The Death of the Book

      17/3/2020       Next-->

There are so many things that I miss now that our offspring have left home for greener pastures

When HeeHoo and I got married our entire family lived in Zimbabwe but now sadly we are the only two left.

Sunday lunches once used to be riotous ...grannies, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers sisters, nieces and nephews.

We would all sit down to Charlie's magnificent roast potatoes, seven sorts of veggies and a giant roast or two, often farm grown lamb, succulent roast chicken and always a piece of prime beef.

But now Sundays are different, very different, HeeHoo and I balk against the thought of just the two of us sitting at each end of the giant family table, and besides we gave up roast potatoes on the advice of Dr Atkins, and so if we are in town, we stumble down to the Bon usually for a peri peri chicken and salad.

But don't get me wrong...I am not asking for your pity...(sob)...what I am really getting at is ... although I miss every single thing about the children ......I DO NOT MISS THEIR MUSIC !!

I must confess Mother used to say awful things to me about my penchant for Beatles music...but have you actually ever listened to a piece of MODERN rap "music". I hesitate to call it music because music is supposed to at least be....WELL .... musical !!

Songs are supposed to rhyme and be pleasing to the ear ...but RAP is just downright disgusting. There is a fellow out there called Eminem who quite takes my breath away with his amazing command of the English language. His vocabulary is peculiarly stinted, he only knows THE four letter word and anything that rhymes with THE four letter word !!

I guess it must stem back to his education, maybe his teachers neglected to read him any of the beautiful poetry that our teachers read to us. Poems like Longfellow's "Hiawatha" books with the most mellifluous language like "The Wind in the Willows".

And he has obviously never heard of iambic pentameter, that's for sure. The only blessing is his own version of ebonics is so hard to hear as one gets older that much of his rhythmic mysteries sound like total gobbledygook !!

The disturbing thing about this apparent lack of education leads me to think about "book larnin" as they used to say.

Now my youngest child tells me that books will soon be a thing of the past. They will become obsolete rather like those LP records we all have faithfully stored away in the hope that we might be able to sell them on e bay one day.

Pretty soon people will be describing the word "book" to their grandchildren, because they will have never ever seen one !!

Books of course will be replaced by all things electronic, think about it, Heehoo studiously devours his daily newspaper , his periodicals, his Mac magazines, his fishing magazine, his golf magazine and his favourite magazine "The Week" which is a condensation of the weeks worth of worthy newspapers.

But do you ever see a youngster with a newspaper or book in hand unless it is a school book Oh no .... they are pouring over their laptops and digesting each and every word on the internet !!

I myself am also falling prey to these new fangled is after all much easier to call up Google, scroll down on my bookmarks to my favourite daily rag...make the font MUCH bigger so I don't need to look for my specs, and digest in a flash the news headlines of the day, occasionally calling in on a longer interesting article once my interest has been piqued.

The entire news media is in fact under threat I am told, pretty soon no one will ever read a newspaper, few people will turn on the telly, even fewer will turn on a radio ...all you will ever need to know will be encapsulated in the little computer of yours.

The search engines that are available to electronic media lovers make life so easy that there is no need to go out of your door for one second in order to be totally electronically entertained 24 hours a day .

Your music is there on your computer, type in a song or story Play your games, read your books, watch your movies type in any line or a phrase and google will find it for you in a flash.

Now good must come out of anything I suppose, think of all those trees we will be saving when no one reads books any longer !!


Island Hospice is a Private Voluntary Organisation working in palliative (support to patients and their families facing life threatening illnesses) and bereavement care. We are appealing for volunteers to assist us with our fundraising activities and any other area that one feels will be of benefit to the organization.

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If you require a Nurse Aide please contact us on 029 77972 or 0712845003 and we will definitely assist you. All our Nurse Aides are vetted and are qualified.

Should you require any medical equipment please contact us and we will do our best to assist you (we do have an oxygen concentrator that is available now.)

please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

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Old Mutual Heath Streak Cricket Academy Trust urgently requires a young, professional, sincere, hard-working and dedicated Administrator who could independently manage this prestigious institution with passion and enthusiasm. Knowledge on cricket coaching and accounting would be an added benefit. The Administrator would report directly to the CEO.

Kindly email your CV to
Shortlisted candidates would be called for an interview immediately.

The Old Mutual Heath Streak Cricket Academy Trust is a non-profit making institution striving for excellence in sport. Established in 2012 the renowned institution boasts of a luscious green grass cricket field, state-of-the-art floodlit net practice area, fully equipped Health Club, Fitness Centre and Sport Massage Parlor, Coffee Shop & Restaurant serving healthy dietary delicacies, WI FI and other recreational facilities for parents, Junior Sports Field, Swimming, Soccer, Karate, Kick Boxing and Rugby Academies at the venue, in an atmosphere and ambience unparalleled to any other sporting facility in Zimbabwe. There is no doubt that Zimbabweans are already witnessing the fruits of our labor seeing children from less privileged environments stand up to the challenge and compete at par with those coming from more affluent background.

In-spite of the serious financial crises and economic slow-down the nation has been facing, Heath Streak International Cricket Trust has made giant strides in the growth and development of cricket in Zimbabwe.
The Academy offers talented youth and those with a desire to LEARN, the opportunity to showcase their abilities with the hopes that they may perhaps one day represent their School, Club, Province or Country with pride, determination and above all - a SMILE.

With a genuine intent and desire to shape a brighter world for the children of Zimbabwe, the Academy employs professional coaches capable of providing leadership, direction and quality programmes that result in the development of the game at the grassroots level, producing young cricket stars ripe for the International stage 5 years from now. Youth Cricket has grown tremendously over the last few years. The development agenda focusing on age groups structure adopted by the Heath Streak Academy has been very successful and more local Zimbabweans are being attracted to the game. Our age-group teams U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U17 and U18 levels have been winning International tournaments with great distinction. The Academy is very passionate about the sport and our aim is to ensure that our talented cricketers have the very best opportunities and a first class future which will help Zimbabwe regain her past sporting glory. The Academy nominates players to attend provincial age-group trials relevant to ability and potential. We expose our cricketers with cricketing interests, knowledge and methodologies that can be utilized to develop a high level of professionalism.
The Academy hosts its prestigious flagship Under-15 cricket tournament brand - 'The President's Afro-Asia Cricket Cup' featuring various African & Asian nations annually. The popular tournament has been growing in leaps and bounds and is destined to turn into an Under 15 Cricket World Cup in the coming years.

The Academy inspires and motivates the girl-child to get involved in playing cricket and engage in outreach programmes to support young talented girls to train and coach at the Academy.

The Academy inspires corporate conglomerates and business houses to incorporate sport and education into their community responsibility programs.

Heath Streak International Cricket Tours offer talented youngsters immense International exposure, helps develop their potential to the fullest, strengthens their abilities and mental strength to play in tough and challenging conditions and enhances their overall personality. Coaches are offered the opportunity to LEARN and improvise on their coaching skills, abilities and techniques.