Morning Mirror Edition 693 - 05/07/2016 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group Please contact for information on how to place your advert. ONLY E MAIL COMMUNICATION WILL BE DEALT WITH THANK YOU. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home. ADVERTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY MONDAYS AT 5 P.M ++++ 1) Editorial The Button Bottle My dear departed Mom had a Button Bottle that she inherited from her mother and now it is in my proud possession. Just a simple old jam jar with an ornate metal lid that holds a miscellany of glories!! I wonder if any of my offspring will want it, when I pass on to a better world The button-with its self-contained roundness and infinite variability-has a quiet perfection to it. Running a cascade of buttons through your fingers feels satisfyingly heavy, like coins or candy; their clicking whoosh and blur of colors lull you. A button packs an extraordinary amount of information about a given time and place-its provenance-onto a crowded little canvas. Children learn to button and unbutton early in life, and they keep doing it until they're dead. The earliest known button, was originally used more as an ornament than as a fastening, the earliest known being found at Mohenjo-daro in the Indus Valley, (now Pakistan). It is made of a curved shell and is about 5000 years old. The medieval period was the era when wearing lots of buttons meant big money. Franco Jacassi, reputedly the world's biggest button-collectors, describes this as a time when you could pay off a debt by plucking a precious button from your suit. Italians still describe the rooms where powerful leaders meet as 'stanze dei bottoni', 'rooms of the buttons.' After the Renaissance in Europe, buttons-along with many other things-became increasingly baroque, then rococo. Among the more extreme examples were 'habitat' buttons, built to contain keepsakes like dried flowers, hair cuttings or tiny insects under glass. Hollowed-out smuggler buttons allowed thieves to transport jewels and other booty secretly. (This tradition of buttons-for-crime resurfaced in a heroin smuggling attempt in 2009.) Ornate buttoning among the wealthy required some help. Around this era is when buttons migrated to different sides of a shirt for men and women. Men usually donned their own shirts, so their buttons faced right for their convenience. Women with ladies' maids wore their buttons on the left, to make it easier for the maids to manouver while facing them! No modern plastic buttons here in Granny's Button Bottle ! Instead there are covered buttons, bronze buttons, buttons made of whalebone, buttons made of ivory, buttons made of horn and wood. In the olden days buttons came in all shapes and sizes, but most often they were mounted on a shank; you ran thread through the shank's hole to attach the button to fabric. Unlike modern buttons with their iconic four-square holes, the shank style left the button's face totally free: a tiny blank canvas one could cover, carve, polish, or paint with luxurious abandon. The covered buttons are my favorite. One could take one's dress fabric down to Sanders or Haddon and Sly, and the button covering machine would cover the metal shanks as a beautifully cushioned button in no time at all. Running my hands through these beautiful buttons - here is a spare button covered in the dress fabric that Mom made me for my confirmation. There is a covered button from the coat Mom made herself when Gavin graduated from Brady Barracks. Such a wealth of memories pour from that exquisite little bottle that has fascinated my children, and will hopefully fascinate my children's children, in the years to come!! ++++ BULAWAYO WATCHDOG ++++ 2) Notices and Events Do you roses need pruning this winter Experienced rose pruner with excellent results will call by and prune and paint the stems of your roses for you with excellent results for spring blooming. Telephone 0776105842 ++++ WHAT'S ON AT THE BULAWAYO THEATRE 27TH & 28TH JULY - CARMEL SCHOOL PRODUCTION "HANSEL AND GRETAL AND THE TWISTED TALE" WEDNESDAY 27TH - PERFORMANCE - 6PM THURSDAY 28TH - PERFORMANCE - 6PM TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM CARMEL SCHOOL - $5 FOR ADULTS - $2 FOR CHILDREN ++++ GYM - MONTROSE Looking for a refreshing venue to GET YOUR FIT ON! GOFIT is here for you! 67 Dundee Drive, Montrose, Bulawayo -Inside Waterworld- Weights and outdoor workouts! $30.00 per month $15.00 for school students $5.00 per day Contact: 09 460334 / 0775 566 056 ++++ The W.E.Z. PRO/AM Quiz will take place on the evening of the 21st July 2016. All are welcome,but teams may only consist of a maximum of 4 persons per team,but you can enter as many teams as possible; VENUE; LIONS' CLUB OF MATOPOS; DATE; 21ST JULY 2016; TIME; 17-30/17-45 (05-30/05-45 PM)FOR 18-00 (06-00PM). For an enjoyable evening come along and test your knowledge of environmental affairs,and join in the fun,and see if you can win some prizes,and compete for the Jack van Breda Trophy, a beautiful brass trophy of a Rhino. For any further information please contact Shelagh Adams on 09 - 281544 or Rob Whiley on 62662 (Speciss College ) Business Hours only. Thank you. Shelagh Adams;Committee Member;W.E.Z.MATABELELAND. ++++ NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Dr Dean Allen will be in Bulawayo on Saturday 23rd July and will present a lecture on Empire, War and Cricket in South Africa: Logan of Matjiesfontein at the Natural History Museum at 2.30pm. $2/person to cover the cost of his flight. Dr Dean Allen is a native of Somerset in the West Country of England, and his long association with Southern Africa began in the