Morning Mirror Edition 866 - 18/02/2020 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home. EDITORIAL THE DENIM JEANS BRIGADE They call the denim jean the "modern day corset "!! Gone are the days in which one had to suffer through the horrifying tortures of the "two way" or the "slenderella", as corsets used to be named affectionately ..... Well, maybe not affectionately.... I remember an aunt who had an appliance made out of rubber, rather like those rubber shower mats you get in hotels to stop you from slipping.!! It was made of tubular rubber about 18 inches in length, and you had to actually climb inside the darn thing. Well climb is probably the wrong word to use, squeeze, squirm, squelch your way inside, would be more appropriate choice of words !! It helped to lather the inside of the corset with talcum powder to make the adipose tissue more sensuously slithery, more malleable and less resistant. The purpose of this machine of indescribable torture was to shape the body - miraculously transform a rather matronly figure into an hourglass shape, holding all the quivering flesh tight and firm and creating a rather more curvaceous arrangement of one's flesh. Lets face it, the desired effect was to look...well...slimmer. But unfortunately that was not the case. For a start, the corset needed to be manufactured out of some sort of nuclear withstanding compound that could only have emanated from NASSA. To cope with the battering that the corset took, the grappling with every ounce of strength a gal had, the abuse sustained by struggling fingers and thumbs. The stubborn body armour needed to be coaxed, nay, bludgeoned over those quivering thunder thighs, grappled desperately past the multitudinous love handles, to sink thankfully and gratefully over the quivering gelatinous belly and then to be coerced even further across the dreaded midriff bulge..... It was a labour of love, a heaving, sweating, extraordinarily exhausting labour of love. And to what end I hear you ask Well for beauty of course, for vanity, for pride. Imagine how magnificent Aunty now looked, her gargantuan size was now successfully reduced from a size 22 to a size 20 (around the hips that is) because what Aunty did not realise , and what we all failed dismally to tell Aunty, was that her hips may have reduced in size, but all that flesh had to go somewhere, and now her ample bosom looked the size of a block of flats !!! To say nothing of her knees !!! It was pure weight displacement, nothing else, poor Aunty, she was totally exhausted but in vain oblivion to her plight, and one thing was for sure, NOONE was going to enlighten her !! My goodness, that was a long preamble, what I was really trying to tell you girls, is that the corset as Aunty knew it, has now made way for the much more alluring denim jean brigade...... It is a miracle is it not The jeans strain pleasantly over the vast derriere, it is probably an optical illusion but the butt possibly looks a tad smaller......but HOLD ON.....what has happened to the size of our knees !!!! And why do I have difficulty in breathing, is it because my midriff is now tucked uncomfortably but securely under my solar plexus. Ah Vanity ... thy name is Woman...... but grateful thanks to Mr Levi !! ++++ WATCHDOG The all Volunteer US and Canadian Surgical team, OPERATION OF HOPE targets 90 free facial reconstructive surgeries May 2020 Operation of Hope Celebrates 31 years of Good Works in 2020 Operation of Hope, a 31-year old, US/Canadian based surgical charity, is planning their 26th surgical mission to Zimbabwe. Since 2006, they have performed more than 5,000 free cleft surgeries for children and adults in Zimbabwe, alone. 90+ children and adults are targeted for a free facial reconstructive surgery at the following dates: Screening Days: Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo, Screening Day: Sat. May 2nd Bulawayo Mpilo Hospital Sunday, May 10th Bulawayo Screening Day, Friday May 22nd at Karanda Mission Hospital, Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe, Africa The team of Board certified reconstructive surgeons and 18 other volunteers, support the confidence and social success of children around the world. "Having an attractive smile is crucial not only for self-esteem but also for the ability to interact effectively in modern society, where smiling is one of the most basic interactions between people," says President of Operation of Hope, Jennifer Mora Trubenbach, 'Some of these children don't have a smile at all. Often, they cover their mouths and are hidden from school or church because of this relatively easy to fix problem, being a cleft lip or cleft palate." Operation of Hope depends on the kindness of private citizens, sponsors and the services of medical volunteers as all surgeries are free of charge to patients and their families. 