Morning Mirror Edition 795 - 7/08/2018 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home. EDITORIAL FROM ASHES TO DIAMONDS When my precious Mom died we interred her ashes in a casket behind a brass plaque built into a wall in the Garden of Remembrance in Athlone Avenue, Bulawayo. Sadly the Wall of Remembrance fell down recently and the Municipality says the urns are being stored somewhere safe until the wall can be built again. Mum was a stickler for orderliness and must lie horrified that this is happening!! Fortunately the well oiled wheels of wonder amongst the amazing citizens of Bulawayo are working, and things could be happening at Athlones Garden of Remembrance When Dad died in Namibia the crematorium presented us with his ashes in a fancy mukwa casket. We scattered his ashes in the Matopos secreting a bottle of champagne up his favourite kopje and toasting his life with the yellow billed kites. For years the mukwa casket glared at us remonstratively from the mantle piece until I redecorated the lounge and the casket did not fit into the decor so it was banished to the kitchen shelf next to the tinned fruit but in front of the jellies. The mukwa casket is handsome mind you but you can go on the internet and order your Human (and Pet) Urns by Rays of Joy who make to order stained Glass Human and Pet Cremation Urns in elegant colours, designer urns or the off the shelf variety. The Companion Urn is a double decker urn specially for loved ones who wish to be together immortally. Many folk wish their ashes to be scattered in various places which have special meaning in their lives and if you have always been keen on the sea you can visit the Eternal Reefs web site which offers you burial at sea. An Eternal Reef combines a cremation urn, ash scattering and a burial at sea into one meaningful permanent environmental tribute to life. Most archeologists believe that cremation was invented during the stone age, about 3000 BCE. 1 It was most likely first used in Europe or the Near East. It became the most common method of disposing of bodies by 800 BCE in Greece, and 600 BCE in Rome. However, other societies had other methods: in ancient Israel, sepulchers (tombs or vaults) were used for burial; cremation was shunned. The body was exposed to the air of the tomb and simply decomposed. the early Christian church also rejected cremation, partly because of its association with Pagan societies of Greece and Rome. Christians buried their dead in graves or in catacombs (underground vaults). in ancient Egypt, bodies were embalmed. in ancient China, they were buried. When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and the followers of other religions were exiled or exterminated, burial became the only method of disposing of bodies throughout Europe. An Italian, Professor Brunetti, developed the first modern cremation chamber in the 1870's. This triggered a movement towards cremation in Europe and North America, which has continued to the present day. In 1886, the Roman Catholic Church officially banned cremations. Church members as recently as World War II were excommunicated for arranging them. The Eastern Orthodox ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople stated in 1961 that "There is no formal Orthodox rule against cremation, but there is a heavy weight of custom and sentiment in favor of Christian burial" However their are now more modern thoughts entering the burial versus cremation arena. A company called Gentle Jane in the USA offers snapfreezing of either your body or your DNA so that you can be recreated in the not so far distant future when the secrets to eternal youth have been found. The SnapFreezer is a patented technique for the fast freezing of biological samples, biopsies, bodies or suspensions. This unique technique brings a definitive solution for long term stability of your frozen samples for guaranteed results in morphology, histology and molecular biology. So its not just science fiction, its nearly here !! But just when you thought being snapfrozen was the newest way to enter the afterlife, and American Company has gone one better offering everyone the chance to return as a rock !! A very expensive rock mind you. Life Gem situated in Chicago has come up with the idea of turning the carbon found in cremated ashes into diamonds. So rather than visiting loved ones in a cemetery or scattering their ashes at sea or in the Matopos, or keeping them in an urn behind the jellies, relatives can now wear their loved ones set into a ring. Created diamonds aren't new. Gem quality diamonds have been synthesized in the lab for awhile now and are showing up in many sales catalogs. But a company called LifeGem has come up with a unique twist on diamond creation. They create gemstones from carbon that's captured during the cremation of human remains. It's not a process that will appeal to everyone, but the company is finding that an increasing number of people opt in to the program in order to leave family members a lasting memento, one that's beautiful and one they can wear all the