mid-1990s when he began his studies at Stellenbosch University in the Cape. Until recently a lecturer at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, in June 2015 Dean was appointed as a Senior Lecturer at Bournemouth University in the UK. An accomplished public speaker, over the past decade Dean has taught at Universities in South Africa, Australia, Northern Ireland and England and is widely published in the areas of sports history and sociology. It was during research for his Masters Degree (that focused on Sport during the Anglo-Boer War) that Dean first visited Matjiesfontein and a fascination for the history of cricket and this region led to a PhD that was completed in 2008. His exciting new book Empire, War and Cricket in South Africa: Logan of Matjiesfontein is published by Penguin Random House (Zebra Press) and signed copies will be available for sale at his talk ($22/each). This lecture will discuss the amazing story of the man who brought us the Logan Cup! Born in Reston, Scotland in 1857, James Logan immigrated to South Africa at the age of nineteen. Based upon years of research in South Africa and the United Kingdom, and using original archive material (including many unseen photographs) Dr Allen's fascinating talk is based upon his new book and explores how Logan made his fortune in late nineteenth century South Africa through business, politics and a high profile association with the British Empire's favourite sport - cricket. James Logan became known as the 'Laird of Matjiesfontein' after the Karoo town he had developed it into a renowned health resort attracting the rich and famous of the late nineteenth century. The talk will also explain how James Logan was instrumental in developing the game of cricket in South Africa and Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) and examine the controversial but little-known 1901 South African cricket tour to England - a venture funded by Logan himself in the midst of the Anglo-Boer War. The talk will explore the origins of the Logan Cup and the politics behind the first-ever international cricket tour to Zimbabwe (Rhodesia). Matjiesfontein's pivotal role in the war is explored alongside James Logan's exploits during this time. It is a truly amazing story that has had many British and South African audiences enthralled. It is about time it was heard here in Zimbabwe! For further information visit Dean Allen's website: ++++ Mine Entra 2016- The nation's premier Mining, Engineering and Transport exhibition. The Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Company invites you to participate in the 21st edition of Mine Entra to be held at the Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre in Bulawayo from 20-22 July under the theme: UNEARTHING OPPORTUNITIES. The annual specialized international exhibition caters for the mining, engineering and transport sectors and their associated industries and is open to trade and business visitors only. The who's who of the mining sector will once again converge to network, share ideas and showcase their different offerings to the focused sectors. What to see at Mine Entra 2016: The following products and services will be on exhibition: heavy engineering equipment, earth moving equipment, conveyors, pumps and rubber products, security, medical aid services, protective wear, transport services, building and construction services among a host of other products and services. Business Visitor profile: Companies and individuals in mining and exploration; engineering, contractors, mechanics and artisans, industry experts and consultants, investors and financiers are all invited to join thousands of other visitors as they meet with potential clients, business partners and industry peers. Seize this opportunity to be the first to know the industry's latest products, services and trends! The highlights of this year's show include: 20 July:Infrastructure Development Conference 21 July:Mine Entra Conference 21 July:Official Opening Cocktail 22 July:Charity Golf Tournament 22 July:Zimbabwe Miners Federation Conference Free online registration is available on our website . You can also download our mobile app 'Mine Entra 2016' on Google Play and the Apple App Store. For bookings or more information contact us: Zimbabwe International Trade Fair P.O Box Famona Bulawayo +263-9-884911-6, Fax +263-9-884921 For For ++++ Treasure Pleasures the Bulawayo Help Network charity shop will POP UP again on Saturday July 9th at Zonkizizwe from 9am to 2pm. Stop by for some real bargains. We have plenty of clothing and bric a brac. Support the elderly. Help us to help them. See photos of some of the items for sale on SIMPLY THE BEST BULAWYO NOTICEBOARD 1. Chinese steamer,place mats and chop sticks. 2. Capodimonte porcelain 3. More Capodimonte porcelain and a bone china English plate 4. An ornate silver tray 5. A Royal Dalton Tumbling Leaves Dinner Service (not complete) 6.A Royal Dalton Tumbling Leaves Tea Service 7.A Royal Dalton Tumbling Leaves Coffee Service ++++ Pumping Legs for Water 2016: 22 - 23 July Pumping Legs for Water is a two day, 100 km sponsored mountain bike ride, within the Main Camp area of Hwange National Park. The event is organized by the Matabeleland branch of Wildlife & Environment Zimbabwe (WEZ) and profits from the ride go towards supporting WEZ projects, including the Hwange Game Water Supply Programme, which carries out repairs and maintenance to pumped pans within the Park, providing life-giving water to the animals there. This year the ride will take place on Friday 22 & Saturday 23 July, with a briefing at Main Camp on the evening of Thursday 21 July, which all participants are expected to attend. The entry fee is $150. This is not a race. For safety reasons cyclists will be riding in groups of 20 to 25 riders. Each group will be accompanied by a leading and trailing vehicle with armed escorts. Cyclists must remain within these groups at all times. Anyone wanting more information about the ride, or registration forms, can email Cheryl Van Der Walt on or visit us on Facebook. ++++ PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO AND THE ACADEMY Thursday 7 July Cool Runnings Room 25 at the Academy of Music at 7.00 p.m. 