Bulawayo Morning Mirror Edition 1085 - 10/10/2024 www.morningmirror.africanherd.com Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ Editorial MOM'S HANDBAG Looking at my daughters' array of handbags, brought to mind that my precious Mom owned one handbag her whole life. It was brown leather, large enough to carry her purse, her box of cigarettes and a lighter, a few tissues and her Coty pink Hyacinth lipstick!! No need for a notebook as her grocery list was written on the back of her cigarette box, (remember they sold them in boxes in those days for a pack of 50!!) It was also the exact size to fit snugly, nestled on the handbrake between the front bucket seats of her British racing green Morry! Secure in the fact that it would not move when she rummaged in her bag for a cigarette when she stopped at the 'robot'!! (Robot is the name of a traffic light in Zim!!) He Coty lipstick (she used the same shade her entire life) had a story in itself...A feisty redhead, she once got irritated when the chap behind her hooted at her as soon as the robot turned green. Slowly, carefully, deliberately, she rummaged for said Lipstick, removed the top in full view of the irate driver, and peering obviously in the rear view mirror, slowly and carefully applied her pink hyacinth lipstick, while the impatient fellow behind her fumed and fretted!! Gavin and I were mortified, but she was a prankster by nature and thankfully there was very little Road Rage in those days!! Back to that brown leather handbag. Genuine Italian Leather was not common in the years after the Second World War. The world had more to worry about then than making luxury goods. But Mom had been given it by a wealthy cousin, we were related to the actual Maserati Family after all.!! Nowadays, handbags are part of one's apparel. If one is wearing blue, one's handbag must match suitably! Most of us don't go that far, as to change over a modern handbag is a major event!! However, even I do like a light coloured bag for summer and a darker one for winter! It's not the colour of style that worries me but instead it must be big, capacious, roomy, voluminous, big-ass! to accommodate all my goods and chattels! And being a Grandmother, it must also contain wet wipes, toys, bottles, diapers and pacifiers!! Most modern misses like to flaunt a brand - Gucci, Channel, Louis Vuitton, even if they are often look-a-likes! However I do have a penchant for one particular label - 'Brighton', which I always remind the family at Christmas time!! Getting back to Mom's handbag, it weathered so well, unlike the modern bags that crack, peel and fade and it surely deserved a place in a museum, much like her watch which I still have! She only had one watch during her entire lifetime. It is an Avia 17 Jewel Incabloc Analogue Wind up, and it still works, keeping time to the second! ++++ DONKEY DERBY An evening of Wining and Dining mixed together with the most outrageous entertainment this side of the Rio Grande. 12 October 2024 Bulawayo Country Club 5.30 for 6.00 US$10.00 (includes dinner) Call 029 226 7085 or WhatsApppp 0775 722 756 for bookings. In aid of Bulawayo Help Network ++++ 2) CONDOLENCES AND IN MEMORIAM DR JACKIE STONE I am deeply saddened and shocked by the loss of a great and outstanding doctor and colleague, Dr Jackie Stone. I had the great privilege and pleasure to share the platform with her on several zoom meetings and I learnt so much from her. She has left an indelible impression in my mind of a doctor that was highly intelligent, knowledgeable, humble and extremely caring. I was impressed with her outspokenness and willingness to try new things. She was an outstanding presenter on the interlectus zoom meetings every Wednesday. She was an extremely brave doctor who was so unfairly pilloried by her medical board for saving of thousands of citizens from losing their lives through COVID. She took the bashing on the chin. She leaves behind a huge and great legacy of her passion for her work, to learn and to teach. She has left behind huge shoes to fill in the many things she was engaged in and in her vision to set up a college to advance the training of doctors outside the limited training in medical school. She will be sadly missed for her knowledge and her vibrancy. I am deeply sorry to read about her passing away so suddenly. My heartfelt condolences to her family and loved ones. I shall remember her fondly. I have no doubt she will always be remembered as a doctor who saved thousands of lives during COVID with her unorthodox approach. She deserves to go down in the history of medicine for her outstanding achievements as a doctor, who sacrificed so much in the line of duty. She is truly amongst the greatest heros of Zimbabwe. May her soul rest in peace. Dr Rapiti, Cape Town ++++ Charles Chas Boyley RIP my racing friend. Best 3 years together in our rally cars. Thank you for