MORNING MIRROR EDITION 442 13 June 2011 MORNING MIRROR WEB-SITE +++++++ ADVERTISERS !! Please contact for information on how to place your advert. ++++ PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE EDITOR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ..... ONLY E MAIL COMMUNICATION WILL BE DEALT WITH THANK YOU Please do not rely on this newsletter as your only medium of advertising. Please use the usual print media as I cannot be relied upon to deliver even on a weekly basis. This is a purely voluntary facility undertaken for charity. ++++++ Take moments to enjoy the beauty around you. And always stop and lend a helping hand. It's more important to arrive in good spirits than to arrive on time. - Guri Mehta - +++++++ If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. - Isaac Newton - ++++++++ 1) TOKOLOSHE IN THE BATHROOM 2) NOTICES AND EVENTS 3) ROSES AND RASPBERRIES 4) CONGRATULATIONS 5) CONDOLENCES 6) PETS 7) GUARDIAN ANGELS AND DONATIONS 8) BULAWAYO NEWS 9) GOSSIP COLUMN 10) PERSONAL COLUMN 11) GWERU AND HARARE NEWS 12) Wining AND DINING 13) CATERING AND FOOD 14) ACCOMMODATION OUT OF ZIMBABWE 15) ACCOMMODATION IN ZIMBABWE 16) - PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE 17) VEHICLES 18) TRAVEL AND TOURS 19) COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS 20) LIFTS WANTED AND OFFERED 21) SEEKING FRIENDS 22) SITUATIONS 23) SITUATIONS WANTED 24) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 25) SERVICES 26) HEALTH AND BEAUTY 27) TUITION 28) MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 29) WANTED TO BUY 30) CLOTHING AND FASHION 31) BOATS AND FISHING 32) DECOR AND HOME 33) TIDBITS +++++++ 1) EDITORIAL Tokoloshe in the Bathroom ! HeeHoo and I felt an irresistible urge to visit Hwange Game Reserve this weekend. It is something that happens every winter when the sun is toasty, the grass is high and golden, and the call of Africa stirs beckoningly in one's blood. Accompanied by two erstwhile game "spotters" we sallied forth to our very favourite place - Hwange Safari Lodge. The drive there from Bulawayo took a little over two hours and we arrived just in time for high tea overlooking the legendary Saflodge waterhole. There were impala, elephant, giraffe, baboons, guinea fowl and a Rowland Ward Kudu male with his harem. It was beguiling, there is nothing quite like a winter's afternoon overlooking an Hwange Pan. Every animal foray to a waterhole is a tiny exquisite cameo, and with binoculars and cameras, we could share in the joy known only to the genuine bush lover. The bird life was fascinating too, amongst which there were Buffalo Weavers building giant triple storied nests of vicious thorns (right over the hotel pool much to the chagrin of the gardener). And as the night fell there was the giant Eagle Owl doing his customary bedtime snack circuit under the floodlights overlooking the pan. SafLodge is a hundred bedroomed hotel right on the edge of Hwange Game Park, and sadly only ten of us sat down to dine that night. The staff were fabulous, smiling, welcoming, nothing was too much for them. The food was plain but certainly delicious and although the drinks were pricey, the tariff per person per night bed and breakfast is just $55.00 !! As far as we were concerned at that price the hotel should have been jam packed although we would love to keep it as our own secret little gem on the edge of one of the most fabulous game parks in the world. On our drive to the Nyamandhlovu Viewing platform, we noted that we were one of three cars in the park, such a tragedy when there is so much to see in such stunningly special surroundings. Within a few kilometers we had seen elephant, giraffe, hippo, crocodile, steenbok, warthog, zebra, wildebeest, jackal, loads more impala and kudu and surprisingly what looked like a vulture feeding on a dead Kori Bustard. The roads are not good further into the park, but apart from cats we saw all we needed to see from several pans very close to the lodge. Winter nights in Hwange are extremely cold, but a giant fire burnt in a pit on the lawn every night, and as the baboons ambled off to find a safe tree for the night, and the hapless guinea fowl streaked across the vlei for their last drink before roosting, the impala pronked happily in the dying rays of the sun, not knowing who would be safe from the night's predators. It was time to wrestle with the Tokoloshe in the bathroom (Zimbabwe plumbing is notoriously haphazard) and then we would return to our very favourite spot for sundowners and a delicious dinner. After dinner, no discos and movies, instead we would all listen contentedly to the night sounds. The sounds of the lion, the painted dogs, the bat-eared fox and the enchanting elephant rumbles, as they all settled down for an amazing night in the incredible Dete Vlei. ++++++++ FABULOUS BOOST FOR BULAWAYO AND ZIMBABWE HOCKEY !! The Khumalo Hockey Stadium was built in 1994 to host the Africa Games in 1995. That event was an outstanding success, due in no part to the excellent facilities. The stadium, at its prime, ranked amongst the best such facilities globally, and the President of the International Hockey Federation, during a visit to mark the centenary of hockey in Zimbabwe in 2000, noted that Bulawayo was an ideal venue for hosting international tournaments. During this period, the facility was attracting more international sportsmen and women, of all ages, than any other sporting facility in Bulawayo. Far from being a white elephant, as many had predicted, it was a facility that was put to good use by both adults and school children. Sadly after 2003 the stadium fell into disuse as the artificial carpet approached the end of its useful life, and no hockey was played there after 2005. We are pleased to advise you that on 31 May 2011 a contract was signed in Harare for the replacement of the artificial turf. The chosen supplier is Edelgrass based in The Netherlands; Edelgrass provided the original turf in 1994, but new technology has allowed them to supply an enhanced product for the Khumalo Hockey Stadium - returning it to one of the top hockey facilities globally. Taking into account the City's water concerns, the new "B" field will require no water to play on, whilst the new "A" field will require about 50% less than that previously used. In this way the KHS has reduced water consumption to 25% of the previous amounts - a considerable boost to the environment and the City. The new turf left the manufacturer on 9th June and is due in Bulawayo on the 16th July, with completion two weeks later. Part of the motivation for the repair of the stadium was the hosting by the Hockey Association of Zimbabwe of a major International Hockey Tournament, and the Africa Hockey Federation awarded Zimbabwe the right to host the Africa Olympic Qualifier in September 2011. The last major event hosted at the Khumalo Hockey Stadium was the Africa Cup of Nations in 2000. The hosting of this Olympic Qualifier is a major boost to not only Bulawayo, but to Zimbabwe as a whole. In addition to this event Zimbabwe will host the Southern African Three Nations Tournament in late August. This annual event brings together teams from U/14, U/16, U/18 and open from Namibia and Botswana. At the same time the Congress of the African Hockey Federation will be held in Bulawayo. These three events will bring much needed activity to our city hotels and boost the image of the City. Teams and delegates will arrive at the new JM Nkomo airport and play at a newly revamped stadium. The repair to the field irrigation system, the roof and other parts of the stadium are now moving forward. However, since that date, we already have a team of volunteers at the stadium clearing and cleaning, and have enjoyed resounding support from the City of Bulawayo. In regards to these tournaments, the Hockey Association is seeking significant sponsorship. Should you be able to sponsor please contact either the Matabeleland Hockey Board (President, Mr R Kendall-Ball 263 772 126 755 ) or the Hockey Association of Zimbabwe (President Mr K Kanyangara 263 773 430 470). Or e mail Gavin Stephens Special sponsorship packages are available. Unfortunately we were unable to start promotion of these events until Government had signed the contract for the new artificial pitch. The Official Host of the Tournament is the Hockey Association of Zimbabwe, but the Matabeleland Hockey Board, as the local host, is embarking on various efforts to make this a success and showpiece for Bulawayo and Zimbabwe. ++++++++ 2) NOTICES AND EVENTS THE EMBASSY OF SPAIN has the pleasure of delighting the audience with a concert by the classic duo, violinist Oleguer Beltr n Pallar s and violist Behrang Rassekhi. Both were members of the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra and it was the framework within which Behrang Rassekhi and Oleguer Beltr n Pallar s first performed together on stage. They formed a close friendship and from that moment on they were artistically involved in parallel professional directions, exploring chamber music with an intensity and commitment that they were privileged to learn with the GM Youth Orchestra. They will play music by Martinu, Mozart, Michael Haydn and Handel-Halvorsen. FRIDAY 8 JULY IN THE ROBERT SIBSON HALL AT 7.30 P.M. ADMISSION FREE! ++++++++ The Bulawayo Horticultural Society meeting is on Sunday 19 June 11, 9.30 for 10am, at 6 Blue Bird Road, Burnside. New members welcome. Please bring a chair. For further details contact Liz Tel: 246100 or 0712612607 +++++++ DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH OFFERS THE FOLLOWING. PLEASE PENCIL THESE DATES INTO YOUR DIARIES. MINI BAZAAR FRIDAY 24TH JUNE, 2011 AT 4.30PM (AS IT GETS DARK SO EARLY) AVAILABLE TO BUY KOEKSISTERS MELKTERT BACON CRAZY PRODUCTS OUR FAMOUS BOEREWORS HANDMADE CANDELABRA FOR THE DREADED ZESA CUTS WE ARE ENDURING!!!! PLANTS SUZIE'S WELL KNOW COMPOST (POTTING SOIL) AND LIQUID MANURE SUZIE'S DELICIOUS PRESERVES. TO EAT BOEREWORS ROLLS CURRY & RICE PANNEKOEK (PANCAKES) TEAS & COFFEE LIMITED TABLES AVAILABLE AT R100 EACH PLEASE TEL LIZETTE ON 280725 TO BOOK. ANNUAL BAZAAR (THIS IS THE BIGGIE) DATE SATURDAY 30TH JULY, 2011 STARTS 10AM WHERE ; DRC HALL GEO. SILUNDIKA STREET/ 13TH AVENUE SECURITY GUARDS TO LOOK AFTER CARS. TO BUY MANY MANY MANY KILOS OF OUR FAMOUS HOMEMADE BOEREWORS BEAUTIFUL QUALITY MEAT CUTS. BEEF, PORK AND CHICKEN KOEKSISTERS MELKTERT BESKUIT (RUSKS) BISCUITS PRESERVES. STOCK UP ON OUR DELICIOUS MARMALADES ETC. FARM FRESH VEGETABLES PLANTS INCLUDING PETUNIAS AN AMAZING WHITE ELEPHANT STALL NOT TO BE MISSED CHILDREN'S TABLE WITH MANY MANY DELIGHTS TO EAT CURRY & RICE BOEREWORS ROLLS HAMBURGERS PANNEKOEK VERY TEMPTING DESSERTS TEAROOM WITH DELICIOUS CAKES WE ARE PLANNING SOME GOOD LIVE MUSIC TO ENTERTAIN YOU WHILST YOU SHOP, ENJOY THE DELICIOUS TAKEAWAYS AND VISIT WITH FRIENDS WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU THERE LADIES BREAKFAST DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND WE ARE HAVING ONE ON SATURDAY 2ND JULY AT DRC HALL GEO SILUNDIKA STREET/ 13TH AVENUE AT 9 AM. BOOKING ESSENTIAL AS SEATING LIMITED PLEASE TELEPHONE LIZETTE ON 280725 BEFORE 24TH JUNE TO FACILITATE CATERING WE PROMISE YOU A GREAT SPEAKER, A FABULOUS BREAKFAST COOKED BY OUR MEN OF THE CHURCH AND SOME SHOPPING. KATHY WILL BE THERE WITH AVROY SHLAIN, ALOE VERA AND ANGEL PLUS MORE. WE WILL ADVISE LATER WHAT ELSE WILL BE AVAILABLE PLEASE JOIN US FOR THIS MOST ENJOYABLE MORNING. +++++ Mosaics Winter Fare and Stoki's Art Auction Saturday 18th June @ 15h00 on wards Entertainment - Gary Stanley Stalls and Jumping Castle for the kids Bar and Full Catering This Saturday during the Half Term, come and join us and have a look around at the Art on Auctions and stall. It will be a fun afternoon for the family and the Kids. I will have samples of African Cane Co. smalls on display for you to see, and will be taking orders too. These include lovely a Laundry Basket with handles and inner lining and leather handle, Beautiful Leather topped Fire Log Baskets, a Leather Topped Cane Tray and one of our Zanzibar Side Servers, and I will also bring a sample of our Rush Matting. I will be displaying some of the beautiful range of imported fabrics that we import for cushions, curtains and upholstery, (New Arrival Fabrics) they are stunning! Also will have brochures for you to view. I will be taking orders for Client, so look forward to seeing you there and answering any queries. There will also be other stalls, food and the Art Auction - so come and join us for a fun filled, and interesting afternoon and evening. We Look forward to seeing you there this Saturday! +++++++ NRZ FATHERS' DAY STEAM EXCURSION TO FIGTREE................... BOOKINGS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THIS TRIP TO FIGTREE ON SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH DEPART BULAWAYO STATION AT 0900HRS AND RETURN TIME APPROX 1400HRS SECURE PARKING AT THE STATION LIGHT BREAKFAST AND A BARBECUE LUNCH ARE INCLUDED IN THE FARE FARE = $50 PER HEAD FOR ADULTS AND $25 CHILDREN 15YRS AND UNDER FOOTPLATE RIDES AVAILABLE AT $20 PER RIDE 10% OF PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO CHARITY BOOKINGS AT NRZ MAIN STATION RESERVATIONS OFFICE COUNTER 1 CONTACT MUNYA FOR MORE DETAILS ON 0712 616 497 OR 0772 678 324 OR LANDLINE 362675 (Inserted on behalf of NRZ's Rail Leisure Steam Safaris by Friends of the Bulawayo Railway Museum) ++++++ Forefront Training and Business Solutions has put together a conference, Healthcare and Hospital management & Expo 2011. The conference takes place on the 2ND -5TH of August 2011 at the Southern Sun Montecasino Hotel. Below is the conference highlights and overview. See more at the very end of the Mirror. ++++++++++ PAB AND THE ACADEMY MAHLER: SYMPHONY NO.3 Wednesday 15 June in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.30 p.m. Leonard Bernstein conducts the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in the most all-embracing of all Mahler's symphonies. "Everyone knows by now that some triviality always has to occur in my work, but this time it goes beyond all bounds", as the composer himself admitted. Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] MAO'S LAST DANCER Thursday 16 June in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.30 p.m. Mao's Last Dancer is the true story of a small boy's extraordinary journey from poverty to international stardom, from a grueling apprenticeship as a classical dancer in communist China to the glory of creative freedom in America. But there is a painful price to be paid for his quest for self-expression... "Grand, lucid and absorbing" [The Australian]. Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] SPUD Thursday 23 June in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.30 p.m. "It's South Africa 1990. Two major events are about to happen. The release of Nelson Mandela and, more importantly, it's Spud Milton's first year at an lite boys' boarding school. Surrounded by boys with nicknames like Gecko, Rambo, Rain Man and Mad Dog, Spud has his hands full trying to adapt to his new home. Along the way, he takes his first tentative steps to manhood, armed with only his wits and his diary. He takes us from illegal night swimming to the red-hot furnace of the cricket pitch and also invites us into the mind of a boy struggling to come to terms with a strange new world, a boy whose eyes are being opened to love, friendship and complete insanity." Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] MEYERBEER: L'AFRICAINE Friday 24 June in the Robert Sibson Hall at 6.30 p.m. - with supper interval. Carriages: 10.30 p.m. Meyerbeer's last grand opera centres on Vasco da Gama and his love for "the African girl" of the title. This spectacular production from the San Francisco Opera in 1988 stars Placido Domingo who celebrated his 70th birthday earlier this year and Shirley Verrett who died in November last year shortly before her 80th birthday. Admission: $3.00 [free to Red Carpet members] THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL Thursday 30 June in the Robert Sibson Hall at 7.30 p.m. "A sumptuous and sensual tale of intrigue, romance and betrayal set against the backdrop of a defining moment in European history, The Other Boleyn Girl tells the story of two beautiful sisters, Anne (Natalie Portman) and Mary Boleyn (Scarlett Johansson) who, driven by their family's blind ambition, compete for the love of the handsome and passionate King Henry VIII (Eric Bana)." Maltin's Movie Guide comments that "this absorbing historical drama is extremely well acted", and a further recommendation is that the script is by Peter Morgan who was also responsible for The Queen. It will be followed on 14 and 21 July by two films on Elizabeth I starring Cate Blanchett. Admission: $3.00 [free to film members] +++++++ Julius Chingono and John Eppel invite you to the launch of their new book "Together" Thursday June 23 5 for 5.30 e mail "Mrs. N. Lombard" for details ++++++++ Representatives from the British Consul in Harare will be coming to Bulawayo for one of our Consular Clinics on the 28th and 29th of June. We will be at our usual place 'The Berry, 22 Haddon Avenue, Kumalo' . The 28th from 13.30 - 16.30 and the 29th 09.00 - 12.00 ++++++++++ After Work Sundowner Concert at Horizon Join Alliance Fran aise at Horizon as we celebrate la F te de la Musique (World Music Day) in a grand, unique style! We've planned a 5pm evening concert - so you can come straight from work and unwind with a Sun-Downer on the Horizon balcony, listening to cool tunes! PERFORMANCES BY: Swazi Artist, NANCY GININDZA playing alternative, rock and soul music. The concert will also feature outstanding local supporting acts from the Bulawayo Musicians Association: Soulfamilya, AqoustiQ FlaiR, Gregory, Otis Ngwabi, Hudson Simbarashe and the Experience. From 5pm, Tuesday the 14th June @ HORIZON, Pioneer House Tickets: $5 available from Alliance Fran aise and at the door. +++++ CHARITY AUCTION - postal bids only Fri 24th June - 12 Noon to 6pm Sat 25th June - 8am to 11am Viewing from Friday 12noon at Auto Zone, No.9 Preston st, Belmont Entrance next to KB Davies - look for signs! Deposit US$100-00 Refundable Please deliver goods for sale to Auto Zone at No 9. Preston St,Belmont - we hope to see you there! A normal auction will run concurrently with Queen Mary House - Charity Auction Proceeds from the Charity Auction will go to Queen Mary House Goods accepted for both auctions so you can make some money on unwanted items too! We need your support - Queen Mary needs your support! Any inquiries please call Shanon on 0712411955/0733421580 +++++ CENTRE FOR ADULT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT "PRH is a school of adult education based on continuous psychological and educational research, focusing on personal growth. Next Workshop: June 25-26 2011 "Discovering the Core of My Identity" Come and start your journey into your true self. Into the positive Core that is in YOU. Build your character on this core so that you can live your life better. This two day workshop will open your awareness to a new reality. There is no group counseling or therapy during the workshop. It is an experience of awakening the potentials that lie within YOU. Further workshops to follow. LIFE IS A JOURNEY, COME AND JOIN US! Also available: Counseling for individuals, couples, families and children. If you want to work through a specific problem, difficulties in a relationship, a decision that is worrying you, or make the right decision; or if you are feeling stuck, upset or overwhelmed, spending time in a one -- to -one situation can be very beneficial. These sessions can help you to see more clearly, to change your way of looking at your problems, to discover more of your strengths and potential and to become more positive about yourself and your life. Centre for Adult Growth & Development 15 Northway, Burnside, Bulawayo Tel: 241224/0712221443 Email: Website: +++++ BULAWAYO MOTORING CLUB BRINGS YOU THE SECOND QUARTER MILE DRAG RACING EVENT THIS YEAR. BRING YOUR STREET CAR OR MOTORBIKE AND RACE LEGALLY. NO MATTER HOW FAST OR SLOW - DIFFERENT CLASSES FOR DIFFERENT SIZE VEHICLES. LOTS OF FUN FOR THE MOTOR ENTHUSIAST. VENUE: BREEDON EVERARD RACEWAY, FALLS ROAD, BULAWAYO. DATE: SATURDAY, END JULY 2011 TIME: COMPETITORS REGISTRATION 12 NOON TO 2.00PM GATES OPEN: 12 NOON GATE ENTRY: $5 PER PERSON, CHILDREN U12 FREE CLUB MEMBERS: BRING YOU MEMBERSHIP CARD AND GAIN FREE ACCESS TO THE EVENT. FULL BAR AND CATERING. ++++++ SAVYON'S NOVELTY MODEL RAILWAY With unique animations in HO scale. No entrance Fee but a small donation to Savyon will be appreciated Phone 203024 to arrange a visit Savyon Lodge Cnr Masotsha Ndlovu Ave/Robert Mugabe Way Bulawayo ++++++ THE AGM OF THE BULAWAYO THEATRE CLUB WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 18TH JUNE AT 10AM AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. MINUTES OF 2010 AGM 3. MATTERS ARISING 4. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 5. FINANCIAL REPORT 6. BYO THEATRE PRIVATE LTD REPORT 7. ELECTION OF FINANCE MANAGER AND COMMITTEE MEMBER 8. CONFIRMATION OF TRUSTEES 9. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Enid Wrench Theatre Secretary ++++++ Treat your Dad to a 20% discount this Fathers' Day at Antelope Park Make your Dad feel like a King by celebrating this year's Fathers' Day at Antelope Park, the weekend of the 17th -19th of June 2011. Events and activities lined up for that weekend include: ? 20% discount on accommodation and breakfast for ALL dads on the 19th of June 2011. ? FREE babysitting. ? FREE jumping castle for the kids. ? A chance to WIN a weekend getaway for two at Antelope Park. ? Friendly soccer match. ? Barbel fishing competition with prizes for the biggest barbel and the most barbel caught on the day - get Dad to bring his favourite rods, $10 to enter the competition (normal fishing at $5 per rod) ? Family roast lunch @$15 Adults and $8 U/12. ? Sun downer cruise at $25 Adults and $15 U/12. ? Super Sport will be showing on the big screen. ? More than 15 exciting activities to choose from like our world exclusive night encounters,lion walks and elephant rides,(normal prices apply.) For more information please contact us on: Email: Tel: +263 (0)54 251 923/13 +263 (0) 712 362 220, +263 (0) 778 354 002 ++++++++ MOSAICS WINTER EVENTS JOIN US FOR WARMTH AND LAUGHTER Bookings Essential, Lexi 0772 287 149 Fri 17th June Peter the Wolf Sat 18th June Stoki's Art Auction / Mosaics Winter Fare Stall Bookings contact Lexi 0772 287 149 Full bar and Catering, Jumping Castle for the kids Fri 24th June Witchdokta ++++++ XMAS in JULY featuring DJ YARON WEDNESDAY 13TH JULY: Wild Wednesday at Jock and Saddle Ft DJ YARON (Ascot Race Course, Suburbs, Bulawayo) R50 at the door. SATURDAY 16TH JULY: WINTER FEST Ft DJ YARON at Mystique ( Marion Road off the Matopos road Bulawayo ) This event incorporates The Mail Box Corporate Amazing Race after-party! For details on the Amazing Race email The bar will be run by Time Bar. Doors open at 7pm, Pre Sold tickets $15 and $20 at the door... INFO: Ilan 0777153584 Tickets at: Solomons, 26 on Park, Thee Coffee Shoppe, Time Bar, Middy's, Pembroke Place, River Cafe, Roosters, Greenvale, The Old Stable Coffee Shop (Tradepower on Khami Rd), Eskimo Hut. ++++++ The Bulawayo Help Network is delighted to announce that "Treasure Pleasures "will be open every Friday at Still Haven - 18 Lawley Road Suburbs, entrance on 7th Street. We will have many items of delightful clothing on sale between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. This is in support of Bulawayo's Old Age Pensioners. We look forward to seeing you there. We are in need of dress rails and coat hangers if any kind person is able to donate ? e mail eley education or call Flora on 234416. +++++++ THE ANNUAL JEREMY "BOWSER" POLOCROSSE TOURNAMENT DATE: 18TH & 19TH JUNE 2011 VENUE: BULAWAYO POLOCROSSE CLUB FULL BAR AND CATERING COME AND WATCH OUR WORLD CUP SQUAD IN ACTION!!! GREAT FUN FOR EVERYONE!! SEE YOU THERE! ++++++++ 3) ROSES AND RASPBERRIES Individual roses to the members of the Bulawayo Fire Brigade team who were out and about in the Riverside area on Tuesday 7 June 2011 . An official explained their objective : to identify land at risk from bush fires , and to carry out controlled burning where necessary . Twelve Firemen arrived on Thursday morning to do just that , on a vulnerable property which is close to several thatched structures . This type of FORWARD PLANNING is very commendable . ++++ More roses to the City Of Bulawayo Department responsible for the clearing of Burns Avenue verges - a mammoth task ! Now , we just need the road lines / arrows to be painted ? ++++++ Roses What a week it has been for residents of Bulawayo. We have just experienced a week of virtually no power cuts! One or two outages occurred but these have been very brief. And it seems that there was no visiting dignitary, or Trade Fair which normally see us on full power for the period. Life has almost been normal again, and I am more than happy to transfer my my regular $40 a week spent on petrol for the generator to Z.E.S.A for their power provided. Regular power supplies would certainly be of great benefit to their income and give them much needed revenue. Keep it up Z.E.S.A - if you can do it for a week, why not more regularly? It is also worth mentioning the clean up of the cities arterial roads and verges, and increased momentum in patching potholes etc - this has not gone unnoticed. The much improved efforts of the council services goes a long way to restoring normality and the standards to which we were once accustomed, and life becomes more livable and more tolerable in our great city. The Bulawayo city council has always been superior to all other councils in Zimbabwe - lets keep it that way. B.R.Charsley Hillside - Bulawayo ++++++++ 4) CONGRATULATIONS Hannah/Smith/Suddens. Brad and Kirsty Hannah ( nee Smith) are delighted to announce the arrival of their first child, Emilee Ann, in Queensland, Australia on 8 June 2011. She is a first grandchild for Wayne and Lindsay Smith, ex Bulawayo, and a first great grand child for Barry and Cherith Suddens. We have been greatly blessed. Deo gratis. Should anyone wish to make contact with the family, the email address is ++++++++ 5) CONDOLENCES PLEASE MAKE DONATIONS FOR CONDOLENCE MESSAGES PLEASE TO EDITH DULY NURSING HOME We wish to advise the passing of a very dear and gracious old lady Valerie Clare Paterson born 28th July 1923, died 11 June 2011 in her 87th year. Gone to be with her Syd. She will be missed by all her family, Ian, Tups, Alex, Alastair, Sally Ann, Kevin, Alison, Linda, Gary and all her friends. A short service will be held at 3.30 on Thursday 16th June 2011 at the Lions Driving Range "Tin Cup". No 1 First Street Suburbs, Bulawayo. All friends and family welcome. Snacks and drinks in the bar afterwards. +++++ Paterson Val - So sorry to hear about Val be comforted to know she is now with Sid and we are sure that reunion was very special. Sympathy to Ian, Tuppence, Alex and Alistair from Clive, Bonnie, Graham and Margie ++++++ Alethea (Lee) Lloyd (nee Lang) sadly passed away on the 10th