Full Moon in the Matopos          - 27/1/2016      <--Prev : Next-->

It is Imperative that the Full Moon in Bulawayo is watched at the Matopos!!

So off we went, bottle of Moet on ice, to watch the Full Moon at the Matobo Hills Lodge on Sunday. The drive along the Matopos Road was breathtaking, the myriads of Sweet Thorns were festooned in glorious canary yellow puff balls, stretching far into the distance like a brilliant ochre ribbon. (The Sweet Thorn used to be called Acacia Karoo until the Aussies laid sole claim to the word Acacia!!)

The staff at the gate were enchanting, chatty, engaging and a delight to sign-in with. The ride to the lodge was even more enchanting, the park looked quite green although the leaves were drooping slightly with lack of rain. We came across a couple of skittish Zebra and a serene herd of Impala, grazing peaceful in the long grass. The colors on the dwalas were breathtaking in the achingly dry midday heat.

The Matobo Hills Lodge rooms have had a lovely facelift with mushroom coloured curtains and drapes and the new glass showers are now roomy, elegant and spacious.
We enjoyed a hearty and very tasty lunch and then shot off to explore a new picnic site we had heard about for future Full Moon Viewing dates.

The clouds were massing considerably, when we returned to the Lodge, and we held our breath, hoping for sight of the moon, but quite happy to surrender the sighting, if a rain storm took its place. Our swim in the pool was accompanied by thunder rumbling majestically around the granite domes, lightning slashed the sky in jagged zig zags. From the beautiful Matobo Hills thatched lounge perched on top of a vast rock, we were totally encompassed in a 360 degree thunderstorm, it was a magnificent experience.

For the pre dinner drinks the sound of thunder was eclipsed by the inimitable night sounds. A Spotted Eagle Owl hooted at us softly, the Swainson's Francolin bid us a noisy, raucous goodnight and a Fiery Cheeked Nightjar made herself known. Dassies raced around the rocks seeking shelter from a possible storm.

And then the rain came!!

Dinner was delightful, the cook surpassed herself and the accompanying timpanic orchestra was deafening but delightful. That famous 'immense and brooding spirit' was very evident indeed on Sunday night in the magnificent Matopos.