Bulawayo Morning Mirror Edition 1077 - 15/08/2024 www.morningmirror.africanherd.com Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact magskriel@mac.com for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ Watch Dog Just to let you know that I have just seen some jacaranda flowers in a tree near the corner of Parirenyatwa and 10th Avenues. Maybe summer is approaching Best wishes, Bruce McDonald. ps don't put your jerseys away as you know what happens every year, even in October! ++++ Congratulations to our Olympians, Tapiwanashe Makarawu and Makanakaishe Charamba, on their outstanding performances in the 200m final! Tapiwanashe Makarawu: 6th place, 20:10 Makanaka Charamba: 8th place, 20:53 Your dedication, hard work, and perseverance have paid off, and we are thrilled to see you shine on the world stage! Thank you for representing Zimbabwe with honor and distinction. We are proud to call you our own! Thank you Maka and Tapiwa for breaking the streak! This moment will be etched in our hearts forever... because this was HISTORY MADE! For the first time since 2008, Zimbabwe not only had 1 but 2 sprinters in the Olympic finals! And a special mention to Botswana's Tebogo Letsile for bringing home GOLD for Africa! #TeamZimbabwe #zimolympics #paris2024 ++++ 1. Editorial Common myths about the brain dispelled MYTH TEN - YOUR BRAIN IS GREY Most of us have all seen preserved brains sitting in jars in a classroom or on TV. Often, those brains are a uniform whitish grey, sometimes yellow-ish colour. However, in actuality, the living and pulsing brain that currently resides in your skull isn't just a dull, bland grey - but it's also white, black and red. So why are preserved brains chalky looking and dull instead of spongy and colourful It's due to the fixatives, such as formaldehyde, that keep the brain preserved. MYTH NINE - LISTENING TO MOZART MAKES YOU SMARTER From colour, to sound -- the next myth may have you rethinking your musical choices.The idea that listening to classical music can increase your brainpower has become so popular that it's been dubbed "the Mozart effect." This myth and trend started in the 1950s when an ENT a doctor named Albert Tomatis began claiming success using Mozart's music to help people with speech and auditory disorders. In the 1990s, 36 students in a study at the University of California at Irvine listened to 10 minutes of a Mozart sonata before taking an IQ test. According to Dr. Gordon Shaw, the psychologist in charge of the study, the students' IQ scores went up by about 8 points. The "Mozart effect" was born. However, the University of California at Irvine study has been controversial in the scientific community. Dr. Frances Rauscher, a researcher involved in the study, stated that they never claimed it actually made anyone smarter; it just increased performance on certain spatial-temporal tasks. What's more is that other scientists have never been able to replicate the original results, and there is currently no scientific information to prove that listening to Mozart, or any other classical music, actually makes anyone smarter. MYTH EIGHT - BIG BRAIN EQUALS SMART CREATURES If you need an obvious example of how untrue this myth is, think of a cow. Now think of a chimpanzee. Cows have bigger brains than chimps. Are they smarter than chimps No. "But what about the ratio of brain to body weight ", an ardent fan of this myth might counter. Nope, that line of reasoning doesn't work either. While a human's brain-to-body-mass ratio is massive compared to that of a horse (about 1:50 and 1:600, respectively), it's just about the same as that of a mouse (1:40), and inferior to the ratio you'd find in small ants or small birds.Sure, some skills, like our ability to think quickly and recall information (also known as fluid intelligence), follow the familiar pattern: peaking at roughly age 18 and getting worse over the rest of our lives. MYTH SEVEN - IT'S DOWNHILL AFTER TWENTY But recent research suggests that - in addition to getting wiser with age - we may also actually get smarter, at least in some ways. Our ability to do basic math and use a larger vocabulary, for example, likely continue to improve until we turn 50. And our prowess at reading others' emotions and recalling recent events doesn't start declining until after age 30. MYTH SIX - DRUGS CREATE HOLES IN YOUR BRAINS We know different drugs make us experience the world around us in very different way, but exactly how different drugs affect the brain