I will never understand why the people who build showers, have to put the taps right on the far side of the shower. Quite out of reach of the average arm, and always so that when one turns the shower on, one gets attacked by freezing or scalding water!!
Our shower in Addis is a prime example! Winter is especially invigorating as one has to remove one's long sleeved P.Js, place ones entire arm under the shower to reach the taps, first the cold tap then the hot tap, and then remove it as fast as one can before a jet of freezing water envelopes you. One then has to stand shivering starkers, until the warm water reaches the shower, which could take a few minutes.
I understand plumbers have restrictions!! But I bet they laugh loudly when the place the taps right at the back of the shower!! I realise that the taps should be in the region of the shower head but I would have thought that there would be a way to circumvent this problem, after all its a known fact that water can go round corners!!
Ethiopian Plumbers must all have a macabre sense of humour. The placement of the toilet roll holder is another source of real mystification. How is one supposed to bend one's elbow, when one is on the throne, to reach the loo paper, when the loo roll holder is placed nestled snugly next to the cistern!! An Indian Rubber Man would have difficulty with this manoeuvre ! And then there is the 'chain', to flush the loo, now hang on, to pull the chain to flush the loo Only folk of my vintage would understand that terminology! Chains are old fashioned but this cistern in Addis has a shiny metal plunger on the top of the cistern. It works fine, but only with a lot of vigour, and one is guaranteed to break a finger nail at each and every flush!!
And the toilet seat is a source of enigma too, it moves, it gravitates, it will not stay still, and one always finds oneself sitting on the cold enamel instead of on the seat. No amount of screw tightening by HeeHoo can sort out this malady.......
Ethiopian Plumbers - watch out, I'll get you back somehow!!