'We are often asked as Americans, are we independently wealthy to do this work. No, Jennifer smiles. Most of the volunteers love to come to Zimbabwe for the very reason they first got into medicine - to help as many people as they can because they love doing so. Several of our volunteers are retired and instead of playing golf they choose to do these missions. Most of the nurses raise their funds by fundraising their own airfare by sharing the excitement of this trip with family and friends. Operation of Hope's funding comes from just ordinary people with big hearts and who truly understand what it would be like, if their own child needed his surgery and didn't have the financial means. And, she adds, we love the beautiful people of Zimbabwe and their incredible spirit. Schweppes Zimbabwe was most helpful in providing juice and water for the patients, as well as, thanking the team with a celebration team dinner. 'It's more than water and juice, said Jennifer 'If babies are hydrated before surgery it's much more difficult to put in an IV, and after surgery the water and juice is so instrumental in rehydrating the patient so they can recover faster. 'We are so thankful to Schweppes for truly understanding our mission and helping us take care of these kids as safely as we can,' she added. EcoNet has also been supportive in helping us get the word out to prospective patients, especially those on the rural areas. The Ministry of Health waived the Medical and Nursing Council fees for the team, saving the volunteer team thousands of dollars in registration fees. We are hoping they will extend this kindness on this upcoming mission. This year's team represents volunteers from India Canada, California, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Oregon and Massachusetts. Emirates Airlines in partnership with the Emirates Foundation was also instrumental in helping with the volunteer's airfare. In the US, this surgery costs $35K -$80K and the Operation of Hope team raises money all year to offer these surgeries for free to Zimbabweans. Not only are cleft sufferers given the changes they need to have a chance in society, but they also receive these improvements from qualified medical professionals, regardless of their ability to pay. Please contact Jennifer at for more information. ++++ 2) Notices and Events THE ACADEMY AND PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO ALL EVENTS IN THE ROBERT SIBSON HALL THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARY AT 7.00 P.M. THE PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN Most Inspector Clouseau fans regard 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' as the best of the clumsy Parisian detective's 'comeback' films of the 1970s. Now seriously mentally ill after working with Clouseau for such a long time, Inspector Dreyfus has finally cracked but he escapes from a mental institution and launches an elaborate plan to get rid of his nemesis once and for all. The best of the series, it stands as a glowing tribute to the comedic genius of Peter Sellers. I rate this one 10/10. [IMDb] In my book, THE best of the 'Pink Panthers'; Sellers is quite hilarious.[] Fifth 'Pink Panther' is one of the funniest. Sellers' hilarious Clouseau is backed up by better-than-usual gags... [Maltin's Movie Guide] Admission: $20.00 [free to Film members] FRIDAY 21 FEBRUARY AT 7.00 P.M. WAGNER: THE FLYING DUTCHMAN Wagner's drama of a sea captain, cursed to wander the ocean forever until he can be redeemed by the love and self- sacrifice of a good woman, is a relatively early work, still in touch with traditional operatic procedures and accessible to people who are not hard-core Wagnerians. In this production, it comes across with strong impact as the performance is staged outdoors in the courtyard of a 500-year-old Finnish castle, which gives it an atmosphere and realism almost impossible to create in a conventional theatre. Vocally, it would be hard to find a better 'Flying Dutchman'. Hildegard Behrens, Matti Salminen and Franz Grundheber were among the finest Wagnerian singers of the late 20th century, and all were in top vocal form on this occasion. [Amazon] I can think of no more atmospheric setting. The ingenuity with which 'The Flying Dutchman' was presented is quite remarkable. [Opera Magazine] Admission: $20.00 [free to Red Carpet members] THURSDAY 27 FEBRUARY AT 7.00 P.M. STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE 'Every saga has a beginning...' As is well known, the original Star Wars trilogy envisaged two further trilogies, one set before and one after the original films. Over 42 years all have finally appeared, together with a couple of stand-alone films, and all will be shown over the next two years at the Academy, beginning with 'The Phantom Menace' starring Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Jake Lloyd, and Ian McDiarmid. 