is a pretty controversial subject. Some people claim that only the most severe drug use can have any lasting effects, while others believe that the first time you use a drug, you're causing long-term damage. However, while many substances can have significant effects on your brain's structure and function, gaping Swiss-cheese-like holes are thankfully not one of them. In fact, the only thing that can actually put a hole in your brain is physical trauma to it. But although the jury's still out on exactly how different drugs can affect your brain for the long term, we can be reasonably sure of one thing: No drug actually puts holes in your brain. MYTH FIVE - ALCOHOL KILLS YOUR BRAIN CELLS Just one observation of a drunken person is enough to convince you that alcohol directly affects the brain. But in actuality, alcohol consumption has very little effect on the density or number of neurons in your brain. Even in alcoholics, alcohol use doesn't actually result in the death of brain cells. All that said, too much drinking can damage the links between neurons and the way the brain processes information. Alcohol damages the ends of neurons, which are called dendrites, and this results in problems conveying messages between the neurons. The cell itself isn't damaged, but the way that it communicates with others is altered. According to researchers, this damage is mostly reversible. So while alcohol doesn't actually kill brain cells, it can still damage your brain if you drink in mass quantities. MYTH FOUR - WE ONLY USE TEN PER CENT OF OUR BRAINS We've often been told that we only use about 10 percent of our brains. And this myth is probably one of the most well-known myths about the brain, in part because it's been publicised in the media ever since the early 1900s when an American psychologist named William James said that "the average person rarely achieves but a small portion of his or her potential.' It is commonly thought that over overtime, James' statement was somehow converted into us only using 10 percent of our brain. Event in modern time, many people are jumping on the 10%-brain-idea, writing books and selling products that claim to harness the power of the other 90%. Here's the thing, though; it's not really true. We can become disabled from damage to just small areas of the brain depending on where it's located, so there's no way that we could function with only 10 percent of our brain in use. MYTH THREE You're either an "auditory" or a "visual" learner. Brain scans have shown that no matter what we're doing, our brains are always active. Some areas are more active at any one time than others, but unless we have brain damage, there is no one part of the brain that is absolutely not functioning. So, unfortunately, there's no hidden, extra potential you can tap into, in terms of actual brain space.This consistently reinforced idea that some of us learn better by seeing, hearing, or touching doesn't have much research to back it up. There is evidence to suggest that many of us prefer to learn through a specific means - some of us would rather to listen to a lecture than read a book, for example - but there's no evidence to suggest that we do better when we are taught in our preferred method. When psychologists have compared students' results on tests after they've been taught using either their preferred method or another method, for example, their results are the same. MYTH TWO - Male brains are more logical, female brains are more empathetic. There are minor anatomical differences between male and female brains. Problem is, they haven't been linked with any particular differences in ability. Instead, most evidence suggests that these gender-based differences are the result of cultural expectations.For example, women tend to do better than men on tests of emotional intelligence and empathy. But as Laura Helmuth at Smithsonian points out, "They do - unless test subjects are told that men are particularly good at the test, in which case men perform as well as or better than women."The same thing can happen in reverse: A 1998 University of Waterloo study found that when women and men were given a tough math test, the women - even those with extensive math experience - did worse than the men. But if the participants were told beforehand that men and women had performed equally on the test in the past, they performed equally well. MYTH ONE - YOU ONLY HAVE FIVE SENSES You've probably heard plenty about the first five - touch