our fun together , buddy. Race high up there. My deepest condolences to Tina Boyley and Sean Boyley and Delene Lisa Harvey and friends and Family. RIP BUDDY ++++ 3) CONGRATULATIONS ++++ 4) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: music@gatorzw.co.uk OCTOBER CLOSURE The ZANU PF conference takes place at the Trade Fair grounds from 22 to 27 October 2024. There will be several thousand delegates and the President will be in attendance so access to the Academy will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. It has therefore been decided that there will be no teaching, DVDs or other events during that week and that the Academy offices will be closed. Make-up lessons will be arranged so that the full quota will be taught before the end of the school term on 5 December. We regret any inconvenience but believe it is sensible to make these arrangements now. THURSDAYS 10 & 17 OCTOBER AT 6.30 P.M. THE TUNNEL Inside the Channel Tunnel, on the borderline between Britain and France, the body of a female French politician is discovered. As the corpse is removed it, becomes clear that this is no ordinary murder and detectives Karl Roebuck (Stephen Dillane) and Elise Wassermann (by Clemence Poesy) are forced into an uneasy partnership as they seek out a politically-motivated serial killer who draws them into his own personal agenda. - Terrific murder mystery. Great character development and acting. The story keeps you on edge. [Rotten Tomatoes] - The Tunnel was more than the sum of its parts; a show that could easily have gone badly wrong but ended up wonderfully right. It was TV gold. [The Guardian] - It is all very effectively done, creepily atmospheric and splendidly gruesome, but the best thing about the series is the interplay between Stephen Dillane's easy-going, laddish, rosbif detective inspector and his po-faced, glacial but - wouldn't you know it - extremely sexy Gallic counterpart. [The Stage] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 11 OCTOBER AT 6.30 P.M. A CELEBRATION OF CLASSIC MGM MUSICALS FROM THE PROMS MGM was founded on 17 April 1924 and the first of two hundred musicals, The Broadway Melody, followed five years later. Performing at the Proms in the Royal Albert Hall, John Wilson and his orchestra celebrate MGM film musicals, beginning with Johnny Green's MGM Jubilee Overture, written for MGM's thirtieth anniversary back in 1954. The concert was 'an amazing, wonderful, feelgood trip through the nostalgia of music of a quality that just isn't produced any more'. The singers were Kim Crisswell, Sarah Fox, Curtis Stigers, Seth Macfarlane and Sir Thomas Allen and the programme included songs from such great musical movies as Gigi, High Society, Meet Me in St Louis, Seven Brides for Seven Brother, Singin' in the Rain, The Wizard of Oz and more. - So 6 stars (if possible) for John Wilson (the Sir Simon Rattle of Popular and Light Music); 5 stars for the chorus and orchestra (that rather lovely fair-haired violinist on the second row who smiles a lot, as well she might, the harpist with the fabulous moustache, overall surely the greatest Big Band ever assembled); the songs themselves (mostly wonderful); the arrangements (fabulous). [Amazon] - At its best, the lushness of the sound from the John Wilson Orchestra, the two harps like angels' wings and the promenaders who opened their umbrellas for Singin' in the Rain made this the musical equivalent of having hot, melted butter poured all over you. It was impossible to feel anything but happiness. [The Guardian] - Though rain poured for the entire day, inside the Royal Albert Hall Californian sunshine, and that 'feel-good' factor, was omnipresent. The MGM Studio Orchestra that performed the original arrangements was superbly mimicked by John Wilson's hand-picked players; rhythms are tightly performed and the sound is a blend of Palm Court and Swing. [Classical Source] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] FRIDAY 18 OCTOBER AT 6.30 P.M. BERNSTEIN CONDUCTS: IVES AND GERSHWIN Charles Ives was born on 20 October 1874 and Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue was first performed on 12 February 1924. Leonard Bernstein conducts and plays Rhapsody in Blue as well as An American in Paris. The programme also includes Charles Ives' Second Symphony and The Unanswered Question. - It is a wonderfully compelling performance, one which will be loved immediately by those who like to hear performances of this piece 'over the top' in emotional warmth. [Gramophone] - THRILLING - BUY IT - IT'LL ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF. Bernstein's love of the music pours out of his hands. [Amazon] - Bernstein blossoms, producing a thrilling and sturdy performance that makes a strong case for this rather strange symphonic montage (Ives' Second symphony). [BBC Music Magazine] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAY 24/FRIDAY 25 OCTOBER Academy closed - see above. THURSDAY 31 OCTOBER AT 6.30 P.M. THE WALK As a boy, Philippe Petit dreams of performing daring feats for dazzled crowds. As an adult (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), his life's ambition comes true when he becomes a high-wire artist who stares death in the face with every step. Under the guidance of mentor Papa Rudy, the French daredevil devises a plan to walk on a tightrope attached to the north and south towers of the World Trade Center. With help from his team and against all odds, Petit attempts the seemingly impossible stunt on 7 August 1974. - A razzle-dazzle thriller with eye-popping visuals, white-knuckle tension and just the right note of melancholy. [Newsday] - Heartfelt and extremely entertaining. [The Guardian] - The end result is totally convincing and thrillingly real, with the walk itself providing the most exciting yet exhausting cinema experience you'll have all year. [The Mail on Sunday] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 1 NOVEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. THE PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER The Pharaoh's Daughter enjoys a special place in ballet history. Premiered in 1862, it was a grand spectacle featuring a cast of 400 and was Petipa's first truly successful ballet, securing his future in St Petersburg, where he went on to become the most influential choreographer of the 19th century. Ballet scenarios don't come much sillier than this: it turns on the story of British Egyptologist Lord Wilson who, after a reckless hit of opium, dreams himself back to the time of the pharaohs. Wilson falls in love with Aspicia, the ballet's titular heroine, and when she throws herself into the Nile to avoid being married off to the King of Nubia, Wilson is left to face death by snakebite. Tragedy is averted by the Nile's underwater king who restores Aspicia to Wilson's arms. - With its exotic setting, spectacular dancing and scenes choreographed for nearly the entire Bolshoi troupe, this stunning Egyptian fresco is one of the most remarkable productions in the company's repertoire. [Picture House] - The corps de ballet is exceptional, the great dance steps simultaneously tuned to near perfection. Standard Bolshoi quality. [Amazon] - Lacotte has created a glittering bauble of a ballet.. Partnered by Sergei Filin, Svetlana Zakharova has rarely looked more assured, disciplining her long limbs into sharp etched rhythms and mellifluous phrases, and delivering them all to her audience with the creamiest of smiles. [The Guardian] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] SATURDAY 2 NOVEMBER AT N.B. 3.00 P.M. MILITARY WIVES With their partners away serving in Afghanistan, a group of women on the home front form a choir and quickly find themselves at the centre of a media sensation and global movement. Whilst celebrating the film's inspirational story of friendship, love, and support the film's director Peter Cattaneo says 'I first got involved with the Military Wives choir film three years ago and was immediately excited by a concept that would allow me to explore a way of life that has rarely been seen on the big screen, as well as make a film with music and singing at its core'. He goes onto say, 'I hope audiences will come away from watching Military Wives having laughed and cried with the characters, feeling inspired by the courage of the women and uplifted by hearing them belt out some classic songs'. - A crowd-pleasing comedy-drama that hits all the right notes. [The Guardian] - At a time when our world is drowning in uncertainty, Military Wives offers hope. It's the very definition of a feel-good movie. [Matin's Movies] - The smiles, tears and toe-tapping are all conducted with military precision, but they do all hit the right note. A classic crowd-pleaser. [Metro] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] THEREAFTER Thursday 7 November at 6.30 p.m. Gran Torino Friday 8 November at 6.30 p.m. Faure: Requiem etc. [Gabriel Faure died 4 November 1924] Thursday 14 November at 6.30 p.m. Foxcatcher [released on 14 November 2014] Friday 15 November at 6.30 p.m. Schoenberg: Gurrelieder [Arnold Schoenberg was born in 1874] Thursday 21 November at 6.30 p.m. Mansfield Park [released on 19 November 1999] Friday 22 November at 5.00 p.m. Student Concert Friday 22 November at 7.00 p.m. Anton Bruckner: The Making of a Giant [Bruckner was born in 1824] ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++++ 11) Property For Sale or to Rent Accommodation available ( unfurnished ) TO RENT in Matsheumhlope from 1 December 2024 . This self-contained Flatlet in quiet , secure premises , has these features : 4 rooms : lounge area ( plenty of cupboards ) / bedroom / bathroom ( bath , separate shower , toilet & basin ) / well-fitted kitchen . Curtained and