Hippo Watch

      24/11/2021       Next-->

On a recent fishing trip to Binga, we were intrigued by the absence of any hippo in the area. Hippos used to wander through our garden a few years ago, eating everything I had planted!! All night one could hear hippo calling, and their presence was obvious in almost every quiet bay along the shoreline.

But suddenly...... nothing..... no noisy bellowing, no inquisitive heads popping up as we boated along, no families grazing peacefully on the edge of the water...

WHERE have they all gone ?

Local pundits have some very sad answers to my question. The stories have it that a local hunter has been contracted by the Zimbabwe Army, to shoot hippo for rations for the soldiers.

Now this is only what I have heard, I hope I am not spreading fake news, but it would be an interesting assignment for an investigative journalist to undertake.

Are we never to hear that beautiful hippo call ever again in Zimbabwe Dangerous creatures yes, but only if you get in their way.Not one of the big five but still a usually gentle, somnolent Zimbabwe river icon that we certainly cannot afford to lose.

Can anyone help with an explanation ?



Nozizwe News

Christmas is coming it is a time for reunions, bonding, renewing of friendship, the season of joy, peace, love & unity and a common tradition is the exchanging of gifts with our loved ones, friends, workmates and family and having lots of yummy food to eat ....

With this in mind Team Nozizwe and partners are planning a massive Christmas soup kitchen for next month , bringing a traditional Christmas to underprivileged communities in particular the 1000 plus children we feed at our four kitchens. Ngozi mine , Pumula , Woodville and Cabatsha

Here's the catch ...... we need your help to pull this off... we're planning on cooking up a storm for our little friends and elderly folks ...... serving rice, grilled chicken, and salads , with a little something sweet for dessert , cupcakes maybe sweeties and drinks AND THEN...... give each child a little toy/special gift to take home .....

Due to limited storage space for perishables we will accept canned foods, dried foods and other non perishables first from now until December. Then perishable goods such as vegetables and meats can come in a few days before the big day .

Donations big and small of any special eats and treats are most welcome to make this a reality, in the previous years over Christmas we have served up to 700 children and this year we would like to break that record. If you would like to donate to this years soup kitchen please do get in touch .....

Mobile +263772241552. T.I.A or email
Iris Mhlanga irismhlanga@gmail.com