June 2011 in Johannesburg. A memorial service will be held for friends and relatives on Wednesday 15th June 2011 at 68 Townsend Road, Suburbs at 3:00 pm. Friends welcome to join the family on this day. Alethea - Lee Lloyd (nee Lang) Dearly beloved sister of Frank and Ria, mother of Geoffrey, Aunt of Frank & Liz, Campbell & Sherilyn, Maria & Ernie and Sarah & Shane and Great Aunt to Frank and Donovan, Seamus & Erin, Jessica, Mary-Ann and John-Ross passed away after a short illness. Her bravery was an inspiration to us all. We will miss her very much. Auntie Lee - We were so blessed to have you with us the last couple of months of your life, sharing everything so closely and being able to catch up on time missed. We have been through so much together over the years and thank you for being there for us in the hard times. We are going to miss your footsteps in the passage and your caring nature. You have left an empty space in all of our hearts, our aunt. We love you - Maria & Sarah +++++++ WILLIAMS, KATHRYN ANNE, of Huntsman Farm, Turk Mine, died peacefully on 3rd June, 2011 mourned and remembered by her children Roger and 'Nona, Steve and Margaret, Brian and Lene, and Anne, and grandchildren Harriet, Matthew, Daniel Simon and Lars. She followed Phil, her husband of 63 years and companion of 72 years. A memorial ceremony is being planned, to be held in Bulawayo in the next few weeks. Details will be announced in the Morning Mirror in due course. ++++++++ 6) PETS The most gorgeous Pomeranian Puppies / Toy Poms / for sale. You really have to see them!... Also, sweet little kittens are waiting for good loving homes!... Please, contact on cell numb. - 0773 566 556. ++++++ Looking for someone to baby sit your parrot while you away? Looking to get a parrot or accessories? Need help in training your parrot? Bulawayo Birds can help! Simply send an email to +++++ Two brown staffy males available on22 June phn glenda on 0773410642 +++++ Chipangali is still alive! We are desperate for help though to cover the day to day costs, and to rebuild Chipangali into the haven it once was. Please help by joining the Chipangali 100 Club, where companies donate $ 100.00 a month which will go into the rebuilding of Chipangali. Alternatively, families can join the Family 50 club, and donate $ 50.00 a month. Why not pay us a visit, and see the new exciting developments taking place! To join either club, please send an email to ++++++++ Margaret Bernard at Pet Hilton happy to accommodate your pet whenever you need. Bitches on heat catered for, and supervised matings when required. Domestic obedience training given. Christopher on duty to beautify your dog, shampoo, dip, brush, and clip, etc. All breeds welcome. Dip tank open Saturdays 8.30 - 11.30. Fee R10 per dog. Phone 242979 to book or make enquiries. ++++ 7) GUARDIAN ANGELS ,DONATIONS AND WISH LISTS MIKE AND SHIRLEY STREVER - WONDERFUL GUARDIAN ANGELS OF EDITH DULY NURSING HOME. PLEASE MAY WE HAVE YOUR NEW E MAIL ADDRESS MANY THANKS Maggie and Leila ++++++ Bulawayo Help Network are looking for donations of wheelchairs, crutches and other such items needed by the elderly. We have a selection available to lend to pensioners in need but can always use more. If you have something suitable, please give us a ring so that we can arrange collection (67085) or you can drop it off at the BHN office, 130A J.Moyo St, btwen 13-14th Ave. Thankyou. +++++++ The wonderful folk at Chipchase have pledged to donate bag for bag of manure to Edith Duly Nursing Home. For each bag y of top dressing, compost or manure you buy they will send a bag of manure to maintain the glorious garden and veggie garden at the Nursing Home. SMS Malcolm at Chipchase on 0712211841 +++++++ MICHAEL NAICKER SHOW SUMMARY April 29th saw the final stop on the 'Fighting Back for Sean' Fundraising trio of events. The Michael Naicker show was a huge success - but not without its hiccups. Kevin Perkins (Michael Naicker to you and me) - kept things interesting by inadvertently missing his flight! With our hearts racing and with visions of mildly miffed Bulawayans finding this news most "un-funny" - we were extremely gratified to discover the Air Zimbabwe was in skies once again and could safely and timeously deliver our funny man to us. We have come to the realisation that fundraising for Sean Labuscagne is great for Bulawayo's water table!!J . As with the night golf event, the heavens opened just minutes after the gates did - but luckily it was just everyone's clothes that were dampened and not their spirits. We counted approximately 1200 people through the gates which was a fantastic turnout - if not a slightly soggy one! Local comedians, Clive and Nthando, lead us off with a little taste of some home-grown humour. They were closely followed by the star of the night - Kevin Perkins aka Michael Naicker. His unique style of comedy had the place in hysterics and so we took advantage of everyone's good spirits by auctioning a few paintings during the interval. It seems that our timing was impeccable as everyone's merry mood was directly reflected in their extremely generous bidding. Thank you to all the artists who donated their work and all the art lovers who bought them. Once all the jokes were finished, Frank Reynolds turned the music up and the laughter was replaced with dancing. The festivities continued deep into the night and stretched through into the early hours of the morning. The night was, once again, an overwhelming success and we would like to thank and acknowledge the following people and companies: Anna Androulakis Ash Doolabh Carol Michael Cathy Ross Charles Wawn Cornelli Claassen Dee Gilmore Dr Mark Dixon Fiona Mason Hannes Botha Judy & Gordon Grierson Mike Harvey Mr & Mrs Todd Mrs Ruff Pam Goosen Peter & Sandy Chase Peter Buckle Stoki ACACIA INSURANCE AFRIGLOBAL ARROW SERVICES BAGS OF FUN BATHROOM BOUTIQUE BSI CHASE MARINE CLINIQUE CARESS COMPUPRO DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS DOLTEK FORTWELL WHOLESALERS GALAXY TRAVEL GOYA GREENVALE HYDRAMAC JOHNNY'S BRICKS & PAVERS KANGO LNA STATIONARY MAT ENGINEERING POLYFOIL PRINTSERVE SAFEGUARD SHAMROCK TRANSPORT SHOPRITE TEE'S PHARMACY THE MAILBOX USF WILLIAMS ENGINEERING YOAFRICA FUEL SUPPLIES ++++++ GUARDIAN ANGELS OF EDITH DULY NURSING HOME THIS WEEK FARLEY FUNERAL SERVICES GEES FRUIT & VEG KERSHELMAR ANNETTE PAUTAZIS MRS. BEV PEINKE ROYAL PALM HOTEL SERVAC VAKOS FAMILY CORA WILLIAMS WILLSGROVE FARM ENTERPRISES ++++++++ 8) BULAWAYO NEWS MUKIWA - our two copies belonging to the Falcon Library have been mislaid by boys. If there is anyone who has one I could buy, or if anyone knows of where I could find any more copies please contact me at . I would be very grateful for your help. Thank you. Heather Macdonald +++++++ DULY AND COMPANY Duly and Company are celebrating 100 years in Zimbabwe in 2011. We offer our sincere congratulations as without Duly and Company the Frail Care Home - Edith Duly Nursing Home - would not be in existence. If anyone can give us more information on the Centenary, we would love to hear from you. ++++++ Dear Suburbs Residents, Your Committee is; Chief Warden Ian Johnston 237240 or 0712215373 e-mail Senior Warden Neal Leach, Sectary Mukundrii Anand, Warden Allan Murrell, There will be a Suburbs Residents Meeting on Wednesday 29th June, 2011 at Bulawayo Bowls Club, 4th Ave extension, starting at 5.45pm. Please support your committee. We are looking for volunteers to go patrolling once or twice a month at night with a police detail. +++++ BULAWAYO PUBLICITY ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER We have had remarks to the effect that the Association's offices should be spruced up as they were looking somewhat shabby. To this effect, Baobab Industries very kindly donated a teak table and three chairs for the reception area and C C Sales, TN Bank and Casmyn Mining donated the money to buy the paint for the walls. The offices are rented from the City Council, so their painters are doing most of the painting, particularly as the rains had damaged ceilings and some walls. A reminder that the Association now has its own Website which contains information on tourist outlets and accommodation in Bulawayo, some information and pictures on Zimbabwe tourist resorts as well as a Business Directory. We are sure you will find it most beneficial to be included in this Directory. Enquiries should be made to Mpi Ndebele at KRZMA World, email and phone 077 5 547 271 You might be interested to know that Zimbabwe and Malta have tied for the first place in this year's Quality of Life index published in the International Living magazine, as having the best climate on earth. THE JOHN KNIGHT CINEMA in the Art Gallery complex is showing two films in June, starting at 5 p.m. The one on Saturday 4th June is entitled "Find Me Guilty" and is said to be a hysterically funny testament to bad courtroom behavior and is based on a true story. The second one on Saturday 18th June is "Wedding Crashers" about 2 young men who gatecrash a wedding, creating havoc. Visitors to Trade Fair were fascinated to watch embroidery being done on the special machines at the Embroidery Centre stand. This firm also does screen printing and can be contacted on (09)74442-4, 077 3 240 917 or email If you are looking for spare parts for your car, Bulawayo has many outlets from The Ball Joint in 15th Ave; Hurricane Auto Parts in Chatham & Birmingham roads; Transerv in 136 G. Silundika Street which also stocks bicycles and camping equipment tel, (09)889489; Barons Motor Spares in Main Street 5thAvenue and Fisher Motor Engineering on G Silundika St between 12th and 13th Avenue. Technim in Fife St Extension for good panel beating work. Contact the BPA ON 60867/8 should you need more information concerning spares. RED WOOD, some 37kms from Bulawayo on the Plumtree Road is an ideal place for a day outing with the family. The large picnic area is beautifully lawned and there are roofed shelters for protection from the weather. Meat can be bought from the supermarket there and will be braaied by the staff. Ideal for children as it has jumping castles and other play activities. There is also a hall suitable for conferences. Bulawayo has a lot of keen fishermen, whether it be fishing in local dams or traveling as far afield at Kariba or Msuna, Mlibizi. This requires a boat for fishing. Chase Marine in R Mugabe Way 12th Avenue tel (09)68502 make or assemble a wide range of boats suitable for all types of fishing and are agents for Mercury and Mariner outboard Motors. Chase Marine also stock generators. EATERIES MIDDY'S in J. Tongogara St/ between 14th& 15th Avenues, has a breakfast special of an egg and bacon ciabata with cappuccino for only $6.00. They open at 8 a.m. but closed on Sundays. THE TRADE POWER RESTAURANT in 13th Avenue has become a popular place to meet as it offers good,reasonably priced food in spotless surroundings. The same can be for the N1 RESTAURANT in Main Street between 11th/12th Avenues. This is the feedback the Association has received from residents and visitors. 26 ON PARK have a new menu but sushi is still very much in demand. 22 HADDON AVENUE is a lovely home set in an attractive garden and is open also on Sundays. MARY'S RESTAURANT has a selection of diet-breaking cakes and delicious chocolate eclairs with real cream filling. THE ASSOCIATION WOULD BE VERY HAPPY TO MENTION THE SPECIALITY OF ANY RESTAURANT/CAF IF YOU WILL ONLY PHONE (09)60867/8 or email on We would like to emphasize again that the Association's main purpose is to publicize and market Bulawayo as an important business and tourist destination, but it also must be pointed out that it is the work of the individual companies to market themselves as well and to support the Association, so that the region can be promoted as a whole for the benefit of all who live and work in it. It is vital that the Association remains operational as a focal point for visitors, both tourists and business people, as source of general information. Many members have very graciously donated cash and kind over and above their subscriptions for which the Association is extremely grateful. However, we value the contributions of all our members and thank you sincerely. WE LEAVE YOU WITH THIS THOUGHT - THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS ONLY CHALLENGES. ZIMBABWEANS ALWAYS MAKE A PLAN! NB ***PLEASE PASS THIS NEWSLETTER TO YOUR MANAGING DIRECTOR TEL: 60867/8/72969. ++++++ STOLEN FROM BURNSIDE I original gold Gucci watch of great sentimental value. It has a broken strap and is over 20 years old. 1 Gigabyte computer 1 HP Pavilion laptop 1 Unknown laptop 1 Samsung phone Nokia Express Music Other Nokia cell phone Should you be approached to purchase any of these items, please mail me on ++++++++ 9) GOSSIP COLUMN ++++++++ 10) PERSONAL COLUMN +++++++++ 11) GWERU AND HARARE NEWS Dear Zim Friends! The all volunteer surgical team, Operation of Hope will once again be returning to Harare Central Children's Hospital this July 31, 2011 to take care of as many babies, children and adults that suffer from cleft lip and cleft palate conditions. All candidates must be on good health- no fevers, colds, etc. Since 2006, the team has performed more than 580 free surgeries for kids in Zimbabwe and we look forward returning to this beautiful country, excited to help these beautiful people! All surgeries, medications, hospital and surgical fees are free. There is no cost to the patient or family if they are selected for surgery Screening Day is Sunday, July 31st, 2011 Beginning at 8:30 a.m. at HARARE CENTRAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL in Harare . Surgery is scheduled for the following 7 days, August 1-5 and August 8-9th, 2011 and we'd love a full surgery schedule! Please feel free to forward this information to as many colleagues, companies, churches, schools, pharmacies, family or friends. Our goal is to help as many people as we can in these 7 days. But it is important to get to the hospital for screening day on Sunday, JULY 31st by 8:30 a.m. Please visit our website at if you need additional information about our work or contact Jennifer at for any reason. Thank you, again for your help in letting us have the privilege of helping the beautiful people of Zimbabwe! Sincerely, Jennifer Trubenbach, President of Operation of Hope ++++++++ 12) WINING AND DINING FATHERS DAY BRUNCH AT THE BULAWAYO CLUB Sunday 19 June from 08h00 - 12h00 Prices start from $7.50 Reservations are essential; call 64868-9 ++++++ THE NESBITT CASTLE IT'S FATHERS DAY ON SUNDAY!!! Spoil Dad on Fathers Day this Sunday! A delicious 3 course silver service plated lunch awaits you. Adults $30 and children under 12 half price. Email for more information, or book through Reception on 282735 / 6. Wishing all you amazing Dads out there a happy Fathers Day on Sunday!!! 