OF FASCINATORS AND ROYAL EQUINE BLOOPS AND BLUNDERS          - 4/5/2011      <--Prev : Next-->

Nothing quite like a Royal Wedding to take away ones own personal grumbles and gripes is there ? What glorious pomp and splendor, what ceremony, such pageantry, amazing attention to the most minute detail and such excellent British planning.

And only one little hiccup in the shape of a skittish horse guards horse which fell on its giant glossy royal black bottom ! We had the chance of seeing several versions of the wedding on several different channels and decided that the Fox News Channel was indeed the most amusing !!

Now the Americans love a spot of Royalty, they do not have any of their own genuine kings and queens, only those from Hollywood and so they love anything associated with monarchy - they just cannot get enough of princes and princesses and dukes and duchesses !!

It was great fun comparing the narrations and commentaries offered by the various news channels.(shown ad nauseum by the media for days until the Bin Laden episode stole the limelight) Of course the BBC did it just perfectly, proper plum in mouth, beautiful diction, wonderful enunciation, and they also knew their history and had done their homework.

Fox News on the other hand was a lot more relaxed, and at some stages absolutely hilarious. Take the comparison on the discussion on Princess Beatrice's incredible hat for example. "Oh such an elegant ensemble" gushed the BBC commentator, "a beautifully tailored outfit in subtle dove tones and that hat, an inspiring creation from Phillip Tracey in cunning tones of champagne and mink.!"

And the Fox News commentator "Good heavens look at that hat !! Its bizarre, she looks like she is wearing an Easter Egg on her head"!!

It was when the Royals were ushered onto the balcony at Buckingham Palace that we nearly collapsed in mirth at the Fox interpretation.

The Sky news reporter showed the correct amount of dignity and awe - "The Royal Family is now gathering for the traditional appearance on the now famous balcony at the Palace".

But not Shepherd Smith from Fox " Look at that folks, the Queen is trying to corral everyone out onto the porch for the official wave to the thousands of people outside the palace"

I could just imagine HRH Queen Elizabeth, lasso whirling above her buttercup yellow sombrero, herding her unruly royal family out onto the balcony !!

Of course the fun part was watching out for the beautiful Zimbabwe girls who have found their way into the hearts of Princes all over the world. BeautifulBulawayo born Charlene Wittstock is engaged to Monaco's Prince Albert and Bulawayo born Chelsy Davy is dating Britain's Price Harry !!

Of course we Bulawayo girls have known for years that we were all born to be princesses !!