MORNING MIRROR EDITION 508 9 October 2012 MORNING MIRROR WEBSITE Look out for us on Facebook! Please contact for information on how to place your advert. PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE EDITOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. ONLY E MAIL COMMUNICATION WILL BE DEALT WITH THANK YOU. ++++ There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.??- Alan Cohen - ++++ Life is your art. An open, aware heart is your camera. A oneness with your world is your film. ??- Ansel Adams - ++++ EDITORIAL Humouring Granny. It was quite the nicest couple of weeks I have had in ages. Little people have been noticeably lacking in our lives for several years and here I had 5 little people surrounding me for many days. I was going to make the most of this treasured time !! - I use the term 'Little People' affectionately as all of them were taller than I. Sadly Zimbabwean Grannies and Aunties do not have their grandchildren, nieces and nephews with them often, as our own children have made their own lives in far flung lands. Maybe I have just not kept up with modern trends as I found to my chagrin. Self-appointed Grannies after all have duties don't they? They must be the harbingers of all good things that their parents don't have time for, is that not correct. I would have these beautiful, bright little people under my total control and show them all the wonderful things that my Granny used to show me!! Things like knitting and sewing for the girls, things like woodwork and board games for boys. I still had my little stack of Hardy Boys and Just William books for the boy and my stack of Nancy Drew and Little Women books for the girls. Well I have to tell you that I should probably have had my grandchildren a whole lot earlier as these bright young things looked at me in horror when I proffered these little treasures that had seen me through my youth !! Instead of Nancy Drew they wanted to read the Twilight Saga and when I tentatively offered to show them my old series of 'Bonanza' they humoured me for all of five minutes and then chose to watch ''Hunger Games' !!! Not one to give up easily - I struggled on valiantly in my Grandmotherly direction. After all, am I correct in saying that the traditional role of grannies has always been to spoil their grandchildren rotten and leave discipline to the parents? And how much are grannies expected to do? Just plonk the little people in front of the telly or computer to keep them quiet? Or undertake daily - and tiring - adventures to the museum, the trampoline and the swimming pool? Of course Granny knows best. Did she not after all bring up her own offspring most successfully, and in much harder times? But times have changed, opinions have changed too, and the modern grandparents it would appear, may just have to swallow their opinions just as I had to swallow mine. Grandmas are the most affectionate individuals on earth are they not? Every grandson and granddaughter will agree that being in Grandmas company is such a beautiful feeling. Grannies go out of their way to make sure their grandchildren are happy. (Grandpas reading this may not agree but deep within they know grandmas are preferred by grandchildren. Hee Hee.) Every grandma has a strange affable way to deal with situations. Their calming presence is magical. Grannies seldom get angry. Even when they do there's something amusing about them. I was determined to get them outside in the fresh air and away from their iPads, but trampolining is not easy for a Granny. Thankfully after a while they would allow me to sit on a chair while they jumped. Swimming was also a tad arduous, one game of "Marco Polo" had me almost drowned and gasping for breath. I tried hard to purchase a badminton net but thankfully failed to find one !! I also had it firmly in my mind that children play too many computer games and so, as all Grannies do, faithfully I produced my dusty boxes of Scrabble, Monopoly and Cluedo. I did notice an exchange of glances between the youngsters but they did sit down manfully to interact with Granny and to humor the old duck!! Board games lasted all of five minutes as they drifted away one by one, rumpling my hair tenderly and saying "Granny we play these games every day of our lives, but we play them on our iPhones !!" Oh well if you can't beat them, join them, I downloaded a whole lot of "apps" like "Angry Birds", "Fashion Board", "Fruit Ninja" and "Doodle Jump" and joined in the fun!! +++++++++ When the Jacarandas B L O O M The air lies heavy with promise, It is that time. The time when winter Has relinquished her power And rain sits On the horizon. Watching Waiting For the ideal moment Threatening To cleanse the town Of her accumulated Dryness of winter. The promise and anticipation Of rain Fills the air Forming an ever present smell, That permeates the town's soul This is a smell Capable of capturing your heart, A smell that few defenses Are powerful enough to withstand. This is the smell of Home. A blanket of lilac, Litters the ground. Forming the ultimate Romantic scene Performed boldly for all to see. It is that time The time when The jacarandas blossom. That time when the town reveals Her romantic side. This is a time When defenses are diminished And passions heightened. It is in this time of promise In this time when romantics And poets Thrive It is in this time That your heart lies captive Bound to the enthralling beauty Of Bulawayo. The only question Is Will you leave your heart captive, And one day return To claim her Or will she forever be Lost Bound Enveloped in that time. That time When The Jacarandas ARE IN BLOOM. JESSIE ENSLIN +++++++ 2) NOTICES AND EVENTS Aloe Gardens Christmas Shopping Fair.....on Saturday 8th December 9 a.m. To 3 p.m. Come along and get into the Festive spirit, it will be the ideal opportunity to get all your Christmas pressie shopping done in one spot. Music, Tea Garden, cash bar and catering available all day. Great kids entertainment including a visit from Father Christmas. It promises to be a fun filled day for the whole family. For stall enquiries please contact me on 0712 889431 or email ++++++ Treasure Pleasures On behalf of our Pensioners in stress: We are absolutely over whelmed by the support of the Bulawayo public for our shop Treasure Pleasures. The monies generated from this project are making a big difference in their lives. Thank you! Thank you! Visit our shop "Treasure Pleasures" at Stillhaven community Centre at 18 Lawley Road Suburbs, entrance on 7th Street. We are open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesdays only. We have quality clothing, accessories, items of interest and value, books, shoes, kitchenware, glassware and many others! And at unbelievable prices! Come in for a visit . You will find a treasure or two in our shop. Donations are most welcome at the Bulawayo Help Network office. 130 Jason Moyo Street. Office hours 9-12 Monday to Friday Tel : 67085. +++++ HEAL - Charity Talent Contest When: 18th - 20Th October Where: Harvest House International Cnr 13th Ave/G Silundika Semi & Finals: Bulawayo Theatre Prize: 1st Prize $1000 - 2nd Prize $ 500 Email: or text your name age and talent to 0773704851 ++++ Aloe Gardens will be hosting a family luncheon on Sunday 14th October from 12 p.m. Musical entertainment by our very popular Gary Stanley, kids entertainment (kids please bring your swimming costumes and towels). Cash bar (but cooler boxes welcome). Two course meal $15.00 per adult, half price for children under 12. BOOKING IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL PLEASE. RSVP 0712 889431, or email +++++++ BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY 14TH OCTOBER Yes! We have revived 'Beautiful Sunday' and we are ready to Rock 'n Roll on Sunday 14th October from 12.00 noon with 'Back Again' Join us for a budget beating bash and rock to the sounds of the Golden Oldies with Tookie and Rudi. AND by popular request we will be holding this Sunday special twice a month until the end of November. Cover charge $5.00 per person with Steak Rolls and Chicken Burgers on sale for $3.00. Total cost for a fun afternoon for Two is only $16.00 including the food . The Musketeers Lodge ++++++++ Come and be part of the Tree planting campaign: "For Every Child A Tree". We are all children of this planet, let's all get out there and plant and protect our trees. LET'S DO IT. If you, your company, your organisation, your school are interested in being a part of this initiative, please come along to the meeting. Date: Wednesday 10th October Time: 10 am Venue: Environment Africa, 76 Queen Elizabeth Road, Greendale, Harare Telephone: +263 4 492143/47/48/52 Our GOODWILL AMBASSADOR for "For Every Child A Tree" campaign will be announced at the meeting, so come along and find out who it is. Environmentally yours Veronica Chapman Communications Environment & Africa "Working with Conservation & Communities" ++++++ CG Tracking and CarGuard are organising a Charity Golf day at Country Club on the 2nd November. The charity is Danai Childrens Home in Mabelreign. Danai is a beautiful, small Children's home currently caring for 26 Children. Their aim is to get to 60 Children and the frightening thing is that the demand for places is far greater than this. The Children range from a few months old up to 17 years of age and circumstances include orphan hood, negligence, abandonment and abuse by Parents or Guardians. It is a fantastic, clean and well run home overseen by Gogo Saungweme. They are overseen by a small Board of Trustees including a Pharmacist and Doctor who ensure the Children's health care is looked after. A few of the Children are lucky enough to be sponsored by Individuals or Companies who are covering their School fees each term. However, roughly 18 are not covered for next year. It is our Goal to sponsor these Kids for next year, either through fund raising through our Golf Day, our own Companies and awareness out there to encourage people to sponsor a Child. Furthermore we wish to purchase some furniture and food items to ease their financial constraints and help them expand their operations. I encourage everyone to visit this Home and or consider helping in any way possible. You can visit them at 11 Broughton Drive, Mablereign or speak to Mrs Saungweme on +263775648642. Now, you may think that Golf Days are common but this will be a Golf Day with a difference. In keeping with the Children theme it will be a day of games. Not only will there be golf but games such as hunt the Hyena and the pink ball competition. A formal advert/invite will go out in a couple of weeks but we realize that to maximize the benefit we can provide Danai we need to bring on a few key sponsors. To do so we want to offer a few Corporates the opportunity to maximize their marketing and exposure from this event. As such, we are inviting you to participate as a key sponsor. This will cost you $1250. (Feel free to donate more should the cause move you - it's all going to Danai) For this you will get; - A 4 ball team entry into the golf day - A full hole to brand and do with what you like. Have an advertising table, give aways, brochures etc. - add a game of your own into your hole. - Right to put banners at the starting points and in the prize giving hall - We will provide some shade and tables under Sunports where you can display some of your products/services and have a sales person interacting with the golfers and gym go-errs. - Company mention over the PA system throughout the day - Logos on all advertising that goes out for the golf. This will include a mailshot to over 4000 of our customers and suppliers and newspaper advertising. - You can use this in your Corporate responsibility literature for giving back to our Community as a key sponsor of the event We are restricting the key sponsorship to 5 Corporates to ensure maximum exposure so this will be done on a first come first serve basis. Please let us know by no later than the 5th October so that we can start advertising the event. Should key sponsorship not interest you then other options are: Team entry - $200 Hole Sponsorship - $250 Prize Sponsorship - for the golf day Cash or kind donation direct for/to the Charity. We are happy to coordinate the collection of clothes/furniture/toys/books etc. through any of our branches. Should you have any questions - please do not hesitate to get hold of me. Many Thanks Jason Hankey +++++ GUY FAWKES LOWER NCEMA DAM SATURDAY: 3RD NOVEMBER 2012 8:00AM TILL LATE ENTRANCE FEE: Adults US$10 Children U13: US$5.00, Children U5: FREE ENTRANCE FEE INCLUDES CAMPING FACILITIES DAY EVENTS INCLUDE: Ski show & boat rides & 'trick-or-treating' for kiddies EVENING EVENTS INCLUDE: Fireworks Display & music by Witchdokta Camping facilities, full bar & catering available For Further information please contact Bridget on 0712 430 051 Please note our drinks will be reasonable priced so leave Your cooler boxes at home. ++++ THE DATE OF THE PETRA PRIMARY FAMILY FUN DAY CHANGED. It is now on the 1st DECEMBER. Loads of entertainment for the kids, lots of stalls. Please email Margie - for stalls or further information. +++++ Stonecroft Ministries Christian Woman's Club Presents SUMMER IS HERE Join us for breakfast at: Place: The Boma - Hillside Dams Date: Saturday 13 October 2012 Time: 8:00 am for 8:30 am Entry Fee: US$12.00 (includes gate fee) Special Guest from South Africa COLLEEN SMITH Speaking on "Inner Beauty" - Fashion show by Bulawayo Help Network - Jewellery for sale by Marina - Cosmetics for sale by Ingrid BOOKING ESSENTIAL!! Contact: Cathy - 09 - 241893 / 0772 252 393 Moreen - 09 - 886354 / 0772 382 362 ++++++ "WHAT'S ON AT THE BULAWAYO THEATRE" 16TH OCTOBER - ALLIANCE FRANCAISE PRODUCTION "ARGILE" AN INTERNATIONAL CLAY AND JUGGLING ACT SUITABLE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY - TIME: 7 PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE THEATRE - $8 GET READY FOR: NOVEMBER 15 - 17TH DESRAY LUDICK PRODUCTION "VARIETY FUNDRAISER" IN AID OF THE SPCA FEATURING: DESRAY'S ACROBATIC DANCING ACADEMY HIP HOP BY MITCH & CREW SINGING - ANTHONY LUBBE, WAYNE & VEE CARMEL SCHOOL CHOIR & 'MICHAEL JACKSON' ! PETRA SCHOOL MARIMBA BAND GREAT ENTERTAINMENT YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS & ALL FUNDS TO A WORTHY CAUSE Enid Wrench Theatre Secretary +++++++ New Year at the Vic Falls Carnival Vic Falls Carnival is on for New Year's, Hurry & buy your Early Bird tickets now!. Lots of prizes to be won including free Carnival tickets, all you have to do is LIKE our page, check for more information. 