Destination Weddings

      14/4/2024       Next-->

I love Destination Weddings. We have been to quite a few over the years (more funerals than weddings these days though!!)

SheWhoMustRun was married on the shores of the Swan River in Perth. Our God Daughter was married on the Australian Gold Coast. SheWhoMustWearKevlar was married in Johns Creek Atlanta. Several of her closest contemporaries were married in glorious Southern USA destinations, with one right up near New England in Clam Chowder Country.

Other magnificent weddings have been, and I quote Sir Francis Drake in 1580 at the 'Fairest Cape In All the World'
The Mount Nelson, Stellenbosch, Franschhoek, Riebeek Kasteel, amongst others. Further afield we have been to weddings in Howick, many in the The Midlands Meander, and in Stanford near Hermanus.

Then there was the British Brigade! Fabulous weddings in Reading, Bristol, Kent, Hertfordshire and many others.
Zimbabwe too has incredible wedding venues - Matopos, Inyanga, Harare, Bulawayo, and The Victoria Falls of course being one of the favourites.

Last weekend we went to a wedding in the misty mountains in Haenertsburg near Tzaneen. It was indeed magnificent, the ceremony was set deep in a magical towering forest, the venue was extraordinary, the accommodation superb and the bride was extraordinarily lovely.

The roads were a little challenging due to heavy rains, but I have never found an African to be troubled by rain!! HeeHoo was in his element, he has always loved being bogged down in mud or sand, he is an expert at slipping and sliding.
Loves kinetic frictional forces, velocity and all things related.
(I believe it's a Guy Thing).

He is also still mighty tough as he single handedly pushed us out of a very muddy tight spot!! My Hero!!