Bulawayo Morning Mirror Edition 1069 - 21/06/2024 www.morningmirror.africanherd.com Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact magskriel@mac.com for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ Watch Dog For Sale A brand new, never used, hospital bed. Landed in Bulawayo at R20 000.00 A bedsores mattress, also unused, will be given away with the bed. Please phone 077 235 7926. ++++ 1. Editorial Some of us remember Reg and Jean Tuckey of R.E.G. Tuckey Agencies, back in the day Reg sadly passed away but Jean is now in New Zealand and agreed to rewrite her amazing trip to the Matopos, sixty years ago.!! Thank you Jean. 'It all started with the arrival of the white rhino and their being settled in the new little Game Reserve in the Matopos Hills - great excitement and I read the article in the Chronicle and thought I must see them, ..it was a lovely sunny Saturday afternoon so I got the car ready, made sandwiches and put in packets of biscuits, water and there were three little boys at our house - David Boynton from down the road, Nigel Biffen my younger son Ric's very best friend, (still is), Ric of course and the kitten. I had found her in a rubbish bin at work so she was christened Scrap Heap and Scrappy for short, and had to be fed with a pipette and formula as she was so tiny, blind and abandoned...so we set off. I had a full tank of petrol in case anyone is thinking that was the reason for our adventure We drove through the entrance to the Game Reserve,, still in its infancy , so not much done about signing in or anything, they just waved us on..mistake Number 1 as it happened, and we drove quietly along , eyes peeled, for those white rhino..we saw other animals of course, not many as the reserve was still developing and a black Eagle hovered overhead; we cruised round and round getting more and more frustrated and then I spotted a turn off , mostly sandy , but two distinct ridges of grass to show it was used so I thought last chance perhaps they are down there - mistake No 2 - I didn't have a 4 wheel drive just an ordinary car - I think from memory a white Cortina, but don't quote me, it was a very long time ago..Ken had just gone to boarding school so that made him 11 and he is 71 one now - so quite a time lapse. We were doing fine staying on the grass bits and then lurched down into a river bed and it didn't go up the other side just stopped .....I revved but nothing happened. Remember the drill Jean ..reverse out of trouble,..put sticks under the wheels to help them grip. I sneaked out of the car looking around in case of trouble but there was nothing, and shoved grass and sticks under the wheels, the boys helping and tried again..nothing doing. They pushed and I tried to reverse, even go forward but no sir ..I got David who was the biggest to sit in the drivers seat and I pushed hard but the car was there to stay and by then the front wheels were truly embedded in sand...i tried some more and thought no save the battery..and so we sat- beautiful silence..not a soul in sight, oh boy. I fed the kitten with the pipette and the boys finished what we had in the way of food and we shared the water and Mazoe orange sparingly to make it last..I found an old jersey in the boot and towel too, and wedged Nigel and Ric together inside it so that they would be warm during the night - it was lovely and big stretched and worn so sort of worked, and used the towel as a blanket - and they curled up on the back seat as the light faded. At one stage a bunch of chattering monkeys clung to the window, and I gave them crushed biscuit but when that was finished they took off. David had bare feet and I wrapped the tea towels from the food basket tight round them, as once the sun went, it got colder. Kitten was tucked into my blouse warm and sleepy and I sat behind the wheel and thought about things like Winnie the Pooh..no sound , dark - as pitch - I sounded the hooter and flicked the lights until the battery died and obviously no one had missed us....and no cell phones in those days. We spent a fitful night and were freezing in the car so at first light I thought lets walk and get into the sunshine and hope someone finds us...with not having signed in the Rangers didnt check to see everyone had left, so there we were in the middle of nowhere. I was sending thought messages believe me, even thought about Indian smoke signals but no matches fortunately with all that dry grass. In the meantime back home I was told later, my husband phoned the Police and they said check she hasn't taken all her clothes and left you...'what with other folks