Bulawayo Morning Mirror Edition 1054 - 21/02/2024 www.morningmirror.africanherd.com Open this link to join the Morning Mirror WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G4uw2mTZGub2C9OeeRM10F Look out for us on Facebook! The Official Morning Mirror Facebook Group. Please contact magskriel@mac.com for information on how to place your advert. Morning Mirror is a publication run for the benefit of Bulawayo's only geriatric and frail care home - the Edith Duly Nursing home 1. Editorial One Snake At A Time. With our plethora of venomous and non venomous snake, Matabeleland is indeed fortunate to have dedicated snake handlers on stand by and always available to help at a moments notice. In Zimbabwe we have cobras, mambas, pythons, boomslangs, puff adders amongst others clamouring for attention in this hot weather. Ahmed Esat is one such snake handler, his passion for snakes has led him to initiate a fascinating Snake Park in Montrose, Bulawayo - a most attractive recreational and educational facility housing a wide variety of reptiles. Ahmed has a very very busy life. In top demand as a snake handler and indeed an authority on these valuable creatures, he finds it difficult to cope with the demands of his callout schedule. Let's take a look at Ahmeds diary from one day alone last weekend. "What did you do on Sunday At something past 6 in the morning was woken by a phone call from a lady convinced that she had a snake in her ceiling. Let's forget the obvious possibility that it may have been a lizard, agama, bird/owl; mouse, rat, squirrel, bushbaby or even monitor lizard. Let us be Bulawayo and jump directly without passing begin or collecting 200 and assume, correction, know that it is the worst possible case - NYOKA (SNAKE) I love my Beautiful Bulawayo and my people - Go Big or Go Khaya! Around 8ish I received a phone call from the ZimParks Senior Area Manager for Hwange, my good friend Joroma. He explained that he had a Dutch tourist family that were touring and camping in the Park and they had an unwanted, possibly dangerous, seemingly grumpy, passenger tagging along with them in their vehicle dampening their African excursion. I thought he was overreacting and explained that Mother in-laws are not that dangerous and have feelings too...our call was interrupted by 2 other calls! First was to relocate a rock monitor from a garden. Second was to please remove a snake that was 3 meters high in a tree outside their front wall that was definitely going to kill their dogs. I attended both and safely removed and relocated both offenders. While on these rescues I had made and received several calls and sent various identification pictures to ZimParks and the Dutch tourist. My friend Joroma pleaded for me to come save and assist. The deciding factor was when Joost Langendonck (Tourist) assured me that all was under control and that several hunters guides were dealing with the situation - they had doused the mats and were about to light a match to smoke it out of their very fancy, fully kitted hired 4x4.......I prepped and left! We arrived safely - stripped, searched, found and relocated back into the National Park a 1,2 meter Mozambique Spitting Cobra (Naja Mossambica) affectionately nick named Mamazala (Mother in-law) As a matter of interest I had received another 5 calls whilst travelling to and from Hwange National Park. Ahmed Esat is Proudly Zimbo. "Over the past couple of years I have travelled thousands of kilometres across Matabeleland saving lives one snake/reptile at a time. My day at times can begin before 6 a.m with a wake up snake call and end with a 10pm call for help. The situations, bite victims, age, location and language of the callers may vary but the questions are ALL the same...it's extremely difficult to maintain my composure and sanity. I load and unload my vehicle daily. I pack my car and in it I put: Snake tongs of varying lengths depending on the species of snake or situation. Hooks/ L-sticks, tubes, containers and a dustbin incase of Black Mamba's or Pythons. My high powered 'Ledlenser' torch torch goes with me everywhere, night and day,step ladder, pick, shovel, ropes, safety goggles and not forgetting the absolute essentials -running shoes and a cold Redbull...... I average 800 kilometres on call outs most months and this is heavy on my car maintenance. I feel blessed to be able to help my people and deeply honoured to be asked by some very influential members of the community and businessman to provide them with my "wish list'. If I had to write a "fantasy wish list" it would definitely be titled "For the community from the community" It would include: A Quad bike for local call outs and hospital and school visits Off-road worthy vehicle Back up torches/batteries Weed cutters Axe