices in North End, Bulawayo were broken into and a large safe was stolen. On the same day, it was reported that two cars, a Ford Zephyr and a Ford Consul had been stolen. The safe was recovered in a farming area after the culprits were disturbed while trying to break it open. Once again, one of the stolen cars the Ford Consul was found parked opposite the prison. Two days later, robbers staged a daring attempted to steal $ 32, 000 which were wages being transported by the railways. After a mishap, the robbers disappeared into the night without managing to steal the cash. Police found a stolen Ford car next to the Mpopoma Siding, while another Ford was found near Grey Street Prison! A mistake in the railway robbery attempt gave the police the clue they wanted. A key dropped by the robbers showed that it belonged to Grey Street prison. The police were excited about the three prisoners sharing a cell: Diggeden, a renowned car thief with a penchant for Ford cars; Rinder who had attempted to use explosives in a bank robbery; and a violent criminal called Scalding. As Hardy says: 'They were safely in gaol at the time of the unsuccessful train robbery and each of the previous unsolved robberies.' However, thorough police interrogations got Rinder and Scalding confessing. They had smooth talked a prison guard to allow them to go in and out of prison. On searching their cell, the police found an assortment of tools useful for their crime spree. But Diggeden, a former Railways employee himself, could not stomach a new criminal trial for the crimes committed from prison. He therefore planned his escape from prison. The plan was to stage a mass break out. The rest of the prisoners would surrender once outside the prison walls, while Diggeden and his associates would escape. During the escape, Rinder and Scalding developed cold feet and gave themselves up, but not Diggeden! He vanished into thin and was 'neither seen nor heard of again in Rhodesia until 1965'. Diggeden had 'made his way to South Africa where he operated under assumed names. Posing as a car salesman he continued his life of crime in a somewhat more flamboyant fashion.' He reportedly got so good at trampoline that he won the South African trampoline title. By this time, Diggeden was operating under a false name. He was known as Colin Nicholas Trauter. He was arrested for car theft but escaped from a jail in Johannesburg before trial. He never returned to Johannesburg until 1980. During his South African stay Diggeden had not done small jobs. He had 'some fifty known cases of car theft'! Diggeden re-entered Zimbabwe in February 1966 through Forbes Border Post in present day Mutare with a companion named John Terence Dillman. They had British passports and pretended to be visitors in transit to Zambia. Shortly after arriving in the then Salisbury, Diggeden and his friend did something uncharacteristic- they stole a Mini Cooper! They then went to CABS branch in Mabelreign and held up the teller before making off with $ 1,750 using a toy gun. The police was put on national alert. Meanwhile, Diggeden and his companion had headed to the City of Kings by train. They decided to check into the Plaza Hotel and hired a room in the name of J T Dillman. When police came around the hotel sniffing around for them, the pair made off from the breakfast table and left behind $ 1 680 of the bank loot behind in Room 111! Police also found two passports in the name of JT Dillman. This enabled the police to link Diggeden to the bank robbery. The teller identified the two men in the passports as the robbers. A nationwide manhunt was launched, but it came to no avail. Police then received the news that Diggeden and Dillman had been arrested in Zambia for car theft and had been convicted and sentenced to three years imprisonment. Two senior detectives travelled to Zambia to interrogate them. While Dillman admitted the offences, Diggeden denied everything. Yet, he informed the detectives that he intended to escape from prison in Zambia. Diggeden was found with a hack-saw blade which he intended to use for his escape and was charged with attempted escape in the Zambia High Court on 9th September 1966. Diggeden lived up to his reputation. During the court proceedings, Diggeden sprinted out of court and disappeared into thin air! On arrival in Bulawayo two days later, the fugitive was arrested by detectives. He pleaded guilty to a number of the crimes he was facing and was sentenced to thirteen years in jail. In order to ensure that Diggeden served his sentence, they transferred him to Salisbury maximum prison (Harare Prison, next to Morris Depot). When