Galloping Uber Granny!          - 16/2/2017      <--Prev : Next-->

Zimbabwe has taxis, hundreds of them, some in better shape than others. Its a cut throat world, especially for the Commuter omnibuses, or as we used to call them 'ET'S' - Emergency Taxis.

Now I am absolutely unable to drive over here in Atlanta - they drive on the wrong side of the road for a start!!
And the traffic is legendary, even on the way to our local supermarket, there are eleven lane highways!!

And so with Heehoo back in Zim, I have turned, with delight to UBER!!

Within six minutes of ordering my online Uber, I am generally on the road, shopping bags in hand, the Ubers are generally spanking clean, offering a free water or a popsicle if you so desire, and the drivers are generally charming, courteous and chatty. Most of them will even help me carry my groceries to the house !!

Being Nosey, I aways engage the drivers in conversation, and I am sure they like to chat with strangers, especially those with a foreign accent!! Americans are curious and gregarious, naturally interested in all things, I just love them to pieces!!
The Uber drivers are generally from all parts of the world, Russians, Nigerians, Americans, Irish and all delightful and entertaining.
Does anyone know if Uber operates in Zimbabwe

The fees are most affordable, no money changes hands, no rummaging around for cash, as all the billing is done online.

Oh yes, I am an Modern, Galloping Uber Granny, I have the app on my phone, I am hot!! I have even become an Uber VIP member of late.

The world is my oyster!!