13) CATERING AND FOOD CAKES CAKES CAKES ... Need a special cake for that special occasion? - Wedding, Anniversary, Novelty or Birthday. CAKES made to order. Heart-shaped, square or round. Options include - Marzipan and Plum Chocolate Cake, Amarula Carrot Cake, Spice Cake with Date Filling, Lemon Curd Gateau, Millionaire's Shortbread, Caramel Cake with Almond Crunch Topping and Choc Chip Cookies. Contact Marina 077 77 532 77 or email ++++++ THE STABLE WINERY THE COACH HOUSE THE FALCON VILLAGE 23 FALCON STREET BELMONT BULAWAYO WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE NOW STOCK PERDEBERG WINES FROM THE CAPE. Bottelary Semi Sweet $6.20 Chenin Blanc $6.20 Sauvignon Blanc $6.70 Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot $7.40 Merlot $7.40 Shiraz $7.40 Soft Smooth Red $6.20 Soft Smooth Red 1.5litre $10.20 and many more! WE SUPPLY: Individuals Hotels Weddings Lodges Restaurants COME IN AND SEE OUR WIDE RANGE OF WINES THE STABLE WINERY BULAWAYO 0772 258 531 +++++ Wanting a SPIT done, whether it be Beef, Lamb, Pork and sometimes Wart Hog, contact Ian Johnston for expert advice on cell 0712 215373, or 237240. e-mail +++++++ Kershelmar Dairies have an exciting range of fruit juices packed in affordable 250ml sachets. They come in five different flavours: Guava, Mango, Litchi, Peach/Apricot and Tropical. They are ideal for school tuckshops, children's lunch boxes, company canteens etc. The cost is a remarkable US$10 per tube of 40 sachets. Please contact Kershelmar Sales on 461359, 461369, 461418, 461352 ++++++++ 14) ACCOMMODATION OUT OF ZIMBABWE FOUR SEASONS SELF-CATERING COTTAGES, FOURWAYS, JOHANNESBURG Sleeping from 2 to 8 pax per unit on a large property with ample parking within a secure country estate. 5 chalets in total. Rates: Standard single: R 250 Standard double: R 400 Loerie Chalet: single R 350, double R 500 R 100 per additional person, children under 12: half price We also offer budget accommodation Units are serviced daily, TV, pool. We are close to Broadacres Shopping Centre, Fourways Mall, Fourways Crossing, Cedar Square, Montecasino, Northgate Shopping Centre with Coca-Cola Dome, Lanseria Airport, Fourways Hospital, Olivedale Hospital, Riverside Rehabilitation Centre. Address: 34, Woburn Avenue, Chartwell North Estates, on Cedar Road, Fourways, 2055 Tel: 27 11 460 1948 Cell: 083 420 7779 E-mail: ++++++ Welcome to Hills & Dales run by ex Zimbabweans Di and Tim Savory Close to the Cradle of Humankind in Gauteng. Hills and Dales Accommodation is a relaxed, country and home style venue, catering for each individual guests requirements. Enjoy the unique experience of our fully equipped and serviced self-catering and B&B accommodation, with beautiful views overlooking the river and hills. Sleep to the sound of the river rapids. Situated on 23 hectares of rolling countryside in the tourism supply zone for the World Heritage Site, The Cradle of Humankind. The property is adjacent to the Lanseria Airport providing a peaceful getaway 40 minutes from the hustle and bustle of the environs of Joburg and Sandton. The farm is located in an area that teams with all sorts of public activities from ballooning and fishing to elephant riding and wildlife parks. Birdlife abounds. Accommodation with a view BED & BREAKFAST: The Hoopoe Room and the Kingfisher Room each sleep two in three quarter beds, pushed together. Situated in the main homestead with dressing room, TV, fans, heater and mosquito nets. These rooms have a separate shower room and bathroom with heaters for winter warmth whilst bathing, and toilet. Sliding glass doors lead from each room onto the patio in the garden where breakfast is served. Rooms also lead onto the jacuzzi area. Each room has a complimentary coffee / tea tray with homemade rusks and biscuits. SELF CATERING: The accommodation is fully equipped for self catering with all the following being provided: fridge/freezer, microwave, stove, TV, cutlery, crockery, linen and towels. Braai/BBQ areas are available in the garden and on the river. Wood and braziers will be provided on request. Tim and Di Savory Address: Plot 4, Hills and Dales, Lanseria, 1748, RSA P O Box 16, Lanseria, 1748, RSA Cell: 27 (0)79 515 1336 Di Cell: 27 (0)76 191 6702 Tim Landline: 011 659 8022 Email: Email: +++++++ SPECIAL RATES for Zimbabweans "Our Place", Overnight Accommodation, Louis Trichardt 15 kilometres from Louis Trichardt on the N1 south, turn right into Airforce Base Road and 1km down, "Our Place" signpost on the left. Six self-catering Garden Combos in secure setting at affordable prices. Each consists of one large main Bedroom with shower, toilet etc en-suite, large living room with equipped kitchenette, veranda and covered carport. Additional bed or bunk beds in lounge/kitchenette. Coffee, tea, sugar and fresh milk provided in each Combo. To be eaten in your Combo - affordable home-cooked Light Supper and Continental Breakfast Basket available on prior arrangement. Braai facilities available. Local Television available. Contact: Derek and Margaret Henning Landline: + 27 15 516 5706 Cell phones:+ 27 73 9390773/+27 82 8631116/+ 27 82 5108004 Email: +++++ PAFURI SELF CATERING (OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION) Our address: Pafuri Avenue 47, Penina Park, Polokwane Contact details: Cell: 072 147 9370 Fax: 0866 941 742 E-mail: Website: We offer overnight units from R350.00 per night/single (price depending on the total number of persons who will share the unit) ++++++ ACCOMMODATION POLOKWANE Biddy and Gerhard invite you to make yourself at home in their "Affordable Self Catering Overnight Accommodation", which is situated in a beautiful secure garden and ideally based for visitors passing through Polokwane or shopping here. Near Bypass to New Mall of the North. ( photos available) Undercover parking and swimming pool available. Baby Stroller and camping cot available on request. One flat "Melody" Sleeps four. DSTV in Lounge and Bedroom. Has a shower on suite. Air-conditioned. Fully equipped, self catering kitchen with oven + 4 plate hob, fridge/deepfreeze. Mini Bar. Own courtyard and braai area. Other flat Harmony" Sleeps four. DSTV, fully equipped self catering kitchen, mini stove/mini bar/fridge-deepfreeze. Has a bath and shower on suite. Own courtyard and braai area, Where to find us: 13 Woodbush str Ladanna Polokwane Close to Trade Centre and Gateway International Airport, just off N1 - GPS: S 23*52.582 & E 029*27.369 If you are here for work or pleasure and you are looking for a comfortable and relaxing stay, book your accommodation here! Your Host : Biddy Fourie - 015 287 9760 (Bus) 015 293 2836 ( H) (after hours) 0824107325 ( cell) email : ++++++++ 15) ACCOMMODATION IN ZIMBABWE Accommodation Offered -Bedsitter offered in Morningside. Very secure and quiet. Constant electricity,beautiful garden. Daily, weekly and monthly rates. Call or text 0772703881 ++++++++ ACCOMMODATION OFFERED Need a home away from home, for N.G.O's and similar organizations. Full furnished small house set, in lovely garden. Including rates, water and electricity. Serviced daily. Suitable for 2 people Please contact: Cell: 0733 896 375 Home: 09 - 476569 ++++++ Affordable Self Catering Accommodation in Burnside, Bulawayo. Phyllie's Cottage is situated in a secure garden, fully equipped for self catering, has DSTV, and can sleep 4. Contact 0772 261 761 or (09) 240 159 ++++++ CAMBRIDGE COTTAGE - A NEW B & B IN BYO. FULLY SELF CONTAINED 3 BEDROOM / 2 BATHROOM COTTAGE WHICH SLEEPS 6 IN HILLCREST AREA. COTTAGE IS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH BRAND NEW TEAK FURNITURE AND ALL NEW APPLIANCES AND IS SET IN BEAUTIFUL, LUSH GARDEN. FULL D.S.T.V ON OFFER AND FULLY SERVICED BY LIVE-IN DOMESTIC WORKER - LAUNDRY SERVICE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. ALL ROOMS HAVE FANS AND MAIN ROOM HAS AIR CON. COTTAGE IS ALARMED AND HAS ELECTRIC FENCE AND GATE. FOR FURTHER INFO OR BOOKINGS PLEASE CONTACT MANDI ON 0772 601 989 OR EMAIL ++++++ CALLING ALL CAMPERS AND CARAVANERS KULIZWE LODGE BINGA A little paradise on the shores of Lake Kariba. Beautiful shady camp sites virtually on the edge of the lake. First class ablution and laundry facilities. Also 8 basic equipped fisherman's chalets, each sleeping 4 people. Swimming pool, large outdoor conference facility ideal for NGO's. and weddings. e mail or phone +263 15 545 or +263 15 286 or message +263 773 666 243 e mail ++++++++++ 16) - PROPERTY AND REAL ESTATE ACCOMMODATION HOUSE FOR RENT Barham Green, 3 bedroom fully furnished, DSTV, Alarm System, Near Town, Secure. (Suitable for Companies or NG0). Available immediate - Long Lease. Phone Jack (09) 478309 or 0775 102 539. ++++++ I am looking to rent long term a one or two bedroomed cottage furnished inclusive of lights and water for around US$250.00 to US$300.00 per month. I am a lady mid fifties, non drinker, non smoker and no ties. I shall look after the property and would like it in a secure area please. Please phone me on : 0913496948 (Cell). ++++++ Looking for a securitised home in bradfield,suburbs,ilanda or malindela.. 2-3 bedrooms and dog friendly. please contact lee-anne on 0773682854 +++++++ PROPERTY FOR SALE Bulawayo East Municipal area. 34 hectares (85 acres) 13 Kms from the City Centre Main House - stone under thatch, 3 bedrooms (m.e.s), separate bathroom with shower, 2 toilets, kitchen with pantry, large dining room/lounge area with bar, carports, storerooms, tennis court. Set in lovely lawned garden. 2nd House 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dining room, lounge bar / lounge area, kitchen with pantry, car port, cottage and swimming pool- all requiring renovations. Additional outbuilding can accommodate up to 20 employees 2.4 km electrified game/security fence (2.4m high), 6 good boreholes all equipped. 2 reservoirs with booster pumps and filtration/fustigation systems. 12 hectares currently under drip irrigation with another 3 hectors to be cleared. Excellent soils, yielding top quality market produce. 16 hectares (40 acres) not arable with potential for lodges or games / cattle management. Partially completed and separately fenced off buildings for future development of store, produce market, bottle store, bakery etc Please contact 0778 375 892 or 0778 375 891 ++++++ SHOP WANTED WE ARE SEEKING FOR A SUITABLE SHOP IN CBD TO SELL STOCK-FEED FROM. CALL 255408/0712614587 ++++++ PREMISES WANTED WE ARE LOOKING FOR SUITABLE PREMISES TO OPEN A CONTINENTAL COFFEE SHOP. CALL 255408/0712614587 +++++ Small holding for lease in Esigodini. It has a two bedroomed rustic farmhouse in need of some attention, a borehole which is adequate for the house and limited livestock but not for crops, staff accommodation and established chicken houses. Good terms on a long term lease basis for the right tenants. Contact +++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED PROPERTIES FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL BURNSIDE *Spacious family home, 6 bedrooms with Bic's, 3 bathrooms (2mes), shower and separate toilet, 2 loungers (1TV) , dining room, fitted kitchen. pantry, laundry, scullery. Cottage:- 2 bedrooms, lounge, bathroom and kitchen. Established garden with functioning borehole, walled, electric gate, many extras. US$200,000 FAMONA *Charming family home, 4 bedrooms with Bic's, 3 bathrooms (2mes), 2 lounges (1TV), well established garden, prolific borehole, entertainment area, walled and gated. US$95,000 BRADFIELD * Excellent location close to hospital and shopping centre, semi-detatched, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, separate toilet, lounge, fitted kitchen. US$55,000 PADDONHURST Great starter home, semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, separate toilet, lounge with fireplace, fitted kitchen, walled and gated. US$45,00 STANDS. *We have potential purchasers for stands. Please get in touch with us if you have a stand to sell. WE HAVE MANY MORE, PLEASE COME IN AND SEE US AT 5A, 9TH AVENUE OR CALL: 74581-3 AND SPEAK TO AARON, NIMISHA. Shahid or Takura +++++++ +++ BINGA HOUSE FOR SALE - US$120000,00 DOUBLE STORY THATCHED HOUSE ON LAKE WITH INCREDIBLE VIEWS HOUSE HAS 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS, KITCHEN, SCULLERY, LARGE LOUNGE/DINNING /BAR AREA\CARETAKERS COTTAGE, DOMESTIC QUARTERS, BOAT SHED AND STORAGE ROOMS LARGE PLOT WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL. CONTACT BONNIE: 09 462765 +++++ Urgently needing a house to rent with immediate effect. 