Bulawayo Morning Mirror Edition 1066 - 29/05/2024 www.morningmirror.africanherd.com Open this link to join the Morning Mirror WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G4uw2mTZGub2C9OeeRM10F Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact magskriel@mac.com for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home ++++ 1. Editorial PETER ROLLASON Our incredible Peter Rollason celebrated his 95th Birthday last week! Now here is a true luminary, a legend, a pioneer, there are so many words I could use to describe him. Once a beloved household name, Peter now lives quietly in the same charming apartment over the pharmacy he established in Hillside in 1953. Peter came to Rhodesia in 1947 as a pharmaceutical apprentice, he later built up his own community pharmacy which opened 1n 1953, he also practised in hospital pharmacy and then wholesale pharmacy. Peter's pharmacy career is massive and impressive, I have a copyh of is C.V. if you wish to have a look at it, culminating in the Award of a Fellowship to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 2001. On 1951 Peter moved into a totally difference sphere of life, that of Radio and Television Broadcasting. Radio broadcaster 1951-2001 and TV broadcaster 1961-2001. Topics covered on both media included news reporting, special feature production, sport - all aspects, health, young people's magazine, The unforgettable Wildlife Forum, music, theatre, military functions including visits of UK Royal family, broadcasts from foreign countries including UK, France, Switzerland, USA. Peter was the staff commentator, a respected Steward, and Trustee of the Matabeleland Turf Club. Peter was a member of the Territorial Army from 1951, he joined the 1956 Corps of Signals and received a Commission 1961. In1974 Peter was appointed Brigade Signals Liaison Officer HQ I Brigade (GSO2 Major) and the the Army Signals Officer in the rank of (Major from 1951 - 2001. A further feather in Peter's cap arose when he joined the Sea Cadet Corps, (T S Matabele) in 1961 as military instructor culminating in his office of Commanding Officer Lt. Cdr. To this day Peter travels overseas frequently to present papers on various pharmaceutical topics including one very dear to his heart - Malaria which remains a serious public health problem in Zimbabwe. Happy birthday Peter!! ++++ WATCHDOG G C TYRES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5 Darlington Rd, Belmont, Bulawayo Landlines: 029 2278465/6 Cellphone: 0772370735 email: gctyres@yoafrica.com To all my valued customers and friends It is with a very heavy heart that I must announce my decision to stop trading. G C Tyres will close on 31 March 2024. I take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage over the years, it was greatly appreciated. I will sorely miss the interaction and interesting conversations that I had with many of my customers. The office will remain open for some time whilst we finalise things, please use the front entrance should you need to come in. I can also be contacted on the numbers listed above. My sincere thanks to everyone who supported me. Chris ++++ Bulawayo Theatre I am looking for any information or photographs of the 1964 production of Peter Pan at the Bulawayo Theatre, directed by Peter Lewis. My father played one of the Lost Boys in the production, and I'm writing about his experience as a child actor. I read with great interest your 25/8/2009 article on Alan Hardy's book 'A History of Theatre, Ballet and Orchestra in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe 1890-1980'. I can find no trace of this book online, and was wondering if you could help. Any photographs of Peter Lewis, the cast or crew, or any related information would be amazing! Thank you and with best wishes, Astrid Astrid Goldsmith Mock Duck Studios Website: www.mockduck.co.uk Instagram: @mockduckstudios ++++ 2) CONDOLENCES AND IN MEMORIAM Goodbye my friend Tony Du Bois Anthony Sandison Dubois May the good Lord look after you . Dearest Fudd Elma-Fudd Du Bois my love and deepest sympathy to you and your family . I am so very sorry my girl ++++ CORINNE MUIR I am shocked and saddened to let you know that my beautiful, kind and gracious mom Corinne Muir formerly of Hillside Bulawayo, passed away peacefully in her sleep on Thursday 16th here at home in Auckland. We had celebrated her 90th birthday a few days prior on the 11th in fine form. She certainly left the world on a high. She lived a long and wonderful life and