Morning Mirror Edition 646 - 21/7/2015 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group Please contact for information on how to place your advert. ONLY E MAIL COMMUNICATION WILL BE DEALT WITH THANK YOU. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home. ADVERTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY MONDAYS AT 5 P.M 1) Editorial THE LANDY LOOK They all seemed to have that same glazed look, glassy eyed they inched their way around the showroom floor, peering into every nook and cranny, examining every centimeter of every item on every shelf. They all wore khaki funnily enough, long or short khaki pants with a miscellany of pockets, long or short sleeved light khaki shirts all branded 'Land Rover' or 'Columbia' or 'North Face'. They reminded me of a certain trance I get into when I enter a garden shop - that blank, witless look that only a new plant can induce. But they were not in a garden shop, they were customers in a 4 x 4 Mega World shop in Johannesburg. HeeHoo was one of them, he too had that trance-like expression on his face as he shouldered his way through the bivouac section. The merits of camp-craft v motor home were discussed ad nauseum, and camping experiences and escapades were volunteered at length!! Every cargo net was studied with grim intent, and every cam buckle strap was glossed over for hours. Camping people are a breed apart, this is not a hobby !! This is a science!! Dutch ovens, poitke pots and the resultant equipage are compared, contrasted and checked in minutiae, whilst gas cylinders and cooking equipment are examined in laborious detail. But then onto the BIG BOYS toys!! The accoutrements for the chosen motoring piece. Are you a Land Rover Man A Range Rover Man or a Land Cruiser Man Hereby hangs a thousand questions and a million assessments. The rivalry between the three brands is fierce and intent, only a real Man's Man can enter into one of these hallowed discussions. HeeHoo can get glassy eyed over a bull bar for goodness sake!! He also knows a thousand demerits and merits over the glories of tow bars, and such was the depth of the discussion that he ended up with a tow bar on the back and also one on the front of his Cruiser!! Maneuverability forwards or in reverse, of one's trailer, motor home, cabin cruiser is an all absorbing topic it would appear.... Amongst the things we did buy, were two camping stretchers....On our Mana trip we 'almost' had a 'domestic' over the stretcher issue.... Heehoo had a real affinity with his old canvas army stretcher, you know those khaki ones that roll up around those stiff iron poles Yes - that very one!! I refuse point blank to sleep on one of those, I mean they are of an extremely venerable age and pretty musty smelling!! And so I cunningly left his precious stretcher behind 'accidentally' in favor of two foam mattresses. Well, one would have thought I had left the matches behind!! And so two camp stretchers were procured (which still need foam mattresses at any rate) so not much space saved in this purchase!! Flood lights, fog lamps, winches, compressors, roof racks, Engel fridges, lighting accessories ...all were fondled gently, lovingly, almost caressed as these 'Landy Lads' progressed their way through this most revered of all stores in the Man's World!! ++++ Handwriting revisited Your piece about writing stirred up old memories - the way you often do. I remember as a very young person the thrill of starting to use ink for writing instead of the pencils which were all we had been allowed to use. We were given sticks with metal nibs on and little pots of ink that lived in those holes in our desks... And my signature, which I still use to this day, was learnt by forging my dad's signature, because your parents had to sign your homework notebook that you'd done your homework. As I never did homework until the class before the one where it needed to be handed in, I had to get around the validated homework notebook problem - so I learnt my dad's signature and used it so many times that it has stayed with me and become my own. J.A. ++++ 2) Notices and Events ORCHID SOCIETY The next meeting will be held on Sunday, 26th July. Time : 10 for 10.30am Venue : The home of Edward Eves at 15 Heyman Road, Suburbs. New members and visitors welcome. Enquiries Tel Maggi on 242235 PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR ANNUAL ORCHID SHOW WILL BE HELD ON THE 29th and 30th AUGUST AT THE BRIDGE CLUB ON CECIL AVENUE, HILLSIDE. ++++ Bulawayo Reunion Braai Saturday, August 15 at 11:00am The Hillside Dams Bulawayo Zimbabwe ++++ SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS PLEASE NOTE OUR SHOP WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY 25 JULY AND NOT SATURDAY 01 AUGUST. ++++ Good Day All There seems to be some confusion about Southern Comfort Lodge, which we would like to try and clear up. Southern Comfort Lodge is back under Management of the Hunt Family, original owners of the establishment. We are no longer affiliated or associated with The Musketeers Lodge in any way, and we are not the same Lodge. Our Contact Details are 09 - 281340, 0775105238. Email: ++++ WHAT'S ON AT THE BULAWAYO THEATRE: BULAWAYO BALLET SOCIETY PRESENTS "CURTAIN CALL" TUESDAY, 4TH AUGUST PUBLIC PERFORMANCE 7.00PM WEDNESDAY, 5TH AUGUST PUBLIC PERFORMANCE 7.00PM THURSDAY, 6TH AUGUST MATINEE PERFORMANCE 2.00PM EVENING PERFORM ++++ Surrounded by majestic granite outcrops and the lush African bushveld, Jabulani Zimbabwe is the ideal place for a group getaway, conference or corporate team-building excursion.\'a0\uc0\u8232 Here you will find the perfect opportunity to get to know your fellow colleagues, school-mates or just spend quality time with your family. Jabulani offers a wide range of adventure activities such as hiking, abseiling, mountain biking and game drives and our accommodation is well suited to large groups of guests or schools. Experience the adventurous side of Africa at Jabulani Zimbabwe, contact ++++ BULAWAYO BALLET SOCIETY Bulawayo Ballet Society proudly presents Curtain Call 2015 from Tuesday the 4th of August 2015 to Thursday 6th of August 2015. Evening performances are at 7pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and there is a Matinee at 2.00pm on the Thursday afternoon. Tickets are US$5.00 and are on sale at the Bulawayo Theater. ++++ The launch of the 2015 My Beautiful Home Competition, marked by a stunning photographic exhibition at the National Art Gallery last week, was a huge success with almost 350 people attending. The good news for those of you who missed it is that the exhibition will run for another two weeks. Proceeds from the sale of the photographs will go towards running this year's competition, the details of which were included in the write up in last weeks Morning Mirror. ++++ Don't miss out on our fantastic July Special at Antelope Park. We are offering Zimbabwean residents 20% off our accommodation and activity prices. This fantastic deal will allow you to experience our world-exclusive activities such as walking with the lions through the African bush, riding through the wilderness on elephant or horseback; game drives that allow you to view the abundance of wildlife in the park; canoeing and fishing on our scenic dams. Visit us for a getaway you will not forget, leaving you with a lingering question: where else in the world Contact: or +263 54 251913 / 251923; +263 86 7702 1630; +263 712 362 220 ++++ CENTENARY SCHOOL PRESENTS "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST" WED 29TH JULY 5.30PM THURS 30TH JULY 5.30PM TICKETS ON SALE AT CENTENARY SCHOOL ++++ BULAWAYO STREET ATLAS A new, updated version of the Bulawayo Street Atlas has just been published by AA Zimbabwe. A4 format on high quality paper. Essential for finding your way around Bulawayo's low and high density suburbs, plus the commercial and industrial areas. Available only from AA Zimbabwe (cnr L Takawira Ave/J Tongogara St), telephone 70063/4. $20 for Members and $25 for non-members. ++++ thePoint Mindstyle Dynamix 20-23rd August 2015 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe With Stephen D. Norval Creator of Power to Emerge Series 'Awaken a new way of Seeing' thePoint Mindstyle Dynamix is a groundbreaking 4-day adventure of self-inquiry that reveals and explores a viewpoint on Life as seen through the Mind of original intelligence - how it informs our action and is the source of authentic self-expression within all human relating. The authentic self emerges naturally and spontaneously through harnessing the Power of Present Attention. Given that the mind is the 'operating system' of awareness, it is of particular significance to see and learn how original intelligence illumines the mind, the intellect and, therefore, your thought, word and deed. When we gain true perspective, we harness the simple power of attention and stand firmly in the realm of the unimaginable, inspired to create the impossible. We stand rooted in purpose and depth of meaning with the capacity to act with clarity and effectiveness, directing our attention with precise intention. We are enabled to make a contribution to life and the living, personally and professionally, that is both satisfying and fulfilling. 