time. Carbon released during cremation is captured as a dark powder, then heated to produce graphite. The graphite is sent to a lab where it is synthesized into fancy colored diamonds (clear versions will be available soon). LifeGem recommends you use their cremation process for best results, but the company says it can often retrieve enough carbon to make diamonds from previously cremated remains. Dozens of stones can be made from one individual. The size selection is currently 0.25 to 1.3 carats, but the company plans to offer larger diamonds soon. Nature takes millions of years to form diamonds but Life Gem takes two months. Life Gems process to turning dead into diamonds requires oxygen levels to be controlled during cremation to prevent carbon in the body from being converted to carbon dioxide. Once completed a stone can then be turned into a ring or a pendant. And because so little of the deceased is required to make a stone relatives can also receive an urn containing ashes. Skeptical LifeGem claims to have an "open door" policy, allowing you to inspect many aspects of their tracking system. The system follows all remains throughout the entire process, from cremation to faceting. They also offer a more advanced type of system that uses internal markers to track remains. Pets Too Yes, the company will produce diamonds from your pet's remains. LifeGem says that its overall quality target is to produce gems at the VVS clarity level (very, very slightly included; very, very slightly imperfect). It's definitely not for everyone, but LifeGem has indeed come up with a unique memorial option. Cremation will be the way that I choose to depart this life, hopefully my offspring will not want me decorating their fingers as a diamond !! and the thought of a coffin and a dark hole in the ground is too scary for words but a lot of people more pretentious than I have greater plans for their afterlife. And if you feel that you would really rather not opt for burial or cremation, like Walt Disney you can opt for cryogenics !! Cryonics is the use of cryogenic (very low) temperatures to preserve recently deceased human beings with hopes they may be revived at some later date. The most advanced procedure is called "vitrification". In vitrification more than 60% of the water inside cells is replaced by a mixture of cryoprotectant (antifreeze) compounds so that tissue does not freeze during cooling. Instead, below a temperature of -130 degrees Celsius, the tissue becomes a rigid glass with no ice crystal damage. Chemistry is stopped, and tissue is stable essentially indefinitely. There are 46 folk currently lying in state in a cryogenic crypt right at this moment waiting for better days !! Not for me wanting to be preserved for ever in a cryogenic state, can you imagine what this poor world will be like in a few years time Its bad enough already, who on earth would want to come back to life later on and inherit all the problems that we are busy creating right now !! ++++ Watchdog !! PROGRAMS AT BULAWAYO PUBLIC LIBRARY Khula, official program provider for Bulawayo Public Library, offers result oriented language and capacity building programs enabling learners to achieve their career goals. Learners receive job and university placement, scholarship recommendation and business expansion advisory upon achieving language proficiency through our programs below. 1. Khula Junior Holiday Workshop Computer science (coding), Fine art, Japanese language & cultural experience and Reading circle. This is a unique STEAM program for keen young learners of under 16. Using anime, games, comics, art works, robots and engineering knowledge as learning material. Weekly workshop during school holidays. Aug - Sep. Please book in advance. 2. Remedial at the library Quality remedial for primary, high school and college students. Hourly, half day, full day tuition. Instructions and career guidance by qualified tutors. 3. Japanese for Beginners Language lessons and cultural training, enabling you to live, study and work in Japanese speaking environment. Recommendations and placements for jobs, scholarship applications and universities. Tuition starts in August. 4. Japanese for Business Business opportunity realization seminar and advisory, enabling participant to plan business expansion to Japan with solid knowledge of Japanese market. Contact us for details. Please contact us for inquiries you may have regarding the programs, schedules and fees. Khula International Communication T: 0775691979, 0779743268 E: ++++ 2) Notices and Events Its rose pruning time and I can prune your roses in a most capable manner resulting in a magnificent showing in a few weeks time. Telephone /whatsapp 073 320 5818. ++++ ISLAND HOSPICE & HEALTHCARE- BULAWAYO BRANCH Island Hospice & Healthcare would like to advise the public that we are now running a Nurse Aide agency. Please would Nurse Aides come to Island Hospice offices and register with us. Island will be having a Golf Day on the 8th September 2018 at the Bulawayo Golf Club. Please support this function and enjoy the day with