tiled throughout , plus mosquito screens on all windows . - suitable for ONE quiet , mature , business or professional person in full - time employment ; - must be healthy and have own transport ; - no pets ; - detailed official Lease provided - long-term Lease preferred ; - monthly rent is US$250 ( + US$250 deposit prior to occupation ; - water & electricity included ( with back up services ); - written references from current Employer and Landlord required ; - a brief outline of suitability based on the above requirements can be e-mailed to : hmt52cardwell@gmail.com - appointment to view will be arranged for selected persons . ++++ One Bedroom Flat to rent CBD. Bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom and toilet. Own water meter and Prepaid Zesa meter. Secure Parking. $350 plus Deposit. Available 1st October. Viewing by Appointment. Call on 0772350768 or App. Strictly no Agents. ++++ I am reaching out to you to help me find a small furnished, safe, pet friendly cottage. I am 65 and returning from living for many years in Mozambique. Hillside, Famona, Ilanda or Suburbs environs would be great. Mel Woods monsonholdings@gmail.com ++++ One Bedroom Flat to rent CBD. Bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom and toilet. Own water meter and Prepaid Zesa meter. Secure Parking. $350 plus Deposit. Available 1st October. Viewing by Appointment. Call on 0772350768 or App. Strictly no Agents. ++++ Seeking Investor for Property Purchase in Suburbs, Bulawayo We are looking for an investor to purchase two adjacent properties located in Suburbs, Bulawayo. These properties present an excellent business opportunity as the area has commercial rights and is ideally suited for business development. The current tenant of Property One has the first option to purchase both properties at a price below market value. Their plan is to reside in one property and convert the other into a business premises. They are seeking a savvy business partner to provide the upfront investment. The tenant proposes to enter into a repayment agreement, which will cover the initial investment plus interest, over a mutually agreed-upon period. This opportunity is ideal for an investor looking to partner in a promising real estate venture with the potential for substantial returns. Whatsapp +263 77 801 2012 hhproperty2024@gmail.com ++++ IAN & CO. REAL ESTATE 111 JOSIAH TONGOGARA STREET, BETWEEN 11TH /12TH AVENUE HOUSES FOR SALE PUMULA SOUTH - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. NEW MAGWEGWE - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet. PELANDABA - US$30 000 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. NKULUMANE 12 - US$30 000 3 bedrooms, kitchen, sitting room , walled and gated. KUMALO - US$142 000 Neat family home comprising 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, lounge cum dining, neatly fitted kitchen, 2 roomed domestic quarters, carport, working borehole, walled and gated. KUMALO - US$280 000 A magnificent double- storey property comprising 5 bedrooms with built in cupboards (4 upstairs and 1 downstairs -guest room). The main bedroom has an ensuite and a walk-in closet, 2 bathrooms. The house has a spacious, elegant lounge, dining area, bar area, sun lounge, kitchen, pantry and scullery. Outbuildings include staff quarters, 1 storeroom, toolshed, double lock up garage. There is a 5kv solar system, functional borehole,2x 5000litre water tanks, functional swimming pool, electric fence, walled and gated COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE CBD - US$450 000 Investors dream property, strategically located, high monthly rental income, quick Return on Investment this property comprises reception area, waiting room, consulting rooms, treatment room, procedure room, kitchenette, laundry area, borehole, yard paved, walled and gated, area ideally zoned for business, shops and offices but currently used as a medical facility. CBD - US$800 000 Massive commercial property, with a lot of business potential, comprising offices, warehousing space ideally situated in a busy part of the central business district BELMONT - US$800 000 Double storey property comprising offices, warehouse space, good parking bays, ablution areas, suitable for warehousing, bulk wholesaling, close to the CBD, fenced and gated THORNGROVE - US$375 000 Well situated property comprising offices, warehouses, ablution areas, working borehole, suitable for warehousing, bulk wholesaling, workshop, close to the CBD, walled and gated ESIGODINI - US$150 000 Warehouse, 4 storerooms, outside toilet, 3 phase electricity and water available. TOWN HOUSES FOR SALE VICTORY HEIGHTS DUPLEX COMPLEX - US$160 000 Victory Heights town houses situated in the resort town of Victoria Falls consists of a gated community with 24 units being 2-3-bedroom double storey apartments, comprising lounge with functional living