hearing, sight, taste, and smell But what about the others These, which all include the Latin root 'cept' for take or receive, give us even more data about the outside world:Equilibrioception: A sense of balance, otherwise known as your internal GPS. Tells you if you're sitting, standing, or lying down. Located in the inner ear.Proprioception: A sense of where your body parts are and what they're doing.Nociception: A sense of pain.Thermo(re)ception: A sense of temperature.Chronoception: A sense of the passage of time.Interoception: A sense of your internal needs, like hunger, thirst, needing to use the bathroom, etc. supplied by eNewsBreakinfo@enewsbreak.com ++++ 2) CONDOLENCES AND IN MEMORIAM Gail Hayward Deepest sympathy to the family of Gail Hayward on her passing. She will live on in my memories, my foxy chasing her GSDs around, her work at Edgars, TV Sales and the Inns. Gone but not forgotten. ++++ Terence Coffin-Grey, Terence passed away near Port Elizabeth, aged 96 - a ripe old age. He was the top taxidermist of the Museum of Rhodesia, later Museum of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo, who brought innovative taxidermy techniques from USA Terence was a Selous Scout and knew a lot about the bushveld. ++++ 3) CONGRATULATIONS Barry and Cherith Suddens are celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary on the 15th August. Cherith says, 'Our lives together have been full of love and family.' bsuddens@optusnet.com.au ++++ 4) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSICTel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: music@gatorzw.co.uk THURSDAY 15 AUGUST AT 6.30 P.M. WOMAN IN GOLD Sixty years after fleeing Vienna, Maria Altmann (Helen Mirren), an elderly Jewish woman, attempts to reclaim family possessions that were seized by the Nazis. Among them is a famous portrait of Maria's beloved Aunt Adele by Gustave Klimt. With the help of young lawyer Randy Schoenberg (Ryan Reynolds), Maria embarks upon a lengthy legal battle to recover this painting and several others, but it will not be easy, for Austria considers them national treasures. A deeply moving and very satisfying piece of entertainment that knits up seemingly disparate elements in a tapestry of family pain and pride. [Flick Filosopher] It's a touching film that entertains with warmth and humour while teaching us something about history, law and justice with enormous heart, subtlety and compassion, brilliantly acted and skilfully written. Is there anything Helen Mirren cannot do [Observer] Helen Mirren and Ryan Reynolds make a great pair in this fascinating and true tale that makes for a highly entertaining and compelling tale. [Deadline Hollywood Daily] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 16 AUGUST AT 6.30 P.M. SMETANA: THE BARTERED BRIDE Smetana was born 200 years ago in 1824 and The Bartered Bride is the best known of his eight operas. It's a story of thwarted love and arranged marriage, something which the spirited heroine, Maenka, is not prepared to accept. She has to use every last ounce of determination, charm and cunning that she possesses in order to marry the man she loves, encountering bribery, corruption and parental opposition along the way. Smetana's opera has come to be seen as a celebration of Czech culture and identity, which translates here into a more familiar setting, complete with village pub and a maypole on the green. Dance is at the heart and soul of- from the intoxicatingly lively overture to a riotous and festive polka. There's a circus with jugglers and acrobats, an escaped bear, rousing drinking songs and heart-stopping love duets and arias. It's an irresistible combination. This is a splendid performance of a great comic opera. It will brighten your day. Strongly recommended. [Amazon] This production has all the humour and the charm of The Bartered Bride and is blessed with great performances. Although the production is more than thirty years old, in no way does it feel dated. It is a traditional production and looks absolutely beautiful in both costumes and sets. {IMDb] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAY 5 SEPTEMBER AT 6.30 P.M. DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER While investigating mysterious activities in the world diamond market, 007 (Sean Connery) discovers that his evil nemesis Blofeld (Charles Gray) is stockpiling the gems to use in his deadly laser satellite. With the help of beautiful smuggler Tiffany Case (Jill St. John), Bond sets out