us. ++++ POLOCROSSE POLOCROSSE POLOCROSSE BULAWAYO 'HIGH GOAL' FEATURING THE ZIMBABWE WORLD CUP TEAM TO PLAY IN AUSTRALIA APRIL 2019 TOP CLASS POLOCROSSE ALL WEEKEND WITH VISITING PLAYERS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY AND ZAMBIA SAT 11TH AUGUST THROUGH TO MONDAY 13TH AUGUST GAMES ALL DAY STARTING AT 8.00AM AT BULAWAYO COUNTRY CLUB FULL BAR AND CATERING ALL WEEKEND PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT WITH DJ FRANK AND RUDI ++++ PRH (Personality & Human Relations) invites you to the following workshops: Who Am I (4 days) In this workshop you will strengthen your positive sense of being and how you have lived this over the years. You will discover that there are more positives in you then you realize. You will find out more about the negatives that hamper your growth.or prevent you from living the best in you. As you get to know yourself better and how to live this with truth and authenticity you will also increase your bonds of unity with others and find the inner happiness you desire. Dates 14th to 17th August Cost: $120 (terms can be arranged) Facing Life's Challenges Positively (2 days) Are you facing difficult challenges currently In this workshop you will discover how you may be sabotaging your own ways of solving issues. You will be empowered through this workshop to be more effective as you gain greater clarity. Dates: 3rd and 4th September Cost: $60 If you have done a PRH workshop in the past you will get much benefit from a weekly course called Living The Courage to Be which will be held on Tues afternoons from 2:30 to 5 pm There will be 10 session using creative expression to free up your courage and strength to live more in line with your inner positive self. This course will begin on the 21st August. Cost $10 per session. Ccontact: Bernadette Terry, PRH Educator, Counselor, Accompanist. Cell/Whatapps +263 777645395 Email or visit ++++ BULAWAYO HELP NETWORK CHARITY SHOP IS OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FROM 9AM-2 PM WE HAVE NEW AND EXCITING STOCK IN THE SHOP, WE WOULD LIKE TO PUT AN APPEAL OUT FOR ANY BRIC A BRAC AND CLOTHING YOU MAY HAVE THAT COULD BE DONATED TO THE CHARITY SHOP. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE BULAWAYO COMMUNITY FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT IT IS SO APPRECIATED AND OUR PENSIONERS ARE SO SO GRATEFUL . PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE AND AN ECOCASH PAYMENT PLATFORM BULAWAYO HELP NETWORK TEL NO:09-67085 PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: Bulawayo Help Network Charity Shop ++++ THE ACADEMY AND PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO ALL EVENTS IN THE ROBERT SIBSON HALL The Academy offices will be closed from Monday 6 to Friday 24 August and there will be no DVDs in the week beginning 6 August. Thursday 16 August at 7.00 p.m. Die Another Day [Bond 20] Pierce Brosnan on his last mission as James Bond is betrayed and captured in North Korea. Fourteen months later, he is released as part of a prisoner exchange. Surmising that the mole is within the British government, he attempts to earn redemption by tracking down his betrayer and all those involved. 'Pierce Brosnan is the best Bond since Sean Connery - and this is the best Bond movie since Connery's run.' [Good Morning America] 'The niftiest Bond movie in years - fresh, funny, and jammed to the rafters with demented stunts, Boys' Own gadgetry and brazen promiscuity.' [L.A. Weekly] 'Brosnan, in his fourth time up at the Bond bat, hits this one out of the park.' [Rolling Stone] Admission: $3.00 [free to Film members] Friday 17 August at 7.00 p.m. Gala des Etoiles - ballet gala from La Scala, Milan A very special dance occasion, the Gala des Etoiles celebrated Milan's tenure as host city of EXPO 2015. Symbolically espousing the spirit of the Universal Exposition by bringing together outstanding international talent, La Scala's etoiles Svetlana Zakharova, Roberto Bolle and Massimo Murru extend Milan's red carpet to a veritable constellation of guest dancers from around the world, including rising stars and luminaries of the ballet universe. 'Technically the dancing was brilliant, at times jaw-droppingly so.. This was a dazzling night of dance, a grand Gala of stars indeed.' [Sydney Arts Guide] 'Just when you are thinking nothing can get better, along comes Zakharova and raises the bar yet again and this continues through to the grand finale... A great variety to keep audiences captivated until the end.' [Amazon] Thursday 23 August at 7.00 p.m. West Side Story Leonard Bernstein, perhaps the most remarkable musician of the 20th century, was born a hundred years ago on 25 August 1918. 'West Side Story' is undoubtedly the best known of all his works and one of the best known musicals of all time, the winner of countless awards as both a stage show and a film, the latter winning ten Oscars, including Best Picture, a record never equalled by a musical and rarely surpassed by any film. It really doesn't need any reviews, but in case you're wondering how well it stands up nearly sixty years later... 