29th Dec - The Zambezi Lager Party Express - $50 per/person Early Bird - $35 p/p and Normal is $45 p/p for the 30th and 31st Program of events: Sat 29th of Dec Daytime - Vic Falls Kidz Carnival with entertainment fun and games for all kiddies - venue Vic Falls primary school Zambezi Lager Party Express VIP Party - only 500 tickets available! (Age limit no under 18 & ID's will be checked) Dress code - CARNIVAL Destination - unknown, except that will be an unforgettable night aboard the Vic Falls Steam Train to one of the greatest venues on this planet... Time: check in 16:30; depart 17:00 from Vic Falls Train Station Return: LATE Chikenbus DJ Francis Sun 30th of Dec - Venue : Vic Falls primary school Morning: Day of 1000 Trees at Vic Falls Carnival see for details on the tree planting 12h00: Gates open Vic Falls Beer Fest Early evening: Music Carnival Begins Zahara (SA) Zebra & Giraffe Plush (SA) Danny (Zambia) Mon 31st of Dec - New Year's Eve - Vic Falls primary school 12h00: Gates open for Vic Falls Beer fest and Carnival Early evening: Music Carnival Begins Oliver 'Tuku' Mtukudzi (Zim) Graeme Watkins Project (SA) Jeremy Loops Chikenbus (Zim) ALSO FEATURING DJ ICE FROM CHINA BUT IS A ZIMBO Other artists include Sean D (Zim) and Mr Bong (SA) and we are still to confirm which days they will slot in. Contact: Caroline Tel: 09-66633 & email: Mon- Friday 08.30 - 1pm @ 130 Samuel Parirenyatwa Rd (next to Compu pro-opposite Coughlan School) ++++++ International Juggling Show, for the whole family. 6.30pm, Tuesday the 16th October @ Bulawayo Theatre Tickets: $8 available from Alliance Francaise, Bulawayo Theatre and at the door. ++++++ PAB AND THE ACADEMY ACADEMY EXAMINATION STUDENTS CONCERT Thursday 11 October in the Robert Sibson Hall at 5.15 p.m. Around a dozen Academy students are entered for ABRSM and Trinity/Guildhall examinations at the end of October. They will be playing their programmes in this concert so please support them! Admission free There will be time for supper - but the concert will be followed by... THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Thursday 11 October in the Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. N.B. STARTING TIME! 'Winner of eleven Oscars, the final film in the J.R.R.Tolkien trilogy ends on a high note... Long, to be sure, but still a staggering achievement - alone, and in concert with the previous two films. Cast, production and direction are splendid and the astounding visual effects are always at the service of a story that scales heroic and very human heights.' [Maltin's 2012 Movie Guide] Supper available from 5.45 p.m. Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] STEPHEN FRY: WAGNER AND ME / WAGNER: LOHENGRIN Fridays 12 & 19 October in the Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. 'Live from the Met, this acclaimed production of Wagner's most lyrical opera will be shown over two evenings and the first act will be preceded by Stephen Fry's documentary, Wagner and Me in which he explores his passion for the composer: 'As a life-long fan, can Stephen, who is Jewish,and lost family in the Holocaust, salvage Wagner's music from its dark associations with anti-Semitism and Hitler?... Animated by his trademark wit and intelligence, this is a fascinating introduction to the life and legacy of one of history's great composers'. Supper available during the interval. Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] THE FINAL CUT Thursdays 18 & 25 October in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.00 p.m. 'The Final Cut' is the last in the 'House of Cards trilogy'. By fair means (and foul) Francis Urquhart has accomplished everything he set out to do - almost. Now nearing the end of his term, Urquhart plans to let international events help him to a luxurious retirement. But he finds himself caught in someone else's power play, and for the first time he is unable to see a way out. Will he outwit his enemies one last time, or will his long career end in disgrace and defeat?... Each part will be preceded by another episode of 'Yes, Minister'. Supper available from 6.00 p.m. Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] ++++ A 2 day workshop 'GROWING IN SOLIDITY' to be held on the 25th and 26th October. Contact: Bernadette Terry licensed PRH Educator, Accompanist, Counselor Tel: 09 241224 Cell 0712 221 443 (if your call is not answered, please send an sms and we will get back to you as soon as possible). I am pleased to say that I have planned another workshop for this month and encourage you to make the wise and courageous choice to attend so as to begin changing your life. Don't wait until change is foisted upon you by circumstances i.e. a death, a divorce or accident. Instead choose a way of life that will bring you deep joy and inner peace. Choose to discover who you are with all your gifts, talents and abilities and where your limitations lay so that you and I and more of us can contribute more effectively to making our lives and the lives of others better. Be a part of the positive changes we need in our society today. I invite you to attend the coming workshop on the Thurs and Friday the 25TH AND 26TH October. Investment in yourself is $120 - Payment terms can be negotiated in special circumstances. PRH - Personality and Human Relations is an International School which gives training in personal growth and development for adults. ++++++++ MUSIC BY MOONLIGHT FUND RAISER The cancer association is, once again, having a music by moonlight fund raiser, on the 12th OCTOBER, at Mystique. As always, we are relying on the Bulawayo public for their support of this event, which in the past has been very well attended. Tickets will be on sale at THE BUTCHER SHOP, ZONKZIZWE COMPLEX, GREENVALE SUPERMARKET, BRADFIELD and from SHEILA GILL ( 242486 ) from the 18th September. Tickets are $15 each. As in previous years, we have invited you to bring a cooler box and your picnic but Mystique will also have food/ bar facilities for those who prefer not to . There will be many prizes for best dressed PINK LADIES and best decorated PINK TABLES !!! Gary Stanley and Wayne and Vee will entertain us and, as in past events, it will be a fun night under the beautiful Zimbabwean sky. Sheila Gill ( Cancer Assoc. Vice- Chair ) +++++++ The Theological College of Zimbabwe is hosting a Charity Fair and Funday! Saturday 3rd November From 2pm TCZ Hilltop Campus, Gwanda Road (opposite NUST) Auction, braai, refreshments, craft stalls, kids games, local musicians and more... Only $10 for a stall - please book by 19th October. Contact Ruth Biddulph on or 287 032 (please leave a message with receptionist if Ruth is not available). (Please note correct e mail address.) All proceeds to support leadership training at the College. ++++++ 3) ROSES AND RASPBERRIES The Director of the Natural History Museum would like to thank Dunlop Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd for supplying tyres for the museum vehicle. The following who have contributed to the replacement of the carpet in the Geology Galleries. Any one who wishes to contribute towards this project please contact Dr. Moira FitzPatrick 250045, or the Treasurer of the 'Friends of the Museum' Gavin Robinson on 0776 174 839. All funds are being handled through the 'Friends' Account. Old Nic Mine Brendan Mitchell Davis Granite Mine Machines (Pvt.) Ltd Tiger Brake and Clutch (Pvt.) Ltd Hillside Hardware ACOL Chemical Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd ManSED (Pvt.) Ltd Acacia Insurance Consultants Haggie Rand Zimbabwe (Pvt.) Ltd J. Mann & company (PVT.) Ltd Tristar Motors Gas Centre Camp Amalinda Hurricane Auto Body Parts Daro Distributors (Pvt.) Ltd Generator Services A.P. Glendining (Pvt) Ltd Puma Electrical Wholesalers Paint World (Pvt.) Ltd +++ 4) CONGRATULATIONS +++++++++ 5) CONDOLENCES The MEMORIAL SERVICE for the late Desiree Maureen Walters Will be held on the 11th October 2012 at 2.00pm in the Chapel at The Church of the Ascension, 73 Leander Avenue, Hillside, Bulawayo. Refreshments in the garden after the service. Desiree Maureen Walters 10.1.1935 - 1.10.2012 Loving mother of Maureen, Gloria, Brian and Robert, suddenly taken from us on the 1st of OCTOBER 2012. You will be sadly missed Mom. Rest in peace. You will always be in our hearts and our memories. +++++ Granny Walters - Desiree Maureen Walters Forever in our hearts, you will never be forgotten. We will always remember the good times we spent with you. You will be with us, forever and always. From your loving grandchildren Warren, Joni, Tara, Daina, Thalia, Courtney and Jason +++++ 6) PETS 4 female boerboel puppies and 1 male puppy sale USD 200 each (good homes only) Please contact Paul on 0772 303 262 +++++ HOME WANTED. Home wanted for a loving 8 year old spayed black and white cat. ONLY a home with no dogs or other cats would be good as she has lived with an elderly lady who recently died. Tel: 70632 Bus. 240172 evenings 0777417094 Bruce Clark +++++ GOOD HOMES WANTED FOR BROWN/WHITE NEUTERED JACK RUSSELL TRI COLOUR FEMALE CROSS BREED BROWN FEMALE CROSS BREED TWO PUPPIES MUST GO TOGETHER PLEASE POP DOWN TO THE SPCA KENNELS AND GIVE A DOG A HOME. WE ARE OVERFLOWING WITH BEAUTIFUL DOGS DESPERATELY NEEDING SOMEONE TO LOVE THEM. ++++++ PUPPIES FOR SALE 7-week-old Labrador puppies. 1st parvo and deworming done. Males Golden yellow Females are Black Parents both registered and good watch dogs. Hip and elbow dysplasia certificate. Puppies to go to good homes Please contact: 0714 311 040 0774 221 444 ++++++ Margaret Bernard at Pet Hilton happy to accommodate your cat, dog, or horse, whenever needed. Bitches on heat catered for and supervised matings when required. Whelping also undertaken. Domestic obedience training given to dogs aged 1 year and above. Christopher on duty to beautify your dog. All breeds catered for. Kindly phone 242979 to book or make enquiries. Dip tank open Saturdays 8.30 - 11.30. Fee $2. +++++ 7) GUARDIAN ANGELS GUARDIAN ANGELS OF THE EDITH DULY NURSING HOME THIS WEEK:- MR ADAMS COLBRO FOOD 4 HOMES GEES FRUIT & VEG MRS KITU - GENERAL BEDDING KERSHELMAR MR R LEE LOSCON LOBELS MRS STEYNBURG ++++++ BULAWAYO ISLAND HOSPICE SERVICE - DRAW RESULTS We have great pleasure in announcing the results and winners of our recent draw. First Prize - Anonymously Donated Lawn Mower - Mr. R Hunter Second Prize - Two Bottles of Scotch Courtesy of Milton Old Boys - Mr. Shane Lindley On behalf of the Trustees, Committee, Staff and especially our Patients, I wish to again thank the public of Bulawayo for their amazing generosity and continuing support of our organization in these difficult times. Your total contribution in support of this draw was $1,360.00 and will go a long way to help with our challenge to continue to serve the Bulawayo Community. All of you are winners. If you wish to contribute further in cash or kind our contact details follow below. We continue to search for volunteer committee members and 'Friends' to assist with our fund raising efforts. Our Bank details are :- ACCOUNT NAME : Bulawayo Island Hospice Service BANK : BancABC BRANCH : Bulawayo ACCOUNT No. 10012903902011 Should you wish to help us serve the community in other ways please contact one of the members below. You are also invited to visit our face book page at Bulawayo Island Hospice Ms..Anita Dicks - Administrator - 77972, email - Ms.Janice Bent - Secretary - Cell 0772 313 617 email - Mike Lander - Home 243467, Cell 0772 244 699 email - As ever with grateful thanks on behalf of all at Bulawayo T E A M Hospice Mike Lander - Chairman (Together Each Achieves More - Courtesy of Sr. Milta Nyathi) ++++++ 8) BULAWAYO NEWS NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR VEHICLES IN ZIMBABWE In terms of Statutory Instrument 154 of 2010, members are reminded that requirements for reflectors and other markings necessary, plus equipment to be carried by motorists in vehicles in Zimbabwe, include the following. All reflectors on vehicles in Zimbabwe must be of the honeycomb or diamond grade. There has been some confusion on exactly what the requirement is for the rear of pickups (highlighted in red) but this has been clarified as indicated and the ZRP are currently rigidly enforcing this requirement. (Note that Twin Cabs are classified as commercial vehicles under SI 154.) Requirements for all vehicles driven in Zimbabwe:- 1. 1kg serviceable fire extinguisher certified by Standards Association of Zimbabwe. 2. 2 x breakdown triangles, plus another two for any trailer or caravan towed. 3. Reflectors as follows, must be of 'honeycomb' or 'diamond' grade: 2 x white (60mm x 50mm) either side at front (or 60mm diameter if circular) for non- commercial vehicles. 2 x red (60mm x 50mm) at either side to rear (or 60mm diameter if circular) for non-commercial vehicles. Continuous red reflector strip (50mm wide) to within not less than 400mm of the outer edges at rear for pickups and twin cabs and light trailers. Continuous yellow reflector strip down sides of both vehicle and trailer if combined length is more than 8 metres. 4. GVM and NMV figures on left side of pickups and twin cabs. 5. Trailers to have a reflective white 'T" and a reflective red 'T' (honeycomb type) on a black background facing to the front and rear of the trailer respectively. 6. All vehicles must have a serviceable spare wheel, jack and wheel spanner. It should be noted that reflectors are not required inside vehicle doors and nor is there any requirement to carry reflective jackets in ordinary private vehicles - although it does make sense to carry one in case of an emergency. +++++++ I was sorry to learn from Morning Mirror 507 that you and others have fallen victim to the latest 'Harvest Festivals' for alleged breaches of S.I. 154. So far as batteries are concerned the relevant section is 56 (1) (c) which states that 'No person shall operate on a road a motor vehicle unless the electrical wiring and battery are properly installed, insulated and maintained so that such wiring and battery do not constitute a source of danger'. It should be obvious if a clamp or similar securing device is missing from the vehicle but I admit that 'should' doesn't always apply. I assume that 'One very irate motorist' was travelling in a bakkie or twin-cab. These are classed as commercial vehicles in S.I. 154. The requirement is set out in Section 38. It calls for a continuous strip of red reflective material, not less than 50mm in width, fixed to the rear of the vehicle(!) and extending horizontally to indicate the vehicle's width to within 400 mms on either side. The problem of 'Diamond Grade' material is found in Section 32 of the regulations read with the Third Schedule. Essentially this is the highest grade of reflective material and I doubt that it is always freely available. The only solution seems to be to go to reputable motor spares suppliers to try to find some. 