children don't be daft'..and Nigel's parents arrived and Doris Boynton ..David's only parent, and off everyone went to quarter the Matopos as Tuc knew that was my favourite place. No luck so they went home to sleep and were out again at first light so I was told. Tuc had our driver with him as well and quartered the bush up and down every road, hunting for the white car in the Matopos Park and all the surrounding roads too...the army were out in the area for manouvres so they were roped in to keep an eye out, and a helicopter was called up ! The boys finished the water and a couple of biscuits left over and we started. Nigel said Mrs Tuckey what about leopards..oh says I they are nocturnal but if they do see us then think - who is fattest and biggest - and he eyed me discreetly and marched on ahead quite satisfied I would be the first. We ploughed through the bush and climbed up a small kopje with a broad ledge of rock and sat in a row warming up in the rising sun..not an animal anywhere and then we heard the dulcet tones of the Peugeot ..Tuc had found us and we jumped up and down waving and they stopped the vehicle and we all ran towards it. Oh joy..lots of hugs and chatter and explaining, we all crammed in and then we went to the Rangers office to tell them and they in turn contacted Mrs B and Nigel's Mum and Dad and all was well..hot baths and bacon and eggs oh joy. The outcome was heaps of apologies from me for the distress I caused..one hungry kitten topped up and incidentally she lived to a ripe old age and produced kittens of her own..in time. After that escapade every time I went to the Matopos I had to go to the Rangers office first and pinpoint where I planned to go..very important peoples ha ha. They were all very kind and we had many a good chat about the various points of interest in the kopjes and not just the animals actually. Last bit. Once things were settled Tuc took the driver Ernest back into the bush with shovels and mats and jump leads , and in no time got the car started and out of the sand and back onto the road and believe it or not..there in the sun not far from the car lay those elusive but gorgeous white rhino - my husband and Ernest saw them..and I still hadn't seen them ! took forever in the end but I was very very careful whenever we went back believe me.' THE END ++++ 2) CONDOLENCES AND IN MEMORIAM Aidan O'Donovan The Girls' College family extends deepest condolences to Falcon College and the O'Donovan family on the passing of Aidan O'Donovan. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all in this very difficult time. We wish all the Staff and Students who were in the bus a speedy recovery. May the love of God and the peace that surpasses all understanding surround all Falcon College Staff, Students and Parents. From the Chairman of the Board of Governors, the Board of Governors, the Principal, Staff, Parents and Students of Girls' College. ++++ MARGIE BERNARD For all the horse lovers of Bulawayo and the Music Academy of which she was a big supporter. It is with great sadness that we have heard of the departure of Margie Bernard from this life. She passed away earlier this afternoon after suffering a hip displacement and other complications. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. ++++ MARGIE BERNARD What a force of nature she was! Fiery, bold, kind, generous.... A lady who grabbed life with both hands and lived it to its fullest. Since she moved to Zimbabwe in the 60s her life has been nothing short of extraordinary. She always said how blessed she was to have lived the life she did and to have enjoyed so many wonderful experiences. Margie had 2 big passions in life - horses and tennis! She joined the horse society in the 70s and played an active role on the committee for many of those years. She played polo-cross, did dressage and show jumping, even a little cross country, and was both a showjumping and dressage judge, only recently (and reluctantly) stepping back from helping at shows when her health deteriorated. Margie was an institution within an institution and has left behind a beautiful legacy - she was always the life and soul of every event she attended! Everything this magnificent woman did was done enthusiastically and with gusto. We have lost such a special member of our little community but we will always cherish her in our memories. RIP Margie, you are so loved ZIMBABWE EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION ++++ 3) CONGRATULATIONS ++++ 4) Notices and Events ALPHA MIND POWER LIMITLESS MIND - LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES 'One weekend