'thePoint is a mindstyle placing you in perfect alignment with your deepest yearning' Join us in this exploration and embodiment of knowledge & experience. For more information and/or to make your bookings on thePoint, contact Alison on 0772 206810 or and visit ++++ CONTACT FAMILY COUNSELLING CENTRE PVO 6/97 NGVTI - Cert. No: 0259/2002 Offers: 14 MONTHS DIPLOMA IN CHILD AND ADOLESCENTS COUNSELLING Equips you with practical skills in counselling Children and Adolescents Fourteen (14) Months block release First Block : 17th - 28th August 2015 Second Block : 15th - 26th February 2016 Third Block : 22nd - 26th August 2016 Enrolment in progress Tel : (09) 72400 Cell : (09) 0712 629 303 E-mail : or ++++ ArtBurst Exhibition by Lin Barrie- I am thrilled to be showing "spring colours and landscapes, flowers and Wild Dogs", at Inn on the Vumba soon! Come and join us for a lovely weekend at a beautiful time of the year. Saturday 15th August. ++++ 'ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI PRESENTS BINGO' The ANGLICAN PARISH OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, BARHAM GREEN will hold a Fundraising Bingo on the 1st of August 2015 from 14:00hrs to 18:00hrs.Prizes galore, cash jackpot plus a raffle draw. Where ANGLICAN Church of the Ascension Hall, Hillside. Entrance Fee: $2 including tea. This will be a fun filled day. Come and be part of this worthwhile fundraising event. For more information contact Anthea Norman on +263 772 466 163. ++++ OLD MILTONIANS 4TH ANNUAL BOERWORS COMPETITION DATE: 1 AUGUST 2015 TIME: 9.00AM TEAMS: MAXIMUM 2 PEOPLE PER TEAM LOTS OF PRIZES TO BE WON. STALLS AVAILABLE. TO BOOK TEAMS OR STALLS PLEASE CALL PENNY ON 09-239378 OR 0777 152340 SEE YOU THERE! ++++ CONTACT FAMILY COUNSELLING CENTRE PVO 6/97 NGVTI - Cert. No: 0259/2002 INVITATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 04 August 2015 at 3:30pm for 4:00pm at CONTACT Family Counselling Centre Offices 9 Barbour Avenue, Parkview, BULAWAYO PLEASE ATTEND ++++ Desperately seeking a canary Must be a singer 0773666244 ++++ BRITISH CITIZENSHIP CLAIMS We specialise in getting British citizenship and a UK Passport through ancestry, legal anomalies or family links with a former British colonial territory, e.g. Nyasaland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, Tanganyika, Kenya, Mauritius, Cyprus, etc. The laws are complex and many possibilities exist. We also try to find ways to transmit UK citizenship to children. We also cover UK right of abode and UK immigration. Competitive rates. Many testimonials on website. Proprietor ex-Mutare. UK phone: +44 20 7993 8975 (London) SA phone: +27 12 004 2753 (Pretoria) Email: Web: Skype: ++++ FRIDAYS. FRIDAYS . FRIDAYS / FRIDAYS. !!!! TREASURE PLEASURES is now open every FRIDAY 11 am to 2 pm As well as every WEDNESDAY 11am to 4 pm. BULAWAYO 'S OWN LITTLE CHARITY SHOP Cnr. Townsend Road and Seventh Street. GET THERE GRAB A BARGAIN AND HELP AN OLD AGE PENSIONER. THIS WEEK WE HAVE SOME FABULOUS SILVERWARE ON SALE. REALLY WORTH A LOOK FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. YOU CAN ALSO ENJOY A COFFEE IN THE BEAUTIFUL STILLHAVEN GARDENS. !!!! PLEASE DONATE YOUR GOOD USED CLOTHING, SILVERWARE, GLASSWARE, FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES TO OUR LITTLE SHOP. ++++ Exhibit at Mine Entra 2015- The nation's premier Mining, Engineering and Transport exhibition. The 20th edition of Mine Entra will be held at the Zimbabwe International Exhibition Centre in Bulawayo from 22-24 July 2015 under the theme: Unearthing Opportunities. Mine Entra is a specialized international exhibition which caters for the mutually compatible sectors of mining, engineering and transport and their associated industries. Open to trade and business visitors only, Mine Entra brings together experts and professionals to showcase and share ideas towards sustainable growth in the mining industry. Are you a supplier of the following Heavy engineering equipment Earth moving equipment Conveyors Pumps and rubber products Security Medical aid services Protective wear Transport services Building and construction services Then exhibit at this year's Mine Entra and network with potential clients, business partners and industry peers; reach targeted local and international markets and use it as an ideal platform to launch new products, services and trends. The highlight's of this year's show include: 22 July : Mine Entra Conference 23 July : Joint Suppliers and Producers Conference. 23 July : Mine Entra Opening Ceremony 24 July : Mine Entra Golf Challenge Contact the Marketing Department TODAY For more information: Zimbabwe International Trade Fair P. O Box Famona Bulawayo +263-9-884911-6, Fax +263-9-884921 Email: Info : Bookings : ++++ Dear Margaret, The usual plus advance notice of Sponsored Festival Week! How about you coming to perform ! I'll send a separate more detailed notice of SFW next week if that's OK. Michael xx PERFORMING ARTS BULAWAYO AND THE ACADEMY FATAL ATTRACTION Thursday 9 July in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.00 p.m. Michael Douglas plays New York lawyer Dan Gallagher who has a weekend affair with his colleague Alex Forrest (Glenn Close) while his wife and daughter are away. Dan shrugs off the affair as a mistake and considers it over but Alex will not let him go and her obsession becomes increasingly violent... After poor audience reaction to the original ending, it was decided that it would be re-shot. Glenn Close was opposed but felt she owed it to everyone else to do it. This original ending will be shown after the film. Fatal Attraction has an inescapable pull to it; it's suffocatingly exciting. [Washington Post] People just can't stop talking about this movie. [Time Magazine] Admission: $3.00 [free to Film members] Supper available from 6.15 p.m. ($7.00) - must be ordered in advance. DONIZETTI: MARIA STUARDA Friday 10 July in the Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. Based on a play by Schiller, Maria Stuarda is one of a number of operas by Donizetti which deal with the Tudor period and the story concerns the relationship between Mary, Queen of Scots and her cousin Queen Elizabeth I. Schiller had invented the confrontation of the two Queens, who in fact never met, and this provokes 'one of the most original and powerful passages that Donizetti ever composed', though the final scene which sees Mary preparing for her execution is its equal. It is hard to imagine a better gift to opera lovers than this musically splendid and intensely dramatic performance of Maria Stuarda. [New York Times] Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Dinner available during the interval ($10.00) - must be ordered in advance. GIGI Thursday 16 July in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.00 p.m. 'Gigi' was perhaps the last great MGM musical and won a record-breaking nine Academy Awards at the 1959 Oscars. Based on the novella of the same name by Colette, the words and music were by Lerner and Loewe with the music for the film arranged and conducted by Andre Previn. A musical film that bears such a basic resemblance to My Fair Lady that the authors may want to sue themselves, but don't think this point of resemblance is made in criticism of the film, for Gigi"is a charming entertainment that can stand on its own two legs..Vincente Minnelli has marshalled a cast to give a set of performances that, for quality and harmony, are superb.' [The New York Times] Admission: $3.00 [free to Film members] Supper available from 6.15 p.m. - must be ordered in advance. WEBER: EURYANTHE Friday 17 July in the Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. Euryanthe is a 'grand, heroic, romantic' opera by Weber, first performed at in 1823. Weber attempted to create a genuinely through-composed music drama that left behind all elements of popular German theatre, and from a purely musical standpoint, he succeeded, managing to blend musical sections together with a fluidity that was ahead of its time. His vivid orchestration and evocative dramatic music contribute to a score that is brilliant throughout With "Euryanthe" the most important thing is Weber's magnificent music and vocal writing, and this the Teatro Lirico di Cagliari under the direction of Gerard Korsten performs magnificently... As to the staging, it's naturalistically traditional without being overbearing. [Amazon review] Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] Dinner available during the interval ($10.00) - must be ordered in advance. ACADEMY SPONSORED FESTIVAL WEEK Saturday 25 - Friday 31 July There will be events every day in Sponsored Festival Week and currently the plan is as