'How does the film stand up now Very well indeed.' [Time Out, 26 January 2006] '"West Side Story" remains one of the best musicals of all-time. [Movie Metropolis, 29 December 2011] 'Leonard Bernstein's rich, eloquent and demanding score is still a powerful experience.' [Guardian, 19 February 2008] 'Not seen it Time you did.'. [Total Film 9 September 2011] Admission: $3.00 [free to Film members] Friday 24 August at 7.00 p.m Bernstein: Reflections / Mahler: Symphony No.1 Carriages: 9.30 p.m. In 'Leonard Bernstein: Reflections', Bernstein discusses his Boston childhood, his musical growth at Harvard and the Curtis Institute, and the influence of great conductors like Reiner, Mitropoulos and Koussevitzky. From Carnegie Hall, scene of his debut, to the living room of his home and his private studio overlooking New York's Central Park, Reflections explores the artist's varied and colourful career. It will be followed by the First Symphony of Gustav Mahler, perhaps the composer closest to Bernstein's heart - literally so, for Bernstein asked to be buried with a copy of Mahler's Fifth lying across his heart. (The symphony will be shown in October for the anniversary of Bernstein's death on 14 October.) 'We see Bernstein reflecting on his life and music and what a charismatic talker he is - straight to camera, unprompted, measured, fluent, thought-provoking, self-deprecating and fascinating about the creative process.' [Gramophone] This sunny, superbly played, magnificently recorded performance [of Mahler 1] captures Bernstein at his uninhibited best. [David Hurwitz] Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Dinner available from 6.00 p.m. ($10.00) Forthcoming: Thursday 30 August at 7.00 p.m. Dangerous Liaisons Friday 31 August at 7.00 p.m. Bernstein conducts Beethoven's Ninth and Brahms' Fourth Symphonies Thursday 6 September at 7.00 p.m. Poldark Series 4 - the first episodes Friday 7 September at 7.00 p.m. Bernstein: Candide ++++ 3) Congratulations ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds Sad to hear of the passing of Ray. We go back to Ndola days when my late husband and Ray played rugby. Have lost touch with Nick and Judy but to all the family, my sincere condolences. Anna Bushby ++++ FUNERAL NOTICE Rooken-Smith - Lise Beloved wife of Brien and loving mother of William, Suzie and their families sadly passed away on Monday 30th July in Germiston, South Africa. The funeral will take place at 3pm at the Anglican Church, Lambton, Germiston on the 7th August 2018. ++++ 5) ROSES AND RASPBERRIES ++++ 6) Pets Pet Hilton Kennels for the best care of your pet while you are away. Bitches on heat catered for and supervised matings for purebred dogs can be arranged during their stay. Christopher available to beautify your dog (all breeds catered for) and domestic obedience training undertaken for dogs over one year old. Dip tank open Saturdays 8 - 11.45. For enquiries or bookings phone Margie Bernard on 242979 or 0775-043983. ++++ 8) Bulawayo News SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Our shop now has Ecocash for easy payment. Come in and browse for lots of lovely bargains. We also need all your unwanted goods for resale to raise funds to keep our kennels running. Donations in cash, ecocash can be made at our shop. Goods for the kennels can be dropped off at our shop. We have lots of good novels , kitchenware, pyrex dishes and good quality bits and pieces. Shop hours Monday 2pm - 3.45pm Tuesday 9am - 12pm 1.30pm- 3.15pm Wednesday 9am - 12pm 2pm - 3.45pm Thursday 9am - 12pm 1.30pm - 3.15pm Friday 9am - 12pm 1.30pm - 3.15pm First Saturday of each month 9am -10.45am ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT Anita's Real Estate 98 SAMUEL PARIRENYATWA - BTWN 9th& 10th AVE'S - BULAWAYO PLEASE CONTACT ANITA'S REAL ESTATE FOR PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS GLENVILLE - $350,000.00 (Transfer accepted) Beautiful, serene lodge with 11 rooms all with en suites, some with self catering facilities including separate bathrooms and toilets, several rondavels with bathrooms and kitchens, gazebo, beautiful established gardens, sparkling swimming pool, spacious conference facilities, cottage, domestic quarters with bathrooms and kitchens, electric gate and fence HILLSIDE SOUTH - 2 IN ONE POPERTY - $225,000.00 Neg. Main house - B/T, 2 beds, lounge, f/place (carpeted), o/h fan, bar, dining room, pantry, kitchen (brentwood oak), scullery ironing room, sewing room/study, bathroom loo whb, walk in linen cupboard, spare bedroom Second house - 3 beds, BICs, main en suite, shower, loo whb, corner bath, o/h fans, family bathroom, tub whb, loo, linen cupboard, lounge, f/place, o/h fan, dining room, office/gym, kitchen with double sink, fitted brentwood kitchen, pantry, ironing area KUMALO - 3,470m2 - $240,000.00 Neg. BUT, ceramic tiles/carpet, 4 beds, BICS, main en suite, o/h fans, family bathroom, separate toilet, shower, lounge, f/place, dining room, fully fitted kitchen, scullery, laundry, enclosed verandah, workshop, storeroom, 6 x guest rooms with en suites, borehole, swimming pool, entertainment area, garden, bar, carport, 4 x staff quarters, walled, gated KARIBA- 1,3839 Hectares - Ideal for safari business (RTGS/transfer accepted) Single storey, one office, reception area, kitchen, toilet, workshop, storeroom, staff quarters, garage, carport, partially walled/fenced and gated - $120,000.00 BURNSIDE - 1,1079 Hectares - undeveloped land - $60,000.00 KHAMI - 99 acres land - $160,000 WE ARE URGENTLY LOOKING FOR PROPERTIES TO SELL TO READY CASH BUYERS IN ALL AREAS Contact: 09-64368 OR Anita 0712323362/0772212625 / ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED. 