'Cool Runnings' is the first of a series of films centred on the Olympic Games, in this case the Winter Olympics. When a Jamaican sprinter fails to qualify for the Olympic Games, he enlists the help of a coach who years earlier disgraced himself by putting extra weights into his team's bob to start the first Jamaican Bobsled Team.and without any sponsor they fly to Calgary, Nobody can take a Jamaican bobsledding team led by a disgraced trainer seriously but team spirit and a healthy self-confidence may lead to a few surprises in the Winter Games... 'Cool Runnings is a charming tale of determined underdogs, with plenty of laughs, moments of real tension, and five engaging performances. [Daily Telegraph] 'A wholesome, engaging, frequently hilarious, ultimately inspirational film.' [Washington Post] Admission: $3.00 [free to Film members] Supper available from 6.15 p.m. Friday 8 July Hunter's Bride Room 25 at the Academy of Music at 6.30 p.m. Hunter's Bride is a film-opera based on the romantic opera Weber's Der Freischutz. Max and Kaspar, both hunters, having fought side by side in the Napoleonic Wars, now fight each other to win Agathe's love. In desperation Max deals with the devil in order to regain his lost marksman's skills and the unearthly portrayal of the supernatural in the famous Wolf's Glen scene is a high point of the opera. The film was a huge success in European theatre with its opulent historical panorama and stunning images of original locations in Germany. 'This is an enterprising Freischutz adaptation, visually striking and with an excellent core performance - well worth an opening-minded look.' [BBC Music Magazine] 'Thrillingly conducted, played and recorded, it is also well sung by everyone...And yes, they can all act.' [Gramophone ] Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Dinner available during the interval ($10.00) Thursday 14 July The Revenant Room 25 at 7.00 p.m. The Revenant won three Golden Globe Awards, five BAFTA Awards and three Oscars, including one for Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor and is based on the novel of the same name, in turn inspired by the actual experiences of frontiersman Hugh Glass. While exploring the uncharted wilderness in 1823, Glass sustains serious injuries from a brutal bear attack and, after the murder of his son, is left for dead by his hunting team. Grief-stricken and driven by a desire for vengeance, Glass utilises his survival skills to track down John Fitzgerald, the former confidant who betrayed and abandoned him. 'The Revenant runs for a shade over two and a half hours, yet nary a minute feels wasted... Such beauty almost beggars belief, even as it reminds us what cinema-as-storyteller does best.' [National Post] '... a gripping blend of psychological drama and epic adventure, brutal and bloody but underpinned with a delicate lyricism. Barely saying a word, DiCaprio is extraordinary. [The Big Issue] Admission: $3.00 [free to Film members] Supper available from 6.15 p.m. Friday 15 July Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Room 25 at 6.30 p.m. Bursting with energy, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is all boisterous fun and romance that comes from the glory days of the movie musical. Adam goes to town to get a wife and convinces Milly to marry him that same day. They return to his backwoods home and only then does she discover he has six brothers - all living in his cabin... 'Close to perfect. A magical blend of the right story, a great score and astonishing choreography, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is one the big screen's most entertaining musicals. [TV Guide] 'This is the most hilarious, infectious, endearing, sexist, offensive, WONDERFUL musical ever made.' [Rotten Tomatoes] Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Dinner available during the interval ($10.00) ++++ 3) Congratulations ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Fund ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) PETS Column Pet Hilton Kennels for the best care of your pet while you are away. Bitches on heat catered for and supervised matings for purebred dogs can be arranged during their stay. Christopher available to beautify your dog (all breeds catered for) and domestic obedience training undertaken for dogs over one year old. Dip tank open Saturdays 8 - 11.45. For enquiries or bookings phone Margie Bernard on 242979 or 0775-043983. ++++ 8) Bulawayo News I feel it is my duty as a Bulawayo citizen to warn fellow motorists not to get out of their cars at police road blocks without taking their valuables with them. I foolishly left my handbag containing a wallet with my passport and a fair amount of cash in it on the front seat as I followed the policeman who would show me why my reflector strip was wrongly placed on the back of my truck. I suspect, but unfortunately have no proof , that my wallet was removed from my bag. I was devastated to lose the money and the passport as I was on the way to town to buy an air ticket so I could see my family in South Africa. Cry My Beloved Country. So many