follows: Saturday 25 July Book Sale and Music at Zonkizizwe: from 9.30 a.m. Monday 27 July Sponsored Festival Week Concert: 5.15 p.m. Monday 27 July The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: 7.00 p.m. Tuesday 28 July Sponsored Festival Week Concert 5.15 p.m. Tuesday 28 July The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel: 7.00 p.m. Wednesday 29 July Sponsored Festival Week Concert: 5.15 p.m. Wednesday 29 July Choir Night: 7.00 p.m. Thursday 30 July Ballet - live and the film:'Thunderwater': 3.30 p.m. Thursday 30 July Sponsored Festival Week Concert: 5.15 p.m. Thursday 30 July Third 50 Club Draw: 7.15 p.m. Thursday 30 July Chamber Concert: 7.30 p.m. Friday 31 July Sponsored Festival Week Concert: 5.15 p.m. Friday 31 July DVD: The Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra: 6.30 p.m. ++++ ALLIANCE FRANCAISE Next Friday 31 July: Exclusive Bastille Day Cocktail, 100% French Wine, saucisson & cheese! Limited tickets for our Exclusive Bastille Day! What: Bastille Day is the French National Day and we will celebrate it soon in Bulawayo, with French wine, French cheese and French saucisson! It will be an exclusive evening with French music and just an occasion for people to enjoy mingling while eating French fare in a beautiful setting! Where: Banff Lodge Deck in Hillside - Banff Road on the way to Hillside Dams. When: Friday 31 July at 6pm. How much: Only $15 / person. Tickets are limited so book early! ++++ "My Beautiful Home" exhibition What: The project, being run in the Matopos, aims to encourage and reward the practice of decorating huts in the traditional way using natural pigments such as ash, coal and a means of highlighting and maintaining the art and culture of the area. The project will culminate in a prize-giving ceremony, with prizes being awarded for the best exterior and the best interior designs, in mid- September at the Amagugu Centre on the Kezi Road. All competitors will be invited and it will be an opportunity for a celebratory feast with traditional music and dance. The photographs are on sale, the proceeds of which will go towards running the competition. Alliance is proud to sponsor this event. Where: National Art Gallery in Bulawayo, JMN Nkomo Street. When: Exhibition is now open and is on until mid August. ++++ BECOME A MEMBER to support your local association! Alliance francaise is a local, not for profit association. Do you like what Alliance brings to you all year round Do you want to see more of it Then, get your membership, SUPPORT the association and help us bring all of the above to you! And get even more from it! Members' support allow to purchase more resources and finance part of the free cultural activities to benefit everybody. Only $30 for 12 months and see all what you get by joining! Borrow from our multimedia resources center: good movies, cartoons, docus on DVD (with subtitles), magazines and books to enjoy francophone cultures and / or going on learning in a fun way! Get discounts on some of our cultural events! Use our internet in the library, watch French speaking TV, news, documentaries from our social corner! Don't wait anymore! Come and join us, from Alliance francaise offices! Your support is appreciated and you won't regret it! CONNECT WITH ALLIANCE FRANCAISE DE BULAWAYO: 61 Heyman Road, Suburbs Bulawayo - ZIMBABWE Tel : (+263) 9 250 245 E-mail : Website : Our Broadband Internet Proudly Sponsored By Yo!Africa Our Transport is Proudly Sponsored By Total ++++ 3. CONGRATULATIONS Terri and Richard Wakefield are thrilled to announce the engagement of their daughter Leigh-Ann to Chad, son of Ian and Lydia Buchanan. Welcome to the family Chad. ++++ 4) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds GINGER HALFPENNY Born in Bulawayo in 1936 Edward Ginger Halfpenny played first pairing with Tinker Beets for Matabeleland in Provincial golf matches. He twice won the Wankie Open championship, beating the professional George Harvey on one occasion. He was captain of the Chapman golf club in 1968. Ginger owned the 'Golf World' shop in Newlands, Harare, for 44 years. The shop was a well known golf focal point for golfers before he sold it in 2010 to become consultant greenkeeper at Country Club, Harare. However he was perhaps better known in his early days as a top jockey and subsequently a premier racehorse trainer, especially for his importation of young horses and creating winners from many of them. As an apprentice he rode at Belvedere before racing was established at Borrowdale. He won the first Rhodesian Derby in 1963. He also rode with success in Zambia and in the Congo. He was later a stipendiary steward at the Mashonaland Turf Club. Some 18 months ago he went to England 'to see what is what.' He died there at the age of 79. John Kelley ++++ JOHN BALLARD- Sadly passed away in Canterbury Kent on 6th July. Loving husband of Idabella Ballard. Father of Gary and Nadine, Step- father of Jayne and Rich, Mark and Teresa, Diane and Colin, Julie and Jim. Beloved 'Gramps' to 13 grandchildren. A Memorial Service will be held on 30th July in Ramsgate Kent- for further details contact - he will be dearly missed. The funeral for John Ballard, is at Thanet Crematorium on 30th July at 2pm, post code CT9 4LY. ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column Boerbull / Ridgeback pups - 4 months old. Strictly to homes with big properties and attentive owners. First come first serve. US$100. Tel: 0712 648 324 Please text and we'll call you back. ++++ Pet Hilton Kennels for the best care of your pet while you are away. Bitches on heat catered for and supervised matings for purebred dogs can be arranged during their stay. Christopher available to beautify your dog (all breeds catered for) and domestic obedience training undertaken for dogs over one year old. Dip tank open Saturdays 8 - 11.45. For enquiries or bookings phone Margie Bernard on 242979 or 0775-043983. ++++ Desperately seeking a canary Must be a singer 0773666244 ++++ 7) Bulawayo News ++++ 8) Donations and Wish Lists ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) Catering and Food ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ACCOMMODATION POLOKWANE We invite you to make yourself at home in 'Affordable- Self Catering /Overnight Accommodation', situated in a beautiful secure garden. Ideally located for visitors to Polokwane, due to the close proximity of a bypass to the new 'Mall of the North'. All units have DSTV , are Air- Conditioned and have fridges for your comfort. Undercover parking and swimming pool available. Flat 'Melody' sleeps 4. Queen bed in main bedroom, Shower and toilet en-suite and 2 single sleeper couches in lounge area. Fully equipped self catering kitchen. With oven+4 plate hob. Fridge-deepfreeze. Own courtyard/braai area. Very comfortable with upmarket decor. Tv in lounge area. Flat 'Harmony' sleeps 4. Queen bed in main bedroom and bunkbeds in other area/equipped self catering mini kitchen. Mini stove, fridge- deepfreeze. Bath/ shower. Tv in main bedroom. Own courtyard and braai area. Unit ' Sleep and Go' (or called Rest and Ride) 1 room has a queen bed and the other 2 twins. Common shower/toilet. Fridge/Microwave/coffee facilities in both rooms . Patio doors open on pool and braai. area. Where to find us: 13 Woodbush str. Ladanna Polokwane Close to Macro and Gateway International Airport, just off N1 - GPS Coordinates: S 23 52' 35.1" E 029 27' 22.2" website Your Host: Biddy Fourie - 015 287 9761 (B) 015 2879772 fax (a/h) 082 410 7325 (cell) email : ++++ FOUR SEASONS SELF-CATERING COTTAGES, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG Sleeping from 2 to 8 pax per unit on a large property with ample parking within a secure country estate. 5 chalets in total. Rates: Standard single: R 295, standard double R 450 Loerie Chalet: R 380 single, R 550 double R 150 per additional person, children under 12 pay half price. For bookings/enquiries please contact us at 27 11 460 1948, 27 84 469 4746 or 27 83 420 7779. E-mail: or visit our website for further details, ++++ 13) Accomodation and Travel In Zimbabwe Have you ever been horse riding in the cool, lush, soft, green Chimanimani Mountains WELL FROG AND FERN is the place to be ! DEE AND JANE ARE BACK IN CHIMANIMANI SEE THEIR NEW WEBSITE Phone 0775920440 Do you love Chimanimani - Visit the Facebook Page: Chimanimani Tourist Association and give it a LIKE. You will find some stunning images of Chimanimani on that page. ++++ THE IDEAL PLACE FOR A WEDDING OR CONFERENCES FOR N.G.O.S IN THE BINGA AREA KULIZWE LODGE BINGA Swimming pool, large outdoor conference facility ideal for NGO's. and weddings. A little paradise on the shores of Lake Kariba. Beautiful shady campsites virtually on the edge of the lake. Our camp sites have been re-vamped and have rolling green lawns, plenty of shady trees and water on tap. First class ablution and laundry facilities. We also have a very large lapa and a sparkling infinity pool. Also 6 very basic equipped fisherman's chalets, each sleeping 4 people. Phone +263 15 545 Phone +263 15 286 text message +263 773 666 243 There is now diesel and petrol available of the Kulizwe Forecourt! E-mail ++++ 13b) Accommodation and Travel Africa ++++ 14) Property For Sale or to Rent TO RENT IN MATSHEUMHLOPE Townhouse in small secure complex: 3 bedrooms ( all B.I.C.) 2 bathrooms Open plan kitchen, diningroom, lounge Double garage and laundry Water tank Small garden Available 1st October 2015. Email: Tel: 09 242547 ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED. 