'Phantom' may not be the best entry in the series, but it's the most technically accomplished, and it makes you as hungry for the next film as you've been for this one. [The Oregonian] As each magnificently choreographed set piece unfolds in 'The Phantom Menace', there's little doubt that George Lucas knows how to create populist entertainment at its best. [Metro Times] Admission: $20.00 [free to Film members] FRIDAY 28 FEBRUARY AT 7.00 P.M. ROSSINI: L'ITALIANA IN ALGERI A muezzin calls the faithful to prayer. Elvira fails to arouse Mustafa's desires while an animated ballet about an amorous camel cavorts in the picture frame above their marital bed. When her belly-dancing flops, the dejected Elvira stuffs her face with Turkish delight. This is only the overture, but it's already clear that Moshe Leiser and Patrice Caurier are going to have a lot of fun with 'L'Italiana in Algeri'. And why not Rossini's operatic farce is gloriously silly. Packed with zinging tunes, it's a gift to the talented cast at the Salzburg Festival, headed by the great Cecilia Bartoli. Superstar mezzo Cecilia Bartoli beguiles her way through 'L'Italiana in Algeri'. She looks and sounds wonderful as Isabella, relishing both the languorous lines and coloratura of the role. [Opera Now] It's as funny for the ear as it is for the eye. [BR Klassik] Nowadays Bartoli is a consummate comedienne whose work looks especially well on film. As for her singing, one would be hard-pressed to find a better-sung Isabella in a production of this much-revived opera that's as good as any of us is ever likely to see. [Gramophone] Admission: $20.00 [free to Red Carpet members] SATURDAY 29 FEBRUARY PAUL HUBBARD: SILVER QUEEN INTO SILVER SKIES: 100 YEARS OF FLIGHT IN ZIMBABWE Tea Room in ZITF Grounds 6.00 for 6.30 AN ACADEMY FUND-RAISER! In the space of 24 hours in early March 1920 Bulawayo witnessed its first aeroplane landing, its first take-off and its first air crash! The Silver Queen flew on to the Bulawayo Racecourse on 5 March before a very large crowd, becoming the first aircraft to touch down in Southern Rhodesia. On the following morning, the plane took off just before 8.00 but the engines failed and the plane crashed in the bush within minutes. Paul Hubbard will tell the whole extraordinary story after a splendid dinner. Bookings: Violette on 0772 851 609 Tickets: US$25.00 or local equivalent. ++++ 3) Congratulations ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds ANN NASH Just a note to pass on if you will. For those who went to Townsend High School from 1950's-1980's, our dearest Miss Ann Nash is passing away peacefully now. She has been in a home for a few years in England & has had Dementia for a while. Say a prayer for our beloved Shamwari & teacher as she passes away slowly. Rest in peace Miss Nash. Love all Townsenders. ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column Pet Hilton Kennels and Cattery for the best care of your pet when going away, or when your bitch is in season. Nick available to do parlour work on all breeds; and to train dogs for domestic use (when over 1 year old). Tel Margaret Bernard on 2242979 or 0775 043983 for enquiries or bookings. ++++ 8) Bulawayo News SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS APPEAL FOR HELP Our shop shelves are bare, our kennels are struggling, Pease help! We need to restock our shop shelves and would appreciate any unwanted saleable household goods, books, magazines, jam jars, clothing, ornaments, glassware, crockery etc. Absolutely anything we can sell to make money to help our kennels. We have Ecocash for your convenience. Donations for our kennels can be dropped off at our shop. The kennels are always in need of old newspapers. SHOP HOURS Monday 2pm - 3.45pm Tuesday 9am - 12 pm 1.30pm - 3.15pm Wednesday 9am - 12pm 2pm - 3.45pm Thursday 9am - 12pm 1.30pm - 3.15 pm Friday 9am - 12pm 1.30pm - 3.15pm First Saturday of each month 9am -10.45am ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO PROPERTIES FOR SALE BURNSIDE - $90 000 Neat 3 bedroomed house suitable for small family comprising sunken lounge, dining area, study kitchen, bathroom and toilet, walled and gated. KILLARNEY - $85 000 3 bedrooms, lounge, dining room, fenced and gated, Land size 4747m2 RIVERSIDE - $100 000 Incomplete 4 bedroomed house with a complete neat cottage, walled and gated HILLSIDE - $100 000 Neat 3 bedroomed house, lounge, fitted kitchen, walled and gated. ILANDA- $125 000 Neat 4 bedroomed house comprising 2 lounges, dining room, study, 3 bedrooms, 3 bics, mes, family bathroom, separate toilet, fitted kitchen, scullery, laundry, enclosed veranda, lock-up garage, car ports, double domestic quarters, working borehole, walled & gated. Stand size: 2963m KUMALO - $265 000 Stunning 3 bedroom house comprising 2 lounges, neatly fitted kitchen, swimming pool and borehole, 3 carports, sliding steel gate and electric fenced. Stand Size - 2 390m2 CBD BUILDING - $ 500 000 Massive two storey building comprising of 3 and 2 bedroomed flats with kitchen, lounge, veranda and bathroom , 4 main shops with one cold room. We are