crowbar..." My grandson Lincoln has inherited his celebrated Mother's journalistic curiosity and spent as many hours as we could allow with Ahmed at the Snake Park, and while we were there Robyn was intrigued at just how much more Ahmed could do for the community as far as his frequent call outs, extensive travel all around the country, and the time spent on this essential service, which he has, for many years, been doing pro bono!! The Global Snakebite Initiative USA Foundation states there are 138,000 deaths globally from snake bites each year. Ahmed did not ask us for help, indeed he is most humble in his but we seriously feel that something should be done before we lose his massive contribution to our safety. ++++ WATCHDOG 'BERRY OOSTHUIZEN Dedicated General Manager of the Bulawayo Branch of the SPCA for over twenty years. What a legacy she has left behind, who ever replaces her, will have to have very big boots to fill. One is on duty/call for 24hours, 8 days a week, month after month. A very small example, every annual Guy Fawkes night, Berry and her ever supportive husband Ginks, would drive round the suburbs and townships of Bulawayo, from dusk until dawn, searching for terrified dogs that had run away from their homes, terrified senseless by the continuing horrendous explosions - not forgetting that what human's can hear from 20 feet away, dogs can hear from 80 feet away. Berry took over from me in 2000 when I was made ZNSPCA's National Co-ordinator, - she went on to attend one of my Inspector's Training courses, and the rest is history. Under her leadership it became the best run SPCA in the country as she maintained the highest standards of animal welfare under her watch! Berry learnt from me that all her decisions must always be made in the best interest of animals - not necessarily humans - some found that hard to accept. In those days, we were lucky to have a really hands on Chairman Liz Walker- many of your readers will remember her and her very supportive, hard working Committee, many of whom are sadly no longer with us. Liz and I are in touch from time to time, and she still has the highest regard for Berry. My late partner Roly Marais loved taking off Berry's favourite expression when faced with a major problem - 'b---dy hell'! - but with that attitude, Berry never gave up on any animal that came into the care of Bulawayo SPCA. Thank you Berry for All that you have done for so many years for those that cannot speak for themselves - animal welfare in Zimbabwe owes you a huge debt of love and respect.......... Meryl Harrison' ++++ I came across your post on the internet that mentioned Kerrie and Ashleigh Duckworth. I've been searching for their mother (Mrs Duckworth) that taught me at Filabusi Primary School (1982 to 1985) since 1996. She did a lot for me, including transferring me to Milton Junior School as she was leaving Filabusi, and I would like to thank her and reminisce. May you please pass on my details to her or the twins, and ask them to contact me. Just to jog her memory, I won the Merit Shield on my last day of school at Filabusi Primary School in 1985. Regards Thabo Ntuli Mobile: +61 478 701 380 ++++ 2) Condolences/In Memoriam/Wreath Funds Coppie Dicey Much loved wife of John, mother of Mike and Stuart and families. Coppie was an integral part of our community and will se sorely missed. ++++ Tracey Kruger Lezar passed away very sadly on the 13 February. A much loved member of the Bulawayo community. ++++ Pam Graves (nee Darby) passed onto green pastures on the 11 February. She was the daughter of John and Ruth Darby and sister to Joyce (late) and Norma. Mother to Hayley and Tammy. Grandmother to Joelene, Cassandra and Vaughn. Pam was living in the UK and up the last few years was actively volunteering in several organizations. Her love for Zimbabwe never waned. She will be sadly missed. MHSRIP. Norma Ferguson matobo40@hotmail.com ++++ TONY KENNEDY Sadly Tony Kennedy passed away this week in Ballito. A true gentleman who grew up in Bulawayo. He attended Milton School. An athlete of note and excellent long distance runner. Condolences to Gay and the Kennedy family. Brian Charsley ++++ 3) CONGRATULATIONS ++++ 4) Notices and Events ZIMBABWE ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tel: 2260684 / 2267195 E-mail: music@gatorzw.co.uk THURSDAY 22 FEBRUARY AT 6.30 P.M. THE COMMITMENTS Jimmy Rabbitte (Robert Arkins), a self-proclaimed promoter, decides to organize an R&B group to fill the musical void in his hometown of Dublin. The band comes together but ends up consisting entirely of white musicians who have little experience with the genre. Even though their raw talent and lofty aspirations gain the group notoriety, the pitfalls of fame began to tear at their newfound friendships as they prepare for their big show. - The Commitments is a vibrantly funny and blissfully heartfelt ode to the power of music.