3-4 bedroom with staff quarters, preferably in the area Of Fortunes Gate, Ilanda or Khumalo. Please contact Vanessa 0772 255 035 Office hours 74378/9 ++++++ LOOKING FOR HOUSE TO RENT We are a family of 5 looking for a 4 bedroomed house to rent, preferably with a borehole and swimming pool but will look at what is available. We are keen gardeners and love spending time at home. We are looking in the Hillside, Burnside, Ilanda, Malindela, Matsheumhlope and Fortunes Gate areas. Unfortunately the house that we are renting at the moment is now up for sale and so we need to find something URGENTLY!!! Please contact us, Martin 0772349140 Rita 0772289429 or 240798 (Home) +++++ House wanted to rent South African family looking for a house to rent in the following areas: Hillside, Burnside, Matsheumhlope, Suburbs, Kumalo Preferable size: 4- 5 Bedrooms, and/ or outside cottage Will care for your home as if it was our own! Please contact Somien at 0775 581 656 or Wessie at 0775 581 661 +++++ Urgently looking for house to buy in the eastern suburbs(Malindela ,Famona, Morningside, Ilanda ) in the range of +/- USD 65 000.00 Or property under construction (price neg.) Contact : 00263 712 525 415 or ++++ PROPERTY FOR SALE (Bulawayo) 2 Flats for sale at Fairspire Court (Famona) 1 x 2 bedroomed (US$40 000) 1 x 1 bedroomed (US$28 000) 3 Offices for sale : Silver Oaks Building (Cnr 14th Ave / J Tongogara) US30 000.00 each Offers invited. Tel: Byo 884 153 or L Neser: RSA +27824201759 +++++++ STAND IN HILLSIDE SOUTH FOR SALE STAND FOR SALE ON MATTIE ROAD HILLSIDE SOUTH. $25,000.00 onco e mail ++++++ Two Bedroom house to rent in popular, secure estate. Main bedroom has en-suite bathroom with bath, shower and toilet. Separate shower and toilet. Large living space with open plan kitchen. Separate additional bedroom/office off verandah. Monthly rental US$400 plus levy US$130. Please call B Kitto on 240165 or cell 0712207469 to view. +++++++++ 17) VEHICLES Vehicles for sale -1985 Sprite Swift 5 berth Caravan including tents and screens. New import Good Condition $5000.00 -Single Axle Car Carrier Trailer for small car. Ramps optional $600.00 -Car luggage Trailer Large suitable for off road $800.00 -Car Luggage trailer fibreglass small $400.00 -Heavy duty 20 ton low bed trailer with ramps for Earthmoving Equipment $13 000.00 -Cold Room Portable truck back Diesel/Electric $10 000.00 -Draw Bar Trailer 5 ton $3000.00 -Tractor Fiat 625 special 3 Cylinder and 2 Disc Plow $6000.00 -2 Fenner size C2:1 reconditioned gearboxes $400.00 each -Fenner D268 / 22-4450 V Belts, Matched Sets -Hydraulic cylinders / rams 10" diameter -Mag Rims Used 17" / 16" / 15" / 14" / 13" (enquire) -3 x Mountain Bikes 26" Raleigh / GT - good condition $400 each -20" Switchback Mountain bike $200 -15 000lt Water Bowser single Axle $7000.00 Tarpaulins ++++++ Vehicles Auto Contact Buying or selling of pick-ups or Sedans. Your unwanted vehicle can be sold for you. If you are looking for a particular vehicle we link you up with the right one. We get what you want and sell what you want to get rid of. Auto Crash For all your spray painting and panel beating work, we make your car look like new again. Vehicle Registration Change of ownership, lost registration books, vehicle license, and Insurance done for you. Please contact us on 09 - 62191 or cell 0772 330 545 +++++++ SELLING NON-RUNNER TOYOTA RAIDER 2.8 TWIN CAB, NOV 1996Needs new cylinder head and gasket - otherwise everything is in good nic with 4 brand new tyres. Canopy, tow hitch, bulbar and runner boards. Verdite in colour. ONE OWNER. PRICE : US $ 6 500,00 CONTACT : A.P. VAN HEERDEN, Kwekwe 0775 540 831 +++++++ FOR SALE A DREAM CAR FOR THE COLLECTOR, DISCERNING AND SOPHISTICATED PERSON. MERCEDES BENZ 280 SE 1972, 6 CYLINDERS, FUEL INJECTION. GOOD VINTAGE CAR FOR THE CONNOISSEUR. PHONE 255408/0712614587 +++++ VEHICLES FOR SALE 2 x G.W.M Pick-ups for sale 2.8 Turbo Diesel Electrical Windows, C.D etc Rubberised Back 2009 Model - 40 000 kms - US$ 10.000.00 2010 Model - 17 000 kms - US$ 18 000.00 Please call Brendan - 0772 437 044 Landlines - 09 - 885360 / 1 +++++ VEHICLE FOR SALE VW BORA (ALSO KNOWN AS JETTA 4) 2.0 L PETROL $ 7000.00 TEL: 09-78637 CELL: 0712 622 659 ++++++ Vehicles for sale -1985 Sprite Swift 5 berth Caravan including tents and screens. New import Good Condition $5000.00 -Single Axle Car Carrier Trailer for small car. Ramps optional $600.00 -Car luggage Trailer Large suitable for off road $800.00 -Car Luggage trailer fibreglass small $400.00 -Heavy duty 20 ton low bed trailer with ramps for Earthmoving Equipment $13 000.00 -Cold Room Portable truck back Diesel/Electric $10 000.00 -Draw Bar Trailer 5 ton $3000.00 -Tractor Fiat 625 special 3 Cylinder and 2 Disc Plow $6000.00 -2 Fenner size C2:1 reconditioned gearboxes $400.00 each -Fenner D268 / 22-4450 V Belts, Matched Sets -Hydraulic cylinders / rams 10" diameter -Mag Rims Used 17" / 16" / 15" / 14" / 13" (enquire) -3 x Mountain Bikes 26" Raleigh / GT - good condition $400 each -20" Switchback Mountain bike $200 Tarpaulins -5000lt underground fuel tank steel $2000.00 -2 x Water pump portable petrol engine $400.00 each -6 x PVC Used Tarpaulins 10 x 4m -Oxy Acetylene bottles, gauges, torch, trolley $600.00 -Small Chest Freezer $250.00 -Industrial chip cutter $100.00 -Nissan engine V6 Injection VG30 $1000 -Mitsubishi Space Wagon engine 1800 $500 -2002 Blue Nissan March 2 door CD player, mags clean $5000.00 -1993 Jaguar XJ 2,8 Blue $3000.00 -Mercedes Vito Panel Van Manual 108D $6000.00 -ERF horse E10 with helper axle $10000 0772814419. 0712401431. 0774565102 +++++++ Vehicles for sale 2 x GWM Pick-ups for sale Electric windows, C.D's etc, Rubberised backs 2009 model - 40 000kms Usd10 000.00 2010 model - 14 000kms Usd18 000.00 Call Brendan - 0772 437 044 Land Line - 04 885360 Many thanks ++++++++ 18) TRAVEL AND TOURS ++++++++ 19) COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS TECHSTORE - DIGITAL DISCOUNT STORE SOLE SOUTHERN AFRICAN SEALAN AGENT Guaranteed Quality - New World Technology Prices that compete with the real world! 10.1" NETBOOK - $400 INCL VAT Perfect for students, novices, people with basic computing needs Metallic Deep Red Colour Intel Atom 1.6GHz 1GB Ram 200GB Hard Drive Wifi & Webcam S10F 10.1" NETBOOK - $420 INCL VAT Perfect for staying in touch with family & friends around the world Graphite Matt Finish Intel Atom 1.6GHz 1GB Ram 200GB Hard Drive Wifi & Webcam S10G 11.6" NETBOOK - $450 INCL VAT Perfect for travelers with the world at their finger tips Gloss Red Design Intel Atom 1.3GHz 1GB Ram 200GB Hard Drive Wifi & Webcam S16E 13.3" NETBOOK - $500 INCL VAT Perfect for your unique lifestyle computing needs Graphite Matt Finish Intel Atom 1.3GHz 1GB Ram 200GB Hard Drive Wifi & Webcam SU33 14.0" NOTEBOOK - $660 INCL VAT Perfect for people looking for power & portability Graphite Matt Finish Intel Dual Core 2.9GHz 2 GB Ram 320GB Hard Drive Wifi & Webcam Si40 21.5" ALL IN ONE DESKTOP PC - $700 INCL VAT Perfect for stylish space saving - Ideal unit for office or home No bulky components - screen contains all processors, memory & optical drives Wireless keyboard & micro touch wireless mouse Cable Free - One Power Cord Intel E5700 Dual Core 2.5GHz 500GB Hard Drive 2GB Ram Wifi & Webcam XD5080 Find TechStore at 204 Leopold Takawira Ave, Next to the AA Building, Bulawayo Tel: (09) 61637 Email: +++++ CompuPro - HEART OF TECHNOLOGY COMPUTER SALES & REPAIRS SERVICING OF PRINTERS We Sell: * Desktops from $689.00 * Laptops from $515.00 * Laptop Bags * IPODs & Accessories * Canon Printers from US$69.00 * External Hard Drives from US$110.00 * A wide range of the Sollatek Products * Inverters & UPS And Projector & Projector Screens available to order. Address: 130A Samuel Parirenyatwa Street Telephone: 09-889643 / 889645 E-mail: Or visit our website: ++++++++ 20) LIFTS WANTED AND OFFERED I'm looking for a lift to South Africa, anywhere in Gauteng preferably within the next week. Will help with expenses. Please call Etienne on 0774 5687 110 ++++++++ 21) SEEKING FRIENDS Searching for birth mother: Un-named boy child Viljoen. Born Lady Rodwell, Bulawayo, on 23/07/1955. Mother's maiden name: Viljoen. I believe she was 16 at the time and from Salisbury she stayed at St Clare's in Bulawayo during her pregnancy June/July 1955. Any Info will be greatly appreciated. e mail Margaret in the first instance ++++++++ Searching for a loved one School friends family birth family adopted children Add your name to our data base at no charge Phone 077 2244855 for more information or email: or web site:Http// Totally confidential We would love to help you find your loved ones. ++++++++ 22) SITUATIONS WANTED AND VACANT Class 4 Motor Mechanic seeking employment capable of doing Full Service Clutch O/Haul with assistance Brake O/Haul with assistance Suspension O/Haul Available to start immediately Call Ivan Cell: 0774 673 787 Phone: 246727 ++++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT ELDERLY ASIAN GENTLEMAN SEEKING EMPLOYMENT IN SALES OR STOREKEEPING. HONEST AND CONSCIENTIOUS. TRACEABLE REFERENCES. PHONE (09) 250656 CELL: 077 2 301 937 ++++++++ JOBS WANTED If you are looking for a honest, reliable and hard working domestic, who is a great cook, I have just the person for you. Her name is Constance, unfortunately we are leaving for Harare at the end of the month and she is unable to come with us For further information please contact Sue on 240323 or 0772 368222/0772 215858. ++++++ VELAPHI NDHLOVU IS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT DUE TO RETRENCHMENT. CLASS 2 DRIVER - CELL 0775540613 ++++++++ Available Mature Woman Aged 37 to try anything & available immediately Profile 1.Qualified Experienced Accountant /Bookkeeper/Administrator 2.Christian and sober habits 3.Married and a mother 4.Have worked for 15 years in private sector -Done financial reporting for shareholders -Zimra and bank meetings -Budgeting -Auditing 5.Have experience in NGO -in finance reporting. -Budgets -Donor Accountability -programmes/implementation etc Email your responses to ++++++ JOBS WANTED If you are looking for a honest, reliable and hard working domestic, who is a great cook, I have just the person for you. Her name is Constance, unfortunately we are leaving for Harare at the end of the month and she is unable to come with us For further information please contact Sue on 240323 or 0772 368222/0772 215858. +++++ Available Mature Woman Aged 37 to try anything & available immediately Profile 1.Qualified Experienced Accountant /Bookkeeper/Administrator 2.Christian and sober habits 3.Married and a mother 4.Have worked for 15 years in private sector -Done financial reporting for shareholders -Zimra and bank meetings -Budgeting -Auditing 5.Have experience in NGO -in finance reporting. -Budgets -Donor Accountability -programmes/implementation etc Email your responses to +++++ Qualified Red Cross nurse with many years of experience and good references. Caring and empathetic. Telephone 0775198570 ++++++ Nontokozo Ndhlovu is seeking employment. Nontokozo is well groomed, articulate, accurate, well versed in all computer skills, including pastel accounting, publishing and corel draw. Experience in till operation and merchandising. References available. CONTACT NUMBERS - 0775521 698 / 09 472 222 ++++ SITUATIONS WANTED Situation Wanted Reliable, competent woman with 25 years experience in general secretarial work, legal secretarial work as well as general office administration work, who works well with people, enjoys dealing with members of the public, can work under pressure and is prepared to learn anything is looking for a position as a PA or similar - full day or mornings only. Contact: Rada 0772476758, 0712208827, 61021 (house) ++++ EMPLOYMENT A hardworking lady is seeking employment as a house-keeper. Can do basic cooking, washing, ironing and looking after children. Please contact; 0772 114 764 / 0775 872 663 +++++++ I am a blue eyed lady in my early fitness and am seeking employment as a receptionist/secretary. I have worked in the banking world for over 21 years, plus other fields. For further information please contact me on: Cell 0772 306 508 ++++++ Stanyford Mujuru-Dananai is seeking employment. He has 5 excellent O level subjects, he has a good knowledge of computers including programming and graphic design. He has worked in factory maintenance and as a construction supervisor. Stanford is 26 years old and can be contacted on Byo 487115 or mobile 0775400478. ++++++ 23) SITUATIONS WANTED ++++ 24) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ++++++++ 25) SERVICES WROUGHT IRON WORK EXPERTLY DONE Carports / Shadeports, Security gate/doors, Sliding Gates, Pool fencing, Steel Roof Structures, Garden & Home furniture, Steel Benches, Rose Archers, etc. Custom trailers, Steel Tanks, Chutes, Conveyors. Industrial Gutters, Custom Bull bars, Roll bars & Tow bars. "PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT" Swings, Slides, Seesaws, Jungle Gyms, Combat nets, Combination playframes. Obstacle playground courses. Terms available for Playground Equipment Contact; 09240390, 0772 684850, 0712955809 ++++++++ SERVICES Do you need bookkeeping help? We prepare your Q.P.D's and obtain your ITF 263. Please contact Adams Accounting Services 0774 375 325 or 0778 164 241 Reasonable rates offered. We help putting your monthly accounts and returns together. Rent collecting, debt collecting and tracing also available ++++++ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING: CLEANED ON YOUR PREMISES OR AT OUR FACTORY. PRICING FROM LESS THAN $1 PER SQUARE METRE. BRAND NEW TOP-OF-THE-RANGE INDUSTRIAL MACHINES.CARPETS, RUGS, SUITES, CHAIRS, LAMPSHADES, CURTAINS, CUSHIONS, ALL SOFT FURNISHINGS, CARRY COTS, PRAMS AND TOYS. CURTAIN CLEANING: TAKE DOWN, RE-HANG, RE-HEM, RE-LINE AND REPAIR SERVICE NOW OFFERED! TRUST THE PROFESSIONALS! 