'Spot Fines' do not exist without an official receipt - Form Z69(j) - Admission of Guilt. If you do not wish/cannot pay on the spot you should ask for a form 265 for payment at any police station within 7 days. You are entitled to be given the force number of any police officer you deal with. The ZRP has stated that if you feel that you have been harassed, bribes have been hinted or that your treatment has been generally aggressive you should contct: Superintendent Ncube 0772 719 730 or 0712 769 768 Superintendent Kangware 0712 415 491 National Complaints Line (24 hour service) (04)703631. It is not easy to establish what the correct fines are for genuine offences but 'very irate' was probably liable for $5 which will no doubt create an even more irate motorist. I hope that this information may be useful. Kind regards David Cruttenden +++++++ Parkinsons support group in Bulawayo. Is there anyone out there who is either aware of a Parkinsons support group in Bulawayo or would like to be part of one or who would like to start one? If the answer is 'yes' to any of these questions please contact Clare Cullinan on e-mail ( or L/L 04308102 or cell 0774186355. +++++ THE IDEAL BOOK FOR CHRISTMAS This is a story about a paradise lost. . . . About an African dream that began with a murder . . . In 1978, in the final, bloodiest phase of the Rhodesian civil war, eleven-year-old Lauren St John moves with her family to Rainbow's End, a wild, beautiful farm and game reserve set on the banks of a slow flowing river. The house has been the scene of a horrific attack by guerrillas, and when Lauren's family settles there, a chain of events is set in motion that will change her life irrevocably. Rainbow's End captures the overwhelming beauty and extraordinary danger of life in the African bush. Lauren's childhood reads like a girl's own adventure story. At the height of the war, Lauren rides through the wilderness on her horse, Morning Star, encountering lions, crocodiles, snakes, vicious ostriches, and mad cows. Many of the animals are pets, including Miss Piggy and Bacon and an elegant giraffe named Jenny. The constant threat of ruthless guerrillas prowling the land underscores everything, making each day more dangerous, vivid, and prized than the last. The book is $20.00 and entire proceeds are being donated to The Haven in Bulawayo, under the auspices of Morning Mirror and the generous author Lauren St John. email proceeds to The Haven ++++++++++++++ 9) GWERU AND HARARE ++++++ 10) WINING AND DINING AND COFFEE HOUSES ++++ 11) CATERING AND FOOD Imported Festive cake mix for sale US$ 15.00 for 1.5 kg includes raisins, sultanas, Cherries, Almonds, Orange, and Lemon Peel Limited stock available Please call Tara Doolabh 0773 566 450 +++++++ PRIVATE CATERING** Contact IAN JOHNSTON if you would like to have beef, lamb, pig or whatever meat you want, on a spit, whether it be for your wedding, birthday party, staff Christmas party etc. Book early to avoid disappointment. Contact Ian on (09) 237240 or 0712 215 373 or email ++++++++++ CAKES CAKES CAKES - Chocolate Caramel Cake, Black Forest Gateau, Strawberries-and-Cream Sponge, Amarula Carrot Cake and Coffee Pecan Gateau. Email me for price list. Contact Marina on 077-77 532 77 afternoons or email +++++++ 21) SERVICES SPECIALIST SERVICES INNOVATIVE CEMENT WORX QUALITY WATERROOFING SOLUTIONS CONCRETE BALCONIES, PARAPETS, CONCRETE TANKS, ASBESTOS ROOFS, ZINC ROOFS, TILED ROOFS etc... TEL: 09 78855 CELL: 0733 823 397 CORNER 14TH AVE & J.TONGOGARA ++++++ Services We Supply ,Install and Repair all Security Systems: *Gates & Garage Doors Automation *Custom-made Sliding Gates & Garage Doors *Centurion Gate Motors & Intercoms & Video Intercoms *Alarm system, CCTV & Sensors *Electric Fence,Palisade fence & Razor Wire Tel: 887714-5 Cell: 0772803067, 0772803091,0712552224 Email : WATER TANK STANDS ALL SIZES Tel: 08644054160 Cel::0772803091 , 0712552224 +++++++ STEELWORKS / ROOFERS OF BULAWAYO Ladies for all your home improvement needs - plumbing, electrical, brickwork, guttering, house re-wiring etc including painting and conversions. Let us renew your chipped garden furniture with powder coating to look as new. And while in the garden, let us refurbish your swimming pool! And for the men 6 x steel plates 3110 x 400 x 35 price: US$ 995.00 the lot. Walling, paving, security gates, outdoor lighting and construction work. Contact Ed Sales on: 09 - 474881 or cell 0773 569 849 +++++++ I can copy your home video's, tape cassettes, video tapes, photos on your camera memory card and LP's onto DVD or CD for you, as well as make up DC's of your favorite artists. Please call Charles on: 0772 876 392 +++++++ FENCE AFRICA We manufacture, supply and install:- Alarmed electric fencing, Alarmed electric panel/fence protection; diamond mesh, security fencing; internal partitioning; razor wire; palisade fencing; pool fencing; gates; barbed wire; farm & game fencing; (Mains/Solar). We also do repairs, maintenance, upgrades, breakdowns and after sales service. Tel/Fax: 09-61476 / 60331 / 60352 / 880217 Mobile: 0712 215 306 / 0712 366 197 Email: ++++++ Borehole Water Sales and Deliveries Minimum deliveries 5 000 litre Anything less than 5 000 litres can be collected in buckets, containers, drums, bowsers and tanks DARO DISTRIBUTION (PVT) LTD 133 George Silundika Corner 14th Ave Bulawayo Tel: 09 - 72071 / 69184 / 883723 Cell: 0712 2007 512 Email: +++++ We offer Runner and Procurement Services for any commodities, goods and vehicles purchased in South Africa and England.If you need to get your goods transported and delivered to your door, look no further.We offer different payment arrangements including payment upon delivery depending on the value and type of goods purchased.If you see anything on the internet or have goods that you want brought into Zi,babwe and don't want want to go through the border and transport hassles, we will do it for you at a reasonable price.We have reliable references. Available in England and available upon request are a range of Industrial and Mining Compressors, Pumps and consumables, quotations will be provided according to the customer's specifications, note we have both new and used merchandise. Available in Bulawayo is a tractor : Masey Ferguson 165 series for an affordable price. Contact us at: Observe Procurement Services on 884010 (during working hours) Contact Persons Robin( 0779589890) and Abel (0772291224) Email: Robin ( and Abel ( ++++++++++ IVORY KRAAL "Treasures from Africa" Fife Street/ Ext Doncaster Road (Next to Doncaster Industrial Park) Tel: 09 - 884802 / 06 We currently have on offer a variety of wooden carvings, pottery, wild animal paintings, table cloths & mats, cushion covers, beautiful iron wood statues and recently a unique 24 piece stainless steel cutlery sets enclosed in a lovely wooded case: the perfect gift! We also stock an exciting selection of "HONEY JEWELLERY" and accessories for that special occasion! As well as an eye-catching collection of scarves is now available too. Please feel free to pop in and take a look. Business Hours: 8 am - 4 pm Monday-Friday Rea Karasava (0772 420 846) ++++++++++ Electrical - all things electrical - pressure geysers, solar installations, Rob is the man for you. Call the man with the plan. He is fast, efficient and exceptionally competent. He has done our electrical work for many years. He is also a dab hand at anything to do with plumbing. Batroom suite installations. Burst pipes, blocked drains, borehole installations and repairs Repairs to leaky roofs. JoJo tank installations and pumps for houses without water. Mobile 0772230551 0733894793 +++++++++ Finelist Investments (Pvt) Ltd We are specialists in the following business Consultancy Services; Shelf companies ( Over 220 names to choose from) Private Business Corporations (PBCs) Tax Clearances, Tax Returns , QPDs,Tax Planning and VAT Registrations Year- end Financial Statements Bookkeeping and Accounting Services Annual Returns, CR14 (Change of Directors) Share Capital Redenomination to US$ Trading licenses e.g. shop LICENCES , security companies , liquor etc Payroll Preparation Project Proposals and Cash flows Moneylending shelf companies and license applications Vendor number and State Procurement Board Registrations. NSSA, Zimdef, Nec Registration 2012 TAX CLEARANCES MICROFINANCE LOANS AND ORDER FINANCE FOR BUSINESSES ALSO AVAILABLE Business Brokers - Are you buying or selling a business we link business buyers with Sellers and vice versa.We also link business people looking for joint ventures/partnerships and equity finance- We have various businesses across the country for sale these include Restaurants in Victoria Falls and Harare ,Takeaway in Malborough ,Upmarket grocery and wine merchant in Harare ,Non Ferrous Die casting in Norton,Specialised brake & clutch company including buildings in Harare,2 Retail stores in Harare city centre,Upmarket tools & hardware in Graniteside Harare,Shares in vehicle satellite tracking business,Bar & Niteclub in Harare, a pottery manufacturing business in Ruwa,an Executive guest lodge in Beitbridge, wholesale business in Masvingo, a 1388m2 stand in Bulawayo CBD to be developed into a shopping mall,a tours company in Victoria falls needing joint venture partner and an internet advertising business and a retail business in Bulawayo in our books for sale contact us for further details. Construction services -Renovations, walling, tilling, painting, extentions, durawalls, plumbing, electrical, paving, landscaping and new building structures Contact us at at:- Suite 203 second Floor Charter House Corner L. Takawira / Fort Street P.O. Box 3128, Bulawayo Tel:- 09-884777/8 Fax - 09 -884778 Cell - o772 850 705 Email -, website - +++++++ Upgraded Residential Lighting for ELECTRIC GATE MOTORS GATE INTERCOM's BURGULAR ALARM PANELS AND SYSTEMS ELECTRIC FENCE ENERGISERS BACK-UP BATTERIES, CHARGERS AND INVERTERS BOREHOLE PUMP MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS SWIMMING POOL PUMP MOTORS ELECTRIC GEYSERS GENERAL HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Contact Tony or Mike at KEEBROYD TRADING, 45 Cecil Ave, Malindela, Bulawayo Telephone 245 138 Mobile 0712 606 818 e-mail - +++++++++++++ CODE ELECTRONICS All in one Centurion Gate Motor specials + fence energizer repairs. Gate motor repairs, fence upgrades and invertor repairs. Please contact Richard Cell; 0772 870 201 Email: ++++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES and BIRTH ATTENDANT/ DOULA I teach a set of 6 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other necessary information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners or for someone who can't get off work. I can be with you at the hospital when you're in labour to help you to cope with your contractions and answer any queries. For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on (09) 466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm or (09) 237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 or email me on ++++++ 12) ACCOMMODATION OUTSIDE ZIMBABWE Durban South Coast A three bedroom luxury flat for hire with two bathrooms, open plan lounge, dining room, kitchen, large balcony, 2 x swimming pools, safe parking. The flat is right on the beach, fully furnished, ideal for self catering, takes a maximum of 6 people. Close to shopping malls and restaurants. Servicing of flat can be arranged. Please contact: Landline: 0263 9 241482 Cell: 0712 211 451 ++++++++ HOOPOE HAVEN GUEST HOUSE, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG We are offering secure, affordable three star and AA highly recommended self-catering cottages and Bed and Breakfast accommodation near Fourways. Hoopoe Haven Guest Lodge is a small and peaceful country guesthouse. It is just a few km away from the hustle and bustle of Fourways, Sandton, Monte Casino, Northgate Coca-Cola Dome, 4 shopping malls The guests staying at Hoopoe haven are amazed at friendly atmosphere and the size and quality of the lodge bed and breakfast accommodation, the self-catering cottages and the facilities of the guesthouse and lodge. It is a place in which you can actually enjoy yourself and make new friends. Being ex-Zimbabweans we welcome guests from Zimbabwe and Botswana Our rates range from Self-catering cottages per unit from R500 (sleeps 2). R750 (sleeps family of 2A + 2C), R980 (sleeps 4), R1100 (sleeps 6) B&B in lodge from R320 to R390 per person sharing (B&B) or R270 to R340 per person sharing (room only) Or single occupancy from R420 to R495 (B&B) or R370 to R450 (room only) Mention that you found us thru reading the Morning Mirror and we will give you a 5% discount web site email cell Alan - +2783 314 0987 ++++++ Ruther's Place, 97 Jorissen Street, Polokwane Looking for affordable and safe self catering accommodation in Polokwane on your travels? Pat & Hylton would love to welcome you. Offering three self catering fully furnished, serviced flats. - TV in all flats. Secure parking with remote gate and electric fence. Centrally located in Polokwane, Electronic brochure available on request. Contact: Pat on 083 225 3818 / Hylton on 082 658 2971 Pat (W) 015-2914722 E-mail: / ++++++ ACCOMMODATION POLOKWANE We invite you to make yourself at home in 'Affordable Self Catering Overnight Accommodation', situated in a beautiful secure garden. Ideally located for visitors to Polokwane, due to the close proximity of a bypass to the new 'Mall of the North'. All units have full DSTV , are Air- Conditioned and have Mini Bars for your comfort. Undercover parking and swimming pool available. Flat 'Melody' sleeps 4. Queen bed in main bedroom, Shower and toilet en-suite and 2 single sleeper couches in lounge area. Fully equipped self-catering kitchen. With oven+4 plate hob. Fridge-deepfreeze. Own courtyard/braai area. Very comfortable with upmarket decor. Flat 'Harmony' sleeps 4. Fully equipped self-catering kitchen. Mini stove, fridge-deepfreeze. Bath/ shower. Own courtyard and braai area. Unit ' Sleep and Go' 1 room has a queen bed and the other 2 twins. Common shower/toilet. Fridge/Microwave/coffee facilities in both rooms . Patio doors open on pool and braai area. Where to find us: 13 Woodbush str. Ladanna Polokwane Close to Macro and Gateway International Airport, just off N1 - GPS Coordinates: S 23º 52' 35.1" E 029º 27' 22.2" website Your Host: Biddy Fourie - 015 287 9761 (B) 015 293 2836 (H) (a/h) 082 410 7325 (cell) email : ++++ FOUR SEASONS SELF-CATERING COTTAGES, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG Sleeping from 2 to 8 pax per unit on a large property with ample parking within a secure country estate. 