always looking for more properties to sell and rent in all sectors of the property market, and have registered potential buyers/tenants. We offer a complete service of property valuations. CALL: (029) 22 74581/3 or 0773-366207 ++++ R.E.D Property We specialise in VALUATIONS contact us today to find out your Property Value! Morningside - $85 000.00 On offer is a well presented home comprising of lounge with a fire place , open plan dining room, four bedrooms with built in cupboards , family bathroom , separate toilet , fitted kitchen and open verandah, Single lock up garage with laundry room and two bedroom staff quarters , Empty swimming pool , Walled and a sliding gate. Hillside - $125 000.00 This home has everything that you could wish for - Sitting on one acre is a house that has a spacious lounge with fire place, separate dining room , five bedrooms , two main en suites , family bathroom , fitted kitchen , entertainment area near swimming pool with a storeroom , double garage , five staff quarters with shower and toilet. Walled and gated with a neat garden. Burnside - $140 000.00 This beautiful family home sitting on one acre comprises of a thatch house with open plan lounge, dining room, kitchen , two bedrooms down stairs with a family bathroom , a mezzanine floor with beds and upstairs and en suite. This offer includes a great deal of furniture as well. On the property is a cottage that has lounge, study, separate fitted kitchen , beautifully tiled bathroom and separate bedroom , walled , gated and has a lovely maintained garden. Hillside - $210 000.00 This spectacular townhouse is one of 36 units in a secure townhouse complex close to schools and shops comprising of six bedrooms, three MES, two sharing one without unit , separate toilet , lounge with open plan , fitted kitchen with pantry and scullery. There is double lock up garage and a small private garden with borehole access within the complex. The property is walled and gated. Matsheumhlope - $150 000.00 This is a beautiful family home which sits on 4047 square meters. The home is brick under tile with enclosed verandah , lounge with fireplace and semi open plan dining room , fitted kitchen , boasts three bedrooms, a family bathroom and two separate toilets. The outbuildings consist of a two bedroom self contained cottage , two roomed staff quarters with shower and toilet , empty swimming pool and a double lock up garage. There is a well established garden , borehole and the property is walled and gated. CBD - $250 000.00 Situated along Samuel Parirenyatwa Street is a Commercial building separated into two equal sections, both comprising reception area s, a board room, offices, storeroom and kitchen. Located to the rear of the property is a separate cottage with lounge , bedroom , kitchen and bathroom. Rear access is available, there is a borehole on the property and the front section has great parking. Negotiators: Trindie Lombard: 0772 153 519 Geraldine Chibonda: 0713 765 166 Lesley Chitrin: 0782 444 007 Cheri Ford: 0774 423 3959 TO VIEW OUR PROPERTIES FOR SALE PLEASE BROWSE THROUGH OUR WEBSITES AND ADVISE WHICH PROPERTIES ARE OF INTEREST:- AND ++++ Anita's Real Estate 98 SAMUEL PARIRENYATWA - BTWN 9th& 10th AVE'S - BULAWAYO CONTACT ANITA'S REAL ESTATE FOR ALL YOUR COMMERCIAL, INDUTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES AND VALUATIONS We have the following properties for sale HILLCREST 5 bedrooms, main en suite, family bathroom, lounge, dining room, sun lounge, fitted kitchen with hob and oven, swimming pool, well (needing pump), paved driveway, nice garden, walled, gated - $75,000 SUBURBS 4 bedrooms, bics, overhead fan, dressing room, bathroom, double WHB, shower, toilet, tiles, 2 bedrooms with bathrooms, bics, guest bedroom, WHB, tub, shower, loo, guest shower, WHB, door leading out, open plan lounge, dining room, formal lounge door out, Brentwood kitchen, hob and oven, scullery wash bay, pantry, braai area, 2,500 litre water tank, swimming pool, borehole, double staff quarters, double garage, solar geyser, walled, gated - $220,000.00 HILLSIDE Great property in Hillside - double storey, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, fitted kitchen, swimming pool, gazebo, entertainment area - $150,000.00 HILLSIDE B/t, solid, private home on 1 acre, in sought after area, 3 bedrooms, en suite, 2 sunken lounges, family bathroom, fully fitted kitchen, double carport, natural garden with trees, walled, gated - $125,000.00 ILANDA - recently renovated, 4 bedrooms, en suite, fitted kitchen, storeroom, s/pool, double carport, 2 working boreholes, walled, gated - $130,000.00 BARHAM GREEN Beautiful, neat, well kept home - IBR, 3 bedrooms, mes, overhead fan, bics, family bathroom, separate toilet, separate shower, lounge, fire place, TV lounge, dining room, fully fitted kitchen with hob and oven, pantry, scullery, enclosed verandah, storeroom, single staff quarters, borehole, established garden, double