touched so many people along the way. A wonderful tennis player and coach, a very kind, loving and supportive mother and strong and wise soul. We are bereft. We will miss her sorely. ++++ 3) CONGRATULATIONS ++++ 4) Notices and Events NATIONAL GALLERY OF ZIMBABWE IN BULAWAYO - YOUR HOME FOR ZIMBABWEAN ART Are you passionate about the visual arts of Zimbabwe Look no further than the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo - your destination for captivating exhibitions, inspiring artist residencies, and the celebration of Zimbabwean creativity. Housed in the historic Douslin House, a stunning example of Edwardian architecture, the gallery boasts an impressive collection spanning local and international works. Wander through the Anglo-American and Marshal Baron galleries, explore the sculpture garden in the courtyard, and discover the talent of resident artists in their on-site studios. Seeking to promote artistic growth and public appreciation, the gallery offers residency programs for both local and international artists. Apply now through the convenient Google Forms links below and unlock the opportunity to develop your talent in this vibrant creative hub. Local Artists: https://forms.gle/phpYLmnMBzhvsW7R8 International Artists: https://forms.gle/S2VWHEg47qdJanby5 Let the National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo be your window into the dynamic visual arts of the country. With a vision to become the "first choice centre for the full story of visual arts of Zimbabwe for socio-economic development by 2030," the gallery is committed to fostering talent, inspiring creativity, and sharing the unique stories of Zimbabwean art. Contact us today to plan your visit, inquire about residencies, or learn more about our captivating exhibitions and programs. Phone: +26329270721, +263772764807 (WhatsApp) Email: sabona@mweb.co.zw Website: www.nationalgallerybyo.com Social media: FB, X, and Insta @byogallery ++++ NOTICES AND EVENTS Zimbabwe Academy of Music Monday 24 June 2024 Save this date The Brahmakumaris Raja Yoga Meditation Centre Bulawayo warmly invites you all fora talk by Sister Shivani - world renowned spiritual and motivational speaker. Topic - love, peace , unity - key to success Venue: Zimbabwe Academy of music Hillside Date: Monday 24 June 2024 Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Free Entrance - Registration essential link : http:tinyurl.com/shivanibyo contact cell; +263 775306869 ++++ ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: music@gatorzw.co.uk The Academy has a major hall booking for the week 27 May - 1 June and regrettably there will be no DVDs during that week. THURSDAY 6 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. STAR WARS IX: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER While the First Order continues to ravage the galaxy, Rey finalizes her training as a Jedi. But danger suddenly rises from the ashes as the evil Emperor Palpatine mysteriously returns from the dead. While working with Finn and Poe Dameron to fulfil a new mission, Rey will not only face Kylo Ren once more, but she will also finally discover the truth about her parents as well as a deadly secret that could determine her future and the fate of the ultimate final showdown that is to come. - It's such fun: full of the rackety exuberance of the now forgotten Saturday morning movie serials that were an influence on George Lucas. [Guardian] - Bringing the Skywalker saga to a close, Abrams delivers an action-packed, emotionally-charged and a fitting denouement to this trilogy. [The Jewish Chronicle] - Epic it indeed is, full of magnificent set pieces - sprawling space battles and incandescent lightsaber duels - gripping performances and a number of truly stunning surprises. [Seattle Times] - 'The Rise of Skywalker' completes a saga no one sane screenwriter would have dreamt up from scratch, but does so with such pluck and showmanship that the result feels strangely precious. [Daily Telegraph] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 7 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. THE DANTE PROJECT - ROYAL BALLET Originally presented as part of the 700th anniversary celebrations of the poet's death, Dante's epic journey through the afterlife in The Divine Comedy, is realised in a major artistic collaboration between trailblazing forces of the contemporary arts scene. Wayne McGregor's groundbreaking choreography comes together with a virtuosic new score by one of the most