of us were born here and have lived such a wonderful life, second to none, and now many people are even too frightened to drive in Byo town for fear of these road blocks. C.T. ++++ $200 DEPOSIT FINES AND SI 41 OF 2016 .. According to the Herald (30 June, 2016): 'Motorists and pedestrians risk being fined $200 or imprisonment for picking passengers or boarding vehicles at undesignated points.' Chief police spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba is quoted as saying 'anyone found guilty under the regulations shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Level 5 or to imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.' Reading through the article, it is worth noting Senior AssComm Charamaba does not mention a figure of $200 fines, only the Herald reporter. Senior AssComm Charamaba will be aware that the maximum deposit fine a police officer can legally impose is $20 per offence. (A level 3 fine). A fine higher than level 3 can only be imposed by a magistrate after a court appearance. We can therefore expect that anybody found not complying with the provisions of SI 41 of 2016, if sufficiently serious as to warrant a Level 5 fine, will be given the opportunity to appear before a magistrate. This status is unchanged since the Criminal Code Chapter 9:23, Schedule 1, Part 1, promulgated by the Finance Act, effective 1 February, 2009 (to provide for dollarisation). We understand the current Schedule of Deposit Fines (issued February, 2016) has not been gazetted. The last occasion where the fines were detailed in a statutory instrument was in 1974. The Finance Act of 2009 referred to above, converted the Zim$ to US$ amounts. STATUTORY INSTRUMENT 41 OF 2016 .. SI 41/2016 - Road Traffic (Traffic Signs and Signals) Regulations, 2016, became effective on 8 April, 2016, and replaces RGN 573 of 1973. (A copy of the covering page is available from the Files tab on Understandably, the SI 41/2016 makes no reference to the level of fines that can be imposed for an offence. Fines are covered elsewhere, and should not be confused with the provisions of a publication covering Traffic Signs and Signals. We trust this guides you. The BIG SKY Team ++++ GOOD NEWS BULAWAYO Dstv Guide will now be available in Bulawayo at $5.00 per guide. The July edition is available from :- The Tile Warehouse Unit 2 Spinweave House Coventry Road Bulawayo Telephone : 61307 Limited 90 copies until demand has been determined. Perhaps ring first to ensure that you do not make an unnecessary journey. ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) Catering and Food ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa Polokwane Affordable Overnight Accommodation Biddy and Gerhard invite you to make yourself at home at their Affordable Self-catering Overnight Accommodation, which is situated in a beautiful garden and ideally based for visitors passing through Polokwane or shopping here. Facilities Laundry Facilities* Swimming Pool Secure undercover Parking on Premises All Rooms has Flat screen TV with DSTV (Extra Package) Air-conditioning in each unit There is one bathroom with shower and basin and a separate toilet in the unit. Hairdryer Camping Cot Check-in: 02:00 PM Check-out: 10:00 AM Rates: R500 for the first 2 people per unit & R50pp thereafter. In case of cancellation within 1 week of arrival or an early departure, you will be held liable for full payment as per original booking. Overnight Accommodation Rooms Melody - Sleeps 4 - Self-catering Unit: Main bedroom: Queen bed. Ensuite: shower and toilet. 2 single sleeper couches in lounge area. The unit has a fully equipped self-catering kitchen with a 4 plate hob stove & oven; fridge-deepfreeze. The unit has a private braai area. Harmony - Sleeps 4 - Self-catering Unit: The main room has a queen bed and the adjoining room has bunk beds. The unit has a fully equipped kitchen with a 2 plate stove-oven. The Unit has a private braai area. Rest & Ride - Sleeps 4 - Semi Self-catering Unit: Largest Unit: Room 1: 2 single beds (that can be used as a queen). Room 2: 2 twin beds. Each room has a microwave; coffee making facilities; bar fridge & Flat screen TV. Access to cutlery, crockery, fridge-deepfreeze & braai under the Lapa Area - Patio set that comfortably seats eight persons. Location: 13 Woodbush Street, Polokwane, 0699 Close to Makro & Gateway International Airport - just off of the N1. GPS: S 23 52. 35.1'E 029 27 22.2' Hostess: Biddy Fourie +27 82 410 7325 ++++ FOUR SEASONS SELF-CATERING COTTAGES, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG Sleeping from 2 to 8 pax per unit on a large property with ample parking within a secure country estate. 5 chalets in total. Rates: Standard single: R 295, standard double R 450 Loerie Chalet: R 380 single, R 550 double R 150 per additional person, children under 12 pay half price. For bookings/enquiries please contact us at 27 11 460 1948, 27 84 469 4746 or 27 83 420 7779. E-mail: or visit our website for further details, ++++ 13) Accommodation and Travel In Zimbabwe Have you ever been horse riding in the cool, lush, soft, green Chimanimani Mountains WELL FROG AND FERN is the place to be ! DEE AND JANE ARE BACK IN CHIMANIMANI SEE THEIR NEW WEBSITE Phone 0775920440 Do you love Chimanimani - Visit the Facebook Page: Chimanimani Tourist Association and give it a LIKE. You will find some stunning images of Chimanimani on that page. ++++ THE IDEAL PLACE FOR A WEDDING OR CONFERENCES FOR N.G.O.S IN THE BINGA AREA KULIZWE LODGE BINGA Swimming pool, large outdoor conference facility ideal for NGO's. and weddings. A little paradise on the shores of Lake Kariba. Beautiful shady campsites virtually on the edge