garages, walled and gated - $100,000.00 TSHABALALA - 434m2 Tiled, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room, bathroom and toilet, walled, gated - $30,000.00 neg. NKULUMANE 5 - 200m2 Brick under asbestos, tiled, 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, shower and separate toilet, walled, gated - $28,000.00 neg. FACTORY -LUVEVE - 659m2 - Modern offices, warehouse, walled, electric gate - $75,000.00 Contact: Anita 0772212625 / 029-2264368 / ++++ FLAT FOR RENT HILLSIDE Bachlor Flat - fully furnished / equipped . Price USD100.00 plus deposit. Includes light / water / serviced. Please contact Charsley 0779 547 820 ++++ SEEKING ACCOMMODATION Lovely young couple with toddler seeking to rent a spacious 3 or 4 bedroomed house with 2 lockup garages, preferably with a borehole. A swimming pool would be a bonus but not a necessity. We are reliable, trustworthy and loyal tenants, and if you are wanting your home and property to be well looked after and kept in respectable order and condition, then please get in touch with Kim on 0772 210 451 or e-mail address: Thank you! ++++ YOUNG COUPLE LOOKING FOR HOUSE TO RENT Young couple looking for FULL HOUSE to rent. Preferred location medium and low density suburbs. Willing to pay up to R3000 per month. Contact Brezhnev on 0773664534 or 0718894156 or email ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered Lift wanted for an elderly lady from Mussina South Africa to Garden Park in Bulawayo before the 25 February 2020. Please phone Del-Marie on 0776 875 457 ++++ 19) Seeking Friends My name is Sanders Sibanda my phone number is 0779618915 Land line is 0292521637 I do hereby inquire about Mrs. Phyllis Kabot who was a chair lady of the Red cross society in Matabeleland division I know she is late but I want to get in touch of her children I she had two children a boy and a girl the boy's name is Mark I have forgotten the girls name or if not the grandchildren of Phyllis Kabot I'm now 67 years of age I need nothing from them but I have a big offer for late Phyllis Kabot in her memory because she raised school fees for me to better off my life here I'm in better life because of her kindness to black people she did a lot for me though. ++++ I am searching for my uncle who was last seen in Bulawayo in September 1995. I have been posting searches on Facebook yearly in the hope that my family will eventually find out some information about his whereabouts or what happened to him. My uncle's name is Mark Anthony Nel and in the past, there have been sightings in Kariba and Paarl SA but nothing materialized from the information. ++++ 20 ) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED Calling on Beauty Parlors/Hair Salons/Pet Shops/Boutiques in need of an Assistant be it in the shop or office to manage small errands or tasks.Kindly call 0774 095 196 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a St Johns Ambulance Certificate. Has experience working in a mission hospital doing clinical duties and looking after the elderly. Please contact 0788 074127 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a Silethemba Home based care. Did her attachment at Masase Mission Hospital. Please contact 0713 706 470 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a Silethemba Home based care certificate. Has experience in looking after the elderly. Able to do day or night duty. Please contact 0771 017 404 ++++ A mature lady seeks work as a Personal assistant/Secretary/Receptionist. Available to start immediately. Call or WhatsApp 0715 290 274. ++++ Reputable distribution company in Bulawayo is looking for Sales and Marketing representatives. Background of selling will be an added advantage. Email CVs to ++++ We are looking for a self motivated accounts person with experience working with online accounts packages... (ie, Pastel, Quickbooks ) and must have a working knowledge of accounts to Trial Balance. This position is 176km out of Bulawayo. Please send your CV's to or phone 0776252555 or 0776252553 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature, friendly lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Able to do all the cleaning, washing and ironing. Live in or out. Please contact 0774 856 439 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Well spoken, mature lady seeks employment as a house -keeper with basic cooking. Good around the house. Please contact 0779 913 798 / 0718 952 116 / 0782 867 154 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young, full of life, well spoken, hardworking lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a valid St Johns Certificate. Has a lot of experience with the elderly. Willing to relocate. Can do day and night duty. Please contact 0774 573 994 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a valid certificate of training. Has experience with working with the elderly and bedridden patients. Willing to do day or night duty. Please contact 