space, dining area, neatly fitted kitchen, bathroom and toilet, neatly manicured gardens, these units are spacious, private and lavish and are ideal for holiday homes, first time buyers, young couples and for investment. NOSTRO PAYMENTS ACCEPTABLE PROPERTIES TO LET OFFICES CBD (Robert Mugabe Way/4th Avenue) - US$500 for immediate occupation Northend - US$1 500 for immediate occupation Matsheumhlophe - US$ 1 500 for immediate occupation FLATS TO LET ASCOT - US$550 A neat 2-bedroom apartment comprising 2 bathrooms, lounge cum dining and a kitchen. Close to Ascot Shopping Mall We are looking for more properties for sale and to let, we also do Valuations and Estimations for all kinds of properties. For more information call Kelvin on +263 773 366 207, Mihla on +263 772 478 287, Ian +263 712 871 455, Landline (0292)886626 or email at sales@ian.co.zw, letting@ian.co.zw. Visit us on our website ian.co.zw sales@ian.co.zw, letting@ian.co.zw. Visit us on our website ian.co.zw ++++ PROPERTY FOR PRIVATE SALE AVAILABE IMMEDITATELY - KHUMALO, BULAWAYO COMFORTABLE, SPACIOUS HOME COMPRISING 3 BEDROOMS WITH MAIN EN-SUITE, 2ND BATHROOM AND GUEST TOILET. LARGE BENTWOOD KITCHEN WITH SCULLERY, SEPARTATE DINING ROOM, MAIN LOUNGE WITH FIREPLACE AND 2ND BAR/ENTERTAINMENT LOUNGE. SITUATED ON LARGE GROUNDS WITH BOREHOLE, SWIMMING POOL, DOMESTIC QUARTERS AND DOUBLE LOCK UP GARAGE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING CENTRES. ALL THIS FOR $155,000.00 NEGOTIABLE CASH SALE! PLEASE CONTACT WHATSAPP 0773 028812 FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO VIEW ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO PROPERTIES FOR SALE ILANDA: A double-storey, brick-under-tile, house with 5 bedrooms, all with built-in wardrobes. The main bedroom includes an ensuite bathroom, while the guest bedroom has a balcony, and there are 2 additional bathrooms. The house features a fitted kitchen, laundry room, lounge combined with a dining room, a TV lounge, fireplace, and study room. The property also includes a one-bedroomed guesthouse with a bathroom, built-in wardrobes, a separate toilet, and a kitchen. There is also a 3-roomed staff quarters with a bathroom and cooking area. Additional features include a swimming pool, borehole, backup water tank, chicken run, vegetable garden with 2 greenhouses, tool shed, veranda, solar backup power, security alarm, and a double garage with a storeroom. The property is walled, gated, and measures 2,838 square meters. US$200,000-00 CBD: Ideally located in a busy area, this property measures 1,388 square metres and features a spacious reception area with Sales counters, 6 Management offices, 2 fitted kitchens for both management and general staff, and separate ladies and gents toilets for each. The property includes a gated yard area with 4 carports and an extensive, secure warehouse space equipped with ample shelving and storage. US$700,000-00 KELVIN WEST: An unfinished industrial property with a completed section that includes 3 offices and ablution facilities. The warehouse and other workshops are still at foundation level. The property features a functional borehole, is fully walled, and has 2 gates. US$170,000-00 ------AND MANY MORE !!!!----- SALES, VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES Want to sell We can assist you with an estimation of the value of your property. We are registered with the Valuers Council of Zimbabwe, and offer a complete and efficient service of Property Valuation for any purpose. We have properties for sale in Bulawayo, Harare, Beitbridge, Binga, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/ low density, residential, commercial, and vacation homes. Ranging from US$23 000 to US$1 400 000. For these, and other properties for sale, Phone (029) 2274581/3 (Landline)Call: Probity: 0782119972/ Bryan: 0772238431/ Tino: 0776592440 Email: tino@rodor.co.zw Visit Our Website: www.rodorproperties.co.zw. For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline) or email probity@gmail.com/ bryan@rodor.co.zw/ tino@rodor.co.zw PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. HOUSES TO LET NEWTON WEST: Stunning, 6 bedroomed home with a borehole, Rent US$900/ month, gardener included, immediate occupation. (commercial use considered) BURNSIDE: 3 bedroomed home, Rent US$600/ month, immediate occupation. BARHAM GREEN: 3 bedroomed home, Rent US$500/ month, available 1st December 2024. COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET SUBURBS: 5 offices, Rent US$2,500-00/ month, ideally located along a main road, immediate occupation. FAMONA: 5 offices, Rent US$2,000-00/ month, ideally located along a main road, immediate occupation. For more information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029)2274581/3 (landline), e- mail to reslet@rodor.co.zw or rentals@rodor.co.zw , or visit our offices at 5a 9th avenue, between Robert Mugabe Way and Josiah Tongogara Street. HOURS OF BUSINESS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8A.M. - 4.30P.M. SATURDAYS 8A.M. - 11A.