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO. TEL: 74581 PROPERTIES FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL FORTUNES GATE - $160,000 Kopje Site - Brick under slate - Split level, 3 bedrooms fitted with cupboards (master bedroom has a balcony), family bathroom with shower and toilet, separate toilet, dining room, lounge with fireplace and cupboards, fitted bar, fitted kitchen with 2 ovens, hob and overhead fan, pantry, laundry, veranda, 3 domestic quarters, tool shed, carport, tennis court, swimming pool on 4125m FLATLETT: Bedroom, lounge, bath and toilet. Property is fenced, walled and gated. PARKLANDS - $130,000 Brick under tile, 4 bedrooms fitted with cupboards, main ensuite, family bathroom, separate toilet and shower, dining room, TV lounge with fireplace and pine ceilings, veranda converted to sunken lounge, fitted kitchen, scullery, laundry (outside), double domestic quarters, storeroom, braai area, double garage with pit (no doors), borehole, swimming pool (empty), walled and gated on 1664m SOLE AGENT. KUMALO - $125,000 Brick under tile Double Storey, lounge with fireplace, sun lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms (3 bedrooms fitted with cupboards, 2 family bathrooms, separate toilet, fitted kitchen, scullery, double lock-up garage, single domestic quarters, storeroom, borehole, swimming pool (empty), walled and gated. HILLSIDE - $105,000 Brick under tile, lounge with fireplace, TV lounge, dining room, 4 bedrooms fitted with cupboards, bathroom, separate toilet, fitted kitchen, pantry, laundry, veranda, double garage (no doors), double domestic quarters, borehole, walled and gated. KILLARNEY - $70,000 Brick under tile, lounge with fireplace, dining room, 3 bedrooms, main ensuite, family bathroom, fitted kitchen, veranda, domestic quarters, fenced, walled and gated on 4747m BRADFIELD - $60,000 Brick under iron, Single - Storey , Semi Detached, 2 bedrooms, one built in cupboard, combined lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen, single domestic quarters, double carport, fenced, walled and gated. TOWNHOUSE - $150,000 Secure Complex. Brick under tile, Semi-Detached, lounge, dining room, 2 bedrooms fitted with cupboards, main ensuite, family bathroom, fitted kitchen, laundry, veranda, garage, domestic toilet. TOWNHOUSE - $127,500 Secure Complex. Brick under tile, Semi-Detached, Double-Storey, 2 bedrooms fitted with cupboards, two main ensuite, combined lounge/dining room, fitted kitchen. Garage, laundry and separate toilet attached to house. WE HAVE MANY MORE, PLEASE COME IN AND SEE US AT 5A, 9THAVENUE. OR CALL: SPEAK TO SHAHID, AARON OR AARON LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY. WE ARE LOOKING FOR PROPERTIES VALUATIONS WE OFFER A COMPLETE SERVICE IN ALL ASPECTS OF VALUATIONS:- OPEN MARKET VALUATIONS DECEASED ESTATE VALUATIONS ANNUAL RENTAL VALUATIONS STATUTORY VALUATIONS OTHER VALUATIONS BRYAN (0772 238 431) FOR MORE INFORMATION PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LET US MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY WE HAVE TENANTS IN ALL PRICE RANGES FOR RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. ++++ COMMERICAL PROPERTY FOR SALE JASON MOYO AVENUE Reduced US$110 000 Serious Seller - All Offers will be considered Main Road Frontage, Prime location, 694sqm, House is a brick under tin building and includes a Front Office/Reception 3 offices 2 inside storeroom bath basin separate toilet kitchen back verandah into a 20ft container storage. Brick under asbestos Warehouse connected to the main building via verandah includes 2x storerooms delivery access. Borehole fitted with mono pump in the warehouse, secure court yard, fully walled. Title Deeds: Company Name. Viewing by appointment please call Brenda 0772 220 155/0712 606 860. ++++ FOR RENT ( IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION) / SALE KENNILWORTH TOWERS, ASCOT. RENCENTLY RENOVATED. 2 BEDROOMS, MAIN EN SUITE & FAMILY BATHROOM.OPEN PLAN LOUNGE, DINING, AND NEWLY FITTED MORDEN KITCHEN & STUNNING VIEWS (15TH FLOOR). FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: GEORGE BOSWELL: 09 882 882 / 09 67 088 / 0772 313 792 ++++ 9 roomed house for sale in Masvingo (Victoria Ranch Suburb). Price 42K. Phone 0775 165 295 ++++ BURNSIDE 2 Bed roomed cottage with kitchen, lounge, bathroom and toilet. Close to White Stone School. Very private and secure. Lease till the end of December 2015. Please contact 0775 664 207 ++++ R.E.D PROPERTY Chartered Surveyors AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS & VALUERS MAIN OFFICE: 14 LUTON STREET, BELMONT, P.O. BOX 3196, Byo. TEL: +263-9-882944-6 ASCOT Branch: Shop 11 Ascot Shopping Center, Ascot, Byo. Tel: +263-9-250133-4 Email: Websites: Properties for Sale BURNSIDE-US$27,000 A plot of land measuring 5165 square meter. PUMULA SOUTH- US$29,000 New Listing. Four bedrooms (one MES), lounge and kitchen. PUMULA SOUTH- US$30,000 New Listing Brick under asbestos house consisting of lounge, kitchen, five bedrooms, three bathrooms and three toilets. Walled and gated. ASCOT- US60, 000 Very nice flat, stunning views comprising of lounge-cum-dining room, two bedrooms (one MES) and family bathroom. SUBURBS- US$110,000 A two bedroomed home consisting of two bathrooms , lounge open plan to dining room, fitted kitchen with pantry, double garage, double staff quarters and a lovely garden. MORNINGSIDE- US$95,000 Brick under tile house with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge open plan to dining room, kitchen and laundry, bar, carports, storeroom and more. KHUMALO- US$106,000 Renovators dream! Brick under tile home consist of two lounges, separate dining room, kitchen, two bathrooms, staff quarters and unequipped borehole. Lots of potential. HILLSIDE- US$ 190,000 Beautifully Landscaped Charming Property! brick under tile home with two lounges, dining room, fitted kitchen, scullery, four bedrooms (MES), family bathroom, self contained cottage, laundry, storeroom, workshop, office, three carports, pump house, play house, swimming pool and four boreholes. Contact: Mark - 0775 119 184(Ascot Branch), Trindie - 0772 153 519 (Ascot Branch) Janine - 0771 964 493 (Ascot Branch) Martha - 0772 347240 (Belmont Branch), Jonathan - 0712 617 448 (Belmont Branch) Properties for Rent BELMONT- Office Space with warehouse CBD - Office space with beautiful reception FOURWINDS- 2 Bedrooms PUMULA SOUTH - 2 Bedrooms CBD - Flat with three bedrooms CBD - Flat with two bedrooms Call : Renee on 882944-6 / 0772 258 893 R.E.D Property offers a professional service on all property matters from market appraisals, valuations, property management, listing, marketing and selling of all types of properties. ++++ Dairy Farm in Mauritius. Viable concern close to Port Louis looking for majority investor, to expand to next level. Excellent infrastructure and potential. Permanent residence in Mauritius, attractive tax structure and lifestyle. For more detail contact Doug Gamble +27 11 7067067 or ++++ FOR SALE COMMERCIALS ( CBD) -Along Harare street and R.Manyika street ,2 Shops. Bulawayo- along main street : shop with offices and basement. Butchery/supermarket . Factory at Kelvin west. CBD -Block of offices CBD -Fuel service station RESIDENTIAL Ascot Mews - Town House 2 Bedroomed excellent property-choice of 2 Bradfield -3 bedroomed , lounge/dining room & kitchen Suburbs: B.U.T. 4 bedroomed, 2 lounges, kitchen, ensuite, double lock-up garage, prolific borehole & s/pool. Queens Park:3 bedroomed,walled & gated and well with plenty water. Vacant stands in Plumtree low density. Various houses in western surbubs TO LET BELMONT - INDUSTRIAL & CBD Warehouses and Offices Mall - indoor stalls in a busy area Offices - C.B.D along R Mugabe way RESIDENTIAL Spacious house -Selbourne Park ,Cowdray Park,Gwablanda,Nketa 8,Emganwini,Magwegwe Ian & Co. Real Estate (Registered Valuers, Estate Agents, Auctioneers & Property Managers), ground floor, 10 Westbourne suites, Josiah Tongogara, btwn 8 & 9th Ave (next to medical centre). Bulawayo. Tel. 0775 306 392;0772 642 108;0712 871 455; +2639 886626 +2639 886256. Email:, Visit our Website at: ++++ FOR SALE ASCOT TOWERS Flat for sale at Ascot Towers. For viewing please contact: 0783 701 573 ++++ FOR SALE HILLSIDE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 lounges, kitchen, breakfast nook, enclosed veranda, cottage, pool, borehole, double