to stop the madman -- as the fate of the world hangs in the balance! The film is one of the most outrageous and colourful of the Bond movies. Enjoy! [Amazon] We see different movies for different reasons, and Diamonds Are Forever is great at doing the things we see a James Bond movie for. [Chicago Sun-Times] Connery has a ball with great stunts, snappy dialogue and a bevy of typically Bondish beauties. [Empire Magazine] It would be Connery's final appearance in the official series, and he goes out in style. [Film Frenzy] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 6 SEPTEMBER CHRISTINE NYONI AND FRIENDS Experience a night of African music ranging from different regions of our continent with a mix of classics to modern African music. There will be music from Salif Keita to Miriam Makeba. Admission: US$5.00 SATURDAY 7 SEPTEMBER AT 6.00 P.M. JOY RUKANZA PRESENTS THE MATTERMOREFORSIS ORCHESTRA Join Joy Rukanza for a night of unparalleled musical artistry with the MatterMoreForSis Orchestra, an immersive experience where she will perform her debut album, 'MatterMoreForSis', alongside an orchestra and an all-female choir. Joy Rukanza's 'MatterMoreForSis' album narrates the poignant journey of a woman through unrequited love, with a double-barrelled title referencing metamorphosis. This concept draws parallels to the scientific transformation from an immature to an adult form. Firstly, it unfolds a love story where the protagonist endures various stages of grief following heartbreak before ultimately choosing to love again. Secondly, 'MatterMoreForSis' is an empowering ode to women, encouraging them to prioritize themselves amidst the sacrifices they often make for others. The album has been beautifully arranged for an orchestral performance, where Joy Rukanza will be joined by an all-female choir and orchestra, with each member contributing their unique talent to create a powerful, harmonious soundscape. Whether you're a long-time fan of hers or experiencing her magic for the first time, this night promises to leave you inspired and awestruck. Admission: US$10.00 THEREAFTER Thursday 12 September St.Vincent [released 5 September 2014] Friday 13 September Fonteyn and Nureyev: The Perfect Partnership Thursday 19 September Amadeus [released 19 September 1984] Friday 20 September Mozart: Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail Thursday 26 September The Tunnel [1 of 4] Friday 27 September The Riverdance 25th Anniversary Show ++++ Bulawayo Orchid Show Sat 7 September and Sunday 8 September. Old Miltonians Sports Club. ++++ Marvellous Matilda Directed by Stephanie (Zvergolis) Beukes will be running at the Bulawayo Theatre Club from the 5th to the 14th September. Don't miss this one!! ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) Property For Sale or to Rent Seeking Investor for Property Purchase in Suburbs, Bulawayo We are looking for an investor to purchase two adjacent properties located in Suburbs, Bulawayo. These properties present an excellent business opportunity as the area has commercial rights and is ideally suited for business development. The current tenant of Property One has the first option to purchase both properties at a price below market value. Their plan is to reside in one property and convert the other into a business premises. They are seeking a savvy business partner to provide the upfront investment. The tenant proposes to enter into a repayment agreement, which will cover the initial investment plus interest, over a mutually agreed-upon period. This opportunity is ideal for an investor looking to partner in a promising real estate venture with the potential for substantial returns. Whatsapp +263 77 801 2012 hhproperty2024@gmail.com ++++ IAN & CO. REAL ESTATE 111 JOSIAH TONGOGARA STREET, BETWEEN 11TH /12TH AVENUE HOUSES FOR SALE PUMULA SOUTH - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. GWABALANDA - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen ,separate bathroom and toilet, walled and gated NEW MAGWEGWE - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet. PELANDABA - US$30 000 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. ASCOT - US$80 000 A neat 2 bedroom apartment comprising 2 bathrooms, lounge cum dining and a kitchen. Close to Ascot Shopping Mall NORTHVALE - US$110 000 A brick under tile dwelling comprising lounge, dining, fitted kitchen, scullery, enclosed veranda, 3 bedrooms, toilet and bathroom, shower. Self Contained Cottage with fitted kitchennette, 1 bedroom, bathroom, shower and toilet. 