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS. ALL VIEWERS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER OF OUR STAFF. ++++ Adie Iron Cafe 'WELDING DREAMS' BED BASES AND HEADBOARDS, WATER TANK STANDS SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES, GATES, BURGLAR BARS, BRAAI STANDS, GAZEBOS For all your steel products at affordable prices 0772983346 or 0713885428 ++++ Eversharp Painters 0772112748 / 0718094209 Excellent, very neat, reliable and professional. ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation in Botswana ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends I have just posted a message on a blog from 14 years ago, hoping to be able to contact Rosemary Williams after many years. I was aware that she had moved to Melbourne but never had any contact details. Would you be able to inform of my email I have plenty of family data to confirm that l am genuinely interested in contacting her again. Dave Pethybridge davebp73@gmail.com ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant Am a girl aged 26 looking for any type of a job at the moment. I am also a holder of a Bachelors Degree in Sociology hence a job as a graduate trainee will do or any social sciences post. My contact details are as follows: +263 712 172 078 / + 263 772 939 945. ++++ Lady based in Pretoria, RSA. for at least 6 months - 1 year. Graduated with an LLB Degree at the University of South Africa in the year 2023. Looking for a temporary/partime position for work experience and willing to learn within that period. Has high recommendations. Please kindly assist me with any contacts/referrals in South Africa. WhatsApp : 263 774 357 652. ++++ A Lady looking for a position in office duties, shop assistant or any position similar as a temp/partime. Preferably CBD or transport provided. WhatsApp : 0774 094 742 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT MECHANIC / DRIVER A young gentleman of sober habits seeks a suitable position Available to start immediately +263 778 684 134 ++++ Available is a Part-Time Accountant with vast bookkeeping experience up to Trial Balance level Able to assist with your Tax Returns Preparation. Computer literate in Sage Accpac, Sage Pastel and all Microsoft programs. Contact 0773 736 618 ++++ SHAWN MACHINGAMBI is seeking a position in the mining and engineering field. He has both the National Diploma and National Certificate in Mine Ventilation and environmental Engineering. Computer Literate, with credits in communication, mining practice, ventilation practices, mine and survey drawing and engineering mathematics and mechanics. With work experience in both the mining sphere and commercial enterprise, Shawn has excellent references. MOBILE TEL : 0776700051 EMAIL ADD : shanito222@gmail.com ++++ Mature lady Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies, including Accounting Level 4 first class.Computer literate in latest version of sage pastel and Microsoft programs. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision. Experienced secretary and Accounts Clerk Please contact: apps 0719 476 038 Calls 0773 935 738 ++++ 21) SERVICES TV and Satellite installation and all things connected to electronics. We have been using the excellent services of Idris the TV, satellite and wifi expert Whatsapp +263 78 803 1025. +++++ The Plumbing Doctor. For all your plumbing. Blocked drains, burst pipes, leaking geysers, toilets, taps, drain laying. Solar Geysers installation. Borehole pumps installation and repairs. Jojo tank installation. Washing machine installation. Call Rob 0772230551 ++++ Adie Iron Cafe 'WELDING DREAMS' BED BASES AND HEADBOARDS, WATER TANK STANDS SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES, GATES, BURGLAR BARS, BRAAI STANDS, GAZEBOS For all your steel products at affordable prices 0772983346 or 0713885428 ++++ Nobility Gas servicing and maintenance We do repair ,maintenance &installation of all gas appliances Stoves, Brasilia, heaters and tanks For more details +263774534948 ++++ BEAUTY TREATMENTS +++++ Adrian Bolze is a professional tree cutter. His team is excellent, fast and reliable. Mobile 071 240 4987 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES AND BABY VACCINATIONS I teach a set of 4 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. (I work part time at my BABY CLINIC doing vaccinations and growth monitoring :-) Appointments are essential. For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on 0292466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or 0292237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com or janfjohnston8@gmail.com ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 07784955 99 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++