influential musicians of the 21st century, composer-conductor Thomas Ades, and designs by the renowned artist Tacita Dean, celebrated for her pioneering and poetic work across film and other mediums. Together they illuminate the extraordinary vision of Dante in this three-part work for the full Company. This world premiere re - The Dante Project is utterly thrilling ... It's bold, beautiful, emotional and utterly engaging.. The dancers perform as if liberated by the sheer excitement of it all.. By the time he reaches Paradiso, the music is as radiant as the dancers, flitting and flying around the stage, all in white, like so many shiny celestial orbs. The mood is one of abstracted joy, deep but dazzling. [The Guardian ] - It's an epic spectacle with much to admire [Bachtrack] - With an astonishing score and gleaming dancers, McGregor's latest marshals spectacular forces. [Evening Standard] - Wayne McGregor's adaptation of The Divine Comedy has a tremendous score by Thomas Ades and fine dancing. At curtain down, house reacted as if we'd all just witnessed the parting of the Red Sea [Telegraph] - It's bold, beautiful, emotional and utterly engaging. [The Observer] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAY 13 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. HEADHUNTERS. 'Headhunters' is a 2011 Norwegian action thriller [dubbed in English!] based on the 2008 novel by Jo Nesbo that was a major box office success, the highest-grossing Norwegian film in history. Roger Brown is a man who apparently has it all; he's Norway's most successful headhunter, he's married to the exceedingly beautiful gallery owner Diana, has a far too expensive villa - and must, to keep his head above water financially, steal a little art. Clas Greve is the perfect candidate for Roger's new recruitment assignment, being a former elite soldier and chief executive in the electronics business who's also in possession of a very valuable painting, so Roger begins planning his final, greatest score. But Greve is playing games as well and, when Roger breaks into Greve's house, he finds something that changes his life completely and soon forces him to run for his life... - Grisly, twisty, and darkly comic, 'Headhunters' is an exhilaratingly oddball take on familiar thriller elements. [Rotten Tomatoes] - This is one funny, gory, high-class crime thriller. [Boston Herald] - Always deliriously entertaining. Pure joy! [Time Out] - The action is relentless and the suspense never lets up. [The Sun] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 14 JUNE AT 6.30 P.M. SIR ANDREW DAVIS The distinguished British conductor Sir Andrew Davis, who died on 20 April 2024 aged 80, conducts Elgar's Enigma Variations in Worcester Cathedral where Elgar said everyone should hear his music. The performance is preceded by 'A Hidden Portrait', an acclaimed BBC drama-documentary filmed in the rolling Malvern Hills in which Sir Andrew discusses the 'friends pictured within' and unravels the mystery of the famous musical puzzle contained in Elgar's famous work. - Andrew Davis presents the documentary in an engaging style, giving an overview of the variations, as well as homing in on several of them. ..there's a lot of information presented in an unassuming way, and, for anyone coming to this masterpiece for the first time, it's a very good way. [BBC Music Magazine] - Sir Andrew Davis's warmly committed performance of the 'Enigma Variations', atmospherically recorded in Worcester Cathedral, is introduced by a highly enjoyable documentary about the work and the 'friends pictured within'. [Gramophone] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] THEREAFTER - Thursday 20 June Their Finest - Friday 21 June Gilbert and Sullivan: The Mikado - Thursday 27 June Noah - Friday 28 June The King and I ++++ The National Gallery of Zimbabwe in Bulawayo is a parastatal organisation operating under the Ministry of Sport, Recreation, Art, and Culture. Its core objective is to collect, preserve, and showcase artworks through both local and international exhibitions. For visitors interested in attending the gallery's exhibitions, the entrance fees are as follows: - Visitor Group Local: - Adults: US$2 - Children: US$1 - Non-resident: US$10 - Non-resident children: US$5 To gain additional benefits and access exhibition previews, individuals can become members of the gallery. Membership offers various advantages, including free entry to all exhibitions, discounts on selected items at the craft shop and space hire, free internet access, and access to the library's information services. Members can also become friends of the gallery. Membership is valid for 12 months, and the fees vary based on the membership category: - General Individual: US$20.00 - General Family: US$40.00 - Student: US$10.00 - Corporate: US$200.00 - School/College: US$50.00 For inquiries or to become a friend of the gallery, interested individuals can contact the gallery team at +26329270721 or +263772764807 (WhatsApp only), or via email at sabona@mweb.co.zw. ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) Property For Sale or to Rent IAN & CO. REAL ESTATE 111 JOSIAH TONGOGARA STREET, BETWEEN 11TH /12TH AVENUE HOUSES FOR SALE PUMULA SOUTH - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. GWABALANDA - US$25 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen ,separate bathroom and toilet, walled and gated NEW MAGWEGWE - US$25 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet. PELANDABA - US$30 000 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. NORTHVALE A brick under tile dwelling comprising lounge, dining, fitted kitchen, scullery, enclosed veranda, 3 bedrooms, toilet and bathroom, shower. Self Contained Cottage with fitted kitchennette, 1 bedroom, bathroom, shower and toilet. 3 roomed staff quarters, toilet and bathroom, working borehole, garage, empty swimming pool . ASCOT - US$80 000 A neat 2 bedroom apartment comprising 2 bathrooms, lounge cum dining and a kitchen. Close to Ascot Shopping Mall KUMALO - US$142 000 Neat family home comprising 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, lounge cum dining, neatly fitted kitchen, 2 roomed domestic quarters, carport, working borehole, walled and gated. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE THORNGROVE - US$375 000 Well situated property comprising offices, warehouses, ablution areas, working borehole, suitable for warehousing, bulk wholesaling, workshop, close to the CBD, walled and gated ESIGODINI - US$150 000 Warehouse, 4 storerooms, outside toilet, 3 phase electricity and water available. TOWN HOUSES FOR SALE VICTORY HEIGHTS DUPLEX COMPLEX - US$160 000 Victory Heights town houses situated in the resort town of Victoria Falls consists of a gated community with 24 units being 2-3-bedroom double storey apartments, comprising lounge with functional living space, dining area, neatly fitted kitchen, bathroom and toilet, neatly manicured gardens, these units are spacious, private and lavish and are ideal for holiday homes, first time buyers, young couples and investment. NOSTRO PAYMENTS ACCEPTABLE PROPERTIES TO LET FLATS TO LET Bachelor flat to rent US$300 2 bedroom flat - US$450 HOUSES TO LET Cowdray Park - 2 bedrooms,kitchen, sitting room , walled and gated US$230 Nkulumane 12 - 3 bedrooms, kitchen, sitting room , walled and gatedUS$250 We are looking for more properties for sale and to let, we also do Valuations and Estimations for all kinds of properties. For more information call Kelvin on +263 773 366 207, Mihla on +263 772 478 287, Ian +263 712 871 455, Landline (0292)886626 or email at sales@ian.co.zw, letting@ian.co.zw. Visit us on our website ian.co.zw ++++ RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOPEVILLE: Undeveloped stand, walled on one side and approx 600sm.US$24 000 TEGELA: A double storey brick-under-iron terraced home, 3-bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, family bathroom, separate toilet, lounge combined with dining room, fitted kitchen, pantry, gas & electric stove, solar geyser and water tank. The property also includes a cottage with one bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. It is walled with razor wire atop, paved and has a pedestrian gate at the front and drive in gate at the back. US$60 000 WORRINGHAM: A 39-hectare property which has a 3 bedroomed house, with lounge, dining room, bathroom and veranda. Swimming pool, carport, storerooms, huge water reservoirs and borehole, with the property fenced, with multiple gates. This property would be good for livestock farming, some cropping, and future subdivisions. Price US $380 000 --------AND MANY MORE !!!!