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO. QUEENS PARK - US$65,000 Brick under IBR, Lounge, fire place, dining room, 4 bedrooms, separate bathroom, separate toilet, kitchen, domestic quarters, double carport, DQ, and walled and gated. NORTH END - US$75,000 Brick under iron. A three bedroom home with lounge, dining room, bathroom, kitchen, pantry, DQ, walled and gated BRADFIELD - US$110,000 Well Maintained, Brick under iron. Double storey, lounge, dining room, study, 2 bedrooms, fitted kitchen, scullery, veranda, carport, D/Q, working borehole, walled and gated. Solar geyser GLENCOE - US$240,000 BUI, TV lounge, combined lounge/dining room , study , bar , 3 bedrooms , 3 BIC'S , MES , separate bathroom, separate toilet , fitted kitchen with oven, and hob scullery, laundry, veranda, carport, workshop, tool shed, storeroom, working borehole and swimming pool, fenced and gated . Stand Size - 11.6 acres UNDEVELOPED LAND: WILLSGROVE - Approximately 8252m - US$32,000 Manningdale - One acre - US$25,000 TRENANCE - Five acres of land US$35,000 WE HAVE MANY MORE, PLEASE COME IN AND SEE US AT 5A, 9TH AVENUE. OR CALL: 029 2274581/3, 0772 238 431 SPEAK TO BRYAN OR KELVIN WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE PROPERTIES TO SELL IN ALL SECTORS OF THE PROPERTY MARKET, AND THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL PURCHASERS. WE OFFER A COMPLETE SERVICE IN ALL TYPES OF PROPERTY VALUATIONS PROPERTIES TO LET HOUSE Suburbs: 3 Bedrooms, MES, fitted kitchen, lock-up garage, walled and gated - immediate -$675 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. Belmont: Reception, 4 offices warehouse/ storeroom, workshop (1614m) - Immediate - $1500 City: Reception, 4 offices, storeroom, 180m - Immediate - $1385.00 City: 6 Units comprising reception, 2 offices, fitted kitchen - Immediate - $665 each. City: House, reception, 5 offices, Boardroom, 189m, Available - 15th August 2018 - $1200 Nkulumane: Doctors surgery, reception, dispensary, office, 2 consultation rooms (300m) - Immed $620 LET US MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY WE HAVE LISTED TENANTS IN ALL PRICE RANGES FOR RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. WE ARE OPEN ON SATURDAY MORNINGS 8am TO 11am CALL OUR LETTING DEPARTMENT ON 74581 ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa HOOPOOE HAVEN GUEST HOUSE, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG We are offering secure, affordable three star and AA highly recommended self-catering cottages and Bed and Breakfast accommodation near Fourways. Hoopoe Haven Guest Lodge is a small and peaceful country guest house. It is just a few km away from the hustle and bustle of Fourways, Sandton, Monte Casino, Northgate Coca-Cola Dome, 4 shopping malls. The guests staying at Hoopoe haven are amazed at friendly atmosphere and the size and quality of the lodge bed and breakfast accommodation, the self-catering cottages and the facilities of the guest house and lodge. It is a place in which you can actually enjoy yourself and make new friends. Being ex-Zimbabweans we welcome guests from Zimbabwe and Botswana Our rates range from Self-catering cottages per unit from R650 (sleeps 2) R980 (sleeps family of 2A + 2C), R1 300 (sleeps 4), R1500 (sleeps 6). B&B in lodge from R395 to R460 per person sharing (B&B) or R325 to R390 per person sharing (room only), or single occupancy from R520 to R620 (B&B) or R450 to R550 (room only). NEW - Luxury Tented Camp (full tiled bathroom, carpeted bedroom lounge etc) sleeping 2 Adults at R650.00 per night or larger tent sleeping 4 Adults at R980.00 per night. Mention that you found us through reading the Morning Mirror and we will give you a 5% discount! web site : email: cell: Alan - +2783 314 0987 ++++ FOUR SEASONS SELF-CATERING COTTAGES, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG Sleeping from 2 to 8 pax per unit on a large property with ample parking within a secure country estate. 