Where are our Human Rights in Zimbabwe ?          - 16/12/2008      <--Prev : Next-->

Where are our Human Rights in Zimbabwe ?

On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, sixty years ago ... sixty whole years ago this week .......

What happened to those rights in Zimbabwe ?

Are we not members of the United Nations ? Why are we not being accorded the basic Human Rights right here in our own country ?

Do we have freedom of speech ?
Do we have the right to medical care ?
Do we have the right to have a safe working environment ?
Do we have freedom of the press ?
Do we have the right to privacy ?
Do we have the right to bear arms ?
Do we have freedom of opinion and expression ?
Do we have the right to receive an education ?
Do we have freedom of movement/travel ?
Do we have the right to adequate housing ?
Do we have freedom from cruel and unusual punishment ?
Do we have the right to an attorney ?
Do we have the right to a fair trial by jury ?

Do we have the right to have a minimum wage ?
Do we have the right to adequate housing ?

About the only Human Right we have in the long list is the right to live, to exist, because that is just about all we are doing at this moment.

Have we got the right to Security ?
Safety from violence ?
Protection from the law ?
Having a fair trial ?
To be seen as innocent, even if a person is arrested, until the person is found to be guilty by a fair court ?
To be a citizen of a country ?
To vote ?
To seek asylum if a country treats you badly ?
To think freely ?
To peacefully protest against a government or group ???
To a basic standard of living ??
Education ??
Health care ??

What basic rights do we have as Zimbabweans ?
What are we going to do about it ?