Peter Rollason

      29/5/2024       Next-->

Our incredible Peter Rollason celebrated his 95th Birthday last week!

Now here is a true luminary, a legend, a pioneer, there are so many words I could use to describe him.
Once a beloved household name, Peter now lives quietly in the same charming apartment over the pharmacy he established in Hillside in 1953.

Peter came to Rhodesia in 1947 as a pharmaceutical apprentice, he later built up his own community pharmacy which opened 1n 1953, he also practised in hospital pharmacy and then wholesale pharmacy.

Peter's pharmacy career is massive and impressive, I have a copyh of is C.V. if you wish to have a look at it, culminating in the Award of a Fellowship to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 2001.
On 1951 Peter moved into a totally difference sphere of life, that of Radio and Television Broadcasting.
Radio broadcaster 1951-2001 and TV broadcaster 1961-2001. Topics covered on both media included news reporting, special feature production, sport - all aspects, health, young people's magazine, The unforgettable Wildlife Forum, music, theatre, military functions including visits of UK Royal family, broadcasts from foreign countries including UK, France, Switzerland, USA.

Peter was the staff commentator, a respected Steward, and Trustee of the Matabeleland Turf Club.
Peter was a member of the Territorial Army from 1951, he joined the 1956 Corps of Signals and received a Commission 1961. In1974 Peter was appointed Brigade Signals Liaison Officer HQ I Brigade (GSO2 Major) and the the Army Signals Officer in the rank of (Major from 1951 - 2001.

A further feather in Peter's cap arose when he joined the Sea Cadet Corps, (T S Matabele) in 1961 as military instructor culminating in his office of Commanding Officer Lt. Cdr.

To this day Peter travels overseas frequently to present papers on various pharmaceutical topics including one very dear to his heart - Malaria which remains a serious public health problem in Zimbabwe.

Happy birthday Peter!!

5 Darlington Rd, Belmont, Bulawayo
Landlines: 029 2278465/6
Cellphone: 0772370735

To all my valued customers and friends

It is with a very heavy heart that I must announce my decision to stop trading.
G C Tyres will close on 31 March 2024.

I take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage over the years, it was greatly appreciated. I will sorely miss the interaction and interesting conversations that I had with many of my customers.

The office will remain open for some time whilst we finalise things, please use the front entrance should you need to come in. I can also be contacted on the numbers listed above.

My sincere thanks to everyone who supported me.


Bulawayo Theatre

I am looking for any information or photographs of the 1964 production of Peter Pan at the Bulawayo Theatre, directed by Peter Lewis. My father played one of the Lost Boys in the production, and I'm writing about his experience as a child actor.

I read with great interest your 25/8/2009 article on Alan Hardy's book 'A History of Theatre, Ballet and Orchestra in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe 1890-1980'. I can find no trace of this book online, and was wondering if you could help. Any photographs of Peter Lewis, the cast or crew, or any related information would be amazing!

Thank you and with best wishes,

Astrid Goldsmith
Mock Duck Studios
Instagram: @mockduckstudios