Happy news from Hwange National Park

      14/10/2020       Next-->

Happy news from Hwange National Park is the report from Gary that there was a very heavy storm with a lot of rain on Thursday 8 October 2020 in the evening, stretching from Main Camp to just short of Guvalala. The pans around Boss Long One are now holding plenty of water, more so because Gary and his team have spent time over the past two weeks scooping excess mud out of some of the natural pans in that region.

Temporary 'New Nyamandlovhu' is now a decent sized pan holding fresh rain water, and the pile of Barbel that were left gasping and churning in a small area of remaining mud in 'Old Nyamandhlovu' have had a reprieve.

Ngweshla side also got a good belt of rain - the small pans there have filled up. The elephants have done their magic disappearing act for now, relieving huge pressure on the waterholes.

In Gary's words 'The Dry Season is done'.


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