staff quarters, double garage, workshop. One acre Price US$140 000.00 Please contact 0774 001 893 ++++ REALGATE PROPERTIES Shop #3 Tshaka Centre Fife St & 11th Avenue, Bulawayo Tel: (09) 60870/1 MATHSEUMHLOPE SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER 4 bedrooms (mes), Executive Home on 1 acre in good condition. GWERU LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER On 323 sqm landside and warehouse on 185.07 sqm. ATHLONE MANSIONS Spacious 2 bedrooms, lounge, separate dining room, Quick Sale $36,000.00 HILLSIDE 3 bedroomed house with a study and 2 lounges on over an acre $90,000.00 KILLARNEY 3 bedroomed home with (MES), borehole, swimming pool and several staff quarters $90,000.00 Neg SUBURBS Executive home 4 bedrooms (MES), double lock up garage, borehole, swimming pool $150,000.00 BURNSIDE Set on a kopje site is a 4 bedroomed executive home, other features include 2 lounges, fitted kitchen, laundry room swimming pool (terms an option) $130,000.00 BELLEVUE Very large 6 bedroomed home with 2 ensuites, 4 carports at a very reasonable price of $75,000.00 Neg SAUERSTOWN 3 bedroom home in very excellent condition $50,000.00 Neg STANDS : MATHSEUMHLOPE 1 ACRE $20,000.00 RIVERSIDE 1 ACRE $25,000.00 BURNSIDE 1 ACRE $18,000.00 MATOPOS MANSIONS 2 bedroomed flat, lounge/dining room, kitchen $45,000.00 Takura 0772 303746 Henry 0778 301049 Goodwill 0773 373288 ++++ HOUSE TO RENT Secured, Four bedroomed, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, big kitchen, breakfast area, scullery, pantry, separate laundry, garage, swimming pool, electric gate, house in Suburbs to rent. Email ++++ Business for Sale: Lucrative small procurement business for Sale - Associated Power and Light - $ 50,000-00 stock inclusive, walk in, walk out. Quality dealerships, South African based. Substantial clientele with proven track records. Financials Available for inspection to genuine buyers only. Contact: +263779432130 or for more details. ++++ FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE, LOUNGE,DINING,KITCHENTTE (NO STOVE). HILLSIDE/BURNSIDE.SUITABLE FR SINGLE PROFESSIONAL OR COUPLE.NO CHIDREN OR PETS. NEAT &SECURE. $350 PLUS ZESA. CALL 241242 ++++ FOR LEASE PREMISES FOR LEASE Prime location in Belmont Approximately 750 sqm Factory / Workshop and Office Space Available Immediately Phone 0712 614 279 ++++ HILLSIDE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 lounges, kitchen, breakfast nook, enclosed veranda, cottage, pool, borehole, double staff quarters, double garage, workshop. One acre Price US$140 000.00 Please contact 0774 001 893 ++++ Small family looking for apartment to rent in the CBD or close surrounding areas. Will take good care of the property. Michelle-0777022335 ++++ HOUSE TO LET MORNINGSIDE Close to shops & schools Split level 3 bed home, main en suite, 2 bathrooms, 3 toilets, 2 lounges, entertainment area, triple staff qtrs, b/hole, pool, 3 car ports, garden, storeroom, available 1st August furnished/unfurnished. Contact:- Sandi 0772 272 457 +++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire ZIMBABWE CAR HIRE Affordable Freedom! We are a small, but growing, car hire company based in Bulawayo with a second office in Harare. We aim to offer a quality service, with well- maintained second hand cars, while raising funds for Family Impact Africa a locally based charity. We have a growing fleet to suit your needs! Grade B - Mazda Familia or similar starting from $44/day Grade D - Honda CRV, Mitsubishi Space Wagon (6 seater) - $77/day Grade E - VW Passat, - $55/day Grade F - Noah (people carrier) - $77/day Grade G - Toyota Landcruiser GX - $99/day 09 230 722, 0783 496 253 38 Heyman Rd, Suburbs, Bulawayo HARARE - 078 283 3142 ++++ VEHICLES FOR SALE Kids Motorbike - Almost New Big Boy CR125 With New Helmet Price: US$1 100.00 Tel: 0772 437 044 ++++ CHEVROLET SPARK 2013 model, only 17 000km and still under warranty. $12 000 O.N.C.O Tel or Whatsapp: 0774 659 740 ++++ A HOME AWAY FROM HOME! A fully converted 14 ft turner swallow caravan in excellent condition. Complete with sleeping, dining and kitchen area with built in storage cupboards. Supplied with 2 gas bottles, gas stove, fridge, crockery and cutlery. To view or more details please contact 0772 383 810 ++++ VEHICLE FOR SALE 2003 Jeep Cherokee asking price $12 000 Negotiable Contact:- Sandi 0772 272 457 ++++ VEHICLES FOR SALE In good running condition, Nissan s/wagon, lady driven, mileage 113,500. Can send pictures by email or whatsup. Phone 0779 433 355 ++++ HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE LOVELY FAMILY FRIENDLY HOUSEBOAT. MAX PAX 20 IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 3 DOUBLE BEDS ALL EN SUITE. 1 TWIN BEDROOM AND 1 BEDROOM WITH 3 SINGLE BEDS. 3 SHOWERS, 3 TOILETS. ONE OUTSIDE SHOWER. STAFF QUARTERS WITH 3 SINGLE BEDS SHOWER,TOILET ,BASIN. OPEN PLAN DINING AND KITCHEN DOWNSTAIRS. TOP DECK HAS A LOVELY SPLASH POOL ,DINING AREA, BAR AND LOUNGE AREA. BOAT IS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH CUTLERY, CROCKERY, LINEN AND FURNISHINGS. GAS GEYSER AND 6,5 KVA GENERATOR . INCLUDES TENDER BOAT (SKIMMER) WITH 40HP MOTOR.THIS BOAT IS CURRENTLY BEING USED FOR COMMERCIAL CHARTERS. PRICE $80 000 NEG. CONTACT : EMAIL Wayne 0772 316602 Cheryl 0773 281029 ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant Accounts Temp wanted. The person must have prior experience with cash sales, counter sales, inventory control and Pastel. Email CV's to ++++ Job Opportunities in UAE Harrison Ryce International is offering an extensive range of employment opportunities in UAE with a local partnership they offer Jobs in Childcare , Hospitality , Healthcare , Engineering ,etc For Registration , further consultation and Informations book an appointment call: 0776 435 605 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a legal secretary or in conveyance or any aspect of Human Resources and Labour law. I have a degree in Human resources and 8 years experience in conveyancy. I am able to adapt and am willing to learn and also willing to relocate. References available Please contact 0716 836 347 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Gentleman seeks employment as a gardener. Very good with flower arrangements, lawns and swimming pools. Can look after pets. Live in preferred Please contact Mr Mathe 0779 113 020 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a nurse aide. Holding a certificate on home based care. Can look after the elderly, bedridden and stroke patients. Has lots of experience worked at Savyon Lodge Please contact 0771 530 026 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a childminder/house-keeper. Can do all the cleaning, excellent with laundry. Good with children and infants. Live in or out Please contact: 0713 129 701 ++++ Young lady seeking employment in Johannesburg area preferably with a ex Zimbabwean company or family as a office administrator or even office cleaner. I will try my hand at anything legal. I have experience in working as a receptionist office clerk , till operator and even worked as a house keeper maid . I am very fluent in Shona English and Ndebele. I stay in mid Johannesburg and would like to find work in Johannesburg area. I can work as a counter sales lady till operator, house maid and restaurant waiter please contact Patricia on +27 63245710 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a housekeeper. Can look after children and pets. Very good with cleaning, washing and ironing. No cooking Live in preferred Please contact Ms Ncube 0779 027 100 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT I am a smart, mature and honest lady looking for a domestic job. I have traceable references Please contact 0718 157 679 or 0775 705 471 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Gentleman seeks employment as a driver. Holding a clean class 4 drivers licene and a valid passport. Kindly contact Johanne 0772 118 139 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Willard Dalikesi is seeking employment. He has been employed by my family for 20 years. He has developed skills in creating gardens and is also a competent Handyman and Painter. He is honest and trustworthy to work in the house. Willard is seeking employment as a gardener or general worker. Any references should be referred to myself. MR G J GEDDES Tel No: 09 230 565 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a domestic worker. Very good with washing and ironing no cooking. Can be part time or full time Please contact: 0718 099 720 or 0773 561 654 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a housekeeper / childminder. Can do all the household cleaning and laundry. Good with children and pets. Live in or out Please contact Mrs Mpofu 0776 172 417 ++++ Do you love fitness activities You could be the candidate for this opportunity. Am looking for aerobic instructors, including those who can teach spin and / ZUMBA Classes. Please send an email