of the lake. Our camp sites have been re-vamped and have rolling green lawns, plenty of shady trees and water on tap. First class ablution and laundry facilities. We also have a very large lapa and a sparkling infinity pool. Also 6 very basic equipped fisherman's chalets, each sleeping 4 people. Phone +263 15 545 Phone +263 15 286 text message +263 773 666 243 There is now diesel and petrol available of the Kulizwe Forecourt! E-mail ++++ 13b) Accommodation and Travel Africa ++++ 14) PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO RENT ATTRACTIVE HOUSE AVAILABLE TO RENT IN MALINDELA This 3-bedroomed ( with built-in cupboards ) house has a lounge with fireplace / dining room and adjacent fitted kitchen with scullery and pantry / bathroom with shower and separate toilet . It has tiles and parquet floors . There is also an outdoor living area . A secure single car garage with a store room is attached to workers' quarters . The property has an electric gate and a borehole with an attractive garden . It is close to the Mater Dei and Greenvale Shopping Centre . A long-term Lease is offered to reliable person/s with traceable references . Further details : ++++ Flat to Rent City - 1 Bedroom, Kitchen, Bathroom & toilet. Separate water meter. Zesa Prepaid meter. Parking Available. Avail: 1st August 2016 - $350pm Cell: 0785625409 ++++ HOUSE TO RENT Immediate occupation. A Fenced and gated property in the Hillcrest area close to Mater Dei hospital. Recently painted internally. Comfortable 3 bedroomed house, bathroom/ toilet and separate toilet. Separate lounge, dining area and kitchen/scullery, and, with a walk in pantry. A granny flat with separate shower/toilet makes the 4th bedroom, and is attached to the house. The home has a large solar geyser and has an excellent borehole. There are double domestic quarters on the property. Asking for $520 rental per month with a deposit of 1 month in advance. Cell: 0712 221 284, 0712 218 323, 0773 288 946, Tel: 09 243987 ++++ HOUSE TO RENT Burnside - close to Tel One Available immediately - spacious 3 bedroomed house, brand new en-suite bathroom & 2nd bathroom. BICs, fitted kitchen, lounge, dinning room. Walled & gated. $650-00 including water. Tel: (B) 240107, 0775 946 294, 0712748245 ++++ For Sale Bradfield - single storey, 4 bedroomed, self-contained cottage & borehole P.O.A Suburbs - 3 bedroomed, s/pool & borehole - $135 000 Kumalo - double storey & s/pool P.O.A Arlington court - bachelor flat $ 35 000 Old Magwegwe - 1 bedroom $9 000 Creche and residential in a busy area P.O.A Residential stands in Plumtree $6 000 - $ 7 000 Commercial stands in Plumtree P.O.A TO LET BELMONT - IDUSTRIAL & CBD Warehouses and offices Mall - indoor stalls in a busy area RESIDENTIAL Mahatshula, Kumalo, Kingsdale, Cowdray Park, Magwegwe, Nkulumane, Montrose, Barham Green, Gwabalanda, Tshabalala flats & Kensington Plot Ian & Co. Real Estate (Registered Valuers, Estate Agents, Auctioneers & Property Managers), ground floor, 10 Westbourne suites, Josiah Tongogara, btwn 8 & 9th Ave (next to medical centre). Bulawayo. Tel. 0775 306 392;0712 871 455; +2639 886626 +2639 886256. Email:,, Visit our Website at: ++++ HOUSE FOR SALE IN ERASMIA, PRETORIA - SOUTH AFRICA Main House - 4bedrooms, 2bathrooms, dining room, TV room, lounge, fully fitted open plan Kitchen with granite tops, 4 car garages, 2 storerooms (outside toilet) and entertainment area, fully walled and gated. Cottage - 2bedrooms, 1bathroom, 1 large living area, fully fitted Kitchen with granite tops, double carport (extras: separate entrance on adjacent street to second house, ADT and Electric fencing) Amity International Private School and other schools within walking distance (primary and high). Please view property: Web Ref T819395 WEB REF P24-103871947 STAND SIZE: 1467m2, PRICE: $150 000.00, CONTACT: Ms V Naidoo +27824131109 ++++ BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOMED HOME US$200 000. Our beautiful Binga home where we have lived for the last 4 years is being sadly put on the market due to unforseen circumstances. This home is the only lake frontage property for sale in Binga!!! It is situated on the banks of the Zambezi. Amazing African sunsets over looking the lake every evening. The house is stone under thatch. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 ensuite. Large lounge, kitchen, dining room - open plan. Built in pantry, gas stove and fridge. Laundry room. Industrial Rhodesian Boiler for hot water. Attached to the house is a large open plan granny cottage. 3/4 of the furniture in this stunning home is made of teak and can be sold with the home. Stunning pool, teak deck, braai and fire pit, overlooking own harbour with hippos, fisheagles etc. Occassional visits from the local herd of elephant. Wonderful neighbours on both sides. 1 newly built cottage/lodge - still to be thatched. 1 acre beautiful established garden. Plenty of water. Reservoir, overhead tank, double staff quarters, workshop. CONTACT DETAILS: Wayne : 0772 316602 (wattsapp available) Cheryl : 0773 281029 (wattsapp available) Stephanie : 0773 281030 (wattsapp available) Email : pontyhouseboat@gmail.comCONTACT DETAILS: ++++ WOOD WORKING MACHINERY AND BUSINESS Well established wood working business 25 years. Wood working machinery and Nissan Atlas 2tonne truck can be negotiated ontop of asking price of house. Wayne : 0772 316602 (wattsapp available) Cheryl : 0773 281029 (wattsapp available) Stephanie : 0773 281030 (wattsapp available) Email : ++++ 2 Flatlets in Qalisa for rent. Well secured, in good condition, 2 bedrooms/kitchen/lounge/dining room/2 baths and toilets. Contact Cell 0773668396 or e mail Levies US$150 per flatlet. Negotiated rental. ++++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire 2002 MANUAL PEUGEOT 306 STATION WAGON....ONE OWNER....MILEAGE 83K....SERVICED/MAINTAINED REGULARLY...ONLY SELLING TO BUY BIGGER VEHICLE.....