could change your life'. Join the Alpha Mind Power training for a fun and practical learning experience! Easily implement powerful techniques into your daily routine for massive positive changes with minimal effort. - Supercharge focus, creativity, and problem-solving. - Reduce stress and anxiety levels. - Accelerate learning and memory retention. Boost innovation and intuition. - Excel in public speaking and academic performance. - Cultivate resilience and mental toughness. - Tap into hidden talents and abilities. - Strengthen interpersonal relationships. - Improve health, vitality, and adaptability. Two Day Seminar 6-7 July 2024 8am to 8pm COST USD $260 per delegate (Refreshments & a Light Lunch Included) LOCATION Harare, Zimbabwe ++++ NATIONAL GALLERY OF ZIMBABWE IN BULAWAYO - YOUR HOME FOR ZIMBABWEAN ART Are you passionate about the visual arts of Zimbabwe Look no further than the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo - your destination for captivating exhibitions, inspiring artist residencies, and the celebration of Zimbabwean creativity. Housed in the historic Douslin House, a stunning example of Edwardian architecture, the gallery boasts an impressive collection spanning local and international works. Wander through the Anglo-American and Marshal Baron galleries, explore the sculpture garden in the courtyard, and discover the talent of resident artists in their on-site studios. Seeking to promote artistic growth and public appreciation, the gallery offers residency programs for both local and international artists. Apply now through the convenient Google Forms links below and unlock the opportunity to develop your talent in this vibrant creative hub. Local Artists: https://forms.gle/phpYLmnMBzhvsW7R8 International Artists: https://forms.gle/S2VWHEg47qdJanby5 Let the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo be your window into the dynamic visual arts of the country. With a vision to become the "first choice centre for the full story of visual arts of Zimbabwe for socio-economic development by 2030," the gallery is committed to fostering talent, inspiring creativity, and sharing the unique stories of Zimbabwean art. Contact us today to plan your visit, inquire about residencies, or learn more about our captivating exhibitions and programs. Phone: +26329270721, +263772764807 (WhatsApp) Email: sabona@mweb.co.zw Website: www.nationalgallerybyo.com Social media: FB, X, and Insta @byogallery ++++ NOTICES AND EVENTS Zimbabwe Academy of Music Monday 24 June 2024 Save this date The Brahmakumaris Raja Yoga Meditation Centre Bulawayo warmly invites you all fora talk by Sister Shivani - world renowned spiritual and motivational speaker. Topic - love, peace , unity - key to success Venue: Zimbabwe Academy of music Hillside Date: Monday 24 June 2024 Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Free Entrance - Registration essential link : http:tinyurl.com/shivanibyo contact cell; +263 775306869 ++++ ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: music@gatorzw.co.uk THURSDAY 20 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. THEIR FINEST 1940. At the height of the Blitz, the Luftwaffe's heavy bombers batter relentlessly the already war-bruised London. As a result, with nearly all of England's youth dispatched overseas to fight the Nazis and the morale slowly sapping, the Film Division of the British Ministry of Information decides to lift the public spirits. Determined to inspire the nation, the talented and assertive young copywriter, Catrin Cole (Gemma Arterton), joins forces with the grouchy screenwriter, Tom Buckley (Sam Clafin), to add the finishing touches to a film project concentrating on the heroic Dunkirk Evacuation, with the aid of pompous actor, Ambrose Hilliard (Bill Nighy), but things do not always run smoothly, especially when the writers are ordered to create a role for a real-life American flying ace who turns out to be an abysmal actor ... .. - Love and laughter flow so naturally in Their Finest that it is almost (almost) easy to forget there's a war on. [New York Times] - You'd need a heart of stone and a funny bone of porridge not to enjoy this sweet-natured and eminently lovable British film - a 1940s adventure, with moments of brashness and poignancy. [Guardian] - An entertaining and insightful romantic drama. [Independent] - I was enchanted and overwhelmed by it. [Observer] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 21 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN: THE MIKADO [with subtitles!] The Mikado is perhaps the most widely-loved and, by general