[Rotten Tomatoes Critics' Consensus] - An absolute cultural phenomenon on release in 1991, Alan Parker's The Commitments remains one of the greatest musicals of all time. [What's On] - Alan Parker's sexy, hilarious, exuberantly energetic new film, The Commitments, has so much rhythmic juice that it's nearly impossible to stay in your seat. [Washington Post] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 23 FEBRUARY AT 6.30 P.M. SEIJI OZAWA: IN MEMORIAM N.B. Change of programme! The distinguished Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa died on 6 February aged 88 and a tribute replaces 'Invitation to the Dance' which will be shown in May. He received a scholarship to study with Herbert von Karajan and then caught the attention of Leonard Bernstein who appointed him assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic and he is the only conductor to have studied under both Karajan and Bernstein. The programme will feature two very different aspects of Ozawa's abilities with Gershwin's An American in Paris and Rhapsody in Blue in the first part and Beethoven's Ninth the second. The soloist in Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue is the blind American jazz pianist Marcus Roberts in a specially arranged version that united his jazz trio with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra! - Seiji Ozawa is now one of the conducting world's grandees but he is by no means a slouch when it comes to the energy in this performance, and there's plenty of drama in the dynamics and articulation of the whole. [Gramophone] - Gershwin is magical in the hands of conductor Seiji Ozawa and the pure genius of Marcus Roberts at the piano. [Amazon] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] THURSDAYS 29 FEBRUARY, 7 & 14 MARCH BROADCHURCH Broadchurch is a British crime drama television series broadcast for three series, all of which will be shown during 2024. A seemingly calm and friendly seaside town becomes a place wrapped in secrets when the death of an eleven year old boy sparks an unwanted media frenzy. As the town's locals start to open up about what they do and don't know, it falls upon the police to catch the supposed killer. - Well written and beautifully shot, Broadchurch is a deliberate, slowly unfolding mystery procedural with terrific performances from a fine cast. [Rotten Tomatoes] - Broadchurch is a gripping portrait of small-town paranoia that became a bona fide national obsession! [Entertainment Weekly] - I can't recall a mystery series moving me as frequently and profoundly as Broadchurch's masterful and sensitively rendered study of poisonous suspicion that infects an otherwise peaceful, deceptively sunny British seaside village. [TV Guide] Admission: US$2.50 / $6.00 the series [free to Film Members] FRIDAY 1 MARCH AT 6.30 P.M. ROSSINI: THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Rossini's was born on 29 February 1792 so for his 58th birthday The Barber of Seville comes in a highly praised production from Glyndebourne. This glittering operatic jewel in his musical crown is one of the great comic operas of all time - the greatest of all, according to no less an authority than Verdi - and is a blissful evening of musical comedy, as uproarious as it is sophisticated. - I would summarise that this Barber of Seville is an out and out triumph of both production and performance that bubbles like the best champagne. {MusicWeb International] - The interplay of music, acting and staging is glorious to look at and endlessly entertaining. [Gramophone] - Very enjoyable. The cast were obviously revelling in this production. [Amazon] Admission: US$2.50 [free to Red Carpet Members] THEREAFTER.. Thursday 7 March Broadchurch 2 Friday 8 March Dvorak: Symphony No.8/Smetana: Ma Vlast [Smetana was born on 2 March 1824] Thursday 14 March Broadchurch 3 (last) Friday 15 March Tribute to Jerome Robbins Thursday 21 March Star Wars VIII: The Rise of Skywalker Friday 22 March New York New York N.B. Wednesday 27 March Risen ++++ Ndoro Snake Park Another fabulous visit to the Snake Park on Dundee Drive, Montrose. Next to Water World. Opening hours 10.30 to 5 daily, hoping to be open over the holidays too. Whatsapp - Ahmed 0775714014. ++++ 5) Roses And Raspberries ++++ 6) Pets Column ++++ 8) Bulawayo News ++++ 9) Harare And Gweru News ++++ 10) Wining, Dining and Coffee Houses ++++ 11) Property For Sale or to Rent RODOR PROPERTIES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 5A, 9TH AVENUE, BULAWAYO PROPERTIES FOR SALE SUBURBS: This property in Suburbs borders on the Bulawayo Central Business District making it ideal either for offices or residential. Close to Sports Clubs and restaurants. There are 3 bedrooms, a main en-suite, a family bathroom, a separate toilet, TV lounge, family lounge and a dining area. This property has a well maintained garden, 2 staff quarters, and a double carport. The property is walled and gated. The stand is on 744sm and the main building is approx. 