$4OOO.ONCO. PHONE 243339 OR O779547820 MR.CHARSLEY ++++ FORD ANGLIA 1963 105E PARTS I AM LOOKING TO BUY PARTS FOR THIS CLASSIC I NEED THE SOLEX CARBURETOR DESPERATELY IN ORDER TO COMPLETE RESTORATION BUT WOULD BUY OTHER PARTS AS SPARES PLEASE CALL/WHATSAPP 0784257345 ++++ ZIMBABWE CAR HIRE Affordable Freedom! Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. We are a small, but growing, car hire company based in Bulawayo with a second office in Harare. We aim to offer a quality service, with well-maintained second hand cars, while raising funds for Family Impact Africa a locally based charity. KEEP CALM and WELCOME WINTER !, Temperatures may drop, but the driving never stops ! Grade B - Toyota Corolla or similar starting from $44/day Grade D - Honda CRV, Mitsubishi Space Wagon (6 seater) - $63/day Grade E - VW Passat, - $55/day Grade F - Noah (people carrier) - $63/day Grade H - Toyota Prado - $99/day Grade HH - Mercedes Benz - $82/day 09 230 722, 0783 496 253 38 Heyman Rd, Suburbs, Bulawayo ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends Hi Dolores Van Zyl, I am hoping to contact you again. I met you back in the late sixties when you stayed at the Walsingham CGH in Durban while you were studying nursing. I hope you or your friends from Walsingham or Bulawayo see this message and its possible for you to forward your contact details maybe by email or whatever means. My email address is Best Wishes Joe Banks ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant 28year old Lady seeking employment. Qualified and certified by the international qualifications board - LCCI as a private executive secretary. Also a holder of an International Computers Drivers Licence (ICDL) Holds over 5years experience as a company Receptionist/Administration. Holder of a class 4 drivers licence. Available Immediately. Please email : or Or Call: Lavona on 09- 230138 if any vacancies available. ++++ JOB TITLE: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ANALYST Requirements: Proven working experience as Internal Auditor will be an advantage but not a requirement Advanced computer skills on MS Office and experience with accounting software and databases. Ability to manipulate large amounts of data and to compile detailed reports. High attention to detail and excellent analytical skills. Sound independent judgment. BS Degree in Accounting or Finance. Successful applicants should send their CV and application letter to: ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young gentleman is seeking employment as a nurse aide. Has done voluntary work and attachment at Edith Duly Nursing Home. Has looked after the elderly, bed ridden patients, stroke patients even accident patients. Can help around the house if needed. Please contact Paul-Reece Cassim 0772 755 901 ++++ Mature gentleman with references seeks position as a gardener/nurseryman. Has many years of experience, able to work without supervision. In possession of a drivers license. Telephone 0776105842 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I am a 46 year old lady looking for a job as a maid, child-minder, office cleaner or a general hand. It can be full time or part time, stay in or out. I am a hard working, friendly person. I have worked in a pre-school looking after children, references available. Please contact 0778 819 021 ++++ Hardworking Administrative/Personal Assistant, with high levels of energy seeks position where my skills can add value to the organisation. With full command of the English language, both written and spoken, l have good interpersonal skills and therefore able to establish and maintain effective relationships with co workers. In addition, l have pro active leadership style with initiative, dynamism and assertive approach. Knowledge of - office management and administration including Standard Office Procedures (S.O.Ps) Skills to- Run office smoothly, efficiently; cultivate and maintain professional internal and external relationships Ability to- multi task, handle confidential documents Personality - pro active, confident, hardworking Please contact me on 0774 600808 for my Resume ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a St. Johns Ambulance Certificate. Has worked at Ekuphumuleni with the elderly and red-ridden patients. Willing to help around the house. Please contact Ms Ndlovu 0718 9756 782 ++++ RELIEF MANAGER AVAILABLE Need someone to take care of your business whilst you are away Active elderly ex General Manager available to assist. Good references both business and personal Contact Mr T E/mail ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Ms. Mpofu is looking for employment as a house keeper. Can take care of children. Has basic cooking but willing to learn. Good with the house cleaning and laundry. Can be full time or part time. Please contact 0718 731 044 or 0774 490 544 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a Red Cross certificate. Has a lot of experience with the elderly and bed ridden patients. Has worked at Entembeni Home. Please contact 0774 319 475 ++++ Looking for a Job. Admin Degree, Diploma Project Planning and Management. Zimra and Deeds Compliance Issues, Statutory legislation. Admin experience. Class 4 driver's licence. Seeking suitable position. Contact 0713884530 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature polite well spoken lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Can cook, good with cleaning, washing and ironing. Can look after your pets. Please contact Pauline 0715 171 005 ++++ Mature lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Good with children, house cleaning, washing and ironing. Live out or in Please contact 0713 842 111 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Able to cook, look after the elderly and children. Good with house cleaning. Live out preferred. Please contact 0773 562 426 ++++ Available is an Administrator either for part time or voluntary situations all acceptable. 