114 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE MATABELE STEAM LAUNDRY - Telephone Miss Habib on 206446-9 +++++ Home repairs and renovations For all your cupboard repairs, door repairs, ceiling repairs, gutter repairs, roof leaks, office partitioning, fascia board repairs, painting, welding and electrical work. Building work also undertaken. Please contact Jason and we will gladly come out to you and carry out an assessment. Phone: land 09 - 226473 Cell: 0772 312 320 +++++++++ ELECTRIC SLIDING GATES & INTERCOMMS REPAIRS AND PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Fault-Finding & Repairs 1. Done speedily 2. Using factory supplied & guaranteed Spare Parts, 3. By experienced and trustworthy technicians, 4. Who are supervised, 5. By competent, trustworthy, technical personnel Spare parts - ex Stock, Bulawayo Customer satisfaction guaranteed Also available 1. Genuine guaranteed Centurion spare parts. 2. Replacement gate motor batteries 3. Remote transmitter batteries & other spares 4. Also sales direct to the end users. Contact KEEBROYD TRADING, 57A R Mugabe Way, Bulawayo. Telephone 75 251 or 77 032 Mobile 0712 606 818 e-mail - Trade enquires welcome +++++++++ Bathroom Vogue Specializing in Plumbing, tiling, carpentry, electrical, Bath re-enameling and painting with 20 years experience. Tel: (09)66537/68741/0772323138 email: ++++ KINGS AUCTION CENTRE We offer collections anywhere in Bulawayo,we sell twice weekly meaning FAST cash,we sell anything and everything! Remember your ''junk'' is someone else's treasure! Collections are FREE to pensioners! We also offer after hour collections in case you cant get time off from your busy schedule! We offer house sales,factory sales,valuations,in fact we can do just about anything! We have waiting buyers for all quality furniture at fantastic prices,call us now to book your stress FREE collection. Remember we pack,we clean,we do everything while you sit back and relax!! 70316 141 fife st between 14th and 15th ave 'WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW' +++++++ Finelist Investments (Pvt) Ltd We are specialists in the following business Consultancy Services; Shelf companies ( Over 220 names to choose from) Private Business Corporations (PBCs) Tax Clearance, Tax Returns , QPDs,Tax Planning and VAT Registrations Year- end Financial Statements Bookkeeping and Accounting Services Annual Returns, CR14 (Change of Directors) Share Capital Redenomination to US$ Trading licences eg for shops , security companies , liquor etc Payroll Preparation Project Proposals and Cash flows Moneylending shelf companies and license applications 2011 TAX CLEARANCES BEING PROCESSED MICROFINANCE LOANS AND ORDER FINANCE FOR BUSINESSES ALSO AVAILABLE Business Brokers - Are you buying or selling a business we link business buyers with Sellers and vice versa.We also link business people looking for joint ventures/partnerships and equity finance Construction services -Renovations, walling , tilling, painting, extensions, durawalls , plumbing,electrical, paving,landscaping and new building structures Contact us at at:- Suite 203 second Floor Charter House Corner L. Takawira / Fort Street P.O. Box 3128, Bulawayo Tel:- 09-884777/8 Fax - 09 -884778 Cell - o772 850 705 Email -, website - ++++++ KINGS AUCTION CENTRE We offer collections anywhere in Bulawayo,we sell twice weekly meaning FAST cash,we sell anything and everything! Remember your ''junk'' is someone else's treasure! Collections are FREE to pensioners! We also offer after hour collections in case you cant get time off from your busy schedule! We offer house sales,factory sales,valuations,in fact we can do just about anything! We have waiting buyers for all quality furniture at fantastic prices,call us now to book your stress FREE collection. Remember we pack,we clean,we do everything while you sit back and relax!! 70316 141 fife st between 14th and 15th ave 'WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW' +++++++ SECURITY PEOPLE Pvt Ltd * Gate and Garage Door Automation * Custom -Made Gates and Garage Doors * Centurion Gate Motors - D3,D5 Evo in stock * Centurion D2 Turbo * Intercoms and Remotes * Video Intercoms * Alarm Systems and Infra Red Beams * Electric Fence * Screen Doors * Palisade Fencing And Pool Fencing * Razor wire * CCTV Camera * Game And Farm Fencing * All types of Gate Motor Repairs & Services** * Anti - Theft Gate Motor Cages * All Household Electrical Repairs & Supplies * BEWARE OF UNTRAINED TECHNICIANS & GO FOR THE BEST** CONTACT DETAILS 810, 8th Floor Chrysolite House Parkade Centre Cnr Fife St. & 9th Ave Bulawayo TEL 09- 887714 or 5 After Hours----- 09-281190 Cell 0712 552 224 or 0772 803 067 - CALVIN +++++ Kenwood Chefs & Food Processors (Sales & Services) For Sales, Servicing & Repairs Contact us on (09) 72256 / 61819 - We can guarantee our work as we have been in this game for 30 years. Available reconditioned machines for sale, as well as sealing rings for liquidisers. We also stock a wide range of baking trays (all shapes and sizes),Oven Tray, Bread slices, Bread makers & Hand Mixers. Thanks to all that have responded & supported us. +++++++ Kilwick Logistics For all your transport, cross border clearing & consolidation needs. For all enquires Contact: Phone: 889643/ 889645 ext 3 Fax: 888542 / 881984 Email: ++++++ For all your kids birthday parties we cater,decorate and do games.We do themed parties e.g barbie,Tinkerbell, bakugan and much,much more.We also provide a venue and pony's.Also in our package we have Pinatas and party packs.Please contact Penny on 0772747073 for more information. +++++++ SEBASTIAN SUPERIOR CARPENTRY AND PAINTING WOOD FIX AND FIT SPECIALIST IN FURNITURE REPAIRS AND ALL WOODWORKING AND CARPENTRY. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED 0772779666 OR 0712027714 +++++++ CHRIS NDONGO IS A VERY GOOD TILER AND VERY REASONABLE !! TELEPHONE CHRIS ON 0712703145 RECOMMENDED BY M.K. ++++++++ DAVISON PAINTERS ARE FAST EFFICIENT, NEAT AND RELIABLE. TELEPHONE BEKS ON 0772898 633 RECOMMENDED BY M.K. +++++++ Beaver Tree Felling For all your tree problems Please contact Cell: 0733 896 375 Land: 09 - 476569 ++++++ PUMP MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATIONS Supply and installation of high quality Italian Elsumo submersible pumps and motors and now also inexpensive Sterling submersible pumps and motors. For example: pump, motor, and control box, 230V 0.75kW which drives 2 taps US$ 415.00 + VAT, motors only 230V 0.75kW US$ 195.00 + Vat. A full range of single and three phase submersible and booster pumps is held and prices will be given on request. Repairs and installations for all pump makes including Mono and Rod pumps Borehole drilling and clean outs Free quotations and advice Telephone: 09 - 75712 or telefax 09 - 63901 Email pumpmain@ Joe 0772 254 137 Keith 0772 473 001 ++++++ EDGER CAN ASSIST YOU WITH ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS. STOVES, KETTLES, T.V.S IRONS AS WELL AS ALL ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS. CALL EDGER PHONE 60707 OR MOBILE 0733891515 ++++++ IMAGES PRIVATE LIMITED Software solution that enable any individual workgroup or organization that creates or creates or uses design data to reduce process and cycle time. Our solution are best in class within our respective markets , interior design , architectural, mechanical media and entertainment data with Auto Cad product which introduce drafting on PC We have a wide range of kitchen , architectural and mechanical, engineering solution. Contact (09) 231113 0774 777 675 Special Moments We have a wide range of children educational software, Audio bibles , Charles Dickens ebooks, John Grisham , Patricia Cornwell, John Kellerman e-books , e-comics and latest magazines, drum, menshealth, you and many more. Contact (09) 231113 0774 777 675. ++++++++ JOAMAC PVT LTD Are you tired of the long Zesa cuts, sitting in the dark? Here at Joamac we can change all that for you. For all your solar lighting, solar geysers, batteries, and inverters. We install and do backups. Please contact Mr. MacCloud Tshawe Telephone: 09 - 888087 / 78238 60 Main Street Between 4th Ave / 5th Ave Bulawayo ++++++ CALLING ALL BERNINA MACHINE OWNERS I am trying to draw up a data base of all Bernina machine owners in the Bulawayo and surrounding areas. It covers Sewing machines, Overlockers and Embroidery Machines. I would like to approach Bernina RSA and find out if they can do something about either updating the ex-Bernina technician (Jonathan) who still resides in Byo, or sending one of their technicians to service our machines every 6 months or so. Bernina RSA don't seem to be very helpful - I'm hoping that if I can present with an idea of numbers of Bernina machines owners, it may make a difference. Can interested persons contact me on the following email address:- ++++++ THATCHING new construction and thatching of summer houses, houses, lodges etc. repairs to old thatch. re brushing of untidy thatch. spraying of antifungal treatment. We have been in the business for over twenty years. For your free, no obligation quote contact: Paradise Gardens phone 242725 Graham cell 0712 402815 Doris cell 077 2244855 email ++++++ ELECTRICAL GATES & SERVICES SECURITY SYSTEMS The Strength, The Quality, The Service: Centurion Sliding Gate Operations That's the difference. D5 Gate Motor US $ 750 000 (including installation) We supply and install manual and electric gates, electric fence, house alarms, day light switch, beams, gate motors, intercoms garage door installations, repair geysers, welding Products Description Accessories: Kits D5, EVO Gate Motor with 2 remotes + 4m Rack + 12V 7AH Battery - Intercom. Electric fence, energizer - wizard 4. Gate wheels, fuse 16A Slow Blow Fuse, Batteries, receiver and remote transformers for D5 motors. Spare parts: D5 motor spares, CP boards, magnet, lock and key thumbwheel for D5 & D3 , Doss kits, beams, electric fence - energizer AN EXCELLENT PRODUCT IS ONE THING, QUALITY SUPPORT AND SERVICE IS ANOTHER. WE ARE DEDICATED TO SERVICE AND CUSTOM DESIGN. We also do back up service and repairs for all types of gate motors, intercoms, electric garage doors etc. We look forward to solving your security. Your security is our priority. Call us today we fix today P O Box 6151 Morningside Bulawayo Edward Piwa 0712 566 160, 0774 788 330, 0772 857 047 (During and after hours open during the public holidays) ++++++++ MERMAID POOLS /B. SARTORI & SON* WINTER SPECIAL - WINTER SPECIAL - WINTER SPECIAL VALID 01 JUNE 2011 to 31 AUFUST 2011 BUILDERS OF QUALITY DESIGNER, RESIDENTIAL & SCHOOL SWIMMING POOLS. REFURBISHMENTS UNDERTAKEN BY QUALIFIED AND SKILLED CRAFTSMEN. WINTER SPECIAL 1. *60% DEPOSIT DOWN / BALANCE OVER 4 MONTHS ( NO INTEREST)* 2. *100% DOWN - 10% CASH DISCOUNT ( 90% OF TOTAL CONTRACT)* 3. *FREE MAINTENANCE FOR PERIOD OF BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ( VISITATION ONCE WEEK-CHEMICALS SUPPLIED BY CUSTOMER)* 4. *TWO YEARS GUARANTEE ON ALL WORKS UNDERTAKEN* 5. *IMMEDIATE BACKUP SERVICES PROVIDED* 6. *FREE QUOTATIONS UNDERTAKEN IN THE BULAWAYO AREA* MERMAID POOLS HAVE THE SOLUTION TO YOUR SWIMMING POOL REQUIREMENTS WETHER IT IS FOR A NEW SWIMMING POOL OR FOR ANY REFURBISHMENTS CONTACT MR. SARTORI ON 09 230253 or 0772 380 108 +++++++ GENERAL INSURANCE Please contact us for good sound service for all your insurance requirements, be it business, your home or your car. Situated at 63 Heyman Rd, Suburbs, Byo. Tel No. 09 230708, 09 231091 & 09 231193 or e mail us on ++++++ GATE AND HOME SECURITY DON CREMER FOR REPAIRS AND INSTALLATIONS OF ALARM SYSTEMS, ELECTRIC GATE MOTORS, INTERCOMS AND SWIMMING POOL PUMPS. Also building services, small to medium projects and alterations. Brick and block walling. PLEASE NOTE OUR PHONE NUMBER HAS CHANGED TO 0913 284 909 ++++++ Advertisement Hasslefree Consultancy - ZESA Account Reconciliations & Advise. The following reconciliations are done at very reasonable rates :- 1)Domestic, Commercial, Mining and Industrial & Farming. A once off charge of 5% is levied on the reconciled corrected balance & a monthly maintenance fee of US$25.00 per month is charged thereafter, should you still be in need of help. (Deposit of US$100.00 is required and the balance due on presentation of reconciliation and report). We undertake to :- 2) Make payments on your behalf (No queueing & save fuel). 3) We get your receipts & photocopy them. 4) If possible, to get up-to-date statements for you. 5) Take your monthly readings into town to the Meter reading department. Update your recon and advise what you should expect to pay. You will be given an easy reference table designed by ourselves so that you can refer to the table to see how much you should pay. 6) Do applications for new accounts, disconnections of unwanted meters & consolidation of meters. 