210sm..US$150 000. THORNGROVE: Situated in a busy industrial area, the stand is 2166 sm. The factory has a large partitioned warehouse, an upper storage area, reception, 6 offices, ablutions, 2 kitchenettes, veranda, and 5 storerooms. The property is walled and gated with a big and small gate. Offices/Toilets approx 105sm, warehouse approx. 380 sm, Storerooms/factory area approx. 550 sm. USD$220 000 WOODVILLE: This is an empty stand with some fencing on two sides. Stand size 4645 sm. There are adjoining stands with houses already built. This is a serviced suburb under Bulawayo municipality. USD$29 000 -------AND MANY MORE !!!!---- SALES, VALUATIONS AND ESTIMATES Want to sell We can assist you with an estimation of the value of your property. We are registered with the Valuers Council of Zimbabwe, and offer a complete and efficient service of property Valuation for any purpose. We have properties for sale in Bulawayo, Harare, Beitbridge, Binga, Hwange, Mlibizi, Mutare, Redcliff, and Plumtree. High/ low density, residential, commercial, and holiday homes. US$23 000-US$1 400 000. For these, and other properties for sale, Phone (029) 2274581/3 (Landline)Call: Probity: 0782119972/ Bryan: 0772238431 Email: probity@rodor.co.zw Visit Us On Our Website: www.rodorproperties.co.zw For Valuations, phone (029) 2274581/3 (landline), or email probity@gmail.com/ bryan@rodor.co.zw PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Our Property Management staff will be happy to assist you in securing suitable tenants for your property, and managing it thereafter. HOUSES TO LET KUMALO: 4 bedrooms, Price on application, immediate occupation. MANNINGDALE: 4 bedrooms, USD$1200, immediate occupation. OFFICES TO LET ESIGODINI:3 offices, Rent USD235-00 PLUMTREE:4 offices, Rent USD800-00 CLOSE TO CBD: Rentals range from $350upwards INDUSTRIAL SPACE TO LET THORNGROVE: Factory with warehouse, Rent USD1 700-00 For more information on properties available for renting, or if you wish to place your property on our letting list, you are invited to contact us on (029)2274581/3 (landline), e- mail to reslet@rodor.co.zw or rentals@rodor.co.zw , or visit our offices at 5a 9thavenue , between Robert Mugabe way and Josiah Tongogara avenue HOURS OF BUSINESS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8AM -4.30PM SATURDAYS 8AM-11AM WE NEED PROPERTIES FOR SALE AND TO RENT FOR REGISTERED BUYERS AND TENANTS. ALL VIEWERS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER OF OUR STAFF. ++++ 12) Accommodation in South Africa ++++ 12b) Accommodation in Botswana ++++ 14) Catering and Food ++++ 15) Vehicles for Sale and Hire ++++ 16) Travel and Tours ++++ 17) Computers And Electronics ++++ 18) Lifts Wanted And Offered ++++ 19) Seeking Friends ++++ 20) Situations Wanted and Situations Vacant Mature gardener seeking employment. George Ndhlovu References available. Pool experience. Mobile 07 74382553 ++++ A vacancy for a Marketing Officer has arisen at a Matabeleland based Independent Co-Ed Trust school. The role would suit a creative and self driven individual who has an understanding of the private school system locally, regionally and internationally. Interested and suitably qualified persons may apply to applications.byo@gmail.com by no later than 23 February 2024, attaching CVs with contactable references and proof of relevant qualifications to their applications. ++++ Mature lady Pitman Diploma Secretarial Studies. Computer Literate, '6' 0 Levels Principles of Accounts and English Language inclusive. Worked as Secretary and Accounts Clerk. Contract / Permanent Employment Contact Details: Landline 0292 212174 Whattsup 0719 476 038 Ms Teyedzani Kupe ++++ Young lady with a Bachelor of Social Science Honours degree in Sociology from Lupane State University is looking for a job. Great listener, willing to learn. email lubahdube@gmail.com +263 783 544 009 WhatsApp/ Calls +263 712 172 078 ++++ Mature lady looking for house helper part time jobs, can cook, bake - can read and follow recipes. Administration by profession can do office jobs too. Contact +263 712 372 705 WhatsApp/Calls +263 774 600 808 Calls ++++ Greetings l am Mrs Nyoni a God fearing lady mother of 2 looking for a job as a maid or carer...l have a certificate in nurse aid l have experience in taking of the elderly as well as disabled children for example autism,have experience in surgeries and home based care... l am also a hard working person