prison authorities heard rumours that Diggeden was planning another escape, they confronted him. Typically, he replied that the prison would never hold him. They had been warned! As Hardy relates: 'Just one year after his recapture, at 3.45pm on 31 January 1968, one of the most daring and ingenious escapes in the annals of Rhodesian prisons was under way. Months of planning and preparation went into this amazing man's next bid for freedom.' Aiden Diggeden had fortuitously come across the master key of the maximum security section. He had sketched and made a copy at the prison workshop. He had also stolen civilian clothes from the store room and also made another key for the trap door above the maximum section. Diggeden and his accomplice Lionel Barker used their duplicate keys to escape from cells into the loft. From there they made a ladder using stolen towels and other materials. They then crawled on the roof timbers and opened an air-vent they had previously loosened. As Hardy narrates: 'Here they paused, forty feet above the ground. After securing the rope-ladder, Barker went first, but is weight was too much for the ladder and he plunged to the ground, breaking his leg in the fall.' This is the moment we would shout in the village, 'koinda nhete hobvu dzokorwa nemanda'! The fat one was pulled back by his weight! The injury cost Barker his escape. But Diggeden would not abandon his comrade. He carried him to the prison chapel and prepared him a bed with bench cushions. Diggeden stayed with Barker comforting him until at 4.30am when Diggeden then made his next move. Barker remained in pain in the chapel and would not alert anyone until Diggeden was well on his way. Diggeden used one of the chapel benches to jump over perimeter and made his way to the prison parking area. He concealed himself under one of the trucks and at 5.30am, he was driven out of the prison while hiding between the body and the chassis. Diggeden slipped off and made his way to what is now Chikurubi Support Unit. 'Walking to the police depot nearby, and in his usual audacious manner, he stole a bicycle which belonged to a depot inspector, and rode to Salisbury.' Diggeden was back to freedom! Another national man hunt was unleashed. Surprise, surprise...on getting into the city, Diggeden stole another Ford Anglia. The Ford Anglia found abandoned the next day along Mazoe Street. He stole another Ford which the police found abandoned near the central police station. Diggeden went under and only surfaced some days later in Bulawayo. A detective gave chase as Diggeden drove a stolen car but lost the target. On 7th February, the police finally made a breakthrough. 'An African storekeeper telephoned the police saying that a man who could have been Diggeden had been into the store and had then boarded an African bus heading for Essexvale (now Esigodini). Diggeden was arrested on the bus. He was taken back to Harare and, seeing all his accomplices had confessed, admitted what had happened. He was sentenced to a further eighteen months for escaping. He now faced a total imprisonment of fourteen and a half years. But Diggeden would not be suppressed. A year later he made another dash for freedom. This time, he asked to see the prison senior officials. He just dashed off while being accompanied back to holding cells from the visit. He out sprinted the surprised guards and scaled a sixteen feet wall to momentary freedom. A detective who was nearby disturbed this dash to freedom. Diggeden was arrested again. His additional sentence meant that he faced the prospect over sixteen years in jail. But Diggeden was not done yet. 'At 6.45pm on 6 August 1970, the seemingly inconceivable happened. Diggeden, under stringent maximum security surveillance and confined to a cell measuring ten feet by eight feet and ten feet high, for approximately sixteen hours a day, was reported to have escaped from prison and was again on the run!'A massive man hunt was called off three hours later after Diggeden 'was found hiding in a water-tank on the roof of one of the cell blocks.' Another year was added to his sentence for the attempted escape. According to Hardy: 'The forlorn outlook of over seventeen years of incarceration and the possibility of extradition to South Africa at the end of his prison term in Rhodesia, gave Diggeden little to look forward to other than to plan his next escape, and somehow to get out of the country.' As expected, Diggeden escaped again from the maximum prison on 15 November 1971. This time he used a key he made in the prison workshop to escape the maximum security section. Hardy explains the most incredible