--------- SALES, VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES Want to sell We can assist you with an estimation of the value of your property. We are registered with the Valuers Council of Zimbabwe, and offer a complete and efficient service of property Valuation for any purpose. We have properties for sale in Bulawayo, Harare, Beitbridge, Binga, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/ low density, residential, commercial, and holiday homes. US$23 000-US$1 400 000. For these, and other properties for sale, Phone (029) 2274581/3 (Landline)Call: Probity: 0782119972/ Bryan: 0772238431 Email: probity@rodor.co.zw Visit Us On Our Website: www.rodorproperties.co.zw For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or email probity@gmail.com/ bryan@rodor.co.zw PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. HOUSES TO LET FORTUNES GATE: 5 acres with prolific borehole. Attractive home. 3 bedrooms, Rent USD1 200-00, immediate occupation. WOODVILLE: 3 bedrooms, Rent USD550-00, immediate occupation. GWABALANDA: 2 bedrooms, Rent USD300-00, immediate occupation. NEWTON WEST: 3 bedrooms, borehole, Rent USD2 200, immediate occupation GREENHILL: 3 bedrooms, Rent USD650-00, occupation 1st September 2024. SMALL HOLDING TO LET GUMTREE: 17 acres, 4 bedrooms, borehole, Rent USD600-00, occupation 1st May 2024 COMMERCIAL SPACE TO LET PLUMTREE:4 offices, Rent USD800-00 KUMALO: 4 bedrooms, Rent USD1 500-00, immediate occupation. THORNGROVE: Warehouse,2 offices, Rent USD$1 500-00, immediate occupation. For more information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029)2274581/3 (landline), e- mail to reslet@rodor.co.zw or rentals@rodor.co.zw , or visit our offices at 5a 9th avenue , between Robert Mugabe Way and Josiah Tongogara Street. HOURS OF BUSINESS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM -4.30PM SATURDAYS 8AM-11AM WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS. ALL VIEWERS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER OF OUR STAFF. ++++ IAN & CO. REAL ESTATE 111 JOSIAH TONGOGARA STREET, BETWEEN 11TH /12TH AVENUE HOUSES FOR SALE PUMULA SOUTH - US$23 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. GWABALANDA - US$25 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen ,separate bathroom and toilet, walled and gated NEW MAGWEGWE - US$25 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet. PELANDABA - US$30 000 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, toilet, walled and gated. ASCOT - US$80 000 A neat 2 bedroom apartment comprising 2 bathrooms, lounge cum dining and a kitchen. Close to Ascot Shopping Mall NORTHVALE - US$120 000 A brick under tile dwelling comprising lounge, dining, fitted kitchen, scullery, enclosed veranda, 3 bedrooms, toilet and bathroom, shower. Self Contained Cottage with fitted kitchennette, 1 bedroom, bathroom, shower and toilet. 3 roomed staff quarters, toilet and bathroom, working borehole, garage, empty swimming pool KUMALO - US$142 000 Neat family home comprising 4 bedrooms, main ensuite, lounge cum dining, neatly fitted kitchen, 2 roomed domestic quarters, carport, working borehole, walled and gated. KUMALO - US$300 000 A magnificent double- storey property comprising 5 bedrooms with built in cupboards ( 4 upstairs and 1 downstairs - guest room). The main bedroom has an ensuite and a walk in closet, 2 bathrooms. The house has a spacious ,elegant lounge, dining area, bar area, sun lounge, kitchen,pantry and scullery. Outbuildings include staff quarters, 1 storeroom, toolshed,double lock up garage. There is a 5kv solar system, functional borehole,2x 5000litre water tanks, functional swimming pool, electric fence, walled and gated COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES FOR SALE THORNGROVE - US$375 000 Well situated property comprising offices, warehouses, ablution areas, working borehole, suitable for warehousing, bulk wholesaling, workshop, close to the CBD, walled and gated ESIGODINI - US$150 000 Warehouse, 4 storerooms, outside toilet, 3 phase electricity and water available. TOWN HOUSES FOR SALE VICTORY HEIGHTS DUPLEX COMPLEX - US$160 000 Victory Heights town houses situated in the resort town of Victoria Falls consists of a gated community with 24 units being 2-3-bedroom double storey apartments, comprising lounge with functional living space, dining area, neatly fitted kitchen, bathroom and toilet, neatly manicured gardens, these units are spacious, private and lavish and are ideal for holiday homes, first time buyers, young couples and for investment. NOSTRO PAYMENTS ACCEPTABLE PROPERTIES TO LET FLATS TO LET Bachelor flat - US$300 2 bedroom flat - US$450 HOUSES TO LET Cowdray Park - 2 bedrooms,kitchen, sitting room , walled and gated US$230 Nkulumane 12 - 3 bedrooms, kitchen, sitting room , walled and gated US$250 Paddonhurst - 3 