0771 903 400 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature gentleman seeks employment as a gardener, security guard. Hard working gentleman, has a lot of experience. Willing to live on the property if the employment is full time. Able to wash cars and attend to pets. Employment can be full time or part time.Please contact 0778 945 073 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature, experienced lady looking for a job in the following fields: Sales and Marketing Public Relations Administration Receptionist / Secretary Willing to learn new fields as well. Please contact 0775 937 497 ++++ PLACEMENT A Pharmaceutical wholesale is looking for a suitably qualified individual to fill in the position of Accountant at our Bulawayo branch The individual should posses the following A qualification relevant to the above field Clean class 4 drivers license At least 5 years work experience Hard working and honest Interested candidates should email their cvs to on or before the 18 January 2020. ++++ Seeking arising position in the New Year 2020 as general Front Desk Lady/Receptionist or any suitable employment according to my experience and qualifications. Also am interested in venturing into other departments in any type of industry and see this as a learning a platform for various essential tasks. Available to start as from this date 21/01/2020.Phone 0774 095 196 or (w/app) 0783 197 394 ++++ PLACEMENT Looking for a mature, hardworking lady to work as a house-keeper / maid. She should have a valid passport as will be working out of the country. Preferably an educated person. Should be good with children. Accommodation will be provided. Mature man to work on a farm is sought. Should be good with goats, sheep, chicken and can do horticulture. Please contact 0786 470 495 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a valid certificate of training. Has experience with working with the elderly and bedridden patients. Willing to do day or night duty. Please contact 0771 903 400 ++++ A Pharmaceutical wholesale is looking for a suitably qualified individual to fill in the position of Medical rep at our Harare branch The individual should posses the following A qualification relevant to the above field Good communication skills Clean class 4 drivers license At least 5 years work experience in detailing and presentations. Hard working and honest Interested candidates should email their cvs to on or before the 18 January 2020. ++++ Seeking arising position in the New Year 2020 as general Front Desk Lady/Receptionist or any suitable employment according to my experience and qualifications. Also am interested in venturing into other departments in any type of industry and see this as a learning a platform for various essential tasks. Available to start as from this date 21/01/2020.Phone 0774 095 196 or (w/app) 0783 197 394 ++++ 21) SERVICES Sanctum Distribution Visit our shop for all your Solar needs. We have various sustainable and affordable lighting and backup solutions for your homes and offices. Solar panels- Canadian solar, Ameri Solar, Art Solar Inverters Solar charge controllers Batteries 12, Lithium ion AC/DC Cables Change over switches Breakers 2way to32 way DB boxes Solar irons*!!!!!!! GD 3bulb lights in stock!!!! Intelligent bulbs also available We also wholesale consumer electronics like TVS 18 TO 70 inch and Gas stoves Visit us 70 Robert Mugabe Way (Entrance on 6th avenue opposite Engen garage) Call (02920)8880665/74201 Email ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ FOR ALL YOUR TECH AND OFFICE SUPPLIES IN BYO, contact CYBER-TRONIX CORPORATION. We supply the following: A4 bond paper in boxes of 5 reams Money counting machines Money tester pens Home and small office printers Paper shredders External hard drives Power banks UPS's and UPS batteries We also source Laptops, Desktops and other personalized products such as Gaming Laptops according to customer needs. Whatsapp/Call us on 0719 684 870 or email *** ++++ BEAUTY TREATMENTS Are you stressed out, not getting enough sleep, go neck, shoulder, hip and back pain Got sore muscles, suffering from constant headache, feeling down or depressed, need to relax and pamper yourself. The simply call the massage therapist and enjoy a relaxing body massage and muscle toner which will leave you feeling energized and renewed. This can be in the comfort of your home. Please contact: 09 - 60498 ++++ SERVICES Rob Sinclair is an expert plumber. He has had many years of experience. Anything to do with loos, bathrooms, geysers, plumbing. Rob Sinclair is your man. Phone Rob on 0772230551 ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale or hire ++++ 25) WANTED TO BUY OR HIRE ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 2 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY - MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS. PHONE 246688 or 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++