3 years work experience with accompanying excellent reference. Honest, hardworking and highest levels of competence. Dont hesitate to call me on 0772633098 and your hiring headaches are over.... ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mavis seeks employment as a house-keeper. Very good with children can do all the house cleaning, washing and ironing, Has basic cooking. Live in preferred please contact 0717 304 907 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Very good with cleaning, washing and ironing, Can cook and take care of children. Live out preferred Please contact 0783 072 408 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. Has basic cooking good with laundry and house cleaning. Live in or out Please contact 0717 579 590 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a house-keeper/ child minder. No cooking, good with infants and children. Excellent with cleaning, washing and ironing. Please contact 0779 036 009 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young lady holding a Degree in Bachelor of Commerce Business Management and Finance seeks employment. Studied at Midlands State University, seeks employment as a Personal Assistant, secretary, Girl Friday or in the Finance Department. Please contact 0772 982 131 or email ++++ 21) SERVICES SERVICES THE GATE MAN Automatic leaf and sliding gates Centurion imported gates units with 4M rack drive Battery back up Full back up service for D3, D5, D5 Evo , D10 gate motors Remote controlled Safe, reliable and easy to use We also convert existing gates , welding and general maintenance Spare available e.g. Dosskits, remote, batteries and CP boards We also do repairs on all security systems Garage doors automation repairs We also do the following: ELECTRIC FENCING , RETRACTODOORS , INTERCOMS , ALARM SYSTEMS, CCTV Please contact: EDWARD Cell: 0774 788 330 / 0712 566 160 / 0712 346 140 YOUR SECURITY IS OUR PRIORITY ++++ SERVICES For all your household and industrial electrical requirements please consider TEMBA SIPINDIYE. Qualified City and guilds (1984) with over 30 years of experience. Contact 0772 264 397 and 0773 374 777 ++++ SERVICES For all your home renovations repairs of all sorts - domestic and industrial: painting, tiling, ceiling repairs, plumbing, welding, electrical, roof leaks fascia boars, gutter repairs and many more ...... Competitive costs. Please contact us for an assessment at any time Jason and Emanuel 09 - 226473 0772 312 320 0712 712 573 0772 322 181 ++++ HEALTH INSURANCE Dwala Consultants : Please contact us for your Health Insurance requirements. We are agents for Health International, Multimed, Alliance Health, Aetna and others. Ask about our Combo package as well. For more information please contact us on Byo 230708, 231091 or 231193 e mail us on or or pop in and see us at 50A Livingstone Rd, Suburbs, Byo. ++++ CENTURION GATE MOTORS REPAIRS SAME DAY SERVICE 1.1.Done speedily 2.2.Using factory supplied & guaranteed Spare Parts, 3.3.By experienced and trustworthy technicians, Spare parts - ex Stock, Bulawayo Sliding Gate and Electric Motor Installations also undertaken. Customer satisfaction guaranteed N.B. Payments can be arranged via EcoCash or Bank Transfer Contact Mike Graham at Telephone 245 138 Mobile 0712 606 818 e-mail - ++++ PRIVATE CATERING Contact IAN JOHNSTON if you would like to have beef, lamb, pig or whatever meat you want, on a spit, whether it be for your wedding, birthday party, etc. Book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Ian on (09) 237240 or 0712 215 373 or 0783 698 573 or email ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering PREGNANCY, LABOUR, BABY CARE, BREASTFEEDING and other necessary information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners or for someone who can't get off work. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in labour to help you to cope with your contractions and answer any queries. I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 or email me on ++++ Rob Sinclair is an expert plumber. He has had many years of experience. Anything to do with loos, bathrooms, geysers, plumbing. Rob Sinclair is your man. Phone Rob on 0772230551, ++++ TECHNICAL SERVICES AFRICA (TSA) Nematicides Fumigation Chemicals Fumigation Plastics & Equipment, Insecticides & Acaricides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Growth Regulants, Public Health Products. Formaldehyde 37/7 formalin Contact Casper Masvikeni and his team for all Agricultural Chemicals ACOL HARARE, t/a TSA, 670 Leyland Road, New Ardbennie Technical Services Africa (TSA) contact numbers are 0712604643, 0712605651, 0772765967, 04-2925306/13, 0772233037/8, 0772232440/1 - You could also add internal sales numbers for our 4 sales guys upstairs 0733422346 (Mapfumo) 0733422347 (Washington), 0733422348 (Jonathan), and 0733422349 (Joseph) Email ++++ ACOL CHEMICAL Swimming Pool owners, just to let you know: Right now Acol has the best-priced Swimming Pool Chlorine in Zimbabwe in 5 kg and 25Kg drums also Swimming Pool Acid (Hcl) in 25kg drums ACOL CHEMICAL BULAWAYO AND HARARE As bulk importers of chemicals, Acol Chemical is able to assure our customers of quality chemicals at the best possible prices. Acol has a vast range of Chemicals, which include: Hydrochloric Acid 30% (Pool Acid) 25kg Polycans HTH (Calcium Hypochlorite) 70% 50kg and 5kg Polycans Aluminium Sulphate 50kg Bags Caustic Soda 25kg Bags 38.00 Hydrogen Peroxide 50% 30kg Polycans Coconut DEA 5kg Dodigen 5kg NP6 5kg NP9 5kg Pine Oil 4kg Sulphonic Acid 5kg 21.oo no stock Bulk Liquid Cyanide Formaldehyde 37/7 formalin\ NP6 Sulphonic Acid. For these and any other of our vast range of chemicals please contact: ACOL BULAWAYO, 37 Plumtree Road, Belmont. Lionel Wolfenden Ray Chiridza Dave Meggitt Tiffany Roberts Noel Edington Tel 09 470 481 / 5, Fax 09 470 486, Email ACOL HARARE, 670 Leyland Road, Ardbennie Land lines in Harare are 04 2925306/16. 