5 chalets in total. Rates: Standard single: R 295, standard double R 450 Loerie Chalet: R 380 single, R 550 double R 150 per additional person, children under 12 pay half price. For bookings/enquiries please contact us at 27 11 460 1948, 27 84 469 4746 or 27 83 420 7779. E-mail: or visit our website for further details, ++++ Polokwane Affordable Overnight Accommodation Biddy and Gerhard invite you to make yourself at home at their Affordable Self-catering Overnight Accommodation, which is situated in a beautiful garden and ideally based for visitors passing through Polokwane or shopping here. If you are here for work or pleasure, and you are looking for a comfortable and relaxing stay, book your accommodation with us. Facilities Laundry Facilities*Swimming Pool/Secure undercover Parking on Premises All Rooms has Flat screen TV with DSTV (Extra Package) Air-conditioning in each unit/ Hairdryer Camping Cot available / Wi- fi available - once off fee R100 unlimited use. Check-in: 02:00 PM Check-out: 10:00 AM Rates: R600.00 for first 2 people in Rest and Ride and R 50pp there after All other units: R550 for the first 2 people per unit & R50pp thereafter. I only 1 person per unit R 450 pn In case of cancellation within 1 week of arrival or an early departure, you will be held liable for full payment as per original booking. Overnight Accommodation Rooms Melody - Sleeps 4 - Self-catering Unit: Main bedroom: Queen bed. Ensuite: shower and toilet. 2 single sleeper couches in lounge area. The unit has a fully equipped self-catering kitchen with a 4 plate hob stove & oven; fridge-deepfreeze. The unit has a private braai area. Harmony - Sleeps 4 - Self-catering Unit: The main room has a queen bed and the adjoining room has bunk beds. The unit has one bathroom with a bath, shower, basin and toilet. Flat screen TV & Air-con in Main Room. The unit has a fully equipped kitchen with a 2 plate stove-oven. The Unit has a private braai area. Rest & Ride - Sleeps 4 - Semi Self-catering Unit: Largest Unit: Room 1: 2 single beds (that can be used as a queen). Room 2: 2 twin beds. There is one bathroom with shower and basin and a separate toilet in the unit. Each room has a microwave; coffee making facilities; bar fridge & Flat screen TV. Access to cutlery, crockery, fridge-deepfreeze & braai under the Lapa Area - Patio set that comfortably seats eight persons. Swimming pool views. Cozy corner: Sleeps 2 (singles) - Semi Self-catering Unit: One room unit: has 2 single beds against each other or apart. There is a shower and toilet on suite. Unit has a microwave; coffee making facilities; fridge/deep freeze; Flat screen TV. Access to cutlery, Patio set that comfortably seats you. Weber available for braaiing. Location: 13 Woodbush Street, Polokwane, 0699 Close to Makro & Gateway International Airport - just off of the N1. GPS: S 23 52. 35.1' E 029 27 22.2' Hostess: Biddy Fourie +27 82 410 7325 ++++ 12b) Accommodation and Travel In Botswana Accommodation in Botswana Self catering Accommodation in Selebi-Phikwe - Botswana This pretty 3 bedroom fully furnished & equipped self catering house is set in a peaceful garden. It is secure, being walled & gated, has an airconditioner and can sleep up to 8 people. We are 100 minutes from Francistown and 90 minutes from Martins Drift border. Our rates are: P500 per night for the first 2 people sharing & P100 per night for each additional person. Contact: Email : Mary cell/whats app : (+267) 74331759 Mary : (+267) 72774666 Landline : (+267) 2611750 ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe Have you ever been horse riding in the cool, lush, soft, green Chimanimani Mountains WELL FROG AND FERN is the place to be ! DEE AND JANE ARE IN CHIMANIMANI SEE THEIR WEBSITE Phone 0775920440 Do you love Chimanimani - Visit the Facebook Page: Chimanimani Tourist Association and give it a LIKE. You will find some stunning images of Chimanimani on that page. ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE OR HIRE Good Day I am looking to buy a Good Quality MANUAL Chevy Spark Lite, Nissan March (Old Shape), or Toyota Vitz (Old Shape). NB I would consider buying something with 80 thousand km or LESS on the clock. Kindly contact Crystal on 077 433 3390 should you have something decent for sale. ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends I was wondering if you could help me please. I am looking for the contact details of Chris Bannister. I used to live next door to him and his family in Famona, Bulawayo. He was a civil engineer and played squash a lot. I lived next door to them at number 22 and am home on vacation. Would love to visit and reconnect. ++++ 20) SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED NURSE AIDE AVAILABLE Young lady holding a St Johns Ambulance certificate seeks employment as a nurse aide. Has worked at Premier Hospital. Please contact 0774 351 588 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Able to do basic cooking, washing, ironing and house cleaning. Very good with children. Live in or out. Please contact 0776 087 194 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. No cooking but willing to learn. Has a bit of experience in electrical and hardware sales and security. employment can be full time or part time. Please contact 0773 668 199 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Good with all house hold duties no cooking, Willing to work as security as well. Please contact 0785 887 636 ++++ Vacancy - A registered retirement home with a frail care facility in Masvingo is looking for a suitable candidate to fill the position of Sister in