NOTICES          - 19/ 5/ 2009      <--Prev : Next-->


The streets of Bulawayo were so clean and shining after the Big Clean Up on Saturday morning that we had to wear our

sunglasses !!

Over one thousand people took to the streets armed with brooms, shovels, rubber gloves, plastic bags and masks, to Clean up

our City !!

The Honourable David Coltart Senator for Khumalo Constituency was there with his shovel as was the Mayor of Bulawayo His

Worship Thaba Moyo.

Hundreds of school children from 14 local schools gathered together with businessmen, service clubs, church groups, soccer

clubs and ordinary citizens,to deal with the pretty bad problem which has come about due to a lack of amenities available to

the City Council.

The sanitary lanes were the worst, teams manfully (and woman-fully) waged their way through the morass of filth that we have

associated with the lanes for many months now.

Sadly the shops and restaurants who border these alleys, will not take responsibility for their own "patches" and the hideous

health conditions which prevail in these alleys, could permeate into the premises bordering the alleys.

We should, as a community, refuse to eat at these establishments or to buy goods from these establishments, unless their

access lanes are kept clean. It is all very well blaming the city council, but as Mother used to say "God helps those who help themselves !!"

But back to the Clean Up Day !

Congratulations to our wonderful citizens for taking on this mammoth task. There were many aching backs and blistered hands

resulting from nearly four hours of concentrated sweeping, shoveling and slashing.

The fabulous King George VI marimba band playing and sang feverishly along the avenues on the back of a truck, accompanied by

that amazing lady Inez Hussy and City Council Health worker Gladys who distributed pamphlets and challenged passers by to

"Keep Our City Clean !!"

I personally would like to praise that incredible team, David, Danielle, Stella, Ceri and John for being so incredibly

organised and so amazingly cheerful at all times.

I would also like to thank, on behalf of the entire City, the thousand or so selfless people who took it on themselves to

clean our city so beautifully.

All we ask is that we all do OUR bit to keep it clean.

Your love and dedication for our Beautiful Bulawayo and for our Country is so evident and for this we thank you....

"The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities

waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good." --Brian Tracy