agreement, amusing of the Savoy Operas in which W. S. Gilbert's 'topsy-turvy' words meet with a supreme musical response from Sir Arthur Sullivan. Set in a wonderfully make-believe Japan this production was filmed at Sydney Opera House. - Wit, ingenuity, and a veritable riot of colourful and restless spectacle continue to make The Australian Opera production of The Mikado an experience designed to seduce the eye, charm the ear, and tickle the rib. [Sydney Morning Herald] - The sets are breathtakingly oriental and full of surprises. The costumes are a masterpiece of eccentricity, weaving together traditional Japanese and traditional London City. [Daily Mirror] - Although this production dates from 1987 it still looks and sounds very good. The sets and costumes could accurately be described as 'lavish' and the soloists, chorus and orchestra are very good. Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] N.B. TUESDAY 25 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. NOAH Noah is a biblical epic directed by Darren Aronofsky, who co-wrote the screenplay with Ari Handel. It tells the well-known story of Noah who is told by God to build an ark that can carry his family and a breeding pair of all animals since He has decided to wash away the sins of mankind through an apocalyptic flood. The script adds elements from the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which sparked some controversy. The film stars Russell Crowe as Noah, along with Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and Anthony Hopkins. - Noah manages to blend the expected with the unexpected and does it with so much gusto and cinematic energy you won't want to divert your eyes from the screen. [Los Angeles Times] - A massively scaled undertaking, Noah is a bold re-telling with plenty of spectacle. [USA Today] - Aronofsky brings wild ambition and thrilling artistry to one of the Old Testament's best-known, most dramatic, least plausible stories... with Russell Crowe infusing the role of God's first seaman and zookeeper with all his surly majesty. [TIME Magazine] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] NO DVDs on Thursday or Friday - Sibson Hall booked for a church function THEREAFTER Thursday 4 July Sideways Friday 5 July Ballet Triple Bill: Concerto - Enigma Variations - Raymonda Act III Thursdays 11, 18, 25 July Broadchurch 3 Friday 12 July The King and I AND ALSO FORTHCOMING LIVE - PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THE DATES NOW! Tuesday 16 July Emma Price (cello), Jeanette Micklem (piano) Saturday 27 July Academy Student Concert Friday 2 August Lusitania School presents 'Shrek' Saturday 3 August The Phoenix Choir Wednesday 6 August Chisipite School Choir and Bands - with Girls' College ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) Property For Sale or to Rent RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO PROPERTIES FOR SALE TEGELA: A double storey brick-under-iron terraced home, 3-bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, family bathroom, separate toilet, lounge combined with dining room, fitted kitchen, pantry, gas & electric stove, solar geyser and water tank. The property also includes a cottage with one bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. It has a pedestrian gate at the front and drive in gate at the back. US$60 000 MAHATSHULA SOUTH: A 3-bedroom home with main en-suite, lounge, dining, kitchen, bathroom and separate toilet. It has a carport, solar geyser, electric fence, functional borehole, walled and gated (electric). Stand size 600sqm. US$75 000 HILLSIDE: A double-story brick-under-tile house. On the ground floor, there are 3 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, a main en-suite with a dressing area, a family bathroom, a separate toilet, a lounge with a fireplace, a TV lounge, a fitted kitchen with oven and hob, a pantry, a scullery, a drive-under double garage, a gym, a sewing room, and a suspended staircase with a water feature beneath. The second floor includes a lounge with a balcony, 3 bedrooms with balconies, a bathroom with a skylight, a laundry room, and a storage room. The property also features a borehole, a swimming pool, a gazebo with a jacuzzi, staff quarters with 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a chicken coop. The property is walled, gated, measuring 4,936 square metres. USD250 000-00 ----------AND MANY MORE !!!!