7) Keep you up to date with any increases/decreases that may be occurring. ALL this at NO EXTRA costs. Try us and you will be pleasantly surprised. Chris Glyn Contact : 09-244325 / 0778 134795 Email : +++++++++ BANCROFT NEIL BOREHOLE PUMP REPAIRS, INSTALLATIONS, WATER RETICULATION, WATER TANK INSTALLATION AND BOOSTER PUMPS WE CUT PVC PIPING TO YOUR SPECS ELECTRIC LAWNMOWER REPAIRS AND PROCUREMENT. Call Mike howard or Obed Sithole at Bancroft Neil & Co el 880844 /46 0772260769 or 0712608724 We install and repair Borehole and Booster pumps. We also sell gas and Cadac products but not gas. ++++++ For all your PLUMBING / ELECTRICAL / REFRIGERATION installations, maintenance or repairs - domestic or industrial. Contact Rob Sinclair on Byo 226188 or cell 0772 230 551 email ++++++++ 26) HEALTH AND BEAUTY THE BULAWAYO MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY, would like to thank the Athletes of Bulawayo for a great response in its opening weeks. It's because of this great interest we can now post our first lot of SET CLASSES; BMAA OPENING TIMES; MON -0800-1800 TUES -CLOSED- WED-FRI -0800-1800 SAT-SUN -1000-1300 BMAA SET CLASSES; MON 0900-1000 and 1630-1730 SPORTS CONDITIONING WED 0900-1000 and 1630-1730 SPORTS CONDITIONING THURS 1200-1300 THE BMAA OPEN FORUM (ATHLETES & COACHES FROM ALL BACKGROUNDS SWAPPING TRAINING AND DIET TIPS) FRI 0900-1000 and 1630-1730 FIGHT SPECIFIC CONDITIONING SAT 1000-1100 JUDO JUNIORS 1100-1200 JUDO SENIORS 1200-1300 GROUND AND POUND, (A CHANCE FOR EXPERIENCED FIGHTERS TO TEAR IT UP, NO SPECTATORS PLEASE, ONLY FIGHTERS) SUN 1000-1100 NOVICE BOXING, JUNIORS AND SENIORS (MALES ONLY) 1100-1200 INTERMEDIATE BOXING, SENIORS 1200-1300 KICK BOXING (MEN, WOMEN, JUNIORS AND SENIORS) OTHER PRIVATELY BOOKED CLASSES INCLUDE; MMA TRAINING AND FIGHT PREP JIU-JITSU (SENIORS ONLY) KRAV MAGA WOMANS SELF DEFENCE PERSONAL 1,2,1 TRAINING FOR MORE INFORMATION OF CLASS PRICES AND AVAILABILITY COME TO; 54 OLD GWANDA RD, FOURWINDS, OR CALL; LEAF on 0774096081 (day time) or 246887 between 1830-1930 !!LEARN FROM THOSE WHO REALLY KNOW!! BMAA WORDS FOR THE WEEK; IF YOU'RE A FIGHTER KEEP IT CLEAN, STEROIDS NEVER GAVE ANYONE AN IRON JAW, ONLY A CRUTCH THAT'S EASILY KICKED AWAY!!!! +++++++ Rati's Beauty Salon Winter Specials 10% discount available on the following treatments: Pedicure Facials Manicures Massages Come to Berkley Place 71 J Tongogara St Between 6th Avenue an L Takawira Contact Rati or Grace on: 882898 or cell: 0772370256 0712761616 +++++++ Fit for Living Fitness Centre A World -Class Fitness Facility with a personal approach to your health and fitness including: Health and Fitness assessment and Personal Results Tracking to keep you motivated Full Range, Imported Cardio, Selectorized Weights Circuit and Free Weights Spinning and Aerobic Classes Small Group and Private Personal Training Resident trainers and helpful and knowledgeable floor instructors. Fees Membership Joining Fee is $65. $65 subscription per month gets a membership which entitles you to a health and fitness assessment, a basic fitness program, help of floor instructors, access to cardio machines and weight facilities and aerobics classes. If you are interested in more personal attention you can sign up for small group training (3-6) people with a personal trainer for an additional $35/ month. One-on-One training also available for $75/month. Spinning Classes are by booking only. Members pay only $25 for 12 spinning classes per month. Additional classes or Pay as you go spins are $5 each Spinning Membership Membership joining fee $65. $40 per month this gives you 12 spinning sessions. Additional, Pay as you go Spins will be charged at $8 per session. Casual Daily, Weekly and monthly rates also available. Hours 5:00AM- 8:00PM Monday to Friday 6:30 AM- 11:00AM Saturday Closed Sundays Find us: Inside Spire Circle @ZITF-Access via Gate 4. At Fit for Living we believe that your fitness is a resource for a healthy life! Contact: Des- 0772 385 014, Titus- 0774 009109, Owen- 0712 374395 +++ Admin Office Fit for Living Fitness Center Spire Circle@ ZITF- Access via Gate 4 Site# FS4 ZITF, Bulawayo Phone: +263772 385014 +263774 009109 Fitness:a resource for life! +++++++ Try REFLEXOLOGY, REIKI or INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE For relaxation, increased energy & restoring your body to a healthy balance. US$ 25 for an hour treatment. Children half an hour US$15. GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE PHONE JANE DAUTH ON 240626/0775 184 619 FOR APPOINTMENTS. ++++++ KARLS GYM : PERSONAL TRAINING BY A QUALIFIED REEBOK PERSONAL TRAINER Enjoy an hours gym session in a clean, up-market gym overlooking green lawns and pool for R75 or R50 per person sharing. Strength and core training, fitness and flexibility and weight loss programmes all available. The salon provides massages, G5, and ladies treatments all at R100 per hour by a qualified therapist. Cell : 0775107207 or e-mail for bookings. ++++++++ 27) TUITION KINGS EQUESTRIAN CENTRE We offer horse riding lessons to any age group on any day of the week including public holidays and sundays! We also offer livery at fantastic rates without leaving your horse feeling short changed,our livery includes 2 meals per day,lovely thick pine shavings,unlimited fresh hay in the stables and horses are turned out 8 hours per day! We also offer FREE manure to all members of the public all you have to do is bring your own sacks and labour to load it! Call Samantha on 0772723061 ++++++ Individual extra lessons for children in Grade 3 - 6 offered by an experienced primary school teacher. Contact 0772 261 761 ++++++ Extra Mathematics lessons offered, form I through to A level. Taught by experienced A level Mathematics teacher - over twenty years of teaching. Lessons will be for an hour, one on one tuition or more if requested. If you have a problem it is better to deal with this early and try to build up understanding rather than wait for last minute exam panic. Please phone 0772 126 549 to make a booking +++++ 28) MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Gas stove with 3 plates, grill and oven with 9.5 kg gas bottle. What offers ? Electric hostess trolley with 4 covered dishes on top and warming drawer underneath. Offers ? Mrs. Hansen Phone 230413 +++++++ Computer pentium 233mhz windows 98 CDrom office 2000 104 gb rom 4gb hard drive 12" monitor keyboard & mouse external modem gvc56k $200 hp deskjet printer (needs ink) $50 mountain bike (ridden twice ) $150 Free standing drilling machine $350 Bernette 134D overlocker (hardly used) $350 verimark sm knitting machine on stand $60 sm casio SA 20 keyboard $60 Portable WRS radio /tape /CD player $50 3 draw desk $100 Ladies size 36 3/4 length leather coat as new 50 Mans black Tuxedo size 40 $50 Moulineux yoghurt maker $30 All in new condition. Contact S. Clark 242044 afternoons cel 0712218856. +++++++ FRIDAY SPECIALS AT LIQUOR SUPPLIES From Friday the 24th of June, Liquor Supplies will start "Friday Specials", where a different product will go on promotion every Friday! Selected Friday Specials will include sample tasting, the perfect way to start off your weekend! If you would like to find out more, please contact Ash or Carol on 473866 or 470384 or come and visit us at 1 Ironbridge Road, Belmont. ++++++ Vehicles for sale -1985 Sprite Swift 5 berth Caravan including tents and screens. New import Good Condition $5000.00 -Single Axle Car Carrier Trailer for small car. Ramps optional $600.00 -Car luggage Trailer Large suitable for off road $800.00 -Car Luggage trailer fibreglass small $400.00 -Heavy duty 20 ton low bed trailer with ramps for Earthmoving Equipment $13 000.00 -Cold Room Portable truck back Diesel/Electric $10 000.00 -Draw Bar Trailer 5 ton $3000.00 -Tractor Fiat 625 special 3 Cylinder and 2 Disc Plow $6000.00 -2 Fenner size C2:1 reconditioned gearboxes $400.00 each -Fenner D268 / 22-4450 V Belts, Matched Sets -Hydraulic cylinders / rams 10" diameter -Mag Rims Used 17" / 16" / 15" / 14" / 13" (enquire) -3 x Mountain Bikes 26" Raleigh / GT - good condition $400 each -20" Switchback Mountain bike $200 -15 000lt Water Bowser single Axle $7000.00 -5000lt underground fuel tank steel $2000.00 -2 x Water pump portable petrol engine $400.00 each -6 x PVC Used Tarpaulins 10 x 4m -Oxy Acetylene bottles, gauges, torch, trolley $600.00 -Small Chest Freezer $250.00 -Industrial chip cutter $100.00 -Nissan engine V6 Injection VG30 $1000 -Mitsubishi Space Wagon engine 1800 $500 -2002 Blue Nissan March 2 door CD player, mags clean $5000.00 -1993 Jaguar XJ 2,8 Blue $3000.00 -Mercedes Vito Panel Van Manual 108D $6000.00 -ERF horse E10 with helper axle $10000 0772814419. 0712401431. 0774565102 ++++++ FOR SALE Satellite Radio University course books: Fundamental Accounting Human Resource Management Applications in Basic Marketing Basic Marketing Introduction to Business Management Organization Development Organizational Behaviour Retailing Strategic Marketing Economics International Marketing Business Marketing Management Consumer Behaviour Tel: 09239508 or 0772203413 +++++++ The following items are for sale Elna Passap double bed knitting machine and Deco card system Hagstrom(Swedish) piano accordion A Bush Wireless with 6 ranges still in working condition. Rheninghaus Band saw Tel: 09239508 or 0772203413 ++++++++ For Sale Tedelex Litton touch pad Microwave Sony Laptop Home Intel PC with Philips monitor and speakers Akai sound system Dressing table (white) Desk Extending oak dining table, (table only) can seat up to 10 TeL: 09 239508 or 0772203413 +++++ For sale Canon 300 D digital camera. With 75-300mm zoom lens and camera bag Sony handycam 72x digital zoom , Hi 8, video camera with 3 tapes and charger Minolta Dynax 7000i SLR camera with bag and 100-300 zoom lens. Sony digital Handycam, 700x digital zoom with 3 tapes and charger Canon T70 SLR 2 tripods for camera, one large one small. 1 Vilar Trek underwater camera 3 pairs binoculars Minolta old film viewer 3 Kodak Gold 200x1 film Home Telecine Adaptor - Panasonic Tel: 09 239508 or 0772203413 ++++++ Kings Equestrian Centre wishes to advise all members of the public that their horse manure is FREE of charge and should anyone encounter any problems from anybody while collecting please do not hesitate to contact me immediately,also our manure is mixed with shavings and grass it is not pure manure. Call Samantha 0772723061 ++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Second Hand Convent High School Blazers, navy blue skirts, long and short sleeve blouses (small sizes) 15 boxes of ceramic tile in beige (9 square feet) 1 x visocor H60 fully automatic digital blood pressure monitor Viper self defense sprays Super sound personal alarms sprays ZJC metal work and technical drawing books More Rapid French book. A vous de parler, French Pictorial Composition The African Heritage (History for Junior Secondary Schools) Book 1 Tel : Charmaine on 882347 or 75127 (working hours only) ++++++ NEW IMPORT - EXCLUSIVE INTRODUCTION VIA BULAWAYO! Gizmo Microfibre Glass Cleaner : This revolutionary cleaning cloth can be used wet or dry on any glass or polished surface : without even fine scratching! From fine jewellery, computer screens, optical lenses etc to general household and vehicle use - in fact, any surface requiring a clean polish - the Gizmo does it all! No cleaning agents required! And to wash your Gizmo - just soak in boiling water for a few minutes! Available soon at outlets in Bulawayo. Contact 0712 636980 or 0774 085570 for orders/enquiries +++++ RUSTEAK SHOWROOM "NEW" Showroom in Burnside, Bulawayo. Unique teak and Ilala furniture. Very compatible prices. Plasma tv stands, gorgeous jelly cupboards for kitchens or bathrooms. Picnic benches, headboards and side pedestals, bathroom accessories and much more. Must be seen. Also we have lovely plants - hanging baskets, Pony tail palms, small, medium and large and queen palms plus double cascading petunias in sleeves. Adding a bit of spice to your lives. Come visit our showroom and garden, set in a serene artistic warm environment. Just around the corner from Whitestone school. We will offer you a cup of coffee while you browse around. Our address is 2 Fleming Drive, Burnside, Bulawayo. Phone 242744 or Wayne Cell 0772 316602 or Cheryl 0773 281029. Open 8am to 5pm. Mon to Fridays and 8am to 12pm on Saturdays. +++++++ BASEMENT BOOKMART. Bulawayo's oldest secondhand bookshop is still operating on 10th Ave between R Mugabe and G Silundika . Come in and see our large selection of reasonably priced books and magazines for sale and exchange. We also pay cash for your paperbacks and new magazines in good condition. Tel: Mike or Alison 65970 ++++++ FOR SALE : 1 x Small Stamp Mill - can crush up to 1kg per minute - US$4000.00 Seedling Planters and Weeders also available. For an appointment to view please telephone : 09-289458 +++++++ FOR SALE FOR THE DISCERNING SOPHISTICATED PERSON THAT REALLY LOVES TO GET INVOLVED IN HIS/HER OWN DINING/KITCHEN TO CREATE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING (S/H) ITEMS FOR SALE. JUST TO REMIND YOU THESES ITEMS ARE NOT FROM CHINA. - SPAGHETTI MACHINE - SODA STREAMS - WAFFLE MAKER - TOASTER - KENWOOD FOOD PROCESSOR - BRASS SCALE - DINNER SET - SNACKWICH MAKER - SILVERWARE - KITCHEN EXTRACTOR FAN - PLATTER DISH - ORNAMENTS - CUTLERY - ESPRESSO COFFEE MACHINE - HAND MINCER - DOMESTIC DEEP FRIER - HOT TRAY - COFFEE PERCOLATOR - FONDUE SET - TRAYS AND MANY MORE. CALL 255408/0712614587 COMPUTER WITH ACCESSORIES FOR SALE WINDOWS 98 - P2 COMPUTER WITH PRINTER AND INTERNET MODEM FOR SALE. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITION. CALL 255408/0712614587 ++++++ For sell 2 generators as follow; PARSUN2900 Diesel KAWASAKI 2600 diesel. Contact Mr Van after 5 pm 09289672. ++++++ Looking for Art? Go to: Need a Laptop? Go to: Searching for baby clothes? Go to: Can't find the right furniture? Try: Looking for a bookkeeper? Go to: Browse through 24 categories 24/7 & try our new Facebook sharing feature. Subscribe to our newsletter: Contact: 0774405528 skype: +++++++ HEWING WOODS MANUFACTURERS OF CUSTOM, HANDMADE TEAK FURNITURE And SUPPLIERS OF ROUGH SAWN TEAK QUALITY HAND CRAFTED TEAK FURNITURE MADE TO YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL STYLE AND TASTE SIT DOWN WITH JOHN HEWITT AND DESIGN YOUR OWN HAND CRAFTED TEAK FURNITURE Furniture for: Dining Rooms Lounge Hallways Bar Also available: Custom made office furniture Visit our Showroom at: 26 Wolverhampton Road Donnington Bulawayo Or Contact: Mark Spring: + 263 9 470242/0774 400 852 John Hewitt: + 263 9 470194/0773 254 462 +++++ For sell 2 generators as follow; PARSUN2900 Diesel KAWASAKI 2600 diesel. Contact Mr Van after 5 pm 09289672. ++++++ SOLAR GEYSERS AND SOLAR HOME LIGHTING CUTS 50L SOLAR GEYSER $ 261 100L SOLAR GEYSER $ 331 150L SOLAR GEYSER $ 456 200L SOLAR GEYSER $ 591 200L PRESSURE SOLAR GEYSER $ 891 OPTIONAL EXTRA IS THERMOSTATIC ELEMENT. ALL GEYSERS HAVE TOP EUROPEAN AND SABS CERTIFICATION COMPLETE SOLAR LED HOME LIGHTING KITS WITH BUILT IN CELL PHONE CHARGERS SINGLE LIGHT UNIT WITH CHARGER $ 60 TWO LIGHT UNIT WITH CHARGER $ 90 FOUR LIGHT UNIT WITH CHARGER $150 SINGLE LIGHT UNIT MINUS CHARGER $35 SOLAR FLASH LIGHT $3 ALSO AVAILABLE ARE LARGER SOLAR PANELS, INVERTERS, SOLAR BATTERIES & A WIDE RANGE OF 220V LED BULBS CAN DO COMPLETE HOME LIGHTING BACKUP THROUGH UPS INVERTER CALL 0712218176, 0712212728, 0772126962 OR 0772285400 ++++++ FOR ALL YOUR SCRAP AND SECOND HAND REQUIREMENTS AT - PROCTERS M M Electric Motors ( 1/3hp - 200hp/380v - 550v) Gear Boxes ( 3/4 - 10 + Fenner 9) Crown Wheel shafts ( 4,5,7 & 10) Bearing Housing ( various sizes), Welding Machines, S/hand Bearings, Taper lock bushes, pipe fittings, Bolts & nuts. Also Ball Mill ( 1 16" x 8" and 1 10" x 5"), cast iron and scrap. TELE : 462203 Cells : 0712 421 339/ 0712 413 089/ 0772 830 340 +++++++ FOR SALE 1.) 16FT. Shakespeare 50HP Boat. Blue line mercury electric start, steering drive. Complete with trailer and tank. No battery but boat working. Good fishing Boat. 2.) Mazda 2.5 diesel manual engine, plus extras - head and turbo. Plus spares for 2.5 Diesel automatic engine. 3.) 4 x 17" Mag tyres and rims, low profile. 4.) 4 x 13" Nissan March tyres and rims, plus 1 spare. 1.) Chicken Plucker No Motor. 2.) Chicken Feed Bins - Bottom feed. Contact Bulawayo land : 09 462203 (Bus) Cells : 0712 421 339/ 0712 413 089/ 0772 830 340 ++++++ NEW LAUNCH OF KONKA T.V'S NOW AVAILABLE FROM GEORGE BOSWELL - SOLE AGENT - AT NO. 3 ALBERMARLE ROAD BRADFIELD BULAWAYO TEL: 67088/882882 FROM MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 8A.M. TO 4.30P.M. CLOSED DURING 1P.M. TO 2P.M. 32" LCD KONKA T.V AT US$ 765 42" LED KONKA T.V AT US$ 1800 (FIRST IN BULAWAYO MUST BE SEEN) ALL ABOVE T.V'S COME WITH ONE YEARS GUARANTEE, WALL MOUNTING BRACKETS AND STANDS. FREE DELIVERY OTHER MODELS ARRIVING SOON. ++++++ Miscellaneous for sale (negotiable): -4 seat teak dining room table with 4 chairs $300-00 -8 seat oak dining room table with 6 chairs & side board $900-00 -8 man tent, SEA KING, $300-00. -P4 computer with 3 hard drives & printer $200-00. -Playstation II with plenty games $200-00 -Rifle safe $150-00 -Bunk bed, pine, with desk & bookshelf at bottom, with mattress $200-00. -Single bed, pine, with mattress $80-00 -Dolls house, $40-00 -Food processor $50-00 -Liquidizer $30-00 -Electric braai $40-00 -Electric fan $30-00 Herman, 0772950248 ++++ Fish Tank with a stand and a number of different accessories. 91cm x 45cm x 44 cm (3 fish included) - $200 TV Cabinet (Adam Bede) Still in good condition - $250 Dressing Table Old Style with Large mirror - $350 Two Mukwa Headboards with 3 drawers on each side in very good condition - $300 Large Radio Display Cabinet - $250 Two single bed bases - $150 each Two leather coats in very good condition - $40 each One pair of brand new mens Riding Jods (Impulsion size 32) - R300 Certificate frames in great condition - $3 each Satellite Radio - $50 A Very strong torch that uses a car lighter to charge (needs a new car charger head) - $15 Contact: 0772 261 761 or (09) 240159 ++++++ STEELFORCE HOLDINGS - Manufacturers of high quality steel, mesh and brick reinforcement, gabions, hard drawn wire, annealed (baling) wire, barbed wire, razor wire, game fencing, nails, roof/rock bolts, open grid flooring, mesh pallets, balustrading, decorative ironwork and spiral steel reinforcement. 9 Bilston Street Donnington Bulawayo Tel: 474676 Fax: 470650 e-mail: +++++++ BAR 2.6m A unique handcarved bar, needs to be seen to be appreciated. US$ 500.00 o.n.c.o POOL TABLE Solid wood, Thick round legs US$ 500.00 o.n.c.o Phone Pauline on: 241737 or 0772950167 to arrange a viewing +++++ High quality, durable name labels, suitable for clothing/uniforms, shoes, bags, lunchboxes, books, pencils, or anything that needs labeling. Washing machine, dishwasher and microwave safe. Iron-on, sew-on and vinyl stick-on varieties, in a wide range of colours and designs for girls and boys. Order today and rest, assured lost items will find their way back to your child at school. call:0775198224 ++++ BUILDING? RENOVATING? OR JUST NEED NEW LAMPS? Now open GLOW WITH LIGHTING NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN ZIMBABWE * INCLUDING REMOTE CONTROLLED COLOUR CHANGING CHANDELIERS * CEILING LIGHTS * WALL LIGHTS * OUTDOOR LIGHTS * BESIDE & CHILDREN'S LAMPS Between 14th & 15th Avenue and Robert Mugabe Just after Famona Post Office GLOW - LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE! email : +++++++++ FOR SALE Porcelain sink unit (round) $50.00 Toilet unit $ 65.00 Ostrich skin briefcase $ 40.00 Bushnell 12 x 50 binoculars $ 75.00 Horace lindrum snooker cue $ 50.00 Black max ultimate squash racket (as new) c/w case, 6 balls, prince racket ( slightly damaged) $ 100.00 Davidson photographic tripod $ 30.00 Please contact: 09 - 285326 ++++++ FOR SALE Bearings: SKF, CHALLENGE, FAG AND KBC. Old stock to clear. 6302-$9, 6303-$11, 6304-$12, 6305-$20, 6306-$22, 6307-$22, 6308-$30, 6309-$46, 6310-$54, 6311-$65, 6312-$105, NU312-$220, NU305-$75, 6001-$5, 6002-$6, 6003-$8, 6004-$11.00, 6005-$10.00, 6201-$6, 6202-$8,6203-$10, 6204-$11, 6205-$13, 6206-$14, 6207-$18.00, 6208-$24, 6209-$25, 6210-$31, 3305-$150. Monarch 100litre geyser(box type) $270.00USD 2 x Mazda B1800 Canopies. Offers. Cell: 0772356651/0712761844 +++++++++ IRON 'N' STUFF No. 133 Jason Moyo/14th Avenue Bulawayo Unique Handcrafted Designer Wrought Iron Furniture & Curtain Rods For Home, Restaurants, Lodges and Hotels. We also do Security Gates and Burglar Bars. Tel / Fax : Gary Staddon on 883964 / 5 or 0772 332 356 email address: +++++++ FOR SALE WATER FILTRATION AND PURIFICATION FOR HOME USE, water chillers, tap filters, mineral water pots 12L and 28L, ice machines. Please phone 0712618671 or (09) 256073 or email +++++++ FOR SALE We have a wide variety of mounted fish for use as decoration and/or general display in lodges, bars or shops. Shop fittings, counters and peg boards for sale at very fair prices. Please phone 0712618671 or email +++++++ TABLES FOR HIRE Round 6 seater tables for Hire at USD5,00 each. 16 tables in total. We can deliver and collect at a charge of USD10 TO US15. Tel : Charmaine 882347 or 75127 Thank you FOR SALE Bubble wrap rolls for sale. Please contact 0712 209 217 ++++++++ WEB DESIGNER WANTED Will work full time. Following skills required: html, php, mysql, css, javascript. Graphic Design (Flash, Photoshop, Corel) and other Software Development skills would be added bonus. Email your CV & portfolio of webs developed to ++++++++ 29) WANTED TO BUY 25 to 30 000 litre tanks required. 4mm to 6mm plate. email , ++++++++ Experienced person needed to service non portable gas plates ? e mail +++++++++ WANTED, HONDA DAX 70cc MOTOR BIKE also called HONDA TRAIL 70. These were sold here in the 70's. See pictures of Honda DAX: Prefer complete bike but will take incomplete for spares. Also still looking for Vintage (pre 1961) motorcycle, push bikes or Bicycle with Sturmey Archer 3-speed hub. Please email Lee on ++++++ GOOD QUALITY SECOND HAND CLOTHES WANTED URGENTLY We are looking for good clothes for men,woman,kids and babies. Please call 880058 +++++ 30) CLOTHING AND FASHION +++++++ 31) BOATS AND FISHING HOUSEBOAT MOORED AT MLIBIZI. Double deck, 42ft long x 16ft wide, steel pontoons with aluminum floor. 2 x 45 hp Mariner outboards(old but run), gas stove, cutlery & crockery, pots & pans, mattresses and bedding for 10 people, 10 Chairs & cushions, 400litre overhead water tank, toilet & shower (cold water), including small row boat. Price US$10,000.00 Phone: Marion/Theo 0713065198. ++++++ Boat for Sale (negotiable): -Boat, 13ft, 50hp Mercury, electric start, bass motor, $2,000-00 Herman, 0772950248 ++++++ 32) GARDENS, DECOR AND HOME Joseph sells manure, top soil and river sand. Telephone Joseph on 244126 or 0773537138 +++++++ GARDENING INSTANT FLOWERS NURSERY 53 Southway (Lower End off Burnside Road) Burnside 0772 217 024 or 09 - 240169 Whole range of winter/Spring seedlings now available. Tall & low plenty of Pansies, large flower, medium flower and Violets Petunias in abundance, large flowers, medium flower & miniature Lovely basin type Gwaai pots to show off all low flowers, large and small pots Potted 1 litre and litre plants for gifts. Roses + + + + Shirley Mayson Quality sands - for river, pit sand and quarry stone all on the same property James Mayson 0712 214 096 ++++++++ TENDELE CRAFTS River Estate 12th Ave.( Opp. Polytech) and at Pembroke Place 13 Pembroke Rd. Hillside. New Stock just arrived. The Wildside Cartoon books by Ros Rigden to cheer up Father on his special day. Also a selection of fridge magnets, mousepads and playing cards in the same cartoon style. We will have a new selection of batiks, funky re-cycled mobiles, wire & bead items, glassware and much more by the end of the week. Drop in and see our range of exciting crafts. Open weekdays 9am - 4pm. and Sat mornings. Lynne and Martin Wilkins Cel : 0712 403 431 +++++++ BIG G's PURE ORGANIC COMPOST for sale 1. Made from the best quality ingredients 2. Using the "hot process" method. 3. Weeds seeds and harmful pathogens are thus eliminated. 4. No chemicals (fertilizer etc.) added. 5. No soil added. 6. 99.5% weed free. Available from 1. River Farm Nursery, Suburbs 2. Green Fingers Nursery, Suburbs 3. Wright's Nursery - Pembroke Place, Hillside 4. Tropica Nursery, Glencoe 5. Green Gardens Nursery, Matsheumhlope 6. Plantland Nursery, Suburbs 7. Other selected horticultural nurseries and retail outlets. Also available from KEEBROYD TRADING, 57A R Mugabe Way, Bulawayo. Telephone 75251 or 77032 Mobile 0712 606 818 e-mail - Trade enquires welcome ++++++++++++++ 33) TIDBITS Forefront Training and Business Solutions has put together a conference, Healthcare and Hospital management & Expo 2011. The conference takes place on the 2ND -5TH of August 2011 at the Southern Sun Montecasino Hotel. Below is the conference highlights and overview. Overview Africa's population in general enjoys good health; however the hospital system is characterised by inefficiency, inequitable distribution of financial, physical and human resources. A complex network of interlinked systemic and institutional problems has contributed to some of the failings of the Hospital system. Further aggravation comes from budget constraints and the rapid reallocation of resources from hospitals. The effect has also been dampened by the absence of effective systems and capacity rationalization for rational future allocations and for effective use of resources. This, together with many other factors, has led to declining or static budgets, increasing demoralization of staff, declining quality care and a rising loss of public confidence in the health system. Reason for this Conference Improving the efficiency in public and private hospitals on a sustainable basis requires a new integrated approach. We will review critical problems and key recommendations to help management with practical solutions to meet demands being placed on services, clinical and hospital resources in order to attain dynamic, efficient, responsive and accountable hospitals, which in turn will deliver high quality, affordable and accessible health services. Who Should Attend? This educational activity is designed for an audience of individuals involved in health care quality assessment and management that includes: owners of hospitals, medical centres, healthcare institutions, CEO's, CFO's, hospital administrators, healthcare investors. Relevant audiences include: Clinicians, nurses, health care administrators; Government policymakers and regulators; Hospital management, managers Patient advocates and media experts Senior hospital executives, heads and managers of the various hospital departments Section chiefs especially from large hospitals This conference will be of value to medical professionals who need to keep abreast of managing a hospital for service and as a business, solutions providers who want to show how their products, services and technologies complement the goals of hospital management. Benefits of Attending The delegates sharpen their skills, expand their thinking and increase their expertise to achieve a higher level in service excellence, Corporate Social Responsibility, Cost Reduction, Human Resource Development, and Service Improvement for Internal Customers, Marketing, PR or Promotions, Patient Safety, Clinical Service Improvement, Operational Customer Service, as well as get a rare opportunity to network with fellow professionals and hospital suppliers from all over the region. Kind Regards, Vivian Nekatambe Sales Executive Tel: +27 11 475 3141 +27 11 025 3736 Cell: +27 83 369 3607 Email: Website: +++++++ The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++