escape plan: 'His plan was so extraordinarily impudent that it is difficult to believe he actually got away with it. Dressed as a prison guard ostensibly in charge of two European prisoner- one carrying a film projector and the other a screen- Diggeden nonchalantly walked to the main gate of the prison. Disguising his voice, and in an admirably authoritative manner, Diggeden told the duty warder to open the gate as he had outside work for the two prisoners to perform, saying that he was taking the two men to give a cine show at the prisoners' mess. Bidding his 'colleague' a pleasant 'cheerio', the duty warder opened the main gate and let the three men out!' You have to give it to Diggeden! Once outside the prison, he stole 'a warder's Ford Anglia which was parked outside the prison gate and the three men drove towards the city centre.' They were free for a few days before a tip-off from members of the public who had seen them driving a white Ford in the Avenues area started a man hunt 'described as the biggest in Rhodesian history'. Diggeden and his two accomplices were finally cornered in the Avenues that evening and arrested. In February 1972, Diggeden received 'two years' hard labour for escaping and an addition two years' hard labour for taking and driving a car without the owner's consent. Three years and six months of the sentence were conditionally suspended.' This sentence marked the last time Diggeden would attempt to escape from prison. He served twelve years out of a sentence of eighteen years and was released from prison on 16 November 1978. The day after his release, he left for England to take up a job as an accounts clerk. While in England, Diggeden found time to write a letter to the police magazine the Outpost. The letter was reproduced by other national papers. In the letter, he praised the police for the hard work they put in ensuring that he was arrested for his offences! But Diggeden was not done with crime. On 11 April 1980, newspapers reported that Diggeden had been jailed for five years for stealing 41, 000 British Pounds from British employers. Shiri ine muririwo wayo! The money was apparently squandered on a trip to South Africa, where he had unfinished business with the law over the theft of over fifty cars some years before. The whereabouts of Aiden Diggeden remain a mystery. He is one compatriot I would want to sit down with and listen to the story of his life. His obsession with Ford, his aversion to imprisonment and his ability to escape from prisons make him a true legend in his own right. It is said that much of his loot was invested in Kruger Rands gold coins in South Africa. If you see a wealthy fellow, in his 70s, driving a Ford, you may be in the presence of 'greatness'! May we never see his like again! Tererai Mafukidze ++++ Watchdog Island Hospice & Healthcare has an office for rent, if you are interested please contact us on the following No's Landline: 0292 77972 or cell: 0712845003 for viewing, we are situated at No. 2 George Silundika st corner Masotsha Ndlovu ++++ 2) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC & PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO Tel: 60684 / 67195 E-mail: The Academy is open for lessons and its new term has begun. The office is open 8.30 - 4.30 Monday to Friday and full details of lessons, fees, etc. can be obtained from there: Tel: 60684 / 67197 - E-mail: DVDs resume on Thursday 16 September but the following week sees both the Trade Fair and the Intwasa Festival: the former makes access to the Academy difficult and the latter would like to make use of the Academy for some of its events so there will be no DVDs during that week. The programme for September is as below. The Note will be open during the interval on Thursdays and Fridays. Please place orders in advance so that they can be ready as the interval begins. Further details from or phone 0774 004 449 or 0771 048 995. Advance notice that Theo Bross (cello) and Maxime Zecchini (piano) will return for a concert on Tuesday 19 October. THURSDAY 16 SEPTEMBER AT 6.00 P.M. SUITE FRANCAISE France, 1940. In the first days of occupation, beautiful Lucile Angellier (Michelle Williams) is trapped in a stifled existence with her controlling mother-in-law (Kristin Scott Thomas) as they both await news of her husband, a prisoner of war. Parisian refugees start to pour into their small town, soon followed by a regiment of German soldiers who take up residence in the villagers' houses. Lucile initially tries to ignore Lieutenant Bruno von Falk (Matthias Schoenaerts), but soon, a powerful love draws them together.. - A handsome, thoroughly