---------- SALES, VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES Want to sell We can assist you with an estimation of the value of your property. We are registered with the Valuers Council of Zimbabwe, and offer a complete and efficient service of property Valuation for any purpose. We have properties for sale in Bulawayo, Harare, Beitbridge, Binga, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/ low density, residential, commercial, and holiday homes. US$23 000-US$1 400 000. For these, and other properties for sale, Phone (029) 2274581/3 (Landline)Call: Probity: 0782119972/ Bryan: 0772238431 Email: probity@rodor.co.zw Visit Us On Our Website: www.rodorproperties.co.zw For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or email probity@gmail.com/ bryan@rodor.co.zw PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. HOUSES TO LET FORTUNES GATE: 5 acres with prolific borehole. Attractive home. 3 bedrooms, zoned residential and agricultural, Rent USD1 200-00, immediate occupation. GWABALANDA: 2 bedrooms, Rent USD300-00/ month, immediate occupation. NEWTON WEST: 3 bedrooms, borehole, Rent USD2 200/ month, immediate occupation MPOPOMA: 3 bedrooms, Rent USD350-00/ month, occupation 1st of July 2024. MALINDELA COTTAGE: Fully furnished 1 bedroom, Rent USD450/month, immediate occupation (short term lease) SMALL HOLDING TO LET GUMTREE: 17 acres, 4 bedrooms, borehole, Rent USD600-00/ month, occupation 1st May 2024 COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET PLUMTREE:4 offices, Rent USD800-00/ month For more information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029)2274581/3 (landline), e- mail to reslet@rodor.co.zw or rentals@rodor.co.zw , or visit our offices at 5a 9th avenue , between Robert Mugabe Way and Josiah Tongogara Street. HOURS OF BUSINESS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM -4.30PM SATURDAYS 8AM-11AM WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS. ALL VIEWERS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER OF OUR STAFF. ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation in Botswana ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant Receptionist/Secretary/Accounts Clerk Mature lady experienced in both fields. 'O' Levels, Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies including Accounting Level 4 First Class. Available to start immediately. Please contact: landline 0292 212174, calls 0773 935 738. Whatsapp 071 947 6038. ++++ Lovemore Muzeza worked for the Joubert family in Turk Mine for many years. Lovemore was most loyal, and absolutely invaluable as Dave Joubert's right hand man. Lovemore is seeking employment and his mobile number is 0786579433. ++++ Mduduzi Ncube Seeking employment. Experience in Storekeeping Gardening Waiter in a restaurant. Mobile 0786396353 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT DRIVER / MOTOR MECHANIC A young gentleman experienced in both fields seeks a suitable position. Available to start immediately Contact: 0778 684 134 ++++ DRIVER A young gentleman of sober habits with a mechanical background seeks a position as a Class 2 / Class 4 driver Available to start work immediately. Please contact 0778 684 134 ++++ 21) SERVICES TV and Satellite installation and all things connected to electronics. We have been using the excellent services of Idris the TV, satellite and wifi expert Whatsapp +263 78 803 1025. ++++ The Plumbing Doctor. For all your plumbing. Blocked drains, burst pipes, leaking geysers, toilets, taps, drain laying. Solar Geysers installation. Borehole pumps installation and repairs. Jojo tank installation. Washing machine installation. Call Rob 0772230551 ++++ Adie Iron Cafe 'WELDING DREAMS' BED BASES AND HEADBOARDS, WATER TANK STANDS SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES, GATES, BURGLAR BARS, BRAAI STANDS, GAZEBOS For all your steel products at affordable prices 0772983346 or 0713885428 ++++ Nobility Gas servicing and maintenance We do repair ,maintenance &installation of all gas appliances Stoves, Brasilia, heaters and tanks For more details +263774534948 ++++ BEAUTY TREATMENTS ++++ Adrian Bolze is a professional tree cutter. His team is excellent, fast and reliable. Mobile 071 240 4987 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES AND BABY VACCINATIONS I teach a set of 4 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. (I work part time at my BABY CLINIC doing vaccinations and growth monitoring :-) Appointments are essential. For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on 0292466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or 0292237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com or janfjohnston8@gmail.com ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 07784955 99 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++