expressing your interest and 1 or 2 paragraphs outlining your experience/qualifications to: 0772546897 ++++ Am a cheerful young self starter, with hands on experience in events management,front office and secretarial work.I learn quickly and adapt well to challenges.Do consider me if you have any applicable position. You may contact me on 0772 546897/0777 022335 -L.C ++++ Lady seeks employment as a receptionist / secretary. Very good with general office work. Please contact 0772 404 758 or 0717 015 406 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a housekeeper / child minder. Can look after children and the elderly. Very good with all the house hold cleaning and washing. Can look after your pets. Live in preferred. Please contact 0773 340 276 ++++ Mature lady seeks employment as a domestic worker. Has limited cooking but willing to learn. Very good with children and infants. Can do all the house hold cleaning and washing. Can look after your pets. Please contact 0717 203 180 or 0772 114 764 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT A domestic lodge worker, office cleaner. I have current references. I can do cooking, childminder, care of pets, ironing and general house work Please contact A Phiri 0774 775 373 ++++ Seeking employment Pro active and hard working Personal Assistant/Administrative Assistant seeks fulfilling and challenging role where my skills can be utilised to add value to your organisation. l believe in delivering results, innovative solutions and continual improvement within an organisation. lf you want a value adder and hard working Personal Assistant, please contact me o 0712372705/0774600808 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Lady seeks employment as a house-keeper. No cooking. Can look after children, pets and the elderly. Live out preferred. Please contact M Hove 0775 704 388 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Gentleman seeks employment as a housekeeper. He is very hard working and can keep the house spotless clean. He has basic cooking Please contact Misheck 0774 563 308 ++++ VALE COAL MINING COMPANY LTD MOATIZE, TETE MOZAMBIQUE. HELLO APPLICANT, WE ARE BRAZILIAN COAL MINING COMPANY BASED IN MOZAMBIQUE WITH STRONG CLIENTELE NETWORK. WE ARE LOOKING FOR QUALIFIED PEOPLE WITHIN AND OUTSIDE MOZAMBIQUE FOR IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING VACANT POSITIONS: (1)FACTORY MANAGER (2)MATERIALS MANAGER (3)STORE OFFICERS (4)SALES REPRESENTATIVES (5) SUPERVISORS (6)TECHNICIANS (7)ACCOUNTANTS (8)CLERKS (9)DRIVERS (10)CLEANER (11)COOKS (12)HEAVY DUTY TRUCK DRIVERS. (13)MINING ENGINEERS. (14)ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED POSITIONS,KINDLY CONTACT OUR PERSONNEL MANAGER WITH YOUR RESUME OR CURRICULUM VITAE VIA: NAME: Abdul Alberto POSITION:PERSONNEL MANAGER EMAIL: PHONE: +25887898690 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young lady seeks employment as a nurse aid. Can look after the elderly and bedridden patients. Willing to help with the household chores. Available now. Please contact Rebecca 0777 132 911 / 0734 651 644 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Mature lady seeks employment as a nurse aid. Has lots of experience looking after the elderly. Has worked at Savyon Lodge. Please contact Loveness 0773 392 506 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young lady seeks employment as a PA, Secretary,Girl Friday or Travel Consultant. Very good with general office, bookings both hotel and airlines. Please contact: 0777 745 666 or 0733 119 464 ++++ Advert - Seeking Part time work in admin/book keeping/shop keeper/receptionist and much more. Am young energetic and pregnant. Just looking for something to keep my days busy until my due date. Please contact Nadine on 0777921281 or email ++++ Seeking Employment Pro active and hard working Personal Assistant/Administrative Assistant seeks fulfilling and challenging role where my skills can be utilised to add value to your organisation. l believe in delivering results, innovative solutions and continual improvement within an organisation. lf you want a value adder and hard working Personal Assistant, please contact me on 0712372705/0774600808 ++++ EMPLOYMENT/ JOB VACANCY CONTACT FAMILY COUNSELLING CENTRE HAS A JOB VACANCY FOR: ASSISTANT FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OFFICER REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS, COMPETENCIES AND WORKING EXPERIENCE - Diploma/degree in accounting or equivalent from a recognized institution - Minimum of 3 years working experience in a similar position - Knowledge of accepted accounting practices and principles - Knowledge and experience in using Pastel accounting and Belina Payroll software - Good written and oral communications skills - Experience in working in not-for-profit organization PLEASE APPLY PREFERABLY BY EMAIL NOT LATER THAN 19 JUNE 2015 TO: ++++ Seeking Employment A well groomed young lady is seeking employment in South Africa preferably Johannesburg area. she has her stay and already resides in Johannesburg. She has experience in working as a Receptionist and in counter sales, she is also been working as a waiter and bar lady in Johannesburg. but she is willing to try any thing legal even domestic duties. she prefers to work for a Ex Zimbabwean company or family. Please contact Phathi on 0632425710 or phone 00263772755156 for a reference ++++ Lovemore Muzeza is seeking employment. A very personable young man with drive and ambition, he has his Class two driver's license and has a diploma in Auto Electrics. Excellent O levels too and good references. Telephone 077 611 6955. ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young lady seeks employment in administration or accounts department. l am a hard-working responsible and reliable individual with 3 years experience as an accounts assistant. Half day job preferably. Please contact on 0783869063. ++++ Margaret Dube is seeking employment as her employer have left for the UK. Margaret has good references and is a competent house worker in all respects. Mobile 0774017208 ++++ 21) SERVICES GATE Automation: CENTRURION MOTORS - Specials and Repairs - Genuine parts and repairs - Intercoms etc ELECTRIC FENCE ERECTION - with terms -wall tops, freestanding - repairs and upgrades - fence energizer sales and repairs - J V A , Gallagher and Wizord SOLAR POWER - Panels, invertors, regulators, regulators - supply and installations. CAMERAS - DIY Kits available, IP Cameras, Professional Kits, 4, 8, and 16 channel For enquiries call: Richard Cell: 0772 870 201 Email: ++++ FREIGHT CONSULTANTS Are you wanting to ship personal effects For quotations for packing and shipping by sea (full and part container loads) and air anywhere in the world. Please contact us on the following: 09 - 474154 / 5 / 6 / 7 ++++ Motor vehicle repairs - For all vehicle servicing , any make or model , petrol or diesel , small car or heavy lorries , I undertake at very affordable rate to suit your budget. I supply service parts and fix , but you are welcome to supply your own if you wish. I have vehicle diagnostic machine for vehicles from 2000 upwards. Engine overhauls , light panel beating, total vehicle rebuilds , old vehicle restoration and customizing all done in my workshop. I have 27 years experience in the trade , 16 of which were running my own workshop. Please do not hesitate to call for free diagnosis and quote . I am also open to negotiations with fleet owners for regular servicing of their vehicles on a fixed monthly amount. Please contact James with your vehicle problems on 0773433633 or 0712612843. ++++ PUMP MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATIONS Free quotations and advice on borehole services All single and three phase Sterling submersible and booster pump sets are available at 18 Blackrock Road, Westondale, Bulawayo, at unbeatable prices Single phase submersible motor, pump, lead our cable and control box, 2000 litre per hour at 50 meter US$ 252.00 Single phase 0.75Kw (1HP) submersible motor with lead out cable US$135.00 Single phase booster pump 1000 litre per hour at 30 meter. US$65.00 Three phase 0.75Kw (1HP) submersible motor with lead out cable US$145.00 Repairs and installations for all pumps, including Mono and rob pumps. Borehole drilling and clean outs. Prices are V.A.T included 09 - 75712 or 09 - 63901 Joe (Jnr) 0776 845 604 Joe (Snr) 0772 254 137 Email: ++++ SKIP SERVICES For all your gabbage removal, water bowser 3000 litres and skip services We charge the following: Collect and dump of gabbage $85.00 Water bowser 3000 litres $60.00 (delivered) Monthly rentals Please contact us 10 Wingrove Road Thorngrove Bulawayo Cell: 0733 748 911 ++++ OLD, DISCARDED LEAD BATTERIES (ex Motor Vehicles & Invertors) Help protect our environment Let us assist you to dispose of this hazardous waste in a safe manner We will collect within Bulawayo city limits Contact Mike Graham Telephone 245 138 Mobile 0712 606 818 ++++ CENTURION GATE MOTORS REPAIRS SAME DAY SERVICE 1Done speedily 2Using factory supplied & guaranteed Spare Parts, 3By experienced and trustworthy technicians, Spare parts - ex Stock, Gate and Motor Installations also undertaken. Customer satisfaction guaranteed Contact Mike Graham at KEEBROYD, Telephone 245 138 Mobile 0712 606 818 ++++ For all your home renovations and repairs - domestic and Industrial - painting, tiling, ceiling repairs, plumbing, welding, electrical, roof leaks, fascia boards, gutter repairs and many more. Competitive costs. Contact us for an assessment at any time Jason: 0772 312 320 or 0712 712 573 Emanuel: 0772 322 181 or 0716 171 333 Landline: 09 - 226473 Hoping to hear from you soon!!!!!! ++++ SERVICES FENCE-AFRICA (PVT) LTD We manufacture, supply and install:- Alarmed electric fencing, Alarmed electric fencing/panel protection; mains/solar, diamond mesh; security fencing; internal partitioning; razor wire; palisade fencing; pool fencing; gates; barded wire; farm & game fencing; bonnox fencing. We also do repairs, maintenance, upgrades, breakdowns and after sales service. Tel/fax: 09 - 61476/60331/60331/60352/880217 Mobile: 0712 215 306 / 0712 366 197 23B Josiah Chinamano Road Belmont Bulawayo ++++ For all your plumbing requirements blocked drains brust pipes solar gesyers drainlaying water tanks installations borehole installations call 0772230551 ++++ CASTOR & WHEELS and much more!!! Between 14th Ave/15th Ave J Nkomo St Bulawayo Suppliers of wheels and castors for the following: - Hospital beds castors - supermarket trolley castors and trolleys - scaffolding castors; scaffolding,ladders, - oven castors - pallet jack wheels; pallet trucks - chair wheels - gate wheels - wheelchair wheels , walking aids - lawn mower wheels - generator wheels - wheel barrows and wheels - sliding door system - all types metal shelving - measure and fit new Venetian blinds and repairs Contact: Landline - (09) 886987 or 886989 0712 728 034 0773 376 171 email: "We keep you rolling" ++++ MATABELE STEAM LAUNDRY CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING, LAUNDRY & DRYCLEANING CARPET CLEANING $1 PER SQUARE METER! CHAIRS $5 EACH CAR UPHOLSTERY - ONLY $40! CALL 206446-9 to BOOK! State of the art large industrial machinery - carpets deep cleaned and dry quickly 30 years of experience - expert stain removal We also clean lamp shades, rugs, cushions, umbrellas, carry cots etc Ask about our trade discounts on laundry for linen, dustcoats, overalls, workwear etc. We launder everything except money! MATABELE STEAM LAUNDRY Telephone 206446-9 Depot Fife St /9th Ave, Factory on McGee Rd Sauerstown (Members of the Fabricare Institute) ++++ Advert: Jumping Castle for hire: For all your birthday parties, fun days, weddings, pre school and primary school events. 0771968597, 0772 457642, 0772975324 Donn/Ruth ++++ Manure!Manure!Manure! Keep your lawns,pot plants and gardens ever green this winter 50kg bags are $2.50,Minimum orders of ten bags for a delivery. Call on 0774 321 865 We also offer truck hire for house relocating,and general transportation of goods. ++++ HOME SAT: For all Satellite Supplies, Installation & Repairs. We are also Multichoice accredited Installers. Contact George Boswell 0772 313 792 Landline: (09)882 882 / (09)67 088. ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES, BABY VACCINATIONS and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 5 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other necessary information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners or for someone who can't get off work. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in labour to help you to cope with your contractions and answer any queries. I also work part time at a BABY CLINIC :-) For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or (09) 237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 or email me on ++++ PRIVATE CATERING Contact IAN JOHNSTON if you would like to have beef, lamb, pig or whatever meat you want, on a spit, whether it be for your wedding, birthday party, etc. Book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Ian on (09) 237240 or 0712 215 373 or 0783 698 573 or email ++++ SERVICES Finelist Consultancy (Pvt) Ltd We are specialists in the following business consultancy Services: Shelf companies ( Over 220 names to choose from) Private Business Corporations (PBCs) Tax Clearances, Tax Returns , QPDs,Tax Planning and VAT Registrations Year- end Financial Statements Bookkeeping and Accounting Services Annual Returns, CR14 (Change of Directors) Share Capital Redenomination to US$ Trading licenses e.g. shop LICENCES , security companies , liquor etc Payroll Preparation Project Proposals and Cash flows Moneylending shelf companies and license applications Vendor number and State Procurement Board Registrations. NSSA, Zimdef, Nec Registration 2015 TAX CLEARANCES AND TAX AMNESTY APPLICATIONS. INSTALMENT PAYMENT PLAN FACILITY AVAILABLE FOR ALL SERVICES WE OFFER!!!!!!!!!! Business Brokering Services - Are you buying or selling a business We link business buyers with sellers and vice versa. We also link business people looking for joint ventures/partnerships and equity finance- We have various businesses across the country for sale Business Wanted to Buy Wanted is a Fast Foods Takeaway/restaurant and bakery to buy In Bulawayo CBD Construction services -Renovations, walling, tilling, painting, extentions, durawalls, plumbing, electrical, paving, landscaping and new building structures. Do you own residential, industrial or commercial land, we have a land developer willing to partner with you on various value adding proposals to develop your land. Contact us at:- Suite 805 , 8TH Floor Charter House Corner L. Takawira / Fort Street P.O. Box 3128, Bulawayo Tel:263884777/8 Fax:263884778 Cell:263772850705 Email: Website: ++++ LEKAWHEELS ARE YOU BUYING OR SELLING A CAR VISIT ++++ Services: SECURITY PEOPLE {Pvt}Ltd We Install, Supply & Repair Gate & Garage Door Automation Custom-made Sliding Gates, Swing Gates & Garage Doors Centurion Gate Motors & any gate motor Gate Motor spare parts,Batteries for Alarms, Electric Fence & Gate motors Wall top Electric fence & Razor wire Intercoms & Video Intercoms Panic Alarm system CCTV & Sensors & Door Screens Game & Farm Fencing & Diamond Mesh Address :30 Duncan Road, Surbubs, Bulawayo. Calvin: 0772803067, 0712552224, Office Land line:: 09- 232222 Watsapp :0772803091 email: ++++ HEALTH INSURANCE Dwala Consultants : Please contact us for your Health Insurance requirements. We are agents for Health International, Multimed, Alliance Health, Aetna and others. Ask about our Combo package as well. For more information please contact us on Byo 230708, 231091 or 231193 e mail us on or or pop in and see us at 50A Livingstone Rd, Suburbs, Byo. ++++ Looking for an electrician Need some work done For household and work place installation, maintenance and repairs. Call Luke 0712 213 382 ++++ TECHNICAL SERVICES AFRICA (TSA) Nematicides Fumigation Chemicals Fumigation Plastics & Equipment, Insecticides & Acaricides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Growth Regulants, Public Health Products. Formaldehyde 37/7 formalin Contact Casper Masvikeni and his team for all Agricultural Chemicals ACOL HARARE, t/a TSA, 670 Leyland Road, New Ardbennie Technical Services Africa (TSA) contact numbers are 0712604643, 0712605651, 0772765967, 04-2925306/13, 0772233037/8, 0772232440/1 - You could also add internal sales numbers for our 4 sales guys upstairs viz 0733422346 (Mapfumo) 0733422347 (Washington), 0733422348 (Jonathan), and 0733422349 (Joseph) Email ++++ ACOL CHEMICAL BULAWAYO AND HARARE As bulk importers of chemicals, Acol Chemical is able to assure our customers of quality chemicals at the best possible prices. Acol has a vast range of Chemicals, which include: Hydrochloric Acid 30% (Pool Acid) 25kg Polycans HTH (Calcium Hypochlorite) 70% 50kg and 5kg Polycans Aluminium Sulphate 50kg Bags none Caustic Soda 25kg Bags 38.00 Hydrogen Peroxide 50% 30kg Polycans Coconut DEA 5kg Dodigen 5kg NP6 5kg sold out NP9 5kg Pine Oil 4kg Sulphonic Acid 5kg 21.oo no stock Bulk Liquid Cyanide Formaldehyde 37/7 formalin\ NP6 Sulphonic Acid. For these and any other of our vast range of chemicals please contact: ACOL BULAWAYO, 37 Plumtree Road, Belmont. Lionel Wolfenden Ray Chiridza Dave Meggitt Tiffany Roberts Noel Edington Tel 09 470 481 / 5, Fax 09 470 486, Email ACOL HARARE, 670 Leyland Road, Ardbennie Land lines in Harare are 04 2925306/16. 292 5316 is the easiest to get through on. Switch board 0772 233 037/8 and 0772 232 440/1 Johnathan James 0733 422 348 Ben Ajidah 0712 200 875 Dean Griffin 0772 324 765 Lisa Rheeder 0772 247 861 Precious Bara 0712 601 675 Email ++++ PERKINS SEALS For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. Perkins Bulawayo Sales :- 09 - 79415 E Mail :- 29 14th Avenue Bulawayo Perkins Harare Sales :- 04 755440 / E Mail :- Bay 1 32 Simon Mazorodze Rd. Harare For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. ++++ 22) Health And Beauty DETOX FOOT PATCHES Made from totally natural wood and tree extracts, it is the culmination of centuries of knowledge known to Chinese Traditional Medicine and Reflexology down through the generations. 