Charge. The candidate must be a registered SRN and they will be responsible for all the medical needs of both the frail care and other cottage residents. Accomodation (a cottage on the property), and meals (during duty hours) are included in the re numeration package. Please note our retirement age of all employees is 65, so only applicants under this age will be considered for the post. Please send your CV to email address; ++++ I am a 26 year old lady seeking employment.I am a holder of a bachelors degree in human resources management.I have 2 years experience in administrative work and marketing.For my c.v and more information you can call me on 0774 316 769 or email me at ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Retired State registered Nurse seeks employment. Has a lot of experience working in large hospitals. Has also worked for the City Council and at Thembelihle Home. Friendly mature lady. Please contact 0713 208 689 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Position for a Part-time Book-keeper A mature lady is required as a Book-keeper and must be able to do the following: Pastel trial Balance Cash Book Receipting Bank recon Deal with Auditors business on Line or any other work required by Management. Only suitable candidates will be contacted for an interview and submission of an application does not entitle the applicant to an interview. Email: ++++ Lady seeking employment, willing to learn on the job. (W) app or phone 0774 357 652 ++++ VACANCY Dynamic, fast growing company in Bulawayo seeks competent, mature, well-ordered, and self-driven receptionist/typist for full time work. Duties will include welcoming customers, answering the telephone and secretarial duties for the accountant and one Director. Ordering and issuing stationery, kitchen and tea supplies, filing. Please send CV's to ++++ I am a 26 year old lady who is a holder of a honours degree in human resources management with 2 years experience in administrative work ,book keeping and marketing.For my c.v please email me on or call 0774316769 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. She is holding a current Red Cross Certificate. Has worked with the elderly and bed ridden patients. Please contact 0712 915 222 or 0774 853 236 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. She is good at washing, ironing and general up keep of the house. Seeking a permanent job. Stay in. Please contact 0785 426 678 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature friendly well spoken lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Hard working can do all the laundry and house keeping. Please contact 0779 617 728 ++++ HYDROCARBON SME SEEKS EMPLOYMENT OR CONTRACTUAL B2B CONSULTATION. Nearly 30 years petrochemical experience, including 10 years of international client liaison/representation, downstream supply chain streamlining, project management, business development, and reliability improvement resulting in huge cost-saving initiatives particularly within the global mining industry. Available October 2018. Please contact Ron Mulder at ++++ I am a lady aged 26, a complete extrovert with tenacity for purpose holding a Bcom Accounting & Finance degree & a certificate in Advanced Financial Modeling using Microsoft excel seeking employment. With over 4yrs experience, having worked for an International Company,NGO& University in the Accounting, Finance & Administration sections. Currently employed and working online which on its own instills a lot of discipline but would love to work in an official office environment . Please email / call 0773607339 if you are interested in hiring someone of my caliber. ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady holding a Jubilee Clinic Certificate seeks employment as a nurse aide. Has worked at Premier Hospital in Hillside. Has a lot of experience taking care of bedridden residents and the elderly. Please contact 0771 048 909 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT House-keeper seeks employment. She is a mature, friendly lady who is able to do all the washing, ironing and cleaning. Has a bit of experience with looking after the elderly. Please contact 0776 087 194 ++++ SITUATIONS VACANT HOUSEKEEPER VACANCY Must be a mature person with excellent cooking skills and traceable references. Accommodation and a good salary and perks offered to the right person. Phone 0772550483 for an interview. ++++ I am a lady aged 26, a complete extrovert with tenacity for purpose holding a Bcom Accounting & Finance degree & a certificate in Advanced Financial Modeling using Microsoft excel seeking employment. With over 4yrs experience, having worked for an International Company,NGO& University in the Accounting, Finance & Administration sections. Currently employed and working online which on its own instills a lot of discipline but would love to work in an official office environment . Please email / call 0773607339 if you are interested in hiring someone of my caliber. ++++ Graduate Trainee Seeking Industrial Attachment A young lady from NUST studying a Bachelor of Commerce degree majoring in Human Resource Management is seeking assistance in finding industrial attachment for her third year. Any suitable companies willing to provide a positive learning experience with an array of challenges in management and basic training in the field of commerce in its varied forms would be most appreciated. Attachment period is up to a year or slightly less. Applicant is available immediately. Please email or call on (09)490161 or on cell 07 33025774 to get in touch with the trainee. ++++ Good morning,am a lady who is able to house sit for you per hour at any time. Babysitting included as I have my own kids too.Please feel free to reach me on 0783 197 394 and via (w/app). ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature friendly lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Has no cooking experience. Can do all the washing, ironing and house cleaning, Good with pets and children. Please contact 0775 994 711 or 0776 428 030 ++++ I am a very hardworking, enthusiastic, honest 34year old male and I am seeking employment. I have experience is sales/stock control/floor staff management. I am willing to work hard for my family and have worked in various fields, including driving a forklift and running a club. Please contact me on 0713629854 or 0713629857 ++++ POSITION SOUGHT Mature gentleman of sober habits with class 2 and class 4 divers licence and defensive driving certificate, seeks position as a driver. Please phone 0778 563 513 or 0733 375 416 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady holding a Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies in Accounting Level 4 with a First Class. Has 26 years work experience as a Receptionist, Typist, Accounts Clerk and General Manager's Secretary. Has a temporary teaching background. Her strengths are: Good at multi-tasking Able to work under pressure able to work with minimum supervision self -starter good communication skills Please contact 0772 778 638 / 0717 123 196 / 0783 351 154 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. can do basic cooking, good with cleaning, washing and ironing. Can look after children and pets. Can be full time or part time. Able to live in if there is accommodation available or can live out. Please contact 0712 030 924 or 0777 934 212 ++++ Lady seeking position in Administration specifically Receptionist/Front Desk lady/Secretariat to start with immediate effect.Has excellent communication skills and possess cheerful character in the working environment. Kindly contact or (w/app) 0783 197 394 ++++ I am a 24 year old lady who just completed a honors degree in accounting and finance. I have 1 year work experience and aim to gain more practical knowledge in the field in any post. I am a hardworker, fast learner and a good team worker. I have knowledge in Pastel, SAP Ms Office and I also hold a clean class 4 driver's license. Melisa T Mapuranga +263775234200 +263 9 218971 ++++ 21) SERVICES PRIVATE CATERING Contact IAN JOHNSTON if you would like to have beef, lamb, pig or whatever meat you want, on a spit, whether it be for your wedding, birthday party, etc. Book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Ian on 0712 215 373 or 0783 698 573 (w/app) or email ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in LABOUR to help you to cope! I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 2237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on ++++ Rob Sinclair is an expert plumber. He has had many years of experience. Anything to do with loos, bathrooms, geysers, plumbing. Rob Sinclair is your man. Phone Rob on 0772230551 ++++ TECHNICAL SERVICES AFRICA (TSA) Nematicides Fumigation Chemicals Fumigation Plastics & Equipment, Insecticides & Acaricides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Growth Regulants, Public Health Products. Formaldehyde 37/7 formalin ACOL HARARE, t/a TSA, 670 Leyland Road, New Adrienne Technical Services Africa (TSA) contact numbers are 0712604643, 0712605651, 0772765967, 04-2925306/13, 0772233037/8, 0772232440/1 InternalSales: (Washington), 0733422347 and (Joseph) 0733422349 Email ++++ ACOL CHEMICAL SwimmingPool owners, Acol has the best-priced Swimming Pool Chlorine (HTH) in Zimbabwe in 5 kg and25Kg drums, Swimming Pool Acid (Hcl) in 25kg drums plus Hydrogen Peroxide and Soda Ash. ACOL CHEMICAL BULAWAYO AND HARARE Acol has a vast range of Chemicals at very competitive pricing. ACOL BULAWAYO, 37 Plumtree Road, Belmont. LandLine: 09 470481-5 InternalSales - Lionel Wolfenden: 0772 972 472 Email: ACOL HARARE, 670 Leyland Road, Ardbennie Landlines in Harare are 04 2925306/16. 292 5316 is the easiest to get through on. Switch board 0772 233 037/8 and 0772 232 440/1 InternalSales - Johnathan James: 0733 422 348 Email ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) WANTED TO BUY OR HIRE ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 2 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY - MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS. PHONE 246688 or 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++