292 5316 is the easiest to get through on. Switch board 0772 233 037/8 and 0772 232 440/1 Johnathan James 0733 422 348 Ben Ajidah 0712 200 875 Dean Griffin 0772 324 765 Lisa Rheeder 0772 247 861 Precious Bara 0712 601 675 Email ++++ PERKINS SEALS For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. Perkins Bulawayo Sales :- 09 - 79415 E Mail :- 29 14th Avenue Bulawayo Perkins Harare Sales :- 04 755440 / E Mail :- Bay 1 32 Simon Mazorodze Rd. Harare For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. ++++ 22) Health And Beauty LAVENDER'S BEAUTY SALON OFFERS FULL BODY MASSAGE FOR ONE HOUR IN A QUIET SPOTLESS SALON OPENING UP INTO BEAUTIFUL GARENS FOR ONLY $20 SHE ALSO SPECIALISES IN BACK AND NECK MASSAGE FOR STRESSED MUSCLES FOR $15 FOR A 45 MINUTE SESSION WITH ARNICA ICE OR DEEP HEAT. A FULL BODY SCRUB IS $25 FOR ONE HOUR, FACIAL WITH ANNIQUE PRODUCTS IS $20 (INCLUDES A FOOT MASSAGE) AND SHE ALSO OFFERS VARIOUS WAX TREATMENTS,MANICURES AND PEDICURES WITH ESSIE PRODUCTS AND THE LATEST FOOT SCRUBBER. CONTACT: LAVENDER 0775-901464 FOR APPOINTMENT 15 COGHLAN AVENUE, KUMALO ++++ 23) Tuition Any moms and dad's out there with a 2 to 3 year old toddler that's in need of a break Child will be learning at the same time as playing! My toddler is needing some company, we have a beautiful play room, jungle gyms and everything they need to have lots of fun!!! Can do afternoons and weekend's. Free of charge as your little one will be having fun with my little one. For further details call Irene on 240811 (evenings) ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE 1 X TEAK CARVED FOUR POSTER D/BED US$900.00 1 X DOUBLE BED SPRING MATTRESS(NEW) US$300.00 1 X IMBUYA DISPLAY CABINET US$500.00 1 X BURMESE TEAK DINING TABLE(NO CHAIRS) US$300.00 TO VIEW PLEASE CONTACT MARK ON: TEL 09 60169 CELL 0774013648 ++++ RHODES GRASS (KATAMBORA)- Good Quality 15kg Hay Bales Delivered to Bulawayo. Special price for Bulawayo and the Lowveld - $1.75 per bale plus transport. Phone 0776 875 457 ++++ BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!! Buy a TASER and get a can of PEPPER SPRAY FREE!!! Don't miss out on this amazing limited promotional offer. Buy one taser ($35 each) and get one pepper spray for free!! Amazing promotional offer. Call or whatsapp on +263775317056 N.B: Offer valid whilst stocks last. Get your promotional offer today!!! (Non-lethal products) ++++ Miscellaneous for sale PRIMELIGHTING - NEW STOCK HAS ARRIVED LED Load-Shedding Globes on SPECIAL Many other SOLAR and LED Lighting Solution products to see. (Indoors & Outdoors) Visit us - 2A Swansea Street/Fife Ext. Tel: 882250 ++++ 2 carved occasional chairs with matching carved round table $300 onco carpet, 5' x 7' - soft colours thick pile, $150 Desperate to sell for cash (RTGS acceptable) tel: 0771 510 796 or call X11, Coronation flats to view. ++++ ITEMS FOR SALE Kitchen chairs 410.00 each Rooftop tent - easy Awn $500.00 Pine stable door $80.00 Camping wash stand $20.00 Wilker chair $15.00 Wood fire boiler $200.00 Pine door sound wood $60.00 Single bed headboard $60.00 (solid pine) Suzuki 5Hp fourstroke outboard motor 4800.00 Submersible pump 2,1Kw $250.00 Chain block $150.00 Chain heavy duty 4m $80.00 Cable 3 core $5/m Hand winch $50.00 Manual highlift jack 4100.00 Trailer 3 ton 2 wheel ideal for tractor 41500.00 Please contact Mr Roelf Strydom 0773 956 500 ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy, Beg or Borrow ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing LOVELY LARGE 5 BEDROOMED HOUSEBOAT $55000. This beautiful houseboat has five bedrooms. 4 bathrooms/showers. 3 ensuite. Large dining and kitchen area open plan. Very big windows on all the rooms. Upstairs is the entertainment area. This has a lounge, dining, bar and splashpool. Shade area and sunbathing area. Large gas braai. All linen cutlery, crockery, fridges, freezers, stoves and furniture will go with the boat. 1 tender boat - skimmer with 40HP mariner motor. All in excellent condition. This houseboat is registered KF (commercial) and is currently running as a business. Ideally we would like to sell lock stock and barrell. CONTACT DETAILS: Wayne : 0772 316602 (wattsapp available) Cheryl : 0773 281029 (wattsapp available) Stephanie : 0773 281030 (wattsapp available) Email : ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home Do you roses need pruning this winter Experienced rose pruner with excellent results will call by and prune and paint the stems of your roses for you with excellent results for spring blooming. Telephone 0776105842 ++++ Kraal manure $2.00 a 50 KG bag. Free delivery over ten bags. Phone Ollie on 0771289677 ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 2 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY - MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS. PHONE 246688 or 0778495599 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++