making me able to be a house helper who strives to do her work to the best of her abilities.Please l need a job to make ends meet please app or call on +263 784 285 900...l stay in Burnside Bulawayo, Thank you. ++++ VACANCY Company based in Bulawayo looking for a workshop/plant manager. Needs to have a good grasp of electrics, pumps, mechanics, steelwork, plumbing, welding etc and be hands on to fix whatever is needed. Should also be able to handle staff & customers and work under instruction but also with initiative. Please send CV and copy of ID to hhunting12@yahoo.com +++++ DOMESTIC EMPLOYMENT Capable, energetic lady seeking domestic employment. References available. Contact Louisa on 0789047034 ++++ 40 year old 2021 postgraduate in Women's SOCIO-LEGAL Studies seeking paid internship in any gender, disability or social work related organization in Bulawayo or Harare. CELL: 0782104888 WHATSAPP: 0733523665 EMAIL yeukaiccc@gmail.com ++++ Do you need a really enterprising, energetic person on your team Wonder Mpofu is available immediately. +263733205818 +263776105842 Eager to learn and venture in different field eg Tourism and hospitality. Wonder Mpofu Age - 49 Occupation - Class 4 driver, messenger and sales consultant in funeral industry. Service time :2003 - 2023. Also good in gardening and horticultural knowledge, flowers and citrus fruits. ++++ Nurse Aid , seeking employment as nurse aid or willing for any job . An acquaintance of mine has had her care as a nurse aid for 5 months and testifies to excellent care. Again she is an excellent nurse but is willing for any task required. Availability as of now. References tel Tracey on 0772346221 ++++ Human Resources vacancy. Knowledge of computerised payroll system pre-requisite. Email: kershelmar@kershelmarbyo.co.zw ++++ Mature lady 58 Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision. Keen to learn new skills in a short space of time. 'O' Levels, Computer Literacy in Pastel Version 4, Microsoft Programs and Pitman Diploma in Secretarial Studies including Accounting Level 4, First Class. Experienced Receptionist, Typist and Accounts Clerk. Also Acting P.A.(Secretary). Available on the following contact details: Calls-0773 935 738. Whattsup 0719 476 038. ++++ SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Young vibrant lady aged 29 years old open minded and keen to learn. Qualified Biochemist with 6 years post graduation work in quality control. Also has a passion for baking and willing to help in a cafe or hotel plus ready to try clerical work as well. Please contact: Landline 0292260656 Call or whatsapp 0777 999 562 ++++ 21) SERVICES 30 TON RIG FOR HIRE Shanizz Investments 0777310390 0713580676 emailalimanyoni1947@gmail.com ++++ A beautiful collection of sunblocks and eclipse curtains available in our showroom. +263775286961 1 Elendon Flats Samuel Parirenyatwa St Btwn 12th and 13th Ave Bulawayo Our expert tailors will make them up for you most speedily. ++++ Looking for Worksuits Durable, strong, reflective worksuits and all workwear, made to order by Mrs Gwidzima in Suburbs. Telephone Langton on 0712924694 ++++ Cleedon Barber +63 77 856 4567 Cleedon will come to the privacy of your home in Bulawayo and cut and style your hair. Ladies and Gentlemen - Seven days a week. ++++ For all your plumbing and building jobs. New installation and repairs call Rob on 0772230551 ++++ Nobility Gas servicing and maintenance We do repair ,maintenance &installation of all gas appliances Stoves, Brasilia, heaters and tanks For more details +263774534948 ++++ BEAUTY TREATMENTS ++++ ANTE NATAL CLASSES AND BABY VACCINATIONS I teach a set of 4 classes covering pregnancy, labour, baby care, breastfeeding and other information. I also do a "crash course" for out of towners. These classes are valuable even if you're having an elective CAESAREAN SECTION!! Please book early. (I work part time at my BABY CLINIC doing vaccinations and growth monitoring :-) Appointments are essential. For any further information contact SISTER JAN JOHNSTON on 0292466741/2 from 8 am til 12 pm Mon to Fri or 0292237240, 0712 728 350 or 0772 749 749 (w/app) or email me on jicsj@yoafrica.com or janfjohnston8@gmail.com ++++ 22) Health And Beauty ++++ 23) Tuition ++++ 24) Miscellaneous For Sale ++++ 25) Wanted To Buy or Hire ++++ 26) Clothing And Fashion ++++ 27) Boats and Fishing ++++ 28) Garden, Decor And Home JILL'S SUPER ORGANIC COMPOST BLACK GOLD 99% WEED FREE EXCELLENT FOR POTS, VEGETABLES, FLOWER BEDS, SEEDLINGS AND LAWNS. WILL DELIVER 5 X 50KG BAGS OR MORE LOCALLY. CONTACT JILL AT 2246688 OR 07784955 99 ++++ 29) TIDBITS The content that is published in Morning Mirror does not necessarily reflect the editor's opinion. Morning Mirror reserves the right to refuse any advertising or content. ++++