3 roomed staff quarters, toilet and bathroom, working borehole, garage, empty swimming pool KUMALO - US$142 000 Neat family home comprising 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, lounge cum dining, neatly fitted kitchen, 2 roomed domestic quarters, carport, working borehole, walled and gated. KUMALO - US$280 000 A magnificent double- storey property comprising 5 bedrooms with built in cupboards ( 4 upstairs and 1 downstairs -guest room). The main bedroom has an ensuite and a walk in closet, 2 bathrooms. The house has a spacious ,elegant lounge, dining area, bar area, sun lounge, kitchen,pantry and scullery. Outbuildings include staff quarters, 1 storeroom, toolshed,double lock up garage. There is a 5kv solar system, functional borehole,2x 5000litre water tanks, functional swimming pool, electric fence, walled and gated COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE CBD - US$1 000 000 Strategically located, with good tenant mix, high monthly rental income, quick Return on Investment this property comprising of 4 shops and a take away is ideally situated opposite Egodini and close to Mutize which are high traffic areas suitable for walk-in customer experience. This is an Investors' dream property. BELMONT - US$800 000 Double storey property comprising offices, warehouse space, good parking bays, ablution areas, suitable for warehousing, bulk wholesaling, close to the CBD, fenced and gated THORNGROVE - US$375 000 Well situated property comprising offices, warehouses, ablution areas, working borehole, suitable for warehousing, bulk wholesaling, workshop, close to the CBD, walled and gated ESIGODINI - US$150 000 Warehouse, 4 storerooms, outside toilet, 3 phase electricity and water available. TOWN HOUSES FOR SALE VICTORY HEIGHTS DUPLEX COMPLEX - US$160 000 Victory Heights town houses situated in the resort town of Victoria Falls consists of a gated community with 24 units being 2-3-bedroom double storey apartments, comprising lounge with functional living space, dining area, neatly fitted kitchen, bathroom and toilet, neatly manicured gardens, these units are spacious, private and lavish and are ideal for holiday homes, first time buyers, young couples and for investment. NOSTRO PAYMENTS ACCEPTABLE PROPERTIES TO LET OFFICES CBD (Robert Mugabe Way/4th Avenue) - US$500 for immediate occupation Northend - US$2 500 for immediate occupation Matsheumhlophe - US$ 2 500 for immediate occupation FLATS TO LET Hillside - US$450 for immediate occupation Kumalo - US$350 for immediate occupation HOUSES TO LET Cowdray Park - 2 bedrooms,kitchen, sitting room , walled and gated US$230 Nkulumane 12 - 3 bedrooms, kitchen, sitting room , walled and gated US$250 Paddonhurst - 3 bedrooms , kitchen, dining,lounge, walled and gated US$650 We are looking for more properties for sale and to let, we also do Valuations and Estimations for all kinds of properties. For more information call Kelvin on +263 773 366 207, Mihla on +263 772 478 287, Ian +263 712 871 455, Landline (0292)886626 or email at sales@ian.co.zw, letting@ian.co.zw. Visit us on our website ian.co.zw ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO PROPERTIES FOR SALE LOCHVIEW: A stand measuring 4 000 square metres, that is partially walled and fenced, with an unfinished staff quarters. US$30 000. MONTGOMERY: Undeveloped 7 acres of land, fenced all around, with 2 gates. USD90 000-00 HILLCREST: A three-bedroomed home with bathroom, separate toilet, lounge, dining room, kitchen, veranda, 4 carports. Out buildings include a one-bedroom cottage, staff quarters, chicken runs. Solar geyser and 3 KVA solar system. Walled and gated. US$110 000. --------AND MANY MORE !!!!------- SALES, VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES Want to sell We can assist you with an estimation of the value of your property. We are registered with the Valuers Council of Zimbabwe, and offer a complete and efficient service of property Valuation for any purpose. We have properties for sale in Bulawayo, Harare, Beitbridge, Binga, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/ low density, residential, commercial, and holiday homes. US$23 000-US$1 400 000. For these, and other properties for sale, Phone (029) 2274581/3 (Landline)Call: Probity: 0782119972/ Bryan: 0772238431 Email: probity@rodor.co.zw Visit Us On Our Website: www.rodorproperties.co.zw For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or email probity@gmail.com/ bryan@rodor.co.zw PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. HOUSES TO LET NEWTON WEST: Stunning, 6 bedroomed home with attached 1 bedroomed cottage, borehole, Rent USD1 800/ month, gardener included, immediate occupation NEWTON WEST: 4 bedrooms, Rent USD600/ month, immediate occupation FLATS TO LET CBD: 2 bedrooms, Rent US$600-00/ month, occupation 1st of September 2024. CBD: 1 bedroom, Rent US$400-00/ month, immediate occupation. COTTAGES TO LET MORNINGSIDE:1 bedroom, Rent US$300-00/ month, immediate occupation. HILLSIDE: 2 bedrooms, fully furnished, Rent US$450-00/ month, immediate occupation. MALINDELA: 1 bedroom, fully furnished, Rent US$450-00/ month, immediate occupation (short term lease) COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET PLUMTREE:4 offices, Rent USD800-00/ month DONNINGTON: Offices and warehousing, Rent US$1500-00/ month, immediate occupation. THORNGROVE: Offices and warehousing, Rent US$1500-00/ month, immediate occupation. For more information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029)2274581/3 (landline), e- mail to reslet@rodor.co.zw or rentals@rodor.co.zw , or visit our offices at 5a 9th avenue , between Robert Mugabe Way and Josiah Tongogara Street. HOURS OF BUSINESS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM -4.30PM SATURDAYS 8AM-11AM FOR YOUR CONVINIENCE WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS. ALL VIEWERS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER OF OUR STAFF. ++++ Adie Iron Cafe 'WELDING DREAMS' BED BASES AND HEADBOARDS, WATER TANK STANDS SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES, GATES, BURGLAR BARS, BRAAI STANDS, GAZEBOS For all your steel products at affordable prices 0772983346 or 0713885428 ++++ Eversharp Painters 0772112748 / 0718094209 Excellent, very neat, reliable and professional. ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation in Botswana ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant SHAWN MACHINGAMBI is seeking a position in the mining and engineering field. He has both the National Diploma and National Certificate in Mine Ventilation and environmental Engineering. Computer Literate, with credits in communication, mining practice, ventilation practices, mine and survey drawing and engineering mathematics and mechanics. With work experience in both the mining sphere and commercial enterprise, Shawn has excellent references. MOBILE TEL : 0776700051 EMAIL ADD : shanito222@gmail.com ++++ Mature lady Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies, including Accounting Level 4 first class.Computer literate in latest version of sage pastel and Microsoft programs. Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision. Experienced secretary and Accounts Clerk Please contact: apps 0719 476 038 Calls 0773 935 738 ++++ 21) SERVICES TV and Satellite installation and all things connected to electronics. We have been using the excellent services of Idris the TV, satellite and wifi expert Whatsapp +263 78 803 1025. ++++ The Plumbing Doctor. For all your plumbing. Blocked drains, burst pipes, leaking geysers, toilets, taps, drain laying. Solar Geysers installation. Borehole pumps installation and repairs. Jojo tank installation. Washing machine installation. Call Rob 0772230551 ++++ Adie Iron Cafe 'WELDING DREAMS' BED BASES AND HEADBOARDS, WATER TANK STANDS SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES, GATES, BURGLAR BARS, BRAAI STANDS, GAZEBOS For all your steel products at affordable prices 0772983346 or 0713885428 ++++ Nobility Gas servicing and maintenance We do repair ,maintenance &installation of all gas appliances Stoves, Brasilia, heaters and tanks For more details +263774534948 ++++ BEAUTY TREATMENTS ++++ Adrian Bolze is a professional tree cutter. His team is excellent, fast and reliable. Mobile 071 240 4987 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES AND BABY VACCINATIONS I teach a set of 4 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early.(I work part time at my BABY CLINIC doing vaccinations and growth monitoring :-) Appointments are essential. For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on 0292466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or 0292237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com or janfjohnston8@gmail.com ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD99% WEED FREEEXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 07784955 99 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++