Home Renovations!

      10/1/2024       Next-->

It has been a rather interesting time trying to shepherd HeeHoo into making changes to our home of 45 years!! 'Softly softly catchee monkey' was one of Mother's sayings, and it has worked on HeeHoo a number of times. After 45 years of marriage, it always helps, I have found, to be crafty, nay, even duplicitous.

If you wish to achieve something with the man of the house, make sure you somehow ensure that the idea has come from him! Deviously plant the seed, water it, watch it grow, and then when they he comes up with the very same brilliant suggestion, my goodness what a marvellous idea!!

Our magnificent sun lounge was the brainchild of the late Char Cook, who took a dull back 'stoep' as we call them in Africa and turned it into an absolute paradise.

Our quaint 'fifties' kitchen was renovated, remodelled and refurbished by the very talented Sue Keates who created a stunning masterpiece, the very heart of the home.

The inspirational Sue Alderton recently took charge of the daughters' two bedrooms, move over Laura Ashley circa 1980, and make way for two brilliantly stylish, uncluttered guest rooms.

I have had one monumental fail though with HeeHoo.... around the central indoor garden is a vast swathe of dilapidated slasto. It has survived floods, prams, scooters, termites and tornados, but he will not relent and allow me to replace it with something more modern. 'Slasto is coming back into fashion', he says demagogically.

For forty years I have tried every female ploy in the world, but he remains steadfast. I have even researched the lifespan of the cement holding the slasto in place. It appears it can last up to 100 years!! Horrors, the house was built in the fifties, I have thirty more years until I can get my way!!!

My project for 2024, (unbeknown to HeeHoo will be the remodelling of the master bedroom!!)

Our safe haven encompassing the giant family bed, once festooned with little girls, 2 Great Danes, a Jack Russel, a Toy Pomeranian, and several cats, now harbours two geriatrics, several remote controls and a couple of mobile phones!!

I envisage an Hydrangea Blue chaise-lounge, a white and blue Hampton armoire and a wickerwork easy chair.

HeeHoo envisages bookshelves full of leather-bound bird books and electrically operated blackout curtains....