bedrooms , kitchen, dining,lounge, walled and gated US$650 We are looking for more properties for sale and to let, we also do Valuations and Estimations for all kinds of properties. For more information call Kelvin on +263 773 366 207, Mihla on +263 772 478 287, Ian +263 712 871 455, Landline (0292)886626 or email at sales@ian.co.zw, letting@ian.co.zw. Visit us on our website ian.co.zw ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation in Botswana ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire VEHICLES FOR SALE 1997 Nissan R'nessa (station wagon) for sale In good running order (Licenced) Lady driven Call Jenny on 0779 433355 ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant Mduduzi Ncube Seeking employment. Experience in Storekeeping Gardening Waiter in a restaurant. Mobile 0786396353 ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT DRIVER / MOTOR MECHANIC A young gentleman experienced in both fields seeks a suitable position. Available to start immediately Contact: 0778 684 134 ++++ DRIVER A young gentleman of sober habits with a mechanical background seeks a position as a Class 2 / Class 4 driver Available to start work immediately. Please contact 0778 684 134 ++++ SECRETARY/PERSONAL ASSISTANT VACANCY A Bulawayo based private school is looking to engage the services of a mature and qualified secretary with immediate effect. The applicant should be between 30 to 40 years old with a minimum of 5 yearsi experience as a secretary or personal assistant and hold appropriate qualifications as well as being highly computer literate and have a clean class 4 driveris license. Applications should be emailed to secretaryapp2024@gmail.com ++++ Lady looking for office job, shop assistant or any position suitable. Preferably in town. Cell : 0774 085 599 ++++ DRIVER A young gentleman of sober habits with a mechanical background seeks a position as a Class 2 / Class 4 driver Available to start work immediately. Please contact 0778 684 134 ++++ SITUATION SOUGHT for highly recommended kitchen/canteen/coffee shop or restaurant cook. Mature, reliable young man, with pleasant personality who is eager to learn, grow and expand. 12 years of loyal service to current employer. Please contact Mrs Hunt on 0292 203022 mornings only, for additional information. ++++ Mature lady Pitman Diploma Secretarial Studies. Computer Literate, '6' 0 Levels Principles of Accounts and English Language inclusive. Worked as Secretary and Accounts Clerk. Contract / Permanent Employment Contact Details: Landline 0292 212174 Whattsup 0719 476 038 Ms Teyedzani Kupe ++++ Young lady with a Bachelor of Social Science Honours degree in Sociology from Lupane State University is looking for a job. Great listener, willing to learn. email lubahdube@gmail.com +263 783 544 009 WhatsApp/ Calls +263 712 172 078 ++++ 21) SERVICES The Plumbing Doctor. For all your plumbing. Blocked drains, burst pipes, leaking geysers, toilets, taps, drain laying. Solar Geysers installation. Borehole pumps installation and repairs. Jojo tank installation. Washing machine installation. Call Rob 0772230551 ++++ Adie Iron Cafe 'WELDING DREAMS' BED BASES AND HEADBOARDS, WATER TANK STANDS SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES, GATES, BURGLAR BARS, BRAAI STANDS, GAZEBOS For all your steel products at affordable prices 0772983346 or 0713885428 ++++ Nobility Gas servicing and maintenance We do repair ,maintenance &installation of all gas appliances Stoves, Brasilia, heaters and tanks For more details +263774534948 ++++ BEAUTY TREATMENTS BEAUTY THERAPY AND MASSAGES Tired, relax with a massage and tone your muscles. This will leave you feeling more relaxed and re-energised. Please contact 292 60498 ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES AND BABY VACCINATIONS I teach a set of 4 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. (I work part time at my BABY CLINIC doing vaccinations and growth monitoring :-) Appointments are essential. For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on 0292466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or 0292237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com or janfjohnston8@gmail.com ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale Vehicles Morris Minor 1957 Vintage completely refurbished. Landcruiser 6 seater photo canopy Block & tackle Piano accordion. Tel : 0772109128 ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 07784955 99 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++