8 patches in each box Apply under feet or on back of neck or shoulder whilst you sleep. Helps relieve symptoms associated with blood pressure, arthritis,hot flushes, skin problems, stress, fatigue, lethargy, joint pain, constipation, allergies, poor circulation and many other health problems. Call or whatsapp to place your order. Each box is $15 and delivery is free in Bulawayo. Arrangements for shipping can be made elsewhere in the country. Call on +263775417056 ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE INCA Thicknessing plane for woodwork. Also saw table / face sander combination. The lot $450.00 Phone 0772 383 810 (Zim) WatsApp 0027768637380 (SA) ++++ 1).GET PERFECT ABS with the ALL NEW WONDER CORE!!! Revolutionary 6-In-1 New Ab Sculpting system CRUNCH & REVERSE CRUNCH Target entire core Dual resistance design Variable resistance Suitable for all ages and fitness levels Twisting seat University proven Comes with complete guidance system: This includes a) An exercise guide b) Nutrition guide c) Personal Training DVD Provides excellent spring action support for the back when doing sit ups allowing you to maximize your abs flex whilst saving your back from pain. Easy assembly and storage Safe and fun for the whole family N.B It is still boxed and sealed. Free assembly offered on request. Get this amazing offer today for ONLY US$250. Call or whatsapp on +263775317056 ++++ 2). RYOBI PETROL CHAIN SAW FOR SALE Brand new in the box Powerful 2-stroke Engine, 1.1kw output power, cuts hardwood with ease 355mm large cutting diameter 3200r/min fast chain speeds, ease use by requiring less pressure. In-built automatic oiling system for longer Chain life Compact lightweight design for easier operator use. Reliable and dependable brand name with ease of spares availability. These usually retail for $300 but this amazing offer is yours for ONLY $230. Call now or whatsapp for details on +263 775317056 ++++ PIANO FOR SALE We are downsizing and do not have space for our beautiful old piano - anyone out there want to give it a home for US$600 Tel: 236599 ++++ FOR SALE Household items for sale Single door bottle cooler $200.00 Chest deep freeze 12 cubit foot $120.00 4 plate Kelvinator stove $200.00 8 foot Kelvinator fridge $80.00 Engineers drawing board $100.00 All the above in good working order Please contact 0775 548 210 ++++ FOR SALE Double bed - $200.00 Brown & Beige 3 piece suede sofa - $700.00 4 Plate black superior stove - $150.00 Chelino travel set, stroller and car seat - $150.00 Chelino camp cot 0 $150.00 Sunbeam air conditioner - $100.00 Please contact Nandi on 0772 366 522 for viewing and enquiries ++++ BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!!! Buy a TASER and get a box of DETOX PATCHES for FREE!!! Don't miss out on this amazing promotional offer. Buy one taser ($30 each) and get one box of DETOX PATCHES for free!! Made from totally natural wood and tree extracts, it is the culmination of centuries of knowledge known to Chinese Traditional Medicine and Reflexology down through the generations. 8 patches in each box Amazing promotional offer. Call or whatsapp on +263775317056 N.B: Offer valid whilst stocks last. Get your promotional offer today!!! ++++ Butchery Equipment for Sale. 1 x brand new 3-in-1 Band Saw, spare blades and mincer spares. $1300.00 o.n.c.o. Phone (H) 09-881194 or 0776 891 692. ++++ Baby C Products For Sale. Seven handmade baby products that make your baby bundle as comfortable as possible in their new environment. Ideal baby shower gifts. Baby C Wrap Baby C Apron Towel Baby C Sleeping Bag Baby C Lifting Blanket Baby C Car chair / pram cover Baby C Reflux and Feeding Bibs Baby C Breast Feeding Apron Contact: 00 27 832 524 597 00 263 772 272 174 ++++ 5 piece Dusty Pink Lounge Suite for sale Call 0772 247 753 ++++ I have the following items of good quality furniture for sale::: US Dollars 1 x Oak Sideboard 500.00 1 x Imbuyia Oval Table 250.00 1 x Imbuyia Tea Trolley 200.00 1 x Imbuyia L/Suite 850.00 1x 9x12 Persian Design Carpet 250.00 (new- never used) Please tel Mark on 09 60169 or cell 0774013648 ++++ Kings Auction Centre We offer collections and valuations anywhere in Bulawayo, we sell daily meaning fast cash, we are fetching the highest prices, cash advances can be arranged, we have waiting buyers for all quality furniture and antiques. collections are FREE to all pensioners!! On our auction floor we also have fantastic items for those looking to buy items!! Call us today to book your collection or valuation and receive the highest prices from Bulawayos leading auction Kings Auction Centre 880058/70316 or call into 141 fife street "we lead others follow" ++++ HOUSEHOLD FOR SALE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD IS FOR SALE FROM UPMARKET HOUSE IN KUMALO. 1. VERY COMFORTABLE 10 SEATER LOUNGE SUITE. 2. REPLICA BIG PERSIAN CARPET FOR A BIG LOUNGE. 3. 3 BRASS STANDING LIGHT FITTINGS. 4. SET OF 5 MATCHING LOUNGE TABLES. 5. ENGLISH WASHING STAND (BURMA TEAK WOOD) 6. BOOKSHELF (IMBUA WOOD) 7. OLD ENGLISH BOOKSHELF 8. IMBUA WOOD FULL DINING ROOM SUITE FOR 8 (IMBUA WOOD) 9. MAHOGANY BREAKFAST SNOOK 10. OAK BEDROOM SUITE 11. OAK DRESSING TABLE 12. CHERRY WOOD TAILOR MADE BEDROOM SUITE. 13. DEFY FULL STOVE 14. ORIGINAL FRAME PAINTINGS AND PRINTS. 15. VINTAGE RADIOS. 16. VINTAGE CAMERAS. 17. CUTLERY, CROCKERY,GLASSWARE, SILVERWARE. 18. VINTAGE TYPEWRITERS AND MANY MORE ITEMS. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. PLEASE MAKE APPOINTMENT TO VIEW IF REALLY INTERESTED BY PHONING TO 0712614587. ++++ Parsun Generator 29oo DX 2 Kilowatt Phone Rod only weekdays...... Byo (09) 476382 Price $275.00 onco. ++++ Cattle MANURE! Keep your lawns,pot plants and gardens ever green this winter, with manure fertilizer 50kg bags are $2.50,Minimum orders of ten bags for a delivery. Call on 0774 321 865 We also offer truck hire for house relocating,and general transportation of goods. ++++ SALE - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 1.MAJORCA LOUNGE SUITE : 8 SEATER - 2 X 2 SEATERS, 4 CHAIRS OAK / DRAYLON : COFFEE TABLE, 8 SIDE TABLES 1.BOOK SHELVES (2) 2.BERNINA SEWING MACHINE : 830 ELECTRONIC 3.HP OFFICE JET PRINTER 4.GLASSWARE: Brandy, Whiskey, Champagne, etc. 5.DESSERT SETS: Bowls + smaller dishes. ODDMENTS: CROCKERY, CUTLERY, SERVING DISHES, KITCHEN UTENSILS, LINEN ETC. PHONE: 231195MOBILE: 0777407210 ++++ MISC. FOR SALE Top brand heavy duty industrial washing machine comprising the following for sale: Girbau washer extractor Speed queen heavy duty dryer Forenta utility dry press Ingersol air compressor Tullis feed roller iron Sidi electrical steam iron Sidi heated vaccum ironing board Installation kit Serious buyers to kindly contact 0772264693/0712204825 for pricing and discussions. ++++ Centre coffee table, typist chair, medical bed and various other items for sale Phone 247166 ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy, Beg or Borrow I am looking for an O Level Mathematics Cambridge Redspot textbook. Anyone who has it can contact me on my number 0772633098 or whatsapp me on the same number. Thanks. ++++ Wanted office chairs to buy call 0772 850 705 . Wanted to lease or share butchery in busy CBD location call 0772 850 705. ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing BOATS AND FISHING For sale: 1 x 70HP Mercury outboard: $2,000. Good condition and low hours. Comes with throttle, power trim and gauges. Call 0712 614 279 for more details. ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home GARDENING AND LANDSCAPE For all your gardening and landscape requirements contact Felicity She will transform any garden to a beautiful garden and make your home lovely. Contact her for the following: - garden and preparation - landscaping - lawns - plants and flowers - shrubs and trees - manure, top dressing - top soil - design layout - plant care advice - commercial maintenance - residential maintenance - pot and plant orders FELICITY VAUGHAN Land line 09-243616 cell: 0712 431 062 email: ++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST, 99% WEED FREE. BLACK GOLD PERFECT FOR GARDENS, LAWNS, POT PLANTS AND SEEDLINGS. WILL DELIVER ORDERS OVER 100KGS LOCALLY, MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. PHONE 246688 or 0778495599 ++++ Kraal manure for sale. $2.00 per 50kg bag. Minimum order of ten bags. Tel : 078298 4116. ++++ Manure!Manure!Manure! Keep your lawns,pot plants and gardens ever green this winter 50kg bags are $2.50,Minimum orders of ten bags for a delivery. Call on 0774 321 865 We also offer truck hire for house relocating,and general transportation of goods. ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++