respectable adaptation of the novel by Irene Nemirovsky that became a bestseller 60 years after her death in Auschwitz. [Daily Express] - A gripping slice of history and an intoxicating love story in the classic mould. [Radio Times] - Suite Francaise is handsomely made and boasts two exceptional central performances. [Independent] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 17 SEPTEMBER AT 6.00 P.M. ADAM: GISELLE Perhaps the most celebrated ballet of the Romantic era, Adolphe Adam's 'Giselle' is the dramatic story of a peasant girl whose betrayal by her aristocratic lover causes her to go mad before dying and returning as a ghost. Featuring the fabulous Alina Cojocaru in the title role and Johan Kobborg as a torn Count Albrecht, Peter Wright's sparkling production and John Macfarlane's pastoral designs create an opulent feast for the eyes. - This production from the Royal Ballet is a treat, everything Giselle should be. [IMDb] - You can't ask for more than thematic richness like this coupled to exquisite dancing and Macfarlane's threatening forest set, the stuff of (terrifying) fairy tales. [The Arts Desk] - Cojocaru and Kobborg] are a touching pair and the remaining roles are no less brilliant and as strongly characterized. The Royal Corps de Ballet is superb. A compelling performance, with fine supportive playing from the Covent Garden orchestra under Boris Gruzin and expert video direction throughout. [Penguin Guide] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAYS 30 SEPTEMBER, 7 & 14 OCTOBER AT 6.00 P.M. LINE OF DUTY: SERIES 3 The third series of 'Line of Duty' follows AC12 as they make an investigation into the actions of Sergeant Danny Waldron and his squad of officers who were deployed to take Ronan Murphy into custody. Murphy bails out of his car and Danny chases him on foot to a dead end in a housing estate where he seemingly shoots him in cold blood. As the investigation unfolds, AC12 discover that it intertwines with that of The Caddy and Tommy Hunter... - Unbeatable, utterly unpredictable viewing. [The Telegraph] - Each episode ramped up the tension with surprises galore. [Digital Spy] - Explosive. [Daily Mirror] Admission: US$2.00 / US$5.00 for the series [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 1 OCTOBER AT 6.00 P.M. DONIZETTI: LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR Carriages 8.45 p.m. Perhaps Donizetti's best-known opera, 'Lucia di Lammermoor' is based on 'The Bride of Lammermoor' by Sir Walter Scott who was born 250 years ago on 15 August 1771. Anna Netrebko plays Donizetti's hapless heroine in this 2009 Met production by Mary Zimmerman that updates the events to the 19th century, and Piotr Becza a, then a rising young sensation, now established as one of the world's leading tenors, is Edgardo. - Netrebko shaped the arching phrases with rich sound and lyrical suppleness.. her earthy, subdued expressivity had me thinking of Callas. [New York Post] - I've seen dozens of Lucias... The present performance was superior to all others because it was a total theatrical experience. All the cast was involved in the drama, and drama it was [Amazon] Admission: US$2.00 [free to Red Carpet members] ++++ 3) Congratulations ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds CONDOLENCES Vernon Hammond It is with deep deep sadness that I let you all know our amazing Dad passed away suddenly last evening. We are all in shock and it is devastating to lose such a wonderful soul, heaven must have needed it's angel back. He will be missed by so many and his legacy will carry on in all of us and the generations to come. Spread your wings Dad and fly we know you will always be with us and your grandkids know you will be with them and guide them. We all love you more than words can say ++++ Marja Ioannou Our beautiful wife, mom and grandmother, Marja, passed away in Australia on Thursday 5th August 2021 after a short battle with cancer. Many of you will remember her from Joan the Florist where she was surrounded by flowers from 1969 to 2001. She will be forever in our hearts. Themos, Nicole, Michael and families ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News Appeal from BULAWAYO SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Knowing that the lockdown has given folk time to sort out cupboards, garages etc - please have a look at our Charity Shop List and our Kennel Wish List - you may be surprised how many unwanted items to you - are just what we are needing here at the kennels! Shop All the volunteers who work at the charity shop deserve a big pat on the back, but they DO need items to sell! - apparently the shelves