Love in a Stadium !          - 21/ 8/ 2011      <--Prev : Next-->

I have such a sweet considerate husband ! I spend weeks prior to my birthdays, envisioning what my Dear HeeHoo is planning ! Once he took me to Indigo Bay in Mozambique, that was absolutely glorious. The year prior to that we did a world round trip to see all the Offspring. ! Once I returned home to find HeeHoo had flown a Little Person home from university as a gift !! Birthdays have always been filled with joy, surprise and excitement and this one was no exception !

Yes indeed !! Instead of sailing off into the sunset in an Arab Dhow or buying me diamonds, pearls and useless bric-a-brac for my birthday, he was delighted to be able to proffer some tickets for the Tri-Nations rugby in Durban this last weekend as my birthday gift !

He knows just how much I love rugby, and I know how passionate Heehoo is about rugby, and I know it was a Big Game so I needed to look excited about my birthday gift ! The Boks v Australia it was, and he also knows how much I especially love "stadia".
I just love stadia ....
I am mad about the ice cold concrete finish they have, those cozy, intimate, draughty passages where the wind whistles through at a hundred miles an hour. I love those endless ramps that wander up and up as if one is about to enter the Pearly Gates, and then those last six hundred steps to reach one's seat, are so very special, you know the ones ? Where they have to offer mouth to mouth resuscitation or oxygen at the very least, right at the very top ???

Its not that I am ungrateful for this wonderful gift, please please understand that !! I mean, HeeHoo knows just how much I love crowds and how I have a fetish about concrete !! I can have a good fret about just looking up at the terrifying unsuspended tons of concrete up above me, knowing what I know, and that is, that concrete has a life span !!

I really look forward to a gourmet birthday bash and I just adored the elegantly prepared and served cordon bleu rugby food, hot dogs smothered in tomato sauce, boeree rolls dripping with grease and onion -smacked lovingly a polystyrene punnet. I just love the elegant cocktail lounges provided at the rugby too, where instead of champagne in crystal flutes, one has a gigantic plastic bucket of beer or smirnoff ice from which one is expected to swill !!

And as far as the actual game is concerned. With my eyesight, I may as well have been watching over-ripe and under-ripe lemons bobbing around on a tree !! The players were so far away they could have been playing ice hockey for all I knew !! (And Schalk Burger was not even there to perve at !!) But it is rugby so I know that I just adore it !!

The noise is always captivating too at a game, the fans seemed to have been coached in the required responses, as one is in church on a Sunday morning !
Thank goodness there were no Mexican waves (see I do know a bit about the game !) Because we were so high up in the stand I probably would have fallen over and dropped fifty sheer terrifying feet, had I to lift my arms up to the heavens in a moment of supreme supplication..

The chaos before and after the game is also an endearing feature of any rugby game. I was dragged, literally, by our passionate fellow family Bokkas, for at least 4 kms from the car park to the game. And then dragged back again, in the rain and mud (in a much more zig zag "hansa" type of fashion), back to the car. There were then a couple of romantic hours queuing to exit the car park, as gas and fuel fumes thankfully overwhelmed the smell of the beer somewhat !!

Oh yes, it was a grand birthday gift, one I will always treasure.
The wedding ceremony 35 years ago said plainly "love, honour and obey" I remember it well. I might have to re- write those wedding vows before next birthday !