5 chalets in total. Rates: Standard single: R 250 Standard double: R 400 Loerie Chalet: single R 350, double R 500 R 100 per additional person, children under 12: half price We also offer budget accommodation Units are serviced daily, TV, pool. We are close to Broadacres Shopping Centre, Fourways Mall, Fourways Crossing, Cedar Square, Montecasino, Northgate Shopping Centre with Coca-Cola Dome, Lanseria Airport, Fourways Hospital, Olivedale Hospital, Riverside Rehabilitation Centre. Address: 34, Woburn Avenue, Chartwell North Estates, on Cedar Road, Fourways, 2055 Tel: 27 11 460 1948 Cell: 083 420 7779 E-mail: ++++++ 13) ACCOMMODATION IN ZIMBABWE Have you ever been horse riding in the cool, lush, soft, green Chimanimani Mountains ? WELL FROG AND FERN ARE IN BUSINESS AGAIN. DEE AND JANE ARE BACK IN CHIMANIMANI SEE THEIR NEW WEBSITE Phone 0775920440 +++++ UMFULA ADVENTURES 28kms from Byo. off Jo'burg Rd. WEEKEND COFFEE SHOP OPENING SAT 29th SEPTEMBER!!!!??Come and enjoy tea and coffee, a variety of cakes & savoury snacks. Enjoy delicious Braai lunches on a Saturday and Roast lunches on a Sunday surrounded by rolling lawns and gorgeous views. Open 9am to 5pm.??Volley ball, badminton, sandpit, children's swings and swimming pool with toys available...??2-course lunch: $15 - kids half price.?(Bookings for braai, roast essential) Reservations Office Bulawayo: Larissa - cell: 0779 250 886 Email: Farm Appointments: Debbie - cell: 0772 377 191 (msg) Contact us to inquire / make a booking or for directions.?We look forward to seeing you there!!! Facebook page - Umfula Adventures ++++++ Valencia Guest House 'Relax, Unwind and Enjoy' Valencia Guest House is situated on a working citrus farm, 50km from the Zimbabwean and South African border post, in Zimbabwe. This is a newly renovated farm house, positioned on the banks of the Umzingwane River, offering a tranquil green garden which is home to a variety of birds. Valencia Guest House will offer leisure and business travellers alike, the luxury of a guest house combined with the warmth and hospitality to match a classic and comfortable farmhouse lifestyle. Situated conveniently close to: ?Maphungubwe Trans-frontier Park. ?Sentinel Dinosaur Fossils. ?Beitbridge Border Post. ?Citrus Orchard Tours. ?Diverse Wildlife. ?Fishing. For any enquiries or arrangements to be made, please contact Patty on: 0027-(0)82-574-6342 SA Cell 00263-(0)712-206-812 Zim Cell Or by email: Or Or visit my web page on ++++++++ THE IDEAL PLACE FOR A WEDDING OR CONFERENCES FOR N.G.O.S IN THE BINGA AREA KULIZWE LODGE BINGA Swimming pool, large outdoor conference facility ideal for NGO's. and weddings. A little paradise on the shores of Lake Kariba. Beautiful shady campsites virtually on the edge of the lake. First class ablution and laundry facilities. Also 6 very basic equipped fisherman's chalets, each sleeping 4 people. Phone +263 15 545 Phone +263 15 286 text message +263 773 666 243 E-mail ++++++++ 14) PROPERTY FOR SALE, TO RENT OR TO BUY COTTAGE TO RENT Truly a delightful one bedroom self contained cottage to rent in Bradfield. (Must be seen to believe) Lounge come fitted kitchen, separate Shower with toilet. Fully furnished with Air Conditioners in bedroom and lounge.Has own Satelite dish with SABC TV. Good security and has place for one parking. Would suit single professional Gentleman or Lady with sober habits, non smoker, no pets and not suitable for children. $400.00 per month including lights and water plus $400.00 deposit. Please email to make an appointment to view. ++++++++ COTTAGE TO RENT IN BURNSIDE Gorgeous, quaint two bedroom cottage available with en-suite bathroom, lounge and dining room. The cottage has its own entrance with electric gates and enjoys incredible views. It sits on one acre of land and has plenty of storage rooms and a generator switch box. The property is secure, runs off borehole water and is quiet. We will only consider a single tenant. Rental is $550 per month. Please e-mail and leave a contact number. ++++ Hwange Baobab House For sale Situated above Hill with best view. Had double drive inn garage level one. 2 x bedrooms, shower, toilet, open plan lounge, kitchen 2nd level foundation with steal complete water and electricity. To complete 2nd level Please phone for further information Helen: 00447795606768 ++++++++ Ian & Co. Real Estate (Registered Valuers, Estate Agents, Auctioneers & Property Managers), ground floor, 10 Westbourne suites, Josiah Tongogara, btwn 8 & 9th Ave (next to medical centre). Bulawayo. Tel. +2639 886626 +2639 886256. Email: Visit our Website at: Visit our Website at: FOR SALE: Suburbs-Townhouse semi-detached, BUT 3droomed. Walled electric gate and borehole. Ilanda- BUT 3bedroomed, s/pool and borehole. Khumalo Stunning - 3 bedroomed, 2 lounges, kitchen, scullery, laundry, ensuite, bathroom, and w/c. Double lock-up garage prolific borehole and immaculate garden Waterford-needs tender care and has great potential. 4bedroomed. Killarney-BUT 3 Bedroomed on an acre. Matsheumhlophe 8 Acres Prime land Durawalled- Suitable for Townhouses,Lodge,Hospital etc Central business district: 2 shops, 2stands and townhouse also in CBD. 8 acre potential townhouse development stand in hillside prime location perfect investment. Burnside, Hillside,Sunninghill, Selborne Park,Luveve, Nkulumane, Cowdray Park, Magwegwe, Pumula South and Mzilikazi Price guide $11000.00 to $350000.00 All prices are negotiable Ian & Co. Real Estate (Registered Valuers, Estate Agents, Auctioneers & Property Managers), ground floor, 10 Westbourne suites, Josiah Tongogara, btwn 8 & 9th Ave (next to medical centre). Bulawayo. Tel. 0775 306 392;0777 154 091;0712 871 455; +2639 886626 +2639 886256. Email: Visit our Website at: +++++++ PROPERTY TO RENT ELOANA / FOUR WINDS (walking distance from retreat Shopping Centre and Churchill Arms Hotel) Self-contained cottage available immediately. 2 bedrooms, lounge, dining room or 3rd bedroom, kitchen. Fully fitted bathroom, cloakroom and shower. Cottage is fully tiled. Would suit a couple or two people sharing. rental US$400.00 per month negotiable, inclusive of Zesa and water Tel: 0779 577 248 or 0779 577 228 +++++ We are a Christian family who is looking for a home to rent. We are hoping for a reasonable home in a good area for a modest/reasonable rent. We will care for the home as though it were our own. We need to secure something as soon as possible. Please contact us, Jonathan and Shereen Thompson, at 230070, 0712617448, or at +++++++ HOUSE FOR RENT 4 bed roomed house in Suburbs for rent. Bedrooms have built in cardboards, main bedroom has en suite and walk in closet. 1 bathroom, separate toilet, dining room with fire place, spacious kitchen, laundry room, store room, 2 x staff accommodation. Available immediately. Please contact 09 - 238704 Email: +++++++ LOOKING TO RENT - Excellent tennants looking to rent 3/4 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, preferably with a verandah or simple entertaining area. Borehole and double servants quarters a must. Longish lease required. Please phone me on 231153 or 0712613684. +++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED PROPERTIES FOR SALE. RESIDENTIAL Kumalo - US$220,000 negotiable BUT - 4 bedrooms with walk in cupboards, 1 MES, family bathroom with shower, separate toilet, dining room, lounge with fireplace, TV lounge, large fitted kitchen, scullery, pantry, laundry, 2 domestic quarters, 2 storerooms, 3 carports, excellent borehole, swimming pool, walled with electric gate. Flatlet: open plan, separate shower, toilet. Burnside - US$ 180,000.00 negotiable Brick under IBR - 3 bedrooms with BICs, MES with shower, family bathroom, 3 lounges (1 x sunken sun lounge, 1 with jetmaster fireplace, 1 lounge/dining room with fireplace, study with BICs, fitted kitchen with breakfast nook, laundry, braai area, functioning pool, Gazebo, drought resistant garden, 3 domestic quarters, double carport, sensor alarm system, electric gate, walled with electrics on approx. 1.3 acres Fourwinds - US$115,000.00 BUI - flat roof, 4 bedrooms with BICs, bathroom - shower, bath and toilet, separate toilet with basin, dining room, lounge with fireplace, TV lounge, partly fitted kitchen with geyser, walk in pantry, 2 domestic quarters, braai area, 4 carports, borehole, alarmed, razor wired and gated, Cottage: lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom with toilet. Bellevue - US$60,000 BUI - 3 bedrooms, bathroom and toilet, lounge, verandah, converted to sun lounge, domestic quarters, carport, storeroom, well, walled with sliding gate. WE HAVE MANY MORE, PLEASE COME IN AND SEE US AT 5A, 9TH AVENUE OR CALL: 74581-3 AND SPEAK TO BRYAN, NIMISHA, TAKURA. OR AARON LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY *WE ARE LOOKING FOR PROPERTIES TO SELL BETWEEN US$45,000 AND US$100,000 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. *LET US MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY WE HAVE TENANTS IN ALL PRICE RANGES FOR RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL +++++++ TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE Beautiful three bedroom Town House, open plan lounge, large door garage in very secure complex, close to town. All newly decorated. Please call 0774023411 +++++++ Wanted Houses for sale An old English colonial style home in Suburbs or Hillside area. Tell: 0774023411 ++++++ Property for Sale Lodge. Out of Africa Lodge in beautiful kopje surrounding 5km from Bulawayo town centre. Tell: 0774023411 +++++++ FOR RENT Beautiful thatched immaculate furnished residence. Manicured garden idyllically situated in kopje surroundings. Swimming pool- entertainment area. The property comprises of a main lounge with three bedrooms, two on suite bathrooms, lounge, dining room, there is a self contained cottage, plus two small lodges set in the rocks. This property is idyllic; it is very secure- walled and gated with electric fence. Ideally suitable for a Company to accommodate overseas clients and visitors. Situated in the Hillside Matsheumhlope area. Please contact 0774 023411 ++++++++++ FISHING LODGE FOR LEASE KAZANGULA ZAMBIA FISHING LODGE ON ZAMBEZI RIVER WITH THREE SELFCATERINGCHALLETS UNDER THATCH ALL WITH KITCHEN SHOWER AND TOILET. EACH SLEEPS UP TO SIX PEOPLE. BIG LAPA AND BAR AREA WITH KITCHEN. ALSO ABLUTION BLOCK FOR CAMPERS EXCELLENT POTENTIAL INTERESTED PARTIES CONTACT MR T (0263) 0778730156 OR EMAIL +++++ WANTED TO RENT I would like to rent a small cottage or a semi detached house. With a reasonable rent. Or If anyone would like me to manage and over see the running of their lodge in exchange for a room, I would consider the deal although I have a permanent job. I have lodge and tourism management experience, and can handle staff and their responsibility and to see to client satisfaction. I am a very sober Christian white male married although I live alone as my wife lives in South Africa she visits from time to time. I have no living in children and no pets. This might be your answer to dishonest lodge management. Tel Willem 0772 755 156 ++++++++ C.C.SALES 128 J.TONGOGORA ST REGISTERED ESTATE AGENTS FOR SALE... BURNSIDE NEW ON THE MARKET!!! AN IMMACULATE 4 BEDROOMED DOUBLE STOREY THATCHED HOUSE-2 ENSUITE MODERN FITTED KITCHEN AND BATHROOM SWIMMING POOL THATCHED GAZEBO WITH FITTED BAR GOOD BOREHOLE $190 000 NEGOTIABLE BURNSIDE NEW ON THE MARKET!! A QUIRKY DOUBLE STOREY THATCHED 4 BEDROOMED PROPERTY IN A EXCELLENT LOCATION IMMACULATE GUEST COTTAGE SWIMMING POOL 2.2 ACRES ELECTRIC FENCE $165 000 FAMONA NEW ON THE MARKET!!! A NEAT GROUND FLOOR FLAT 2 BEDROOMS 1 LOCK UP GARAGE GOOD SECURITY COMMUNAL GARDENS $60 000 NEGOTIABLE-QUICK SALE WANTED CIRCULAR DRIVE EXECUTIVE 4 BEDROOM THATCHED HOUSE - 1 ENSUITE SWIMMING POOL BOREHOLE COLD ROOM AVERY REDUCED PRICE!! $210 000 CIRCULAR DRIVE NEW ON THE MARKET!! 3 BEDROOMS SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC GATE GOOD BUY!! $110 000 NEGOTIABLE CIRCULAR DRIVE NEW ON THE MARKET!! 3 BEDROOMS-1 ENSUITE SWIMMING POOL LUXURY GUEST COTTAGE HOUSE SITTING ON 2 ACRES WITH ADDITIONAL 3 ACRE POTENTIAL MARKET GARDENING EXCELLENT BOREHOLE ELECTRIC FENCE ALL AROUND $280 000 NEGOTIABLE MONTROSE NEAT 3 BEDROOMED HOUSE - 1 ENSUITE BOREHOLE GUEST COTTAGE SWIMMING POOL REDUCED PRICE!! GOOD BUY!! $90 000 NEW ON THE MARKET!!!! NORTH TREMNANCE/VIC FALLS ROAD NEAT 3 BEDROOMED HOUSE FITTED KITCHEN 3 ACRES $55 000 SUBURBS A REAL MUST SEE!! PACKED WITH CHARACTER 3 BEDROOMS - 2 X ENSUITE SWIMMING POOL AND JACUZZI TENNIS COURTS WRAP AROUND VERANDAH SUN LOUNGE UNDERGROUND CELLAR/BAR GUEST COTTAGE REDUCED PRICE!! $285 000 SUBURBS NEW ON THE MARKET!! 4 BEDROOMS WALLED AND ELECTRIC FENCE BOREHOLE SWIMMING POOL GUEST COTTAGE 1 ACRE $150 000 NEWTON ESTATE A MUST SEE!! 6 BEDROOMS SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURT 3.5 ACRES $150 000 NEWTON ESTATE NEW ON THE MARKET!!! 3 BEDROOMED DOUBLE STOREY PROPERTY SWIMMING POOL THATCHED GAZEBO 1 ACRE OF IRRIGATED MARKET GARDEN COTTAGE PLENTY OF WATER-BOREHOLE $115 000 HILLSIDE BEAUTIFUL 5 BEDROOM HOUSE TENNIS COURTS SWIMMING POOL DEVELOPED GARDENS EXCELLENT BOREHOLE REDUCED PRICE!!!! $450 000 NEGOTIABLE HILLSIDE NEW ON THE MARKET!! A NEAT 4 BEDROOM HOUSE (2 ENSUITE) GOOD SECURITY BOREHOLE GUEST COTTAGE 1 ACRE $220 000 WOODLANDS NEW ON THE MARKET!! IN A QUIET LITTLE NOOK 3 BEDROOMS - 1 ENSUITE 1 GUEST COTTAGE- 2 BEDROOMS - 1 ENSUITE SWIMMING POOL GOOD BOREHOLE EXCELLENT SECURITY $150 000 KUMALO NEW ON THE MARKET!! 4 BEDROOMS-1 ENSUITE SWIMMING POOL GOOD BOREHOLE GOOD SECURITY $150 000 NEGOTIABLE-QUICK SALE WANTED!! KUMALO A NEAT 4 BEDROOMED HOUSE- 1 ENSUITE SWIMMING POOL GOOD BOREHOLE GUEST COTTAGE ENTERTAINMENT AREA 2 LOUNGES GOOD SECURITY $220 000 NEGOTIABLE MASVINGO NEW ON THE MARKET!! 4 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH TWO LOUNGES 5 ACRE PLOT RING FENCED BOREHOLE $150 000 CALL FOR MORE DETAILS OF SIMILAR PROPERTIES ENQUIRIES TO CHARLES RUNDLE: 880976/70602 OR PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - NATASSJA: 0773866786 Email: +++++++ COTTAGE TO RENT Truly a delightful one bedroom self contained cottage to rent in Bradfield. (Must be seen to believe) Lounge come fitted kitchen, separate Shower with toilet. Fully furnished with Air Conditioners in bedroom and lounge.Has own Satelite dish with SABC TV. Good security and has place for one parking. Would suit single professional Gentleman or Lady with sober habits, non smoker, no pets and not suitable for children. $400.00 per month including lights and water plus $400.00 deposit.Available 1st November 2012. Please email to make an appointment to view. ++++++++ RENTAL ACCOMODATION....A group of missionary families are seeking long term rental of 4 homes and cottages. Borehole, swimming pool, security with wall, and out- buildings a must. Please contact Debbie on 0738245847 or JoAnna on 0775350620. Can also contact Belinda on 09241723 a/h. ++++++ Wanted Houses for sale An old English colonial style home in Suburbs or Hillside area. Tell: 0774023411 ++++++++++ Property for Sale Lodge. Out of Africa Lodge in beautiful kopje surrounding 5km from Bulawayo town centre. Tell: 0774023411 +++++++ TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE R Mugabe Way ,Suitable for Professional or Commercial purposes.USD 120,000 negotiable Tel 0712 208 157 +++++ R.E. D PROPERTY Chartered Surveyors Khumalo US$130,000 4 bed roomed, BIC, BUT home with MES, Large Lounge with fireplace, nice dining room, fitted kitchen with breakfast nook, alarm, burglar bars, parquet floors, and swimming pool. Malindela US$ 120 000 4 bedroom BUT home with MES, Fitted kitchen with scullery and pantry, separate dining room, Lounge with fireplace, sun lounge, enclosed verandah, 2 bathrooms, double staff quarters, swimming pool, triple carport, storage room, and bore hole. Lovely home. Burnside US$25 000. One acre plot set on a beautiful Kopje. This is an infill stand and already serviced. Hillside US$110 000 Lovely property set on 1acre.This is a 3 bed roomed house, BUT, fitted kitchen, lounge, separate dining room, double carport, double staff quarters. The property has a functional borehole and swimming pool. Secure, with a wall and double swing gates. Khumalo US $ 160 000.00 This impressive home has a lot to offer. It is fully walled, electric fenced and gated. It is BUT with large enclosed verandah which leads into a lounge, separate dining room. A large beautiful kitchen with scullery and pantry, entrance hall, four bedrooms all with fans, wall to wall carpeting and BIC. There is a MES with bath, basin and toilet. The outside of the house has a single lock up garage, office, several carports, double servant's quarters and storeroom. There is a borehole for the garden and swimming pool which have both been well maintained. Suburbs US$ 200 000.00 An attractive home with commercial rights, operational license for a lodge and a development permit.BUA, 5 bed roomed, 3 with BIC, MES, 2 lounges, 1 with jet master FP, separate dining room, fitted kitchen, scullery, walk in pantry, large spacious verandah facing swimming pool. Self contained cottage comprising, kitchen, lounge cum dining room, bedroom, shower, WHB and separate toilet. Double lock up garage, double lock carport. Well with pump, walled, electric sliding gate, on approximately of an acre. Suburbs US $ 130 000.00 BUA, 4 bed, mes roomed home. Lounge with FP open plan to dining room, enclosed verandah. Fitted kitchen, separate scullery. Block of 4 outside rooms can be used as storerooms or offices. Commercial rights. Well with no pump, walled and sliding gate. Head office-882944-6 Martha Mandishona-0772 347 240 Trindie Lombard-0772 153 519 Fungayi Katso-0773 534 615 Ascot Branch-250133-4 Mark-0775 119 184 Jonathan- 0712 617 448 ++++++++++++ TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE Beautiful three bedroom Town House, open plan lounge, large door garage in very secure complex, close to town. All newly decorated. Please call 0774023411 ++++++++ Holiday home for sale. PRICED TO GO! Fully furnished and equipped 2 bedroom lodge in Milibizi. Contact: 0772271549 or +++++++ Executive Upmarket Home on just over 1 acre 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms with loft Fitted Mahoganny Pub with modern Kitchen- new appliances Lounge with wall units Excellent Borehole Orchard 4 Carports 18000L reservoir backed up with pressure pump 2 storerooms+ workshop coldroom (optional extra) Electric gate with Infrared camera Fully walled and Alarmed 3 Servants quarters with lounge Avery+ Jungle Gym+ Trampoline New Swimming Pool Contact Terence 0776630553 +++++++++ HOUSE TO RENT We are looking for a 3 or 4 bedroom house, well secured (cottage is an added advantage) to rent in any of the areas mentioned places-Khumalo, Suburbs, ILanda, Woodlands, Malindela, Hillside, Bradfield, Selborne Park, Parklands. We are Good and Matured tenants need for the 1st of October 2012 Kindly call Mags or Moi on 0772 881 943 / 0773 096 651 / 0712 423 808 +++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED PROPERTIES FOR SALE. RESIDENTIAL Burnside - US$ 190,000.00 Brick under thatch - Double Storey, 4 bedrooms with built in cupboards, 2 main ensuite, family bathroom, separate toilet, lounge with patio, TV lounge with patio, fitted kitchen with extractor fan, pantry, balcony, 2 x staff quarters, tool shed, braai area, working borehole and swimming pool, fenced, walled and gated, on approximately 4000 SQM. Hillside - Double Storey - New Listing US$160,000.00 Brick under tile and concrete - Upstairs: 3 bedrooms with built in cupboards, main bedroom with bathroom en suite, guest toilet with wash basin. Downstairs: bathroom, separate toilet, lounge with fireplace, dining room, fitted kitchen, scullery, pantry, laundry, 2 verandahs, braai area, 2 garages, borehole, 2 swimming pools: one interior and one exterior. FLATLET: kitchenette, bedroom, toilet., COTTAGE; bedroom door leading into garage, walled and gated Kumalo - US$150,000.00 Negotiable Brick under tile,4 bedrooms, main en suite, family bathroom, two lounges(one TV lounge), dining room, kitchen, lock up garage, functioning borehole, swimming pool (empty), walled and gated. Ascot - US$140,000.00 Brick under tile, 2 bedrooms with built in cupboards and both have main en suites, guest toilet, dining room and lounge combined, fitted kitchen, laundry, and verandah. Secure complex. Suburbs -US$120,000.00 Brick under tile, 3 bedrooms with built in cupboards, main en suite, family bathroom, dining room, lounge with fireplace, fitted kitchen, pantry, scullery, well and pump, walled and electric gate. Hillside - US$85,000.00 -Excellent condition Brick under tile, 3 bedrooms with built in cupboards, main en suite, family bathroom, lounge, dining room, bar, study, fitted kitchen, garage, fenced, walled and gated. Glengarry - US$65,000.00 Brick under asbestos, bedrooms, two with built in cupboards, bathroom, dining room, lounge with fireplace study, kitchen, verandah, braai area, garage,3 x carports, functioning borehole, well, swimming pool (empty) fenced and gated. Paddonhurst - US$46,000.000gross Brick under IBR, single storey semidetached, 3 bedrooms with built in cupboards, bathroom and shower, separate toilet, dining room, lounge with fireplace, fitted kitchen, verandah, carport, domestic quarters, walled and gated. WE HAVE MANY MORE, PLEASE COME IN AND SEE US AT 5A, 9TH AVENUE OR CALL: 74581-3 AND SPEAK TO BRYAN, NIMISHA, AND TAKURA. OR AARON LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY *WE ARE LOOKING FOR PROPERTIES TO SELL BETWEEN US$45,000 AND US$100,000 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. *LET US MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY WE HAVE TENANTS IN ALL PRICE RANGES FOR RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL. +++++ PROPERTY FOR SALE - BURNSIDE IDEAL LOCATION. CLOSE TO WHITESTONE SCHOOL. PROPERTY CONSISTS OF 2.2 ACRES WITH ANNUAL STREAM. FULLY WALLED WITH ELECTRIC FENCE. VERY SECURE! MAIN HOUSE DOUBLE STOREY, STONE UNDER THATCH (RECENTLY RE-THATCHED). 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS, SEP TOILET, OPEN PLAN LOUNGE AND DINING ROOM & SPACIOUS VERANDA.FITTED KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY. DOUBLE GARAGE AND CARPORT. COTTAGE STONE UNDER THATCH. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. 1 BEDROOM,BATHROOM,KITCHENETTE,LOUNGE AND VERANDA. DOUBLE STAFF QUARTERS. $165 000 NEG CONTACT (09) 245359 0R 0772 377 287. ++++ Lovely house to rent in Suburbs. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, combined sitting room/ dining room, large kitchen with separate scullery and pantry. Teak floors and pressed metal ceilings, set in beautiful garden with excellent borehole , walled with electric gate. Rent is $550 per month with rates, water and electricity to be paid by the tenant. Available immediately. Please email to set up an appointment to view. ++++++ Property And Real estate We are looking for a showroom in Bulawayo, Either in town or to share a house/shop in Suburbs. If you have or know of anything available please could you contact Lee-Anne 0778730419 Looking for something as soon as possible. All help is appreciated. Thanks +++++++ Wanted to rent A cottage or small house for a reliable sober white male age 49 Contact Willem 0772 755 156 ++++++ We are looking for a 2-4 bedroom house in any of the following areas, Ilanda, Malindela, Suburbs, Bradfield, Khumalo, Hillside or Burnside. Please contact Lee-Anne 0773682865 or Nadine 0772332823 if you have anything available unfurnished. Thank you ++++ HOUSE FOR RENT 4 bedroomed house in Suburbs for rent. Bedrooms have built in cupboards, main bedroom has en suite and walk in closet. 1 bathroom, separate toilet, dining room with fire place, spacious kitchen, laundry room, store room, 2 x staff accommodation. Please contact 09 - 238704 Email: +++++++ CAR WANTED A neat datsun 1200 wanted, Offers?please contact the following: Noma 0733258458 or 0774778562 Moses 0733255147 +++ 15) VEHICLES FOR SALE Izuzu double cab kb 250 2010 23 000kms Us 37 000.00 Toyota 2.4 hilux 1997 400 000kms Us 8500.00 Izuzu canopy 1996 Kb 250 Us 1200.00 Tel no 78619/0772282579 +++++ Nissan Sunny Sedan 1992 Well Maintained. Phone 230 565; 0772 239 576 E-Mail: +++++ Vehicle for Hire Quotations on Request Saylen Logistics (Pvt) Ltd 18 ton Iveco Truck Closed Body - Carries 10 ton Contact the Cunninghams Shamel - 0778 556 557 Milly - 0774 142 937 (09) 242149 +++++++ 2 Silver Honda CRV cars for sale Maual and Automatic just Arrived from Japan, Excellent condtion phone 0772469874 +++++++ Landcuiser pickup 2006 124000kms Fully kitted out with safari bars, tow winches, 6 new tyres, fibre glass toolbox, two way radios in immaculate condition. USD40000.00 ONCO TEL: 0777417094 W: 70632 or 240172 evenings. Bruce Clark +++++++ Ford 7 Tonne Truck 1975 model - Offers Contact Sylvia 0773270162 +++++++ Redline Mini 2010 BMX Bike for Sale $450, ridden only 1 season, as new Richard : 0772 275 762 +++++++ Cars Wanted Land-cruiser Sedan Diesel with air bags in good condition to swop for Toyota Hilux excellent smart cab, 3 litre diesel, white, in excellent condition, year 2010. Cash adjustment either way. Please phone 0774023411 ++++++++++ FOR SALE QUAD BIKE, YAMAHA, MOTO4, 225CC, Overhauled Engine&Gearbox US$1500 Please call 0772254975 or 0772612482 ++++++ vehicles wanted 1 x Single cab 4 x 4 diesel 1 Tonne pick up either Toyota/Isuzu/Nissan/Ford or Mazda. 1 x Half Tonne pick up - either Ford Bantam/ Mazda Rustler or Nissan Champ. The above vehicles must be in good original condition, accident free and with less than 100 000 kms. Please email or giving details of contact person and telephone numbers. +++++++++ Cars /Trucks /Spares other from UK Please email me your requirements from United Kingdom Make ,model,budget etc . Check out UK sites & advise me of your requirements I have local agents in Bulawayo ,to guarantee delivery etc .Now based in UK Email me ++++ Vehicle for Hire Quotations on Request Saylen Logistics (Pvt) Ltd 18 ton Iveco Truck Closed Body - Carries 10 ton Contact the Cunninghams Shamel - 0778 556 557 Milly - 0774 142 937 (09) 242149 +++++++ ARE YOU LOOKING TO IMPORT A JAPANESE VEHICLE? WORRIED ABOUT THE STRESS INVOLVED LOOK NO FURTHER .I OFFER A STRESS FREE ,RELIABLE,HONEST SERVICE. VEHICLES DELIVERED IN 3-4 DAYS ,ALL PAPER WORK ZIMRA,INSURANCE,POLICE CLEARANCE AND REGISTRATION TAKEN CARE PLUS A COMPLIMENTARY OIL AND FILTER CHANGE AND TO TOP IT OFF A VALET AND ENGINE WASH FOR A NO-OBLIGATION QUOTE PLEASE CONTACT ME ON +263 772 301 666 OR +263 774 106 136 +++++++ VEHICLE FOR SALE Honda Ballade Silver 150 Mileage 122 000km Please contact 0773 715 032 / 0772 436 979 ++++++ For Sale 1 ton Freezer Trailer Contact Terence 0776630553 +++++++ VEHICLES VW Golf mkl 1100/1300 non runner or for spare parts Tel: Willy 0712 361 104 ++++++ MERCEDES SPRINTER 2005 MODEL PANEL VAN. LONG WHEEL BASE 311CDi VERY GOOD CONDITION. IDEAL FOR TRANSPORTING PERISHABLE GOODS. USD 18 000.00 FORD BANTAM VAN 160i MANY EXTRAS. NEW ENGINE, MAG RIMS, SOUND SYSTEM, AMPLIFIER 2 X 15" SUBWOOFERS. HAS WON PRIZES AT SOUND OFF COMPETITIONS. MUST BE SEEN. A BARGIN FOR $7000.00 TEL:- 0772 360 354 OR 0773 516 190 EMAIL:- ++++++++ MOTOR VEHICLE IMPORTS WE SOURCE AND DELIVER ANY IMPORTS FROM DURBAN, MUSSINA & WALVIS BAY, NAMIBIA. CALL NOW AND SAVE YOURSELF THE HASSLE. "SATISFACTION GUARANTEED" TEL:- 0772 351190 OR 0777 174 939 +++++++ VEHICLE SPARES FOR SALE New and used spares for the following vehicles:- Toyota Vitz Honda Fit Mercedes A160 Mazda MPV VW Golf 4 Pajero 1994 Station Wagon Mitsubishi Chariot Audi A4 1998 model 7 Days Delivery Tel:0773 516 190 or 0777 174 939 or (09) 72255 Email: ++++++++ FOR SALE: Mazda 3, 2L- Satin White 2007 Model Modified Exhaust, Mag Wheels, Smash and Grab Windows. Excellent Condition. For more information contact Grant/Shayne - 0774 218 753 or Jayne - 0712 217 213 +++++ 16) TRAVEL AND TOURS UMFULA ADVENTURES 28kms from Byo. off Jo'burg Rd. Camping/Day Guests (4 thatched gazebos) $10p.p. camping - $5.00p.p Day Guest No Zesa, ablutions available. Hiking, bird watching, picnics, Braai packs, drinks, wood, coal, ice available on request. Fishing (Boats allowed only with bass motors) Camping & day guests can pre-pay or pay on arrival. Farmhouse B&B and functions venue. Coffee shop - Opening Saturday 29th September 9am - 5pm, Saturday, Sunday Sat 1pm - Braai lunch, Sun 1pm - Roast Buffet (Bookings for braai, roast essential) Reservations Office Bulawayo: Larissa - cell: 0779 250 886 Email: Farm Appointments: Debbie - cell: 0772 377 191 (msg) Facebook page - Umfula Adventures ++++++++ 17) COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS FOR SALE 2 x Sony Xplod 1200W Sub Woofers. 1 x Targa 1600W Amplifier Bridgeable built in a 4 way crossover - US$250.00 2 x Celeron 430 PC's, 1,2 gig Ram, 160, 500Gig Hardrives, 17" Flat Screens US$700.00 for pair Helium Inflator attachment for hire - call Simon or Delene 230059 +++++++ Thinking of buying an iPad or a Samsung Galaxy Tab? Why not check out these Google Android alternatives first. We have 7' and 9.7' models running the latest Google Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) the same operating system that has just been released last month on the latest Samsung Galaxy Tablets, and the same one on Samsung's Flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S3. The Google Play Store, is now the fastest growing store, and with over 600,000 applications, has the most daily downloads. All our tablets have the latest Capacitive screens which only require the lightest of touch, making it easy to swipe through screens. Don't be fooled with cheaper tablets, which are likely to have the older, cheaper resistive screens. 7' Android 4.0 Tablet PC $120-00 7' Android 4.0 Tablet PC with keyboard Cover $130-00 9.7' Android 4.0 Tablet PC with keyboard Cover $290-00 7' Android 4.0 Telephone Tablet PC (3G) $365-00 Always worried of getting nabbed by the cops for going through a 'Red' robot??? Prove your innocence with your very own Car DVR. This device mounts on your windscreen, and will record your every movement in front of your vehicle. Priced from only $60, it's a must have gadget. Car DVR$60-00 Stuck with the same pictures in your house? Why not get a Digital Photo Frame, and store thousands of photos, and let them run through randomly. These frames have an 800x600 screen, speakers and remote control. They have a built in calendar and clock function as well. Simply plug in an SD Memory card, or a flash drive, and your pictures will flick through one by one. You can also play some background music while the photos are on display, or play a video clip. 8' Digital Photo Frame with remote control $70-00 Tired of always worrying when the cops will catch you talking on your cellphone while driving?? Try the legal option, and get a handsfree cell phone kit. These units will pair up to two cellphones, and can be clipped onto your visor. They both can be charged via the cigarette lighter, and can run on battery for several hours. It takes a few seconds to pair the phone with the device, then with the click of a button, you can answer and hang up a call. Leaving your hands on the steering wheel. Bluetooth Handsfree Cell Phone Car Kit with Text To Speech $55-00 Solar Powered Bluetooth Handsfree Cell Phone Car Kit $50-00 Digerati Systems 0772 344 240 or 0712 439 040 Come in and test drive one today, 132 Samuel Parirenyatwa Street, Bulawayo For more details, check out our Classifieds store: ++++++ Office 2010 Full updateable version. Office 2010 Professional full version true copy fully updateable. Includes Word, Excel, One Note, Power Point, Picture Manager etc.. Instillation $45 per computer or $40 if installing on more than 3 computers. Instillation done at your home or office while you wait. Call Jason 0773704851 or email: ++++ 18) LIFTS WANTED AND OFFERRED ++++++ 19) SEEKING FRIENDS I am trying to find my cousin, Sharon Foulis. I do not know her date of birth, but I think she is about 50. Her father was Raynor Foulis and he lived in Rusape, Zimbabwe. In the late 1970's Sharon lived in Ashdown Park, Mabelreign, Harare, Zimbabwe, with her Mother and step Father. I cannot remember their names. Sharon is my only surviving full blooded cousin on my Father's side of the family, so I would really like to find her. please email ++++++++ Searching for your Zimbabwe birth parents or the child you adopted out at birth. Register you details with me and see if the other party is registered with me . This is a free service. Three matches done this week. email ++++++++ Looking for Terry Woodstock who worked for Customs in the late 1960's Please email +++++ Adopted Female born 6.9.1966 in Harare, born with hare lip. Looks for birth parents who were apparently going through a divorce at the time of her birth. please email +++++ This is going to be a long shot as I do not have a lot of info on my sister. Margaret Rose Hale 1963 to 1964 All I know is they gave her a nickname of BOO BOO and I think she was born in the Lady Rodwell Bulawayo. Sorry I cannot furnish with more info re her, would love to get in touch with her. +++++ Friend looking for Irene Taylor formerly from Bulawayo please email ++++++ male looking for birth parents born 17.6.66 Bulawayo please email +++++ Looking for Joan Magdelene Breytenbach please email +++++++ male born 23.4.1959 in Harare, believe that my mother was Jewish and from Jo-burg. I would love to have contact with my birth mother. please email +++++ FAMILY REUNION To all Descendents of Mr. Ramsey Manuel & Mrs. Alice Debora "Ma" Manuel (nee Maurice) we would like to if at all possible to have a Family Reunion, something that has been on Cousin Gloria Watts's heart and mind fro quite some-time-now. We would like to assist her in her desired venture in making this a true reality. This would be a wonderful and exciting experience to meet a few if not all family members, in one given place .Lets do it in GWERU!!!!!!! Why don't we work on a time from say like, three to four months from today, if possible. those family members that are interested please txt or email your ideas etc............. and contact details to the below mentioned, Come -on-people lets get together and make it HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please forward this information to other members of the family. Email Address: Moideen Manuel (Rahman) 0773 06 651 / 0712 423 808 / 0772 881 943 +++++++++ 20) SITUATIONS WANTED AND VACANT A Bulawayo Company is looking for an experienced bookkeeper with an in depth knowledge of pastel and all associated bookkeeping procedures. The candidates should be reliable, honest and have a good health record. Applications should be submitted to the following address: The CV's should be accompanied by as much supporting information possible such as reference letters. Thank you. ++++++++ Position open in dynamic and growing agri business company 15 minutes out of Bulawayo centre. Looking for a person who loves doing things with excellence and is practical in mechanics on the ground who can do the work but need a good leader to provide leadership, accountability and teamship. This can be for a more elderly person with experience on the mechanics and logistics or could be a energetic dynamic job for a younger person. It would be focused on maintenance and production or it could be wider and do operations for the wider company. Please ring 0772 264 075 ++++++ Charles and Tina Boyley are available for work immediately, please give us a call on: 0772 950 875 or 0773 876 392 tell us what you need and we'll tell you what we can do +++++ 1) DIESEL MECHANIC This is a Journeyman level Diesel mechanic position which is responsible for diagnosing and repairing medium to heavy duty trucks and trailers, overhauls and rebuilding of engines. Carrying out of preventative maintenance, inspections and repairs. Must be 18 years and above Class 1 Journeyman Clean class 2 driver's licence At least 4 years experience Experience with petrol engines will be an added advantage. Ability to work flexible schedules including weekends and on call for roadside assistance. 2) SEMI-SKILLED DIESEL MECHANICS Experience in working with diesel engineers 18 years and above Clean Class 4 driver's licence added advantage At least 2 years experience working with diesel engines Ability to work flexible schedules including weekends and on call for roadside assistance Interested? Forward your CV to +++++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT. I am an Engineer with forty years experience in Maintenance and Project work. I have also spent time traing both apprentices and young engineers. I am looking for either permanent or contract employment in order to supplement a small pension and keep my brain active. I am honest, hard working and prepared to try anything. If you have anything suitable please contact me by email at ++++++ EMPLOYMENT Sous chef with 3 years experience. Willing to learn new things and a quick learner. Available immediately Please contact: 0777 765 818 0777 765 817 ++++++ Vacancy Who wants to share working days with my maid? She needs work for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. She can cook and is a reliable maid. Tel: 0734 838 995 or 0772 755 156 +++++++++ SITUATION WANTED TOURISM EX MANAGING DIRECTOR ACTIVE AND HARDWORKING SEEKS POSITION IN TOURISM. VAST KNOWLEDGE IN THE DAY TO DAY RUNNING OF CAMPS AND LODGES. FULL INHOUSE AND HOUSE KEEPING EXPERIENCE AND THE MOTIVATION OF STAFF AND THE SETTING OUT OF DAILY DUTIES. THE PROCURING OF ALL PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS .ENSURING THE CLIENTS STAY EXCEEDS THEIR EXPECTATIONS. PREFERED AREAS - VIC FALLS /LIVINGSTONE Mr T Email +++++++ Vacancy wanted Maid reliable with expierance looking for work employer relocating. A young 26year old maid with lots of power and energy looking for work as a office cleaner or house maid preferly Kumalo, suburbs or town area . although will consider other areas. Good with ironing washing yard cleaning and childminder, can also care for your elderly loved ones. Basic cook. Honest and punctule can live in or out. Preferly tobe off on Sundays as im going to church on Sundays. Contact 0776 121 714 +++++++ Vacancy wanted Who wants to share working days with my Maid she is good and she is looking for work Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Contact Wendy 0734 136 966 or 0734 838 995 ++++++++ A Bulawayo Company is looking for an experienced bookkeeper with an in depth knowledge of pastel and all associated bookkeeping procedures. The candidates should be reliable, honest and have a good health record. Applications should be submitted to the following address: The CV's should be accompanied by as much supporting information possible such as reference letters. Thank you. ++++++++ SITUATIONS WANTED I am a mature young at heart lady and am seeking employment preferably full time but will take part-time as a Receptionist/Secretary or efficient Girl Friday. For any further information you may require l can be contacted on - 0772 306 508 ++++++ VACANCIES Position open in dynamic and growing agri business company 15 minutes out of Bulawayo centre. Looking for a person who loves doing things with excellence and is practical in mechanics on the ground who can do the work but need a good leader to provide leadership, accountability and teamship. This can be for a more elderly person with experience on the mechanics and logistics or could be a energetic dynamic job for a younger person. It would be focused on maintenance and production or it could be wider and do operations for the wider company. Please ring 0772 264 075 ++++ We are looking for a mature male Housekeeper with basic cooking for a Christian Guesthouse situated in Suburbs.Accommodation provided for housekeeper only. Traceable references a must including vetting from ZRP. Tel 0772 162 822 +++++++ WE ARE LOOKING FOR FEMALE COOKS ABLE TO COOK CONTINENTAL FOOD WITH FLAIR, BECREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE, WAITRESSES BOTH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT.WE ARE BUSY PUTTING TOGETHER THE NEWEST AND MOST FASCINATING ITALIAN EATINGVENUE IN KUMALO, BULAWAYO.WE ARE SEEKING APPLICATIONS ONLY FROM WELL PRESENTED, MANNERED AND OUTGOINGPEOPLE BETWEEN THE AGE OF 20 TO 26.APPLY IN CONFIDENCE WITH CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER TO :- BOX AC 738 - ASCOT - BULAWAYO. +++++++ 56 year old man seeks anything. Experience in building industry, stock control and clerical work. Please call Stan Bezuidenhout on 077 600 6112. ++++++++ 52 year old lady seeks office job. Computer literate. Experience in admin/PA/general. Please call Charmaine Bezuidenhout on 077 600 6112. ++++ OPERATIONS MANAGER This is an excellent opportunity for an operations Manager to co-ordinate the day to day operations and production of a chicken farm situated 15 minutes from town. Person Specification: - mechanical background-hands on fixer able to supervise farm workshops - ability to organize the the logistics of the farm - knowledge of spares purchasing and controls - ability to deal with day to day problem-solving - able to multi task and work without close supervision - excellent interpersonal skills with the ability to motivate staff to attain their potential together with the enthusiasm and drive to provide a framework around which the team can succeed - a committed tram player - knowledge of chicken farming would be an advantage but not essential as there are chicken specialists on site This position attracts a house with domestic staff and utilities fully subsidized, a company truck, cell phone and an attractive above market salary. This position is set in a Christian environment Please send current CV's to: Email: Tel: 0772 307 246 +++++++++ Looking for maid to come do house work, washing, ironing, cleaning walls and windows etc, I want someone who is reliable and good. If interested please contact 0772398065. ++++ Seeking Employment - Mature woman with good general knowledge of office work. Used to manage own business with husband. Computer knowledge - word, excel, pastel and belina. In current position does office admin, petty cash,data input, government levies, creditors and reconciliations. Good traceable references. Can be contacted by e-mail or cell 0712 609 752. ++++++++ We are looking for a maid to assist a family of,dad and 3 kids aged 12 -17.We are staying at Maldon Village. My contact no is 0777 471 557. +++++ My name is Lindiwe Roki. I am seeking position in bookkeeping in accounts. Revelant qualifications: Maintaing Financial records Recording Financial transactions Management information Financial Accounting ( international) Pastel Well versed with Vat, Payroll and all clearing related issues. Contact : 0777151629 ++++++ Young lady seeks interesting and challenging position. Well versed in Debtors and Creditors, reception, excellent in debt collection. Able to work under extreme pressure with little supervision. Computer literate in Pastel, Excel etc. Willing to learn and adopt to any new environment. Available immediately Please contact 0777 024 302 ++++++++ Situation wanted Bukhosi Ndlovu is seeking employment. Bukhosi has excellent 'O' levels and four 'A' Levels. He is hoping to study Civil Engineering one day. He has worked as a driver and in the electrical field for 8 months and has references. Telelphone 0773715859 or 472222 Bulawayo. ++++++++++ 21) SERVICES PUMP MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATIONS Guaranteed quality Sterling and Elsumo submersible pumps, motors and booster pumps are available in Bulawayo. A full range of single and three phase is held and quotes are available on request, example prices follow: Single phase 0.37 Kw Sterling submersible motor, pump, lead out cable, kit and control box 2000 litre per hour at 35 metre head US$ 395.00 (VAT Inc) 230V 0.75 Kw Sterling submersible motor with lead out cable, US$ 190.00 (VAT Inc) 230 V 0.75 Kw Sterling control box US$ 35.00 (VAT Inc) 230 V PKM 60 booster pump, 1000 litre per hour at 30 metre head US$ 85.00 (VAT Inc) Repairs and installations for all pump makes including Mono and rod pumps. Borehole drilling and clean outs. Free Quotations and advice. Tel: 09 - 75712 or telefax 63901 Email: Keith 0772 479 001 Joe 0772 254 137 +++++++ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING EXPERIENCED * PROFESSIONAL * EXPERT * TRUSTWORTHY * RELIABLE *50 years experience! You get what you pay for when you use the cheap 'fly by nights'! *State of the art industial machinery - carpets deep cleaned and dry quickly *We can launder or dry clean your curtains and offer a take down/re-hang service (with repairs, re-lining, hemming etc) *We also clean lamp shades, rugs, cushions, umbrellas, carry cots etc CARPET CLEANING - less than $1 PER SQUARE METER (SPECIAL - $90 for 3 bedroom house including dining room and passage (up to 120 sqm) No call out!) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - $2.00 PER CHAIR CAR UPHOLSTERY - we come to your home or office - ONLY $50! MATABELE STEAM LAUNDRY Telephone 206446-9 (Members of the Fabricare Institute) ++++++++ M DOOLABH - ENGRAVER Manufacturers of metal and plastic signs, badges and labels for Industry, Hotels ,Schools etc Please contact us on: Number 10 Luton Street Belmont Telefax: 09 - 63965 Cell: 0773 507 915 Email: Workmanship and satisfaction guaranteed. Over 55 years experience in the trade ++++++ TRACTOR FOR HIRE 90 HP 4 wheel drive tractor with driver for hire (Tractor only without implements) Trailer work, ploughing etc Please phone Jackie 0772 313 979 ++++ WATER- Tank stands, pump installation, house and borehole connections. Phone Gary on 0777822167 or 0714153316 +++++ SPECIALS ON CENTURION GATE MOTORS & ACCESSORIES** *Gate & Garage Door Automation *Custom-made Sliding Gate & Garage Doors *Centurion Gate Motors-D3,D5 Evo, DTS etc Installations, *Repairs,Batteries,Transformers etc. *Intercoms & Video Intercoms Installations & Repairs, Remotes *Panic Alarm system-Domestic & Industrial Installations & Repairs & Batteries *CCTV & Sensors Installations & Repairs *Electric Fence Installations, Repairs,Energizers & Batteries *Palisade and Pool Fencing *Razor Wire & Barbed Wire Installations & Repairs *Gate Wheels Tel: 887714-5 Cell: 0772803067, 0772803091,0712552224 Email : WATER TANK STANDS ALL SIZES Tel: 08644054160 Cel::0772803091 , 0712552224 ++++++ Steven W. Roberts T/A The Print Factory Opening November 1st, 2012 at 27 Windermere Road, Morningside, Bulawayo Graphic Design, Full Colour Printing, Vehicle Branding, Promotions and Marketing, Printed Labels, Website Design, Flags, Banners and Bunting, Cut Vinyl Signage Available for enquires immediately. Contact Details: 0773-713-380, 09-243969, +++++ Bathroom Vogue specializing in bath re-enameling, building, plumbing, tiling, carpentry, electrical, painting, welding and all home repair and maintenance. We supply and instal solar geysers and steamy electric showers. For a free estimate or advice visit us at 10 Swansea Street or contact us on : 09 - 66537 / 68741 or Sean on 0772 323 138 or Deon on 0772 216 998. ++++++ KITCHENS 4 AFRICA If you need a Kitchen, Built in Cupboards, TV Units, Bathroom Vanities or maybe even a Bar specially designed to suit your every need and want, please contact our Bulawayo Consultant details below: Cell: 0712 217 213 For all enquiries relating to Kitchens 4 Africa, please deal directly with our Bulawayo Consultant or contact our South African Office either Grant Clift or Shayne Ellman-Brown on the details below. Grant: (00 27) 072 602 9023 Shayne: (00 27) 073 149 6959 Grant: Shayne: +++++++ HADFIELD'S SEWING MACHINE SERVICES AND REPAIRS All Commercial ( clothing, textile and leather ) and Domestic Sewing Machines. Contact Tony on 886706 or Mobile 0772 429 597. ++++++ CHARISMA - DESIGN AND MARKETING AGENCY Charisma is a Bulawayo based Design & Marketing Agency offering world-class logo design, branding, web design + hosting, corporate gifts, photography and marketing solutions. Our thorough & holistic approach enables us to offer you design & marketing solutions that are cutting edge, that maintain a professional corporate image and effective in reaching your target market. View our portfolio on or get in touch on 09-883398, 0775547271, +++++++ MY BULAWAYO - BULAWAYO'S LEADING ONLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY Browse Bulawayo's leading online business directory to find companies, products or services. Visit today. My Bulawayo is Bulawayo's leading online business directory with thousands of companies listed for FREE! Each entry is dynamic giving you the opportunity to post announcements or promotions as well as giving you the opportunity to publish your product offering to a storefront. A storefront is a categorised catalogue of products and services, allowing visitors to your profile to interact with you directly by making enquiries or placing orders. My Bulawayo also ranks highly with Google so being listed on My Bulawayo makes you visible via search engines and also helps your website rank higher with Google and other search engines. Register your company today on or get in touch on 0775547271, +++++++ SMS 4 AFRICA - SEND TEXT MESSAGES TO MOBILE PHONES Visit to send text messages to mobile phones. Registration is completely free! Send to as many numbers as you like all at once. Good for companies, NGO's, educational institutions, churches & ministries, clubs & societies and individuals. Define your sender profile. Keep names and numbers in your address book. Organise contacts into groups. Unlimited number of contacts in each group. Upload contacts from your mobile phone. Access your account via email. Corporate account allows you to set-up controlled sub-accounts for your departments. We can also advise you on your SMS Campaigns. Visit today to register for your account or call us on 0775547271 or +++++++ SWIMMING POOL SPECIALIST Bobby Ford is still here and ready willing and able to care for your pool woes. A trusted pool specialist for many many years, Bobby can be contacted on 0712410921 +++++++++ SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICES AFRICA (TSA) Nematicides Fumigation Chemicals Fumigation Plastics & Equipment, Insecticides & Acaricides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Growth Regulants, Public Health Products. Contact Casper Masvikeni and his team for all Agricultural Chemicals ACOL HARARE, t/a TSA, 670 Leyland Road, New Ardbennie Technical Services Africa (TSA) contact numbers are 0712604643, 0712605651, 0772765967, 04-2925306/13, 0772233037/8, 0772232440/1 - You could also add internal sales numbers for our 4 sales guys upstairs viz 0733422346 (Mapfumo) 0733422347 (Washington), 0733422348 (Jonathan), and 0733422349 (Joseph) Email ++++++ GATEMAN Agent for Centurion. Gate and Garage Door installations, automation, repairs and upgrades. Supplier of roller, shutter and sectional garage doors and motors. Telephone Don Cremer 0773 284 909 +++ ACOL CHEMICAL BULAWAYO AND HARARE As bulk importers of chemicals, Acol Chemical is able to assure our customers of quality chemicals at the best possible prices. Acol has a vast range of Chemicals, which include: Hydrochloric Acid 30% (Pool Acid) 25kg Polycans HTH (Calcium Hypochlorite) 70% 50kg and 5kg Polycans Aluminium Sulphate 50kg Bags Caustic Soda 25kg Bags Hydrogen Peroxide 50% 30kg Polycans Coconut DEA 5kg Dodigen 5kg NP6 5kg NP9 5kg Pine Oil 4kg Sulphonic Acid 5kg For these and any other of our vast range of chemicals please contact: ACOL BULAWAYO, 37 Plumtree Road, Belmont. Manfred Esof Ray Chiridza Dave Meggitt Tiffany Roberts Noel Edington Tel 09 470 481 / 5, Fax 09 470 486, Email ACOL HARARE, 670 Leyland Road, Ardbennie Land lines in Harare are 04 2925306/16. 292 5316 is the easiest to get through on. Switch board 0772 233 037/8 and 0772 232 440/1 Johnathan James 0733 422 348 Mapfumo Marerwa 0733 422 346 Ben Ajidah 0712 200 875 Dean Griffin 0772 324 765 Lisa Rheeder 0772 247 861 Precious Bara 0712 601 675 Email +++++ PERKINS SEALS For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. Perkins Bulawayo Sales :- 09 - 79415 E Mail :- 29 14th Avenue Bulawayo Perkins Harare Sales :- 04 755440 / E Mail :- Bay 1 32 Simon Mazorodze Rd. Harare For all your Oil Seals, Mechanical seals, "O" Rings & "O" Ring cord requirements. ++++++++ LEATHERSEALS 5212A WAKEFIELD STREET BELMONT. Telephone :- 09 - 880844 - 881074 Fax :- 09 - 78213 e mail address :- We are able to manufacture the following seals for your requirements :- Borehole cups Booster Pump High Pressure -- Hydraulic Jacks / Pressure Rams Pneumatic Air Brake Boosters and Hat seals Perkins Seals Harare stock a good range of Leather cups for Leather seals. DETAILS are :- Perkins Seals Bay 1 Simon Mazorodze Road Harare. Telephone :- 04 755440 / 749023. They are also able to take bulk orders for manufacture by Leatherseals in Bulawayo. +++++++ STAG FLUID SEALING IN STOCK, GLAND PACKING, SHEET JOINTING, SEMI-METALLIC GASKETS, ASBESTORS ROPE &TAPE, CORK PRODUCTS, FLEXOID. 112A J\TONGOGARA ST 885106\7 OR 0772 234539 & 0712 616418. BYO. HARARE,754662. +++++++ BANCROFT NEIL BOREHOLE PUMP REPAIRS, INSTALLATIONS, WATER RETICULATION, WATER TANK INSTALLATION AND BOOSTER PUMPS WE CUT PVC PIPING TO YOUR SPECS ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER REPAIRS AND PROCUREMENT. Call Mike Howard at Bancroft Neil & Co el 880844 /46 0772260769 or 0712608724 We install and repair Borehole and Booster pumps. We also sell gas and Cadac products but not gas. BANCROFT NEIL 5212A WAKEFIELD STREET Telephone :- 09 - 880844 / 881074 Fax :- 09 - 78213 e mail :- Contact us for all your Borehole Capacity Testing. WE also do Electric Motor Rewinding. ++++++++ 22) HEALTH AND BEAUTY Massage Therapy. Treat yourself to a deeply healing aromatherapy massage at reasonable rates. I take my time to de-stress and relax your body, also activating relevant pressure points for full benefit. You will feel so rejuvenated and have a new energy. Please call me at 60498 for more details. ++++++++ CLINIQUE CARESS INTRODUCING THE NEW MICRODERMABRASION -WITH MICRO CRYSTALS FACIAL FOR 45 DOLLARS.reciept number:43370 ++++++++ Helping you to super speciality and affordable medical care in India. Medsave2India are official agents in the region for Wockhardt Hospitals Our major specialities include Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Neurology and Neorosurgery Orthopaedics Joint Replacement Minimal Access Surgery Spine Surgery Nephrology and Renal Transplant Urology Oncology Aesthetics Digestive Care Disorders Endocrinology Gynaecology and Neonatology Paediatrics Cosmotology Health Check Ups contact us at or telephone 0772301333,0713866663,240966 We at Medsave2India arrange free quotations,appointments,assist in visa applications,travel arrangements and advise clients on various issues when travelling. ++++++ @Chez Chic Zonke Upstairs Bradfield Sports clothing, Sports supplements, Mens t'shirts, Ladies and Mens sports shirts, Swimming Costumes, goggles and caps, Kids costumes, Sports shoes, Aloe Ferox facial range Kokoi clothing, bags, belts and beaded shoes from Kenya Matsamela Spa products Mens and Ladies clothing from the market bales, all washed and ironed and all $5 or $6, with a change room to try on There will be every week a discount on particular items So keep checking on whats happening at @Chez Chic ++++++ KARLS GYM Summer is here now and its time to TONE Three one hour sessions a week in a private gym with a qualified personal trainer for only $21.00 Join now for body building, toning and fitness, especially good for school teams and National training. The gym is in Kumalo, off Coghlan Ave and has a massage salon attached which also provides beauty Treatments all for $12 an hour and waxing. Cell: Karl - 0775107207 e-mail: ++++++ MOONLIGHT ESSENCE IS NOW OPEN AT PEMBROKE PLACE, 13 PEMBROKE RD, HILLSIDE, BULAWAYO. TREATMENTS AVAILABLE: HOLISTIC AND AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE (BACK, NECK & SHOULDERS OR FULL BODY), REIKI TREATMENTS & ARVIGO TECHNIQUE OF MAYA ABDOMINAL THERAPY. TO FIND OUT MORE VISIT THE TREATMENT ROOM AND CHECK OUT THE RANGE OF NATURAL SKIN CARE PRODUCTS AVAILABLE. ALTERNATIVELY VISIT WWW.MOONLIGHTESSENCE.COM OR CONTACT SILVIA ON 07769 79285. TREATMENTS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. OPENING TIMES: TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS (09.00 TO 16.00) AND SATURDAYS (09.00 TO 12.00). INTRODUCTORY OFFERS AVAILABLE AND COMPLIMENTARY GIFT FOR EVERY CLIENT IN SEPTEMBER WHEN HAVING A TREATMENT. ++++ DESERT LILLY SPA LUXURY GALVANIC FACIAL ONLY $30.00 The galvanic current lifts, tightens, and firms the skin. Erases fine lines and softens deep to moderate lines and wrinkles. Removes impurites and hydrates with essential extracts. Finish with a relaxing high frequency facial massage. FULL BODY G5 MASSAGE (WITH DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE) Eliminate cellulite while you relax!!!!!!! Call today to inquire about specials and other treatments on offer. 231255 (Mon - Sat) +++++++ PLUS TWO - 9TH AVE COSMETIC EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE STOCK THE WIDEST RANGE OF MAKE UP AND SKIN CARE. FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER ONLY........ SPEND $50.00 OR MORE ON ANY SKIN CARE, BODY CARE, OR MAKE UP AND RECIEVE A GIFT VOUCHER FROM THE EXCLUSIVE DESERT LILLY SPA. A PERFECT INTRODUCTION TO SUMMER - CALL DEBBIE 64441 PLUS TWO PHARMACY (9TH AVE) COSMETIC EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!!!!!!! ++++++++ HEALTH INSURANCE Please contact us for your Health Insurance requirements. We are agents for Health International, Multimed, Alliance Health, Aetna and others. Please note that we have changed our name from Dwala Insurance Services to Safari Insurance Brokers. We are now registered Insurance Brokers. For more information please contact us on Byo 230708, 231091 or 231193 e mail us on or ++++++ 23) TUITION Firstly, I would like to meet teachers who can teach Form FIVE and Form SIX , Cambridge Teachers. The school subjects will be : Economics , Business Studies , Psychology , Maths , English , General Knowledge This institution will enable the students to be at the best of all facilities. Teachers can soon learn that , this institution , can truly empower in education. Send to me at +++++++ LEARN TO PLAY JAZZ, POP, REGGAE AND MUCH MORE! The Zimbabwe Academy of Music is now offering contemporary music lessons. Learn to the Guitar, Drums, Bass and Keyboard. Call (09) 60684 or (09) 67195 for more information or visit the Academy to register. Email: +++++++ DOMESTIC COOKERY COURSES - The next course starts on the 1st October and ends on the 18th. Simple, basic, home cooking is taught. Including bread to pastry making, baking, simple cheeses, yogurts, preserves, cool drink syrups, and many household hints and recipes. Mornings only. An A to B of all areas of cooking. For further info contact Linda on 282051 or 0712311554. LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO OR KEYBOARD the easy way - I teach syncopated music - you will learn to read and play in a very short time. For your enjoyment and others. Please contact Linda on 282051 or 0712311554 for further information. +++++++ 24) Miscellaneous for Sale Entire household goods for sale, plants ( ex nursery ) carpets, furniture, beds, pot plants, cars, freezer, motor bikes, boat, too numerous to mention. Viewing by appointment. Tel: Martin James 0712601008, 889731, 889875. +++++ BAKER'S PARADISE - NOW OPEN AT ASCOT SHOPPING CENTRE, BULAWAYO There is no need to search the town for your baking requisites! At BAKER'S PARADISE you will find everything you need - Toppings - Lusters, glitters, pictures, plastic icing, 100'a & 1000's Cutters - Leaf, patchwork, flowers, biscuit Essences - All flavours including Rose, coffee, peppermint, chocolate and almond Nozzles, Brushes, Cake stands, cake boxes Cake Mix, Dates, Dried fruit, Spices and much more Tel Bulawayo cell 0772 903 510 ++++++++ FOR SALE - 10 Piece Oak Dining room suite - Lounge suite - 3 seater, 2 seater and single arm chair imported - 3 piece Oak wall unit - Antique quarter moon table Queen Anna - 14 x 12 carpet green clour - 5 CD changer mini radio Panasonic - Assorted picture frames - Honda Ballade 150 - Silver tea set - Brass collection Please call 0773 715 032 or 0772 436 979 +++++ I have a 3 cylinder Lister St3 engine with a 15kva single phase generator fitted to it, it has been imported from the Uk and was used there as a back-up Generator for a school there. It is in mint condition and is mounted on a skid with a tank included. Perfect for the mining industry! Please call me on 0778820410 for further details, asking price is us$3500 ++++++ FOR SALE Antiques, collectables, silverware and brand new kitchen equipment / ware for sale by appointment only from 10 am till 5 pm Please contact: 0777 765 818 0777 765 817 ++++++ Set Wilson Deep Red Irons, Graphite Flat Shaft 3-PW, Ping Zing 5 Karsten, Puma Golf Bag- US$300.00 Call Simon 230059 ++++ CLEARANCE OF HOUSEHOLD AND INDUSTRIAL ITEMS! INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES BRICK MAKING MACHINE SHELVING INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT VARIOUS HOUSEHOLD ITEMS CALL: 255794 460786 (OFFICE HOURS) +++++++ For Sale Cane suite consisting of large 3 seater couch & 2 arm chairs with cushions. Excellent condition Suitable for a big verandah Highest offer secures By appointment only to view Tel 242408. ++++++ FOR SALE Empisal Jersey Knitting Machine in very good working order and reasonably fully serviced. Many extras including a bag of wool $280.00 onco Tel: 0772 755 156 A magnifying glass with light on wheel around stand for manicures and facials $160.00 Original waxing pot with wax $ 120.00, Collapsible Message Bed with facial hole $ 250.00 All above spa items are next to new take the lot and offer a nearest cash offer price. Tel: 0713 041 411 ++++++ FOR SALE: AUTOMOTIVE MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES, LATHE MACHINES, MILLING MACHINES ETC. TO BE SOLD ALTOGETHER. H.C.O WILL SECURE. TEL: 09-289458 LANDROVER OWNERS - WE WILL IMPORT YOUR ENGINE, GEARBOX AND SUSPENSION SPARES REQUIREMENTS. TELEPHONE : 09-289458 ++++ ATTENTION : MARKET GARDENERS FOR SALE: WALK BEHIND SEED PLANTER - CAN PLANT ONION, CARROTS,BEANS,PEAS ETC $ 300.00 WHEEL HOE - GREAT FOR WEEDING THE GARDEN - MUCH FASTER THAN THE STANDARD HOE $ 120.00 SEEDLING PLANTER $ 15.00 FERTILIZER / LAWN SEED SPREADER $ 40.00 TREE PRUNER WITH SAW BLADE $ 50.00 GRAFTING PLIERS $ 200.00 TELEPHONE : 09-289458 ++++++ HOME FURNITURE'S FACTORY OVERRUNS SALE!!!!! Five piece coffee table set $300.00 dressing table $250.00 dining room dresser $390 ex showroom stock at reduced prices....! Sale runs until end September or stocks last....Showroom located corner of Liverpool road and Birkenhead road Belmont. Phone 09 - 467661/2 or 09 - 468661/2 Email: +++++++ SPA EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1 hot wax pot basically new $ 130 1 Spa portable/ foldable massage bed with face hole and carry case new hardly used $250 1 facial / manicure magnifying glass with light on wheel around stand new $180 You take the lot we can talk about a price Contact 0713 041 411 +++++++ Treatment tank for gum poles & boiler - offers Gas patio heater as new - $400-00 Contact Sylvia 0773270162 ++++++++ PAINT WORLD: Now well established in our new home after the first 6 months!!!! Situated 14th Ave/G. Silundika and Fife Str., easy shady parking , very convenient for our Belmont customers. Our speciality Colour Matching and mixing with the Dulux Colour Metre System. Over 30 years experience in the paint business, quick and efficient service. Tel: 64104/5 or 77176 +++++ I have a 3 cylinder Lister St3 engine with a 15kva single phase generator fitted to it, it has been imported from the Uk and was used there as a back-up Generator for a school there. It is in mint condition and is mounted on a skid with a tank included. Perfect for the mining industry! Please call me on 0778820410 for further details, asking price is us$3500 +++++++ ITEMS FOR SALE ALL ITEMS ARE QUOTED IN USD WICKER ROCKING CHAIR - 2O 4 SEATER WROUGHT IRON GARDEN SUITE + CUSHIONS - 70 SMALL CHEST OF DRAWERS - 10 SINGLE BED + MATRESS - 45 PINE SINGLE BED + MATRESS - 65 PINE BEDSIDE CHEST OF DRAWERS - 35 SMALL CUPBOARD - 15 DESK WITH SHELVES - 45 BLACK & DECKER FILTER COFFEE MACHINE (NEARLY NEW) - 30 VACUUM SEALER - 45 'WATER WELL' FILTER - 25 SMALL LAMP - 10 ASBESTOS HEATER - 30 ORNATE CEILING FAN WITH LIGHT - 15 NEW GARDEN LIGHT - 10 SMOKELESS ELECTRIC GRILL - 20 LARGE JEWELLERY BOX - 15 WOODEN KITCHEN CHAIR - 5 KIDDIES LITTLE TABLE + 2 CHAIRS - 15 SMALL KITCHEN GEYSER - 20 STANDARD LAMP - 15 CAPRI DEEP FREEZE - 160 KELVINATOR 4 PLATE STOVE - 200 MATCHING TWIN PINE BEDS + MATRESSES - 80 VACUUM CLEANER - 10 STKOTTEL BRAAI + CYLINDER - 70 GENUINE 'HILIFT ' JACK - 100 PHONE - 251400 OR 0774 383 791 TO VIEW +++++++ HOUSE SALE- DEFY STOVE (GLASS TOP)- FOOD PROCESSOR- HAND MINCER- PAINTINGS- COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE CAMERAS. HAM RADIO EQUIPMENT/MISCELLANEOUS. BOOK SKETCHED BY THOMAS BAINES (1862) VIEWS OF THE VICTORIA FALLS.(REPRINT). ANTIQUE VICTORIAN WASHING STAND.. ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIAL SCALE. HONDA CIVIC (FULLY LOADED) AND MUCH MORE ... CALL 0712 614 587 (NO SMS PLEASE) OR 09-255408 ++++++++ TENDELE CRAFTS River Estate Cnr. 12th/Oak Ave.( Look out for Lime green wall!) Suburbs. We have received our Verandah Gallery Calendars for 2013. This year the theme is 'Joyful Africa' and has a delightful selection of paintings from Artists from all over Zimbabwe. The cover is my favourite and is done by our very own Stanley Sibanda from Bulawayo. Many people will remember him as the cheerful waiter at the Art Gallery Cafe. A second calendar has also been produced in the form of a desk 'CD' calendar and is called Nature Art and depicts a series of wonderful photographs of plants. Both these calendars are retailing at $8 each. We look forward to seeing you in our shop set in the peaceful surrounds of River Estate which offers safe parking and play area for children. Open weekdays 9am - 4pm. and Sat mornings. Lynne and Martin Wilkins Cel : 0712 703 431 / 0772 355 882 ++++++ FOR SALE 4 X TEAK MORRIS CHAIRS WITH SEAT AND BACK CUSHIONS. BRAND NEW!! ( $150 each) DINING ROOM SUITE CONSISTING OF OCTAGONAL TABLE (8 SIDES), CHAIRS AND SIDE CABINET. Contact (09)245359 or 0772 377 287 +++++ PETS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE: Beautiful large goldfish (15/20cm) for sale : $10 each. Gorgeous bunnies : small $5 large $10 1 Monarch 4 plate electric stove. $80 4 large fish tanks $30 each includes stand for 2 of them. $100 for all four. 1 accident damaged Kia Truck 2002 Model. Engine in working order $2500 1 boat (red and white 18ft, Deep 'V') and trailor (no engine or electics) $600 2 single divane beds and matresses $60 each Teak tv stand $50 4 half moon, fully upholstered - woven with cushions - Steel frame with Ilala grass. $150 second hand clothing $1 each item. 2 beautiful credenza's $80 each kitchen utensils 2 chest of drawers pine / mukwa $80 each long mirror stand $60 (oak) 2 x filing cabinets (2 drawers each) $40 each And other items 2 blue carpets 9 x 12 $50 each To view please phone 0773 281029 0772 316602 +++++++ VEHICLES FOR SALE Chevrolet pick up non runner gear box problems 1972 $2 000.00 Mercedes Benz 250 1979 123 series 6 cylinder petrol engine $3 000 Registered and a runner. Venture trailer not registered $450.00 Tel; 0772 755 156 ++++++ - TWO POST CAR LIFT. BRAND NEW 3.5TON 220VOLT MOTOR DRIVEN HOIST. STILL IN THE CRATE. $ 4200.00 - 30TON HYDRAULIC WORKSHOP PRESS BRAND NEW $ 1100.00 - BRAND NEW WELDER/GENERATOR 5.5KVA PETROL ENGINE $1200.00 - SATELLITE DISH PERFECT 10. ALUMINIUM 3 METER DIAMETER FRAME. FULLY EQUIPPED WITH ACTUATORS AND VERY SOLID MOUNTING STAND. STILL IN GOOD CONDITION, GIVE AWAY $800.00 O.N.C.O - VARIOUS OTHER WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. TEL:- 0772 360 354 OR 0773 516 190 EMAIL:- ++++++ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE IMPORTED BICYCLES FROM THE UK. AS GOOD AS NEW, MENS, LADIES AND KIDS BICYLES. COMPETITIVE PRICES. CALL 0737 498 800 OR 077 043 657 TO VIEW +++++++ **Permanent plastic Licence disc holders ** !! Trade inquiries are invited for square plastic licence disc holders !! No more scratched windshields! No more glue and paper rings! We have discs holders in colours black and cream. Blanks are priced at $1.50 Discs with logo of your choice are $2.00 Contact numbers: cell 0712 204 813; 0774 375 108. Landline 240099 And for all your light engineering requirements, contact Rod Evans on 0712 204 813 +++++++ Miscellaneous for sale Blackberry 9800 Torch for sale.$500 Please contact Lee-Anne 0773682854 +++++++ swimming pool slide Please contact: +++++ FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL NEW SIZE 8 (30) WEDDING DRESS FROM CHINA IN WHITE SATIN WITH LACE AND BEADED OVERLAY, HALTER NECK. R 4000.00 CAN SEND PHOTO OF SAME UPON REQUEST. TELEPHONE CELL 0776450921 ++++++ Almost new paddle ski/canoe for sale. Excellent condition. Offers? +++++++ Cannondale mountain bike tandem for sale. Barely used, excellent condition. Offers in the region of $1700.00 or offers invited. E mail ++++++++ 26) CLOTHING AND FASHION TAG SAFARI CLOTHING now available from the following Outlets:- GIGA'S Menswear Specialists 93b & 100 Robert Mugabe Way Tel: 09 - 62631/79280 . FAZAKS GIFT CENTRE 79b Main Street Tel: 09-61108 KAYVEE Fashions(Pvt) Ltd t/a Fifth Avenue Fashions 35a 5th Avenue Tel: 09 -76794 CAPTAINS Shop 4 14th Avenue & R.Mugabe Way Tel: 09-61050 CJ'S Shop 7 Falcon Village Cell: 0773962174 KUSHINGA STORE 80 Main Street Gweru Tel: 054-223797 ++++++++ BODY BASICS ASCOT CENTRE WINTER CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON! ALL WINTER NIGHTIES, GOWNS, PJ'S HAVE BEEN MARKED DOWN 25% FOR LADIES, MEN AND KIDDIES. QUEEN SIZE WINTER SHEET SETS MARKED DOWN FROM $35 TO $28. A SELECTED RANGE OF JOCKEY SUMMER PJ'S HAVE BEEN MARKED DOWN BETWEEN 10% AND 35%. THESE AND OTHER EXCITING INSTORE SPECIALS. NEW RANGE OF SLOGGI BRAS HAS JUST ARRIVED - IN THE MOST AMAZING COLOURS. NEW RANGE OF JOCKEY SUMMER PJ'S JUST HAS TO BE SEEN. FOR MEN WE HAVE A RANGE OF MICROFIBRE SPORTS VESTS AND LONGLEG TRUNKS. CALL IN AT BODY BASICS - SHOP 26 - ASCOT CENTRE - BULAWAYO ++++++ 27) BOATS AND FISHING Fish eagle Boat 40 4 cyl Mercury Motor, bass motor minn kota 33Lb foot control, depth finder, trailer for Sale. $3500 Negotiable Tel: 0772 229954 ++++++++ 28) GARDEN DECOR AND HOME BIG-G's 1.PURE ORGANIC COMPOST 2.POTTING SOIL Available from 1.River Farm Nursery, Suburbs 2.Hillside Hardware, Hillcrest Shopping Centre 3.Plantland Nursery, Suburbs 4.Green Fingers Nursery, Suburbs 5.Other selected horticultural nurseries and retail outlets. Also available from KEEBROYD TRADING, 45 Cecil Avenue, Malindela, Bulawayo. Telephone 245 138 Mobile 0712 606 818 e-mail - BULK Orders welcome - prices negotiable ++++++++++ BUDS 'N BEDS NURSERY Have some exciting new stock in - flowering water irises, water lilies, miniature agapanthus, basil, summer petunias, portulaca, shrubs and cream marigolds. Gift vouchers available, such a nice change from smellies for that someone special, have a lovely selection of gift ideas. Pop in and have a look. ++++++++++ JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD - $10 for 50kg bag WILL DELIVER WHEN POSSIBLE AND WE WILL TOPDRESS SMALL LAWNS FOR YOU phone 246688. 0778495599 +++++++ WATER- Tank stands, pump installation, house and borehole connections. Phone Gary on 0777822167 or 0714153316 +++++ TROPICA NURSERY 4 Gibbs Road Glencoe Bulawayo Tel : 288873 At last winter is behind us and our September spring is almost over. September is always a good time to have a good look at the garden and perhaps make a few changes especially with our critical water shortage. A few water wise ideas for the garden would be to reduce your lawn area and incorporate more paving or gravel. Mulch flower beds with all the leaves that are being shed at the moment or use pebbles or bark chips. Mulches reduce evaporation by up to 70%. Watering early morning and late afternoon into the evening makes the water go a lot further. Group plants as to their water requirements and grow more indigenous and succulent plants. Tropica has just received a new delivery of ground covers, shrubs and fruit trees. We look forward to seeing you and to help with any garden problems. Enjoy your gardening and don't give up - the rain will come! ++++++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. +++