are rather bare, so they would appreciate any unwanted saleable household goods, such as ornaments, glassware, crockery, pictures, clothing, garden tools, small items of furniture, jam jars for the jam makers! - in fact anything they can sell to make money to help the kennels. They have Ecocash for convenience - items can be dropped off at the Charity shop - 127e,Robert Mugabe Way. Kennel and Clinic Wish List If folk could donate any one of these items, that would be fantastic! Old blankets and towels, Newspapers,Tinned + Dried Pet Food for Dogs and Cats, Fly Smear, Old Crepe Bandages, Latex Gloves, Face Masks, Paper Towels, Disinfectant Wipes, Antiseptic Wound Spray, Dressings, Toys for Cats, Cat Carriers, Dog Boxes or Cages, Fly Spray, Bolt Cutters, Brooms both Soft and Stiff, Disposable Aprons, off cuts of Foam Rubber to cover donkey harnesses. all can be dropped off at the Kennels, cnr of Magazine and Khami Road - if you can donate just one of these items. it will improve the welfare of at least one animal - Thank You! ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT Good day to you my name is Nigel I'm looking for a 2 bedroom cottage my contact is 0772255696 or 0713989691. ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO HOUSES AND STANDS FOR SALE KENSINGTON: Undeveloped 2 acre stands - $30 000 KENSINGTON: Undeveloped 5 acre stands - $50 000 KUMALO - $275 000 Magnificent double storey - property, with class and elegance, it's a 'must see'. KUMALO - $185 000 Neat single storey home, brick under tile, comprising lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, bathroom, fitted kitchen with hob and oven, veranda, double lock - up carport, double servants quarters, working borehole, walled and gated. MATSHEUMHLOPE- $213, 000 Neatly built home, brick under tile, 4 bedrooms, main ensuite bathroom, family bathroom, toilet, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, garage for 4 cars, carport for 9 vehicles, three roomed domestic quarters, walled and gated. KUMALO - $296 000 Brick under tile, double-storey house comprising lounge, dining room, study, 3 bedrooms, main ensuite bathroom, 2 family bathrooms, separate toilet, fitted kitchen, pantry, laundry, double lock-up garage, 4 domestic quarters, working borehole games room, functional swimming pool, walled and gated. For these and other desirable properties for sale phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), +263 773 366 207, email or visit us on Property Book (Rodor Properties (Pvt) Ltd) VALUATIONS We are registered with the VALUERS COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE, and offer a complete and efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose. For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), +263 772238431, or email or PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management department will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. At present we have: HOUSE Newton West - 3 bedrooms, solar geyser, working borehole. US$400 for 1st October 2021. FLAT Sauerstown: 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and toilet - US$400 for immediate occupation. For information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20 ) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED Employment required. I am a 28 year old single mom.. I need a job, in a shop, or secretarial, I have experience working in an events company. I am hardworking, able to work with a team, I find it easy to learn and adapt to new ideas. My phone number is 0779028746 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady with years of experience in Office Admin, Secretarial work, seeking a suitable position. Clean Class 4 driver's licence. Available immediately. Contact Lyn 0775332204 ++++ VACANCY A vacancy for a cattle assistant has risen on a small intensive cattle stud. Ability to handle labour and computer literacy essential. Please email application and CV to ++++ A vacancy for a CATTLE SECTION ASSISTANT has arisen on a small intensive cattle stud. Ability to handle labour and computer literacy essential Please email applications and CV to ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT A Gentleman with a Class 2 licence, Auto Electrical experience and of sober habits, seeks a position as a Driver (without defensive driving). Available to start work immediately. Tel or whatsapp 0778684134. ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Vibrant and enthusiastic young man with a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Finance, has experience as an Accountant, Distribution Manager, internal auditor, and is proficient in Pastel and Arch Retail Seeking employment in the accounting field under the following positions: bookkeeper, accountant, distribution and warehouse manager. Contact 0775723481 ++++ 21) SERVICES As a very recent returning Zimbo I did find recycling bins: Plastic and glass at Ascot Plastic and tins behind Zonkie Izizwe (further along that the Value Gas). The SPCA request paper for their kennels. ++++ Rob Sinclair is an expert plumber. He has had many years of experience. Anything to do with loos, bathrooms, geysers, plumbing, borehole repairs and tank installations. Rob Sinclair is your man. Phone Rob on 0772230551 ++++ FINELIST We are specialists in the following business consultancy Services: Shelf companies Own Name Company Registrations Private Business Corporations (PBCs) Tax Clearances, Tax Returns , QPDs,Tax Planning and VAT Registrations Year- end Financial Statements Bookkeeping and Accounting Services Annual Returns, CR14 (Change of Directors) Share Capital Redenomination to US$ Trading licenses e.g. shop LICENCES , security companies , liquor etc Payroll Preparation Project Proposals and Cash flows Moneylending shelf companies and license applications Vendor number and State Procurement Board Registrations. NSSA, Zimdef, Nec Registration Applications for Import licences/permits South African Company Registrations including BEE Certification and Tax Registration Botswana Company Registration Processing of Import permits/licences. Business Brokering Services - Are you buying or selling a business We link business buyers with sellers and vice versa. We also link business people looks for joint ventures/partnerships and equity finance- We also sell memory cards and Flash drives - GOTTA BRAND - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRICES. Sizes 8 gig , 16 gig , 32 gig. Tel: 0716 297 206 Cell: 263772850705 Email: Website: ++++ LANGTON GWIDZIMA MAKES EXCELLENT MENS WORKSUITS. I have purchased them for my employees. All colours $17 app or call 0777335793. He also makes very pretty uniforms for female domestic employees. ++++ SERVICES Soraya Carvalho: Farm Fresh Yoghurt and Cheese for sale Plain yoghurt USD2.00 Blueberry SWIRL Yoghurt USD2.50 Apple Vanilla yoghurt USD2.50 Choc Chip Caramel yoghurt USD3.00 Golden Spice yoghurt USD2.50 Cream Cheese 500grm US= D3.00 Garlic Cream Cheese 500grm USD3.00 Chives Cream Cheese 500 grm USD3.00 Black Pepper Cream Cheese 500 grms USD3.00 Ricotta Cheese 500grms USD2.50 Contact The Glen Farm Fresh Produce on 0778691097. Soraya Carvalho: ++++ NOBILITY GAS To our valued customers We work everyday tirelessly Stay safe and be protected from LP gas protection is better than cure* Get your gas stoves and tanks fixed to avoid danger at a maximum level we don't just sell gas but we also protect you For more enlightenment about precautions of LP gas Servicing just contact @Nobilty 0774534948 or app 0773243100 ++++ SERVICES For all you domestic and industrial repairs and renovations: - carpentry, partitioning, ceilings, fascia boards, trusses, structural timber, roofing, floors, sanding, floor tiling, guttering, building, painting, welding, plumbing, electrical work plus much more. We also treat and replace all termite damaged floor-timber underneath all hollow tongue and grooved floors. We also repair broken durawalls and build new ones. Please contact us by telephone or send us a whatsapp message for a reasonable cost. Landline: +263 292 226473 Mobile: +263 772 312 320 Mobile: +263 772 322 181 ++++ LAVENDER'S BEAUTY SALON Situated at Macdonald Club in fourth Avenue Suburbs, behind the well known 'Sculpt Gym', Lavender has a cosy, beautifully appointed salon to cater for all your beauty requirements. waxing facials massage tinting pedicures and manicures Your total body beauty starts here. Telephone/whatsapp 077 590 1464 ++++ For all your wheel-chairs, walking frames, crutches, bedpans, walking sticks and commodes at unbeatable price please contact 0773 793 726 or 0777 029 111 ++++ Mobility aides i.e. , wheelie walkers, walking sticks, crutches, Zimmer frames, crutches as well as other patient care aids such as commodes, bed pans, urinals, sheepskin and adult diapers available for hire and sale at Island Hospice and Healthcare, Byo Branch. Well trained nurse aides also available at very competitive rates +263712845003/+263292277972 ++++ BEAVER TREE FELLER For all your tree cutting and trimming